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North Florida Chapter AMS/NWA Newsletter

Late November/Early December Edition

Recent Events:
November 26 Final Preparedness Meeting for National AMS Conference/Quotes for Funding due November 15 Killearn Lakes Science Fair Judging November 14 General Body Meeting (SERT/FDEM) November 13 Mixer Event with Professionals November 9 Raa Middle School Science Fair November 8 Social Media Workshop November 1 AMS National Convention Preparedness Meeting/Pre-Registration Meeting November 1 November 12 - Outreach and Tabling with NWS/FDEM at North Florida Fair

Schedule of Events:
*Some Events are Hyperlinked to each Facebook Event Page

December 1 (5 to 8 PM): Tallahassee Winter Festival Social/Jingle Bell Run, details on our social event plus how to register for 3k at FB December 3: Pre-Registration Deadline for AMS National Conference Meeting Pre-Register December 4 (8:30 AM to Noon): Deerlake Middle School Science Fair FB December 4 (5:30 PM setup, 6 PM Start): Deerlake Middle School Science Night FB December 6 (5 PM setup, 6 PM start): Astoria Park Elementary School Science Night FB December 6 (7 PM at LOV353): Holiday-Themed General Body Meeting with Kelly Godsey from National Weather Service FB December 15 January 6: HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! Hope to see everyone next Semester!!! December 18: Hartsfield Elementary Science Fair (for those in town) January 5 January 11: AMS National Convention in Austin, TX FB

TShirts, License Plates, Polos

The Short sleeved TShirts, Polos and License Plates have arrived and they can be picked up at our next General Body Meeting on December 6th at LOV353. If have not paid, you can pay Lauren at anytime, or at the meeting. For those who are having license plates shipped, can pay with the paypal account on our site!!!

AMS Scholarships:
The American Meteorological Society offer many scholarships to aid students throughare not completely finalized and are subjected to change, alsolevels *All dates school, they offer scholarships for many different of schooling that you may be at. Below are links that are hyperlinked to various scholarships provided by AMS. Most of the Application Due Dates are in Early 2013!

AMS National Convention:

Location: Austin, TX Dates: January 5-11th, 2013 Pre-Registration Deadline: December 3rd, 2012 We are sending a group of our members to Austin, TX!!! If still interested, Pre-Registration deadline is approaching! Unfortunately, the deadline for funding and finding transportation with other members has passed and this results in only you finding the logistics to make the conference. When the conference is over, as a group, the members will have a presentation on the Conference!!!
National Conference Facebook Event

AMS: AMS offered Scholarships

We have officially become a RSO!!!

We are excited to announce that our chapter has been granted recognition as a registered student organization for Florida State University! This gives us access not only to many campus resources such as classroom and meeting space, but also funding for national conference events such as the AMS and NWA national conferences. More benefits and details will be discussed at the general body meeting on December 6! Our RSO website from FSU

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North Florida Chapter AMS/NWA Newsletter

Late November/Early December Edition

Treasurer Message to Members:

We are now almost done with the fall semester and, upon looking at our roster of members, we have noticed that more than half have not paid their dues. Member dues are $15, which go to pay for all of our food at meetings and tailgates, the end of the year banquet, gas to attend Weatherfest in Jacksonville, and enables us to do fundraisers! If you are participating in our events, it is very important to pay your dues as soon as possible. If you have any problems paying, email me at, and we will work something out. We hope this will not be necessary, but if we do not receive dues, we will have to start turning people away from our events. Thank you! Lauren Visin

Presidential Message to Members:

It has come to my attention from other board members that theres been an attendance problem for some social and volunteer events. We were supposed to have a Halloween Bake Sale last month and we received confirmation on Facebook that 13 people were going to either make goods or table the event. Unfortunately, we had to cancel that event because the people that said they were committed did not go through with this task. The bigger issue was the Killearn Lakes Elementary School Science Fair in which 9 people confirmed that they were going to attend when in reality only two people showed up to judge science projects. Ms. Hagan, the organizer of the event, had to extend the allotted judging time to make up for lack of volunteers. I mention this not to call anyone out but rather to encourage us to be mindful when saying were going to attend events to actually show up. When it comes to an outreach event in which another agency is depending on us to help them, it reflects very poorly on our organization that we do not follow through with our commitments and in the long run we may not be invited back to assist in their projects. We are a prestigious organization that has won Local Chapter of the Year several times and have received Honor Roll recognition many times from the National AMS and do not want to tarnish our reputation simply because of a lack of attending. So what is the takeaway from this message? Please be conscientious when saying you are going to attend events that you actually attend. When we do have members show up, our performance is always astoundingsuch as the North Florida Fair tabling event and the Professional Mixer. We board members are fairly vigilant about reminding you all that events are coming up 24 hours in advance so you can remember to attend. But please let me know of anything I can do differently to help remind you and encourage you to attend. My email is listed below. Thanks for all you do! Sincerely, Max Tsaparis Local Chapter President

We accept Major Credit Cards Now!

We now accept credit cards for any purchase going through AMS North Florida Chapter! For more expensive purchases ($10 or more) a Convenience fee of $1 may be given.

Next Meeting:
Thursday, December 6, 7:00 PM
Theme: Holiday (Bring your Tacky Sweaters) Food: We ask for a potluck style with Holiday treats, where members bring their favorite holiday treats! Location: Florida State Love Building Room 353 Speaker: Kelly Godsey,
Meteorologist and forecaster at National Weather Service Tallahassee, FL

Speaking about how students can be involved with the NWS and on the brand new Dual-Polarization Radar!!! Membership Dues are $15 (includes both semesters) We now accept Major Credit Cards!! ($1 Convenience Fee) FB EVENT

How to Become National Student Member:

Becoming a National Member of the American Meteorological Society and/or National Weather Association is important and allows for receiving discounts and important information/magazines from the weather community. Being a National Member, is a nice feature to show on a resume and also allows for heavy discounts for going to National Conferences! Below is the links to Becoming National Members and each organizations price. AMS: $20

Find us on:

NWA: $18


North Florida Chapter AMS/NWA Newsletter

Late November/Early December Edition

Pictures from the Semester of North Florida Chapter of AMS/NWA!


These are pictures from our events over the fall and wintertime. We have pictures from General Body Meetings, Science Fairs, School Science Nights, Beach Day, North Florida Fair, Bake Sale, Tailgates and more!!! We hope to see everyone for next semester, where we can add many more memories and pictures!!!

Find us on:
@northflamsnwa northflams

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