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Missionary Journeys of St.

Paul Webquest Assignment

Pennsylvania Content Standards Covered:
Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening
1.1.11.D Demonstrate comprehension/ understanding of a wide variety of appropriate works from different cultures and literary movements; includes classics and contemporary literature 1.2.11 A: Evaluate and critique text organization and content to determine the authors purpose and effectiveness according to the authors theses, accuracy, thoroughness, logic, and reasoning

8.4.4 B: Locate historical documents, artifacts, and sites which are critical to world history

Audience Characteristics
Coeducational Catholic high school class composed of twenty to thirty eleventh grade students of a variety of ability levels.

Now that weve covered the conversion of Paul to Christianity and some basic information about his life, its time to cover his missionary journeys in greater depth. Its valuable to do this because Pauls missionary journeys had a greater impact on the start of the Christian church than any other event and Paul is the greatest missionary in the history of the church. If you like to travel and see places youve never been before, youre going to love this assignment. Youll get to explore a part of the world youve probably never thought youd like to see. When most Americans think of vacationing outside the country, they mostly think of going to Western Europe. Although Western Europe is beautiful and well worth the trip, there are other places further east that are of particular importance to Catholics and Christians in general. These places are also as astoundingly beautiful and historic as any place in Western Europe.

Youre going to spend the next three days learning about one of St. Pauls three missionary journeys, the path he took, the places he visited, and what happened to him on this extraordinary trip. Then youre going to take a look at the important historical sites that are still in existence today in places like Turkey and Greece and the opportunities that exist to travel to them and walk in the footsteps of St. Paul. Once youre sufficiently knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the places about which you are required to learn, youre going to share that enthusiasm with your classmates by present to them what you learned and why you believe that they also would benefit by visiting some of these amazing places.

1. Mr. Olivard will divide you into groups of three. 2. Each group will be assigned all or part of one of Pauls missionary journeys as follows: Group 1 First Journey Acts 13:1-6, 13-15, 42-52; all of Chapter 14 Group 2 Second Journey: Part 1 Acts 15:36-41; all of Chapter 16 Group 3 Second Journey: Part 2 Acts 17:1-22, 32-34; 18:1-22

Group 4 Third Journey Acts: 18:23; 19:1, 21,41; 20:1-8, 36-38; 21:1-8 Divide up the reading equally between you and log on to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website to read your passages 3. Once youve each read your passage, answer the following questions as a group (typewritten, name, date, period number). This is an exercise in collaboration and the sharing of information. When you present this information to the class you want it to be seamless. Share information! What happened to Paul on this missionary journey? What places (cities, countries) did he visit? Did anyone accompany him on the journey? If so, why? What troubles did he face? How did he deal with problems he encountered? About what did he preach? Given your reading, how would you characterize Paul? Why do you think Paul was willing to take on the troubles and hardships of preaching the Gospel? 4. When youve completed the questions, go and refer to the following website for a complete map of the journey youre assigned: Take a close look at what events of Pauls journey happened where. When you make your presentation, you want to be able to point out where events occurred to your classmates and what, if any, markers or monuments exist today commemorating the events. 5. Now that youve had a detailed look at the map, you will each do an individual search on the places Paul travels in the particular passage you read within your group. For instance, if in your passage Paul was in Corinth, you now want to do a Google search on Corinth. Specifically, youre looking for the official tourism site of the city of Corinth to see if there are any attractions pertinent to Pauls missionary journeys or sight-seeing tours that take you to see any of the attractions or to participate in any festivals. Once youve gained this information, share it with your group members so there is an understanding amongst group members of all of the information even though youre each specializing in a particular part of the journey. You are responsible for documenting all of your web addresses to be used in the oral presentation to your classmates. You will be able to pull up sites to refer to their features in you presentation. You are responsible for knowing about at least one city or town Paul visited in your passage, but you may receive additional credit for knowing about two. Knowing implies the ability to speak intelligibly and at length about one of the places.

6. In addition to the official tourism website of one of the places included in your passage, I want you to research at least two other websites of organizations that offer tours of your particular place specific to St. Paul. For instance, St. Pauls hometown is Tarsus, which is in modern day Turkey. Much of the tourism economy in Turkey is based on the fact that St. Paul is a native of Tarsus, so there are many tour companies who offer tours of Tarsus. You should document the web addresses of two organizations that offer tours and describe the tours offered. What sites are visited? What is the itinerary? What is the price? Be able to walk your classmates through what it would be like to go on one of the tours and what actually happened in that place that makes it important to our Catholic faith. 7. Once youve compiled the information and your group is ready to present, the format will be as follows: 1. The group will first present the places visited and events of the overall journey. For this you will use the USCCB website and the CCEL map website as references. Be sure the classmates to whom you are presenting the information are clear about the events and where the pertinent places are on the map. Take your time and develop the information. Each individual group member is responsible for the events and places of his/her passage. 2. Once youve presented the events of the journey to the audience, each team member will take a second turn to present information about the place applying to his or her passage he or she chose to explore. At this time you will talk about sites to visit and tour information. 3. After each team member has presented his or her tour information, the group will field final questions and then be seated.

St. Pauls Missionary Journeys Self and Group Assessment
Was the work divided equally between you and your partners? If not, why not? Do you believe that everyone in the group did his or her fair share of the work? Did you take on independently the task of reading your passage and researching your city or town? Do you believe that everyone had a fair opportunity to provide input into the overall project? Was anyone excluded? Did you work to the best of your ability on this assignment? Did you fulfill the requirements of the assignment?

St. Pauls Missionary Journey Individual Assessment (out of 30 pts.)

30 Mastery of passage and map Interesting retelling of St. Pauls journey Presented with enthusiasm Official tourism site located and used successfully Two additional tourism sites located and used successfully 20 Fair handling of passage and map Pedestrian retelling of St. Pauls journey Presented with mild enthusiasm Official tourism site located and used inconsistently well Two additional tourism sites located and used inconsistently well 10 Unclear presentation of passage and map Unclear retelling of St. Pauls journey Presented in a boring manner Official tourism site not located or located and not used in a familiar way Two additional tourism sites not located or not used in a familiar way Criteria in the fields above can be mixed and matched to create scores in any range, not simply scores with a ten point differential. For example, if an is masterful in areas

St. Pauls Missionary Journey Group Assessment (out of 30 pts.)

30 Presentation showed clear understanding of overall journey by all group members Typewritten questions about journey answered impeccably by group 20 Presentation showed inconsistent or inaccurate sharing of information Collaboration clearly lacking 0 Group clearly didnt do assignment (zero mastery of subject matter) No work done or incomplete work done to finish typewritten questions

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