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Key Assumptions: Various cultural traits developed at particular time and in particular periods and later on diffused to the

rest of part of the world.Diffusionists have mentioned some characteristics or key assumptions of diffusions of theory .they are; i. Multiple form of development process:-Diffusionism is universal process cultural traits are originated and developed to fulfill the needs of the society and it starts diffusing to the rest of the parts of the world, through different agents with multiple forms, basically it diffuse from centre to periphery. People imitate more than they create:-Diffusionist believes that man has more imitative characteristics rather than they create. In center cultural traits are originated and it is initiated by the satellite dwellers for instance playing card was originated in china and later on the people of the world, they imitated the concept presented by china. Historical development is more determinant factor to diffusion rather than ecological factors:Diffusionist does not believe that cultural diffusion is based on geographical conditions. If the country has historical relation to the next country it is possible to diffuse the cultural traits from one place to another .For instance in the context of Nepal, we had the historical relationship with India and Tibet thats why we can get similar type of culture .Tibetans influence on high mountain belt solukhumbu, mustang and Dolpa. Main concern of diffusion is that it is originated in one particular place with the suitability of culture and environment and starts diffusing:- In order to originate the cultural traits there should be suitable climate and condition .Diffusionist believe that cultural traits are originated in the favorable condition due to mutual contact and migration along with trade links ,it is diffused from center to periphery. Diffusionism concerns with few points of origin and vast process of expansion:-Diffusionist claim that culture is originated within a limited range but while it is expanded it can be speeded easily to the rest of the world .it is fact that Greek and Babylonian civilization originated. The cultural traits within a limited range while t started diffusing that became the vast process: i. Cultural diffusion is the process from civilized to uncivilized:-According to Diffusionist, Greek, Nile Civilization, Babylonean civilization were rich in their cultural traits. Historically speaking, they were civilized people. The cultural traits were diffused from the center to the rest of the periphery. The seed of cultural diffusion is slow and gradual:-Diffusionist believes that cultural traits are diffused from one place to another very slowly and gradually when two or more cultural group interact with each other ,work to each other influenced each other ,then only cultural traits starts diffusing from one group to another. It is a lengthy and universal process; unconsciously consciously cultural traits are borrowed by the developing and under-developing society from metro police (central). Some obstacles can be created in cultural diffusion: - In order to diffuse the cultural traits there should be the media and agents. According to Diffusionist due to the lack of transportation, due







to lack of acculturation (exchange), rigid geography, and one the obstacles to diffuse the cultural traits from one place to another. Besides these different and opposite cultural ideology, ethnocentric (superior) feeling and backwardness of society can create the obstacles to diffuse the cultural elements from one place to another.

Variants:Different scholars have conducted the research to formulate the different theoretical dimensions in regard with diffusion.Broadly, 3 schools of thoughts have given their own opinion how the cultural traits are diffused from one place to another. They are:i. British School Of Thoughts ii. German School Of Thoughts iii. American School Of thought Variants of Diffusionism: I. British School of Thought (pan Egyptian school of Thought) G.E. Smith:-This School of thought was established by G.E Smith; the followers of this school of thought are W.H. Rivers and W.J.Perry.G.E Smith was born in 1871 A.D. and was trained in the department of anatomy in the university of Cambridge .On the process of his training, he went Egypt and became a greater admirer of ancient civilization of Egypt .After the compilation of research, he started publishing some research oriented book. His major book entitled In the beginning of origin of civilization. In this he has elaborated his scheme of cultural diffusion. His another book entitled cultural diffusion which became very popular and influenced intellectuality of the world. According to G.E.Smith, ancient Egypt was favorable by the natural ecological setting to diffuse the culture ethnographic details of ancient Egypt to the rest of the society. He claims that Egypt was the cultural cradle (center) in the world. His research says Egyptians were civilized people before 210 B.C.Complex large stone monuments, pyramids and other architectural designs were developed before 4000 B.C. Main assumptions of cultural diffusion theory of G.E Smith are: i. Man has no innovative ideas and culture originate and develops only the favorable circumstances. ii. Such favorable circumstances existed only in ancient Egypt. iii. Civilization is naturally diffuse and starts spreading due to the human relationship. British school claim that Niles civilization is the core to diffuse the cultural traits and civilization is the core to diffuse the cultural traits and civilization of the rest of the parts of the world. The febrile soil of the bank of the Nile River, the development of different cereal crops (barley and wheat) started diffusing to the neighboring countries.G.E smith claims that they were natural man without ornaments, but later on they developed agriculture, cloths, law and order, cattles and arts. This school says they had developed the social organisation,art,music and rest of the cultural civilization.egyptions invented navigation to travel from one place to another in search of precious stone.

William jems Perry, the follower of British school of the and conducted the research in different areas. After the conduction of research he had published a book The children of son, Gods and man and so on. Basically he conducted the research in Malayan area .he simply supported the view of smith that Egypt is the cultural cradle of the world. His research says Egypt was quite favorable ecologically for the growth of wild barley, and other seeds, other cultural traits dance, arts, drama, crafts, sun worship and other cultural traits. He emphasis on transmission of culture which is aliened by degradation. W.H River, was medical doctor by profession. In 1898 he joins his expeditions with anthropologist and was highly influence by the primitive life of tribal groups. He conducted the research in different places of the world. He published book entitled origin of classification to system of kinship. In this book he has mention disappearance of useful art, history of Malayan society, the trade and business of nilgere of India(khase and Toda).His anthropological research says Egypt can be the cultural cradle of the world .These cultural traits were diffused through migration, trade links ,geographical nearness and mutual contact. Criticism of British School of Thought. British school of cultural diffusion did not talk about the compels form of cultural and its diffusion. This school is very bias in calming that Egypt is only the cultural cradle in the world .it has been argued that the cultural traits have been diffused from Egypt, there would be the six types of cultural traits in the world. If G.E Smith would have stayed india, Afganisthan, Russia and other parts of the world, he would have claimed that these countries were the cultural cradles in the world narrow and superficial expiations.

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