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Service blue print of Mount Litera Zee School services

Mount litera Zee School

Overview Mount Litera Zee School is an endeavour by Essel Group through their education arm Zee Learn Limited to prepare leaders of the 21st century. It started operations in 2006 with 6 schools. It has 110 schools at present with 62 operational schools (57 franchised, 5 BTS) and 48 schools which are under construction. It is the fastest growing chain of K-12 schools in India and has its own proprietary teaching methodology. Mount Litera Zee Schools follows CBSE and is bound by all regulatory requirements imposed by CBSE for affiliation of a school and NOC requirements imposed by various state governments to obtain NOC. Vision: To be the most sought after brand in Child Development & Education by continuously innovating the delivery mechanisms which can help a child discover her unique potential. Mission: To become largest chain of premium best in class K12 schools in India with 500 schools by 2015. Brand Promise: A Great School for great future of your child. Belief System: Children are not just roll numbers, they are unique individuals Every child is talented. Schools just need to figure where that talent lies A schools role is to develop whole individual, not just complete the syllabus Holistic development needs partnership between School and Parents Schools need an integrated approach centered on the child Following is the current marketing status of Zee Learn Limited for Mount Litera Zee Schools: 1. Product: School is a high investment affair with average capital expenditure on a brand like Mount Litera Zee school is Rs. 250 million including land cost. Zee Learn Limited has only one brand of schools called Mount Litera Zee Schools. Reach of Mount Litera Zee School is spread from location like Begusarai in Bihar to Mumbai in Maharashtra. Zee Learn Limited charges 10% of student tuition fee as royalty from all the franchised business partners and 25% from all the management contract business partners. There is a huge difference between fee structures charged by both the extreme locations but cost of servicing to both the locations is same. 2. Pricing: Zee Learn Limited provides student kit which comprises of all stationary and proprietary text books to all its schools. Since its current strength is only 15000 students, cost of printing is high and thus student kit cost is between Rs. 2500 to Rs. 4000 per student. In lower tier cities where Mount Litera Zee School is the most premium school even after charging Rs. 15000 per year, this kit cost of Rs. 4000 per student happens to be 25% of total parent outlay which in case of higher

tiercities happens to be maximum 10% of the parent outlay. 90% of a schools operational expense goes towards paying teachers and Principals salary which is to be given according to 6th pay commission of Govt. of India guidelines. Most of the states have kept a cap on fee demanded by a private school. For a school business with 250 students in first year, 500 in second year and 1000 in 3rd year of operation, it takes 4 years to break even with Rs.25000 p.a. fee structure. In lower tier cities, it is very difficult to increase fees and thus Zee Learn Limited is not able to recover even servicing cost to the school which happens in terms of academics and marketing support. There is a dedicated marketing resource person and academic resource person for every 6 schools. 3. Placement (Go to location): It is easier to find franchisee in a lower tier city but royalty is very low in lower tier cities against high cost of servicing so it is not lucrative market for Zee Learn Limited. In higher tier cities, land cost is so high that it signing franchisee is very difficult. It requires 2 acres to open a K12 school and getting 2 acres in a higher tier city requires 8 years for break even. Zee Learn Limited has opened owned schools in some of the higher tier cities but high payback period has made it least lucrative. 4. Promotion: For operational effectiveness, it makes a lot of sense for Zee Learn Limited to have two brands: One for lower tier cities and one for higher tier cities and keeping this in mind, when Zee Learn Limited entered into K12 School segment, it started with two brands Mount Litera Zee Schools and Litera Valley Zee Schools. In 2011, when Zee Learn Limited reached on a total number of schools at 50, it decided to go on TV for promotion of its schools. Going on TV required huge investment and it was almost impossible to go on TV with 2 TVCs. So, consolidation took place and single brand Mount Litera Zee School was created. Now all the schools owned, managed or franchised by Zee Learn Limited are Mount Litera Zee Schools and Zee Learn Limited invests in ATL i.e. invests in TVC and franchisees invest in BTL on ground. Wherever Mount Litera Zee School is launched, a range of marketing activities is conducted for admissions. Most popular marketing activity for schools is parent seminars but bringing parents inside school premises for parent seminar is really tough. Once Parents are inside school premises; they are converted for admissions of their wards. Zee Learn Limited and other competitors have tried a number of innovative marketing activities for school launch but not a single activity works across length and breadth of the country.

Mount Litera Zee school, Merrut

Vision To Impart Education that provides for all round development of the child - Through Innovative 'Child Centered', Teaching without the burden of heavy bag, and without 'Tuition-Friendly' Environment. - By providing Sports and Co-curricular activities as per the aptitude of the child. - By Providing Leadership Tools- As per IPSC guidelines. Goal To produce a Citizen of India

- Who is Honest, polite & respectful but firm - Who is Disciplined - Who is a Leader METHODOLOGY: LITERA OCTAVE: -Litera Octave is the core belief of every Zee School. It is a proprietary pedagogical model that has been honed over years of research and development. It integrates the various pillars that impact the child during his/her learning and development in school. The entire K-12 program offered by Zee School is governed by the Litera Octave approach, the synopsis of which is given below: Litera Content: - Whatever a child's unique learning style, Litera Octave helps foster understanding through our proprietary Litera Content. Each Lesson unfolds via multiple pathways in the form of animations, movies, diagrams, activities, interactive games and projects. Litera Infra: -Litera Content is shown seamlessly in our Litera Class, which is technology enabled. It is set up with interactive white board, projector and computer. The library caters to different information needs by having a collection of books and Internet connections and CD-ROMs. Laboratories for English, Math, Social Sciences and Science ensure that children learn through projects and activities, what they don't through textbooks. Litera Teachers: Our teachers undergo 60 hours of teacher training every year. This inspires them to take pride in fostering real understanding in children and be technology enabled. Litera Assess: Litera Assess is a paradigm shift in assessing the child's understanding. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation ensures that there is cumulative understanding of the child's strengths and opportunity areas. The question papers are centrally administered to give a national benchmark to all Zee School children Litera Life Skills: The school management software system gives freedom to the teachers and the administrative staff from doing unnecessary paper work so that they can contribute to the overall development of the student. This system also allows parents to review their child's progress from home on a regular basis. Litera Parents: Regular seminars and workshops are conducted on Good Parenting to enable parents to create a conducive environment at home, to nurture the unique potential of each child. Regular open forums provide a platform to teachers and parents for a constructive and objective discussion about the progress of the child. Litera Enrich: Co-curricular and Extracurricular activities are designed to nurture the unique skills and talents of each child from dramatics to debate, arts to music, language to literature, sports to yoga and spirituality. Litera Extracurricular takes care of all aspects of a child's development. 100% participation is ensured and no child is left behind.

Litera Network: Collaborative networking within the Zee network by linking all the Zee school branches

Service Blue printing

Service blueprint:-A service blueprint is a schematic diagram that represents all the details of a service from the customer and organisations perspective. It shows how the different service components link into each other showing the different touchpoints and options customers have to choose from and how the internal workings support those choices. Because it maps out chronologically and in sequence all the various interactions and actions that occur in parallel when customer and company meet, it shows all the interactions by and with the customer. So it also illustrates the stages and complexity of the encounter and distinguishes between the customer experiences (and decisions) and the systems, invisible to the customer, that operate backstage to ensure that these are delivered. When and why are they useful? Blueprints are flexible and powerful in that they depict a service at multiple levels of analysis they can facilitate the refinement of a single step as well as the creation of an entire service process. It is a way of seeing the service from the customer focus; the key part of the compliance outcome. In creating the current and future state blueprints it allows the Team to articulate and act upon customer insights, and focus on whats working, whats not working and what needs to be changed. a.) For designing: The development of new services, assessment and improvement of existing services Capturing how long processes within the service take, and how that equates to cost because they are presented with a base of time Comparison of differences in basic services, standards and processes Capturing of processes, architecture and systems in the context of service, not in isolation or solely from the internal business perspective Testing of assumptions on paper to identify fail points and thoroughly work out the bugs Cuts down time and inefficiency of random service development b.) For implementing: Becomes a reference for planning and change Represents the new or changed service for a staff member to see during integration activity Forms a common point of reference for all parties (project team, affected staff and management) concerned with achieving a successful launch also serves as focal point for later refinements or last-minute changes Can be stored electronically for later reference, available for everyone involved Facilitates comparison of the desired and actual service


As a communication tool: Provides a focus for conversations Is more precise than verbal descriptions, and less subject to misinterpretation Can be a formalised way to inspire corporate-wide change directed at integrating customer focus across the organisation Can help convince the organisation that changes are in order and what specifically can be done Whats in a service blueprint The blueprint sets out how the customer and organisation (back-office supporting people, processes and systems) interact through five components and three lines: Physical evidence Customer actions Line of interaction Visible contact, employee actions (onstage) Line of visibility Invisible contact, employee actions (backstage) Line of internal interaction Support processes

Unlike a customer experience map this framework remains the same for each map. How you plot within that is up to the intent of the problem/opportunity, information you have (current or future state) and the nature of the service itself. So how do you make one? Ideally begin as a team, using the research and business analysis elicitation outputs (customer experience map, frameworks, models, insights, business processes, use cases, context diagrams) and shared knowledge to plot the service. As with mapping, the point of the initial blueprinting is generating team conversation about how the service works. Ask a simple question, then through the blueprint, try and find the answer. For example: How does the drive-through work? I. II. III. Start with the customer actions as youve described from the mapping exercise, these will serve as the foundation for all other elements of the blueprint. Go through the service process step by step using the five components as your framework for the gathered data and knowledge Break down the information into as much detail as is appropriate to the service, its complexity, and the scale of change proposed by the Initiative. For example, the level of detail for blueprinting how a drive-through works will differ from an initiative looking to change the process of how food gets delivered to the drive-through pick-up counter. For the latter the more detail described the better, as describing very small steps will help to more easily identify problem areas and resolution opportunities Delineate each component of the service by indicating sequentially how each is connected


V. VI.

Represent time in relation to the activities both standard execution time and the allowable deviation (e.g. 5 working days, but 10 are acceptable) Do the blueprint once, and then do it again. You will refine iteratively to the point a final comprehensive blueprint can be produced

Then look at the process understand how customers relate to it (utilise the customer experience mapping concurrently). When does the service start and stop from the customers point of view? Where are the bottlenecks and areas where service quality can be improved? Examine customers perceptions of the anticipated experience this includes defining the internal and external activities that deliver to these expectations (actual not ideal) Identify fail points to show where the customer may experience quality or consistency problems Look at what is revealed and/or what areas that should be focused on for change. e.g. Does: Customer expectation and management perception of customer expectation match? Management perception of customer expectations and service quality specifications (i.e. how its supposed to work) match? Service quality specifications and the service actually delivered match? The service delivered and what is communicated about the service to customers match?

Building blueprint for Mount Litera Zee School process:As stated by schools academic department all the processes in school are perfect and world class with n problems and bottle necks. But, based on complexities, difference in nature and possibility of bottlenecks we have identified three different processes for blueprinting. In this document we will prepare service blue-prints of three different processes:a.) Admission Process b.) Classroom contact process c.) Examination process The fundamental objective of blueprinting these processes is identifying the complexities involves and identifying probable bottlenecks (if any) in the service delivery process of school. The processes are different in there nature of work. So, different blue prints are designed for each process is prepared so as to observe variation of steps and minute details of processes. We have considered as these different processes as three different services delivered by mount Litera Zee school.

a.) Identification of service process to be blue-printed:Since we are considering each process as a service,we have identified the processes involved in the delivery of service. The processes involved are shown in their respective blue prints (ex: -25 processes identified in this service delivery). Further detailed blue

printing of each process in sub processes is also possible in order to further analyse the bottle necks. b.) Identification of customer or customer segment experiencing the service:For all three services that we have identified for blue printing, the customer is same. They are students (Age group: - 5-14 years) and their parents. In admission process, students and their parents are first time visitors of schools. While in Classroom contact process and examination process, students are customer segments. They already have experience of school services. c.) Mapping the process from the customers point of view:Identification of processes from customers point of view will help in avoiding focus from processes which are not going to impact on consumers. In each blueprints, the processes are carefully observed in the school. Processes are also identified on the basis of talking to students and academic department of school.

d.) Mapping the contact employee Actions and/or technology Actions :We have observed and questioned frontlines employee to learn what they do and which activities are performed in full view of the students and parents versus which activities are carried out behind the scenes. For technology delivered services, like website, admission form download, result declarations the required actions of the technology interface is mapped above line of visibility. e.) Linking contact activities to needed support functions:This step involved linking of contact activities to internal support functions. The direct and indirect impact of internal activities becomes apparent. Internal service processes take on added importance when viewed in connection with their link to the students. Internal activities as admission registration (admission process blue- print), checking of answer sheets (examination process) etc. are very critical in term of timely delivery of service. f.) Adding evidence of services at each customer action steps :Physical evidences and tangible things adding to students and parents experiences are identified, observed and include in each blue-prints. In admission process blueprint, the role of physical or tangible evidences becomes much more importance as students and parents are first time visitors to schools. In examination process, the ease of writing exams and the suitable environment for examination largely depends on conditions of physical evidences. Classroom contact delivery involved a lot of technology driven learning tools in this school which clearly signifies importance of physical evidence in this delivery process.

1.) Admission process service blue print: Physical Evidence

Campus, Buses, Parking Lot Assembly Hall Classroom, Corridor, Bell Mess, Canteen, Ground Classroom, Corridor, Bell Campus, Buses, Parking Lot Ground, Cultural Hall Campus, Buses, Parking Lot

Move out of campus


Entering School at 7 am

Assembling for Prayer

Move to classes for study

Move to mess

Move to classes for study

Weak student move to classroom

Move to respective sports grounds

Move to respective Cutural Rooms

Leave the school

Move to Canteen

Line of Interaction


Entry in School

(Class teacher( Attendance

(Principal and teachers) Assembly

(Class Teacher) Teaching

Teacher Change, Teaching Continues


Class teaching Continue

School Over

Extra Classes

Sports training

Cultural/ Music training

Line of Visibility


(Peon and Attendants) Clerical Work

Ringing Bell

Supply of Necessary Sport Item

Supply of Necessary Instrument

Line of Internal Interaction

Support Processes

Preparation of Attendance Register/Other Docs

Preparation of Time Table

Academic Registration data center

<Process Name>

Physical Evidence

Server Parking Lot Campus Exterior Notice Board Lobby Canteen Restroom Classroom Parking Lot Campus Exterior Notice Board



Line of Interaction Fill Parents and

Student Arrive

Admission for and Submit

Leaves the school

Arrive on test date

Parents Waiting

Leaves the school

Checking Result and Admission Date

Arrival for admission

Submission of Documents and Fees

Receiving Receipt

Receiving Books and Uniform

Leave the school

Student move to test hall

Line of Visibility

On Stage Technology Action Form filling help/ submission/ issuance of admit card Verification and Seat Allotment Conducting Exam (Website) Result declaration/ admission date Document Verification and Fee Acceptance Book and uniform Delivery


Enquiry/Take Admission Form

Line of Internal Interaction


(Website) Admission Form

Examination Arrangement

Updating of ERP

Book and uniform warehousing

Support Processes

Board Members Website Support Activities Form Printing and Logistics Management Admission process formulation/rules formulation Result Updating System ERP Handling System Procurement and Logistics

Paper Checking

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