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Your Baby Shower

This weekend your Aunt Susan, Grandma Boyne, and Mom will be hosting a baby shower for friends and family around the Marlette area. If things work out, your Grandma Morgan will be there too although she has to drive almost as far as we do. Since youre a boy, its safe to say that you probably wont be attending too many baby showers because they are really a type of party that only women go to. The last baby showers I attended were for Kayla, and that was twelve years ago. There wasnt a baby shower for Josh because he was born two years after your sister, and we still had most of our baby gear. With you, things are a lot different. We kept the crib, the changing table, and a couple of the baby car seats, but sold all of our baby clothes and equipment. Baby showers are a way for friends and family to help out a couple who is having a baby, and in this case were having our third but need to get prepared again for your arrival. I dont know what your Grandma and Aunt have planned for the shower, but from what Ive heard about them in general there is usually some food, a couple of games, and then the mother-to-be opens up the gifts that people bring. During Kaylas baby shower, we set up a board where everybody could guess her sex, because at the time we didnt know if she was going to be a boy or girl. Your mom has been converting the closet in our room into a Baby nook. This is a fancy way of saying that youre going to be sleeping on our closet for the first year or so until we can figure out a better solution. The rest of our bedroom is taken up by my desks, the bed, and a bookshelf. Eventually, you might share a room with your brother or, if we can find a bigger place, you would get a bedroom of your own. We have also been trying to pick out a name for you. Im not sure why, but this seems almost harder than it was when we were naming your sister and brother. I hadnt heard the name Kayla before until I read about a girl in the news with that name. I suggested it, and it just stuck. Joshs name was on the short list of names for Kayla, back before she was born and we knew she was a girl. What this seems to boil down to is that we were so over prepared for Kayla that it just helped us to prepare for Josh too, but now were even starting from scratch when it comes to choosing a name. There are some candidates, so it really is just a matter of choosing something. As of tomorrow, Christmas will be 25 days away. During those twenty-five days, we will be putting up the Christmas tree, decorating the house, attending church services, and visiting family. It occurs to me that this feels like our first Christmas with you, even though you havent been born yet. I never thought that a due date in February would make me feel like youre practically here in December. Your mom says she has this feeling that you will be born early in January. Ive always found January to be the most depressing month, because it follows Christmas and New Years eve and is smack dab in the middle of both the winter and flu season. But, if your birthday is in January, I definitely will look forward to the month each year.

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