Grade 10 Social Studies - Essential Learnings

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Social Studies 10 Course Outline

Mr. Binet / Room 111 / /


The study of history is vital to society. History is to society what memory is to the individual. It helps us
understand who we are, why we hold the values we espouse, and why we have the institutions we do. Without
history there is no collective sense of the group or our membership in it. (New Brunswick ancient medieval
curriculum document)

Ancient medieval history will focus primarily on the foundations and roots of western civilization. Students will
study ancient and medieval societies from economic, political, social, environmental and historical perspectives.
Through the examinations of these ancient cultures, students will come to understand how these societies have
shaped the modern western world.

UNITS: We will be examining four units throughout the semester.

Unit 1 - Prehistory and the Emergence of Early Civilizations
Unit 2 - The glory that was Greece
Unit 3 - The grandeur that was Rome
Unit 4 - The Middle Ages: Collapse and Recovery

TEXTBOOKS: You will not receive a personal textbook for this course. A class set of the textbook, A Prologue to
the Present, will remain in class. If you are absent or wish to borrow a textbook, you may sign one out upon

MATERIAL: You will be expected to come to class prepared. You will need to bring a three ringed binder, loose-
leaf, pens or pencils, and your agenda every day.

PROJECTS: There will be at least two major, as well as, several minor projects throughout the course. These
projects are not optional and must be completed.

LATENESS: Class will begin promptly at the second bell. The door will be closed when the bell has rung. If you
are late and the door is closed knock once ONLY. I will open the door when I have finished with what I am doing.
You could wait 2 minutes, 20 minutes or the whole class depending on my lesson plan. DO NOT knock a second
time. You may be late three times. The fourth time you are late, I will arrange an appropriate consequence.

ABSENCES/EXCUSES: If you are absent you are responsible for all work missed. It is your responsibility to
arrange a time outside of class to catch up. You must bring me an excuse. I will not ask you for the excuse. If you
do not provide me with an excuse, I will assume that you were being truant and will refer you to the VP.

BEHAVIOR: I have high expectations of each student. I expect high quality work and positive attitudes. Each
student will respect one another and the teacher. Insubordination, swearing, hats, interruptions, name calling,
food or drink (except water), etc... will not be permitted in my class.


Assignments/projects 30%
Research projects 25%
Exam 15%


Mr.Binet // Harrison Trimble High School //

Essential Learnings
Social Studies: Grade 10
• Specialization of Labour - students will understand the various divisions of
labour and how they affect the success of civilizations (pottery, tool-making,

• Economics - students will be able to understand and explain how each

civilization met their needs (i.e. trade, currency, labor, economy).

• Defining Moments - students will be able to identify and understand the

significance of key historic events of ancient history.

• Technology - students will be able to explain the key technological and

innovation achievements of the ancient world.

• Art & Architecture - students will understand and recognize the various
architectural and artistic achievements of specific ancient civilizations.
• Communication - students will understand the evolution of writing and

• Social Structure - students will be able to identify and understand the

following; social class, gender roles, social behaviours and cultural norms.

• Politics / Bureaucracy - students will understand the various systems of

government, the types of leadership, the evolution of government and the
influence of specific individuals (i.e. oligarchy, democracy, and republic).

• Religion - students will understand the importance and influence of religion

on each civilization (i.e. monotheism, polytheism, mythology, Christianity).

• Geography - students will be able to identify the major geographical concepts

per region (i.e. political, cities, landscape, bodies of water, climate).

Mr.Binet // Harrison Trimble High School //

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