Electric Structure

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E 2003 COURSE :Semester I

Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Subject Code 202001 207003 203141 203142 203143 211121 Subject Title

Teaching Scheme L Power Plant Engineering Engineering Maths - III Material Science Electrical Machines - I Electrical Measurements Workshop Technology 04 04 04 04 04 20 D 02 02 02 02 02 10 P 100 100 100 100 100 -

Examination Scheme TW 50 50 PR 50 50 150 OR 50 -

Total Marks 150 100 150 150 150 50 750

500 100

Semester II
Sr. No. 1. 203144 2. 3. 4. 203145 203146 203147 Analog & Digital Electronics Network Analysis Digital Computational Techniques 04 04 04 02 02 100 100 100 25 50 50 175 150 100 Subject Code Subject Title Teaching Scheme L Power System - I 04 D P 100 Examination Scheme TW PR OR 100 Total Marks

5. 6.

203148 203149

Computer Programming Instrumentation

02 04 22

02 02 08


25 50

50 150

75 150 750

500 100

Th: Theory Tw: Term Work

Pr: Practical Or: Oral

SEMESTER I 202001: POWER PLANT ENGINEERING Teaching Scheme: Lectures : 4 hrs/week Practical : 2 hrs/week Unit I: Fuels and Combustion Examination Scheme: Theory : 100 Marks Term work : 50 Marks (8 hours)

Thermodynamic cycle of steam flow; Rankine cycle; Actual Rankine cycle; Reheat cycle; regerative cycle; heat rate. Classification of fuels; calorific value and its determination; combustion chemistry; Bomb calorimeter; Boys gas calorimeter; combustion equation; stoichiometric air fuel ratio; excess air requirement; actual air fuel ratio; flue gas analysis; pulverized coal firing system; fluidized bed combustion. Unit II: Power Plant Equipment (8 Hours)

Steam processes, classification of boilers, steam generation control, boiler efficiency, Steam turbine classification, working principle, Rankine cycle, and power out put, steam consumption, efficiency of a turbine, condenser classification, advantages of using condenser, cooling towers; Prospectus and development of thermal and hydroelectric plants in India; Classification and working of hydraulic turbines: Pelton Wheel, Francis turbine, Kaplan turbine, comparison, governing. Prospectus and development of hydroelectric plants in India; Construction and working principle of centrifugal pump, affinity laws, manometric efficiency of a pump, pump selection. Unit III: Thermal and Hydroelectric Power Plant (8 Hours) General layout of modern thermal power plant, site selection, working of thermal plant, selection of site for hydroelectric power plant, hydrology, mass curve, flow duration curve,

hydrograph, unit hydrograph, classification of hydroelectric plants, layout and working, main components of hydroelectric plant, pump storage plant. UnitIV: Captive Power Plants (8 Hours)

Essential components of diesel electric power plant, advantages and disadvantages of diesel electric power plants, engine components and system used on diesel engine, selection consideration for engine. Simple gas turbine power plant, component layout, advantages and disadvantages, closed cycle gas power plant, combined cycle gas power plant, comparison between gas turbine power plant and steam power plant. Developments of gas turbine power plants in India. Unit V: Nuclear Power Plants (8 Hours)

Site selection for nuclear power plant, heat transfer in nuclear reactor, fluid in nuclear reactor, types of reactors-PWR, BWR, gas cooled reactors, liquid metal fast breeders reactors, fusion power reactors. Nuclear materials, nuclear waste disposal, nuclear power development program in India. Unit VI: Non Conventional Power Generation (8 hours) Alternative sources of energy, solar energy-terminology, concentrating collectors, photovoltaic conversion, wind mills, tidal power, MHD, cogeneration. Economics of power generation by non conventional methods, renewable energy development program of India. Term Work The term work shall consist of a record of any eight of the following: 1. Study of boiler mounting and accessories. 2. Study of modern thermal power plant. 3. Demonstration and study on diesel engine. 4. Demonstration and study on diesel power plant.

5. Study of modern hydro electric power plant. 6. Study visit to any hydro electric power plant. 7. Demonstration and study of solar photo voltaic system. 8. Study visit to any thermal/nuclear power plant. 9. Demonstration and study of any water turbine. 10. Demonstration and study of a centrifugal pump.

Reference Books 1. Arora and Domkundwar A course in Power Plant Engineering Dhapat Rai 2. S. P. Sukhatme Solar Energy Text Books 1. P. K. Nag Power Plant Engineering Tata McGraw Hill 2. P. C. Sharma Power Plant Engineering For Electrical + SW/Instrumentation Engineering (Sem.I) For Electronics/E&TC/Computer Engineering & Information Technology (Sem.II)

207003: ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS - III Teaching Scheme: Lectures : 4 hrs./week Examination Scheme: Paper : 100 marks Duration : 3 hrs. Section I Unit I: Linear Differential Equations (LDE) (8 hours) General nth order LDE. Solution of nth order LDE with constant coefficients. PI by variation of parameters. Cauchs & Legendres DE. Solution of Simultaneous & Symmetric Simultaneous DE. Applications to Electrical circuits. Unit II: Complex Variables (8 hours)

Functions of complex variable, Analytic functions, C-R equations, Conformal mapping, Billinear transformation, Residue theorem, Cauchys Integral theorem & Cauchys Integral formula (without proofs). Unit III: Transforms (10 hours)

Fourier Transform (FT): Fourier Integral theorem. Sine & Cosine Integrals. Fourier Transform, Fourier Cosine Transform, Fourier Sine Transforms and their inverses. Problems on Wave equation. Introductory Z Transform (ZT): Definition, Std. Properties (without proof), ZT of std. Sequences & Inverse. Solution of simple difference equations. Section II Unit IV: Laplace Transform (LT) (10 hours)

Definition of LT, Inverse LT, Properties & theorems. LT of standard functions. LT of some special functions viz. error, 1st order Bessels Periodic, Unit Step, Unit Impulse and ramp. Problems on finding LT & inverse LT. Applications of LT for solving ordinary differential equations.

Unit V: Vector Calculus

(8 hours)

Vector Differenctiation & its physical interpretation. Vector differential operator. Gradient, Divergence & Curl. Directional derivative. Vector identities. Unit VI: Vector Analysis (8 hours)

Line, Surface & Valume integrals. Conservative, Irrotational & Solenoidal fields. Scalar potential. Gausss, Stokes & Greens theorems (without proofs). Applications to problems in Electromagnetic Fields. Reference Books: 1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wylie C.R. & Barrett L.C. (McGraw-Hill, Inc) 2. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S.Grewal (Khanna Publication, Delhi). 5. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2e, by M.D. Greenberg (Pearson Education) 6. Engineering Mathematics by B.V. Raman (Tata McGraw-Hill). 7. Applied Mathematics (Volumes I and II) by P. N. Wartikar & J. N. Wartikar (Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune). 8. Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB. 2e by Thomas L. Harman, James Dabney and Norman Richert (Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning). Text Books: 1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 5e, by Peter V.ONeil (Thomson Learning). 2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig (Wiley Eastern Ltd.). 203141:Material Science Teaching Scheme: Lectures : 4 Hours/Week Practicals : 2 Hours/Week Unit I (a) Delectric Properties Of Insulating Materials Static Field: Dielectric parameter, dielectric constant, dipole moment, polarization, mechanisms of polarizations-electric, ionic and orientational polarization (Descriptive treatment only). Internal field in solids and liquids, Clausius Mossotti equation, Piezoelectric, Pyroelectric Examination Scheme: Paper : 100 Marks Oral : 50 Marks

and ferroelectric materials. Complex dielectric constant in alternating field, dielectric loss, loss tangent. (5 hours) (b) Optical Properties of Materials: Photoelectric emission, photo conductivity, photo-electric cells, photo-emissive cells, photoconductive cells, photo-voltaic cells, materials for photo-voltaic cells-power generation. (3 hours) Unit II Insulating Materials, Their Properties & Application: Introduction, characteristics of good insulating material, classification, solid insulating materials-paper pressboard, fibrous materials, impregnating coating filling, ceramics, mica, asbestos. Liquid insulating materials, insulating gases like air, electronegative gases, SF6. Modern trends in electrical insulation, Impregnation process, insulating materials for power & distribution transformer, rotating machines, capacitors, cables, line insulators, switchgear, electronic equipment. (8 hours) Unit III Dielectric Breakdown: Introduction, breakdown voltage, breakdown strength. (a) Dielectric breakdown of gases-Growth of current, the electric discharge, breakdown machanism, field intensified ionization by electrons, avalanche mechanism, electron

ionization coefficient, secondary ionization coefficient, Townsends criterion for spark breakdown, Paschens law and breakdown in uniform and non uniform fields andvacuum.
(b) (c) Dielectric breakdown of liquids-Colloioal theory, Bubble theory, breakdown due to liquid globules, experimental observations of breakdown in oils. Dielectric breakdown of solids-Intrinsic breakdown, thermal breakdown. Discharge breakdown, phenomena of partial discharge, chemical & Electrochemical forms of

breakdown,Tracking & Treeing. Factors influencing the characteristics of insulating system, effect of moisture on insulating system. (8 hours) Unit IV Magnetic Materials Introduction : Magnetic parameters, permeability, magnetic susceptibility, magnetic moment, magnetization, orbital magnetic dipole moment, angular momentum & Induced dipole moment of a simple model, classification of magnetic materials, diamagnetism, origin of permanent magnetic dipole moment, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, ferromagnetic behavior below critical temperature, spontaneous, magnetization & Curie Weiss law.

Ferromagnetic materials at high temperature, magnetic anisotropy, magneto-striction, anti ferromagnatism, ferrites, applications of ferromagnetic materials, magnetic materials for electric devices, soft magnetic materials, hard magnetic materials, electric sheet steel, hot rolled and cold rolled steel, magnetic recording materials, tapes and discs, advanced magnetic materials. (8 hours) Unit V Conducting Materials:

General properties of conductor, electrical conducting materials, high conductivity materialscopper, aluminum and its application, concept of SWG, materials of high resistivity, constantan, nickel chromium alloy, tungsten, molybdenum, canthal, characteristics of copper alloys (brass & bronze), materials used for lamp filaments, transmission lines, stranded conductors, electrical carbon materials. Different types of solders, methods of soldering & brazing, metals, and alloys for different types of fuses, fusing current, fuse rating, thermalbimetal, thermocouple materials, super conducting materials, applications of superconductivity. (8 hours) Unit VI Testing Of Materials: 1. Measurement of tangent of dielectric loss angle (tano) by Schering bridge-IS 13585-1994 2. Measurement of Partial discharge (PD)-IS 13585-1994

(Part I to V), IS 2834-1986. 3. Measurement of dielectric strength kV/mm of solids-IS 2584 4. Measurement of dielectric strength kV/mm of liquids-IS 6798 5. Measurement of dielectric strength kV/mm of gases as per IS 6. Measurement of physical properties such as sp. Gravity, surface resistance, volume resistance, porosity, defect/m2 of area etc. 7. Cable testing to include dielectric p.f. test, HV test, partial discharge. (8 hours)

Industrial Visits: Minimum one visit will be arranged to an industry manufacturing and testing engineering transformer core etc. and a hand written report will be submitted by every student as part of term work. Reference Books 1. Electrical Engineering Materials by A. J. Dekker, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi-01 2. Physics of Dielectric Materials by B. M. Tareev. 3. Electrical Radio Engineering Materials by B. M. Tareev.

4. Electrical Paper Capacitors-Design & Manufacture by D. M. Tagare, Tata McGraw Hills Publication. Text Books 1. A Course in Electrical Engineering Materials by S. P. Seth and P. V. Gupta, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Nai Sarak, Delhi-06. 2. Electrical Engineering Materials by C. S. Indulkar and S. Thiruvengadam, S. Chand & Company Ltd, Ram Nagar, New Delhi-55 3. Electrical Engineering Materials by S. P. Chalotra and B. K. Bhatt, Khanna Publishers, Nath Market, Nai Sarak, Delhi-06 4. Electrical Engineering Materials---T.T.T.I, Madras 5. Electrical Engineering Materials by S. K. Bhattacharya, S. K. Kataria & Sons, Nai Sarak, Delhi-06. List of Experiments: At least two experiments are to be designed by the faculty members and can be included in the term work apart from the experiments suggested below.listed below or SIX experiments from the list below and remaining two from the experiments designed & set up by the faculty member. 1. To measure electric strength of solid insulation materials as per IS 2584 2. To measure electric strength of liquid insulating materials as per IS 6798. 3. To measure electric strength of gaseous insulating materials using sphere gap unit. 4. To obtain Hysteresis loop of the ferromagnetic material. 5. To understand the principle of thermocouple and to obtain characteristics of different thermocouple. 6. To measure insulation resistance and KVAR capacity of power capacitor. K. B. Raina,

7. To measure resistivity of high resistive alloys. 8. To observe development of tracks due to ageing on different insulating materials e.g. bakelite, Perspex, mica, micanite, fiberglass etc. 9. Testing of cables as per IS 6380, 6474.

203142: Electrical Machines-I Teaching Scheme: Lectures : 4 Hours/Week Practicals : 2 Hours/Week Examination Scheme: Paper : 100 Marks Practicals : 50 Marks

Prerequisite :- Revision of concepts of transformers studied under the subject BEE at FE course (1 hour) Unit I: Single Phase Transformers Constructional details, Arrangements of cores and coils in shell-type and core type transformers. Materials used for magnetic cores, Windings & insulation. Concept of leakage flux & their effects. Resistance, leakage reactance & leakage impedance of transformer winding & their effects on the performance of transformer. Exact and approximate equivalent circuits referred to either side. General phasor diagrams on no load & on load. Various losses in a transformer, their variation with load. Efficiency, maximum efficiency, transformer ratings. Per unit values of resistance, leakage reactance and impedance. Autotransformers & dimmerstats, their ratings & applications, Comparison with two winding transformer w.r.t saving of copper, size & electrical isolation. (7 hours) Unit II: Operation of Single phase transformers Open circuit & short circuits tests, determination of equivalent circuit parameters from the test data Definition of voltage regulation: Determination of voltage regulation and efficiency from equivalent circuit. Concept of polarity of transformer windings & standard practice of marking transformer winding terminals as per BIS, Polarity tests. Parallel operation of single phase transformers, conditions to be satisfied. Load sharing under variousconditions

Descriptive treatment of non sinusoidal waveform of the magnetising current of the transformer. (7 hours) Unit III (A) Three phase TransformersConnecting a bank of three identical single phase transformers for three phase transformation. Construction of shell type & core type three phase transformer. Comparison between a bank of three identical single phase transformers & a single three phase transformer. Standard connections of three phase transformers & their suitability for particular applications. Their voltage phasor diagrams & phasor groups. (2 hours) (B) Descriptive treatment of Parallel operation of three phase transformers Tree winding transformers- tertiary windings Scott connection & V connections Amorphous Core & dry type transformers (C) Testing of Transformers Concept of routine & type tests. Testing of transformers as per BIS (2026) Sumpners test (Back to Back test) (2 hours) (3 hours)

Unit IV : D.C. Machine Construction and operation of DC MachineMain parts, Magnetic system, Poles, yoke, field winding, armature core. Typical flux path, magnetization curve.Armature winding - Simple lap & Wave winding. Commutator & brush assembly. (3 hours)

Separately excited, self excited & permanent magnet DC machines. Generator action & motor action of a DC machine. Emf equation, torque equation, Significance of back emf in motor & magnetic drag in generator. Working at no-load & on-load, Power flow diagram, losses & efficiency. (5 hours) Unit V (A) DC Generators (Descriptive treatment only) Building up of emf in self excited generator & causes of failure to build up, Load characteristics of various types of generators & their applications. (2 hour) (B) DC MOTORS Characteristics & applications of different types of motors. starting of DC motors, study of starters for series & shunt motor, solid state starters. Speed control of various types of DC motors. (6 hours) Unit VI (A) Armature reaction: Armature reaction in DC generators & motors, effect on field form with & without brush lead, effect of saturation, demagetising & cross magnetising m.m.f. & their estimation. Remedies to overcome armature reaction. (3 hours) (B) Commutation Process of commutation, time of commutation, reactance voltage Straight line commutation, commutation with variable current density under & over commutation. Causes of bad commutation & remedies, interpoles, compensating winding. (3 hours) (C) Testing Swinburns Test & Brake test on dc shunt motor, Regenerative test on DC series & shunt machines (Hopkinsons test & Field test) Testing of DC machines as per BIS (9320) (2 hours) Reference Books 1. Performance & Design of Direct Current Machines by A. E. Clayton and N. N. Hancock CBS Publishers third edition 2. Electrical Machines by A.E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Stephen D.Umans (Tata McGraw Hill Publication Ltd) Fifth Edition

3. Theory and Performance A. S. Langsdorf (Tata McGraw Hill) 4. Theory and Performance A. S. Langsdorf (Tata McGraw Hill) 5. Performance and Design M. G. Say (C B S Publishers & Distributors) Text Books :

of of of

DC A.C. A.C.

Machines Machines Machines

by by by

1. Electrical Technology by Eadward Hughes ELBS, Pearson Education. 2. Electrical Machines by Ashfaq Husain 3. Electrical Machines by S. K. Bhattacharya, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill publishing Co. Ltd 4. Electrical Machines Tata McGraw Hill by Nagrath & Kothari,

5. Electrical Machinery by Bhag S. Guru, Husain R. Hiziroglu, Oxford University Press. List of Experiments : Note : At least 4 experiments 4 experiments on D.C. machine should be performed, in addition to the industrial visit. 1. OC-SC test on single phase transformer 2. Polarity test on single phase and three phase transformer 3. Sumpners test on two identical single phase transformers 4. Parallel operation of two single phase transformers and study of their load sharing under various conditions of voltage ratios & leakage impedance. 5. Study of standard connections for three phase transformers, line to line voltage ratios and phasor groups 6. Magnetization D.C. Shunt generator Curve & load Characteristics of on transformer &

7. Magnetization Curve & load Characteristics of D.C. Series generator 8. Speed control of D.C. shunt motor & study of starter 9. Swinburns test 10. Brake test on D.C. Shunt motor 11. Hopkinsons test 12. Load characteristics of D.C. series motor 13. Industrial visit to transformer or D.C. machine manufacturing/repairing industry and a report on the visit

203143: Electrical Measurements Teaching Scheme: Lectures : 4 Hours/Week Practicals : 2 Hours/Week Examination Scheme: Paper : 100 Marks Practicals : 50 Marks

Unit I (a) General Units: Fundamental, derived, absolute, Dimensions:n dimensional analysis of SI System only. Standards & their classification Absolute measurement of current & resistance. Static & Dynamic characteristics measuring system: Accuracy, linearity, speed of response, dead zone, resolution, span, reproducibility drift etc. calibration, calibration methodology. (5 hours) (b) Error Introduction, types of errors-Gross, Systematic, Random, limiting error. Methods to reduce the errors. Statistical analysis: Arithmetic mean, median, average deviation, standard Deviation, probable error, Gaussion distribution. (3 hours) Unit: II


Measurement of Resistance:

Classification of resistance, Measurement of low, medium & high resistance by Kelvins double bridge, voltmeter ammeter method, Whetstone Bridge, Substitution method, direct deflection method, loss of charge method, Mega ohm bridge, difficulty in measurement of high resistance, ohm meter (Shunt & series). Megger, Earth tester for earth resistance measurement, Measurement on insulation resistance when power is ON. (7 hours) (b) Megnetic Measurement: Method of measuring iron losses, separation of iron losses, testing of rod & bar specimen, permeammeter, fluxmeter. Effect of voltage, frequency & form factor on iron losses. (3 hours) Unit: III (a) A. C. Bridges: Introduction, sources & detectors for a. c. bridge, general equation for bridge at balance. i) Measurement of self inductance: Maxwells bridge, maxwells inductance & capacitance bridge, Andersons bridge ii) Measurement of mutual inductance, Campbells bridge iii) Measurement of capacitance : Shearing bridge. (b) Special purpose measuring instrument Construction & working of power factor meter, frequency meter, Synchroscopes, Trivector meter, maximum demand indicator, TOD meter, Power analyzer. (4 hours) (4 hours)

Unit: IV Measuring Instrument Theory Absolute & secondary instruments, types of secondary instruments: indicating, recording & integrating. Essentials of indicating instruments: deflecting, controlling & damping systems (in details) (2 hours) Galvanometer Construction, working principle of DArsonval galvanometer with elementary mathematical analysis (torque equation in terms of ckt constants & equation of motion)

Voltmeter & Ammeter theory Construction, working, principle of operation, torque equation, errors, Advantages, disadvantage of MI (attraction & Repulsion), PMMC Instrument. Multirange ammeter & voltmeter by shunt, multiplier, universal Shunt, universal multiplier etc. (4 hours) Unit: V Wattmeter theory Electrodynamics & induction type wattmeter: Construction, Working, Torque equation, errors & their compensations, low power factor wattmeter, Polyphase wattmeter (3 hours) Power measurement in three phase system Type of three phase load: Star & delta system: Three-phase 3 wire & three-phase 4 wire system, balanced load & unbalanced load. Three wattmeter method, two wattmeter method, modification of two wattmeter method by using single wattmeter, measurement of reactive voltampere, determination of power factor of load and its nature in terms of two wattmeter reading (5 hours) Unit: VI Energy Meter Theory: Construction, Principle of operation, torque equation of single phase & three phase conventional (induction type) energy meter. Errors & adjustments, phantom loading arrangement for calibration. Block diagram of electronic energy meter, TOD meter, CT & PT operated energy meter (3 hours) Instrument Transformers: Construction, connection of CT & PT in the circuit, advantages of CT/PT over shunt & multipliers to measurehigh currents and voltages, Transformation ratio, nominal ratio, turns ratio, burden. Errors in CT & PT: Ratio error & phase angle error, factors affecting errors & their compensation, clamp on ammeter, precaution in using instrument transformer, BIS standards for testing CT & PT. (5 hours)

Reference Book 1. Electrical measurement & Measuring Instrument by E. W. Golding & Widing, Fifth Edition, A. H. Wheeler & Co. Ltd. Text Book : 1. A Course in Electrical & Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation by A. K. Sawhaney, Dhanpat Rai & Sons. 2. A Course in Electronic & Electrical Measurements by J. B. Gupta, S. K. Kataria & Sons 3. Fundamentals of Electrical Measurements by C. T. Bladwin, Second Edition, Lyall Book Depot. List of Experiments: 1. Measurement of power in three phase, 4 wire system using three CTs & Two wattmeters 2. Measurement of phase angle error & ratio error of CT/PT 3. Range extension of ammeter, voltmeter & wattmeter using CT/PT 4. Calibration of single phase static (electronic) energy meter at different power factor OR 5. Calibration of three phase static (electronic) energy meter at different power factor 6. Measurement of power in three phase circuit using two wattmeters (Balanced & unbalanced load condition) 7. Measurement of reactive power in three phase circuit using one wattmeter 8. Measurement of low resistance by Kelvins double bridge. 9. Measurement of resistance, inductance of a coil by Andersons bridge. 10. Measurement of capacitance & tan delta of capacitor by Shearing bridge. 11. Earth resistance measurement by Earth Tester 12. Industrial visit to the electrical instrument manufacturing company OR where electrical instrument are calibrated OR where various electrical measuring instrument can be seen or observed.

Note : The term work should consist of compulsory one industrial visit report and any eight experiments from one to eleven of the above list.

211121: Workshop Technology

Teaching Scheme: Lectures: 2 Hours/Week TERM WORK

Examination Scheme: Term Work: 50 Marks

Note: Following termwork should be covered by giving demonostration in workshop on different machine tools and metrology laboratory during practical periods.

Following topics should be covered during demonostrations: 1. Study and working of machine tools - Lathe, milling and drilling etc. 2. Study of casting process. 3. study of welding and joining processes. 4. Study of metrology and measurements.

Term work consisting of job on following processes: 1. Plain and taper turning 2. Welding / Soldering 3. Sheet metal working 4. Demostration : 3 nos. and assignments : 1 job : 1 job : 1 job on machine tools based on above topics

5. Experiments on Metrology i) Linear use of micrometer/ vernier/ dial gauge, ii) Angular use of sine bar and slip gauges. iii) Surface roughness measurement.

List of Books: 1. Manufacturing Technology Vol I & II by P.N.Rao., TMG. 2. Workshop Technology by Hazara Choudhary, VolI & II 3. Engineering Metrology by R.K.Jain.

SEMESTER II 203144: Power Systems-I Teaching Scheme: Lectures: 4 Hours/Week Prerequisites : A Course in Power Plant Engineering GENERATION Unit I Load curve, load duration curve, different factors connected with generating stations such as load factor, demand factor, diversity factor, plant capacity factor, annual plant use factor. Concept of base load and peak load stations and interconnected operation. Fitting of available stations into the area load duration curve. Estimation of no. of units. Economic generation, scheduling of different types of station combinations, economic load sharing of units in power stations and interconnections, incremental fuel cost, penalty factor, Bmn loss coefficients. (8 hours) Unit II (a) Underground Cable: Classification, construction of cable, XLPE cables. Requirements of insulating materials, insulation resistance, capacitance, dielectric strees in single core/multi core/sheathed/armored cables. (b) Grading Cables: Capacitance grading and inter sheath grading. Causes of failure of underground cables, cable faults and location of faults. (8 hours) Unit III (a) Major Electrical Equipment in power Stations: Examination Scheme: Paper: 100 Marks

Descriptive treatment of ratings, special features, field of use of equipments like alternators, Transformers, bus-bars exciters and excitation systems, voltage regulators, switches and isolators, reactors, carrier current equipments (P.L.C.C.) control panels, metering and other control room equipments in generating stations. (4 hours)

(b) Overhead line insulators: Material of insulators, types of insulators, pin type, suspension type, strain type insulators, voltage distribution along string of suspension insulators, string efficiency, equalization of potential across each unit. (4 hours) TRANSMISSION Unit IV Constants of Transmission Line. Resistance of line, skin effect and its effects, proximity effect, inductance of single phase two wire line, flux linkage of one conductor of one group, inductance of composite conductor line, concept of G.M.R. and G.M.D., Inductance of three phase line with equilateral spacing, inductance of parallel circuit three phase line, three phase line with equilateral spacing, unsymmetrical spacing, double circuit three phase line. Capacitance of single phase and three phase transmission lines with above configurations with and without effect of earths surface on the electric field, calculation of inductance & capacitance to be done with and without transposition. (8 hours) Unit V Circuit Representation of Lines and Generalized Circuit Constants: Classification of lines based on length as short, medium and long lines. Representation of lines as Pi and Tee circuits using R, L, and C parameters voltage and current relations for short and medium lines only. Representation of Tee and Pi Models of lines as two port networks, evaluation and estimation of ABCD constants for both the models and in series and parallel combination of the models for short and medium lines. (8 hours) Unit VI (a) Construction of receiving end, sending end and universal circle diagrams and their use for estimation of performance characteristics of short and medium lines. (4 hours) (b) Mechanical Design of Overhead Lines : Types of conductors, line supports, spacing between the conductors, length of span, calculation of sag, equal and unequal supports, effect of ice and wind loadings. (4 hours) Industrial Visits: Minimum one visit to a power plant and HV/EHV substation is recommended. The subject teacher will ensure that a hand written report of such visits is submitted by each student.

Reference Books 1. Elements of Power Station Design by M. V. Deshpande, Wheeler Publishing. 2. Modern Power System Analysis D. P. Kothari, Tata McGraw Hill Publications by I. J. Nagrath & by Kothari,

3. Generation and Economic J. B. Gupta, S. K. Kataria & Sons, New Delhi. 4. Power System Engineering Tata McGraw Hill Publications. Text Books by

Considerations Nagrath &

1. A text Book on Power System Engineering A. Chakraborty, M. L. Soni, P. V. Gupta, U. S. Bhatnagar, Dhanpat Rai & Co., Delhi. 2. Power System Analysis & Design by B. R. Gupta, 4th Reprint, S. Chand Publishing Co. 3. Power System Analysis Tata McGraw Hill Publications. by W. D.



4. Transmission and Distribution by J. B. Gupta S. K. Kataria & Sons, New Delhi. 5. Electric Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution by S. N. Singh, Prentice Hall of India.

203145: ANALOG AND DIGITAL CIRCUITS Teaching Scheme: Lectures: 4 Hours/Week Practicals: 2 Hours/Week Examination Scheme: Paper: 100 Marks Term Work: 25 Marks Practical: 50 Marks Unit I Introduction: BJT amplifier with reference to operational analysis of CE and CC configuration, FET amplifier, Multistage amplifier, differential amplifier. Operational amplifier - basic configuration, differential, inverting, noninverting, summer and subtractor. Op-amp parameters (concept only) CMRR, slew rate, frequency response and gain limitations. (8 hours) Unit II Op-amp applications:

Integrator, differentiator, Comparator, Schmitt trigger, instrumentation amplifier, precision rectifiers, zero crossing detectors. Waveform generation using Op-amp-sine, square, saw tooth and triangular, IC 555-modes of operation-astable, monostable, clock generation. (8 hours) Unit III Feedback type of series voltage regulators, protection circuits, fixed and variable voltage regulators using ICs Viz. 78xx, 79xx, LM 723, LM 317 study of VCO & PLL. ADC-SAR, dual slope type DAC-binary weighted ladder type (10 hours) Unit IV Flip flops-RS latches, D latches, Edge triggered D flipflops, Edge triggred JK flip flops, JK Master-slave flip flop, Opto coupler, opto isolators, opto decoders, opto encoders (8 hours) Unit V Registers and Counters:

Buffer registers, shift registers, controlled shift registers, ripple counters, synchronous counter, twisted ring counters, N-module counters, Down counters, Up-Down counters, Three stage registers. (7 hours) Unit VI Decoders, encoders, multiplexer, demultiplexer, Display: 7 segment LED, LCD display and their driving interfacing circuit. Memories: RAM, ROM, PROMS and EPROMS detailing (7 hours)

Text Books 1. Fundamentals of Logic Jr. Forth Edition, A Jaico Book. design by Charles H. Roth,

2. Digital Computer Electronics-An Introduction to Microcomputers by Malvino, Tata McGraw Hill 3. Electronics Devices & Circuits by Mottershed, PHI New Delhi

4. Digital Electronics by R. P. Jain, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. Refereces Books 1. Operational Amplifier by Gaikwad R. PHI New Delhi 2. Integrated Circuits by K. R. Botkar, Khanna Publication, New Delhi. 3. Operational Amplifier and Linear integrated Circuits Theory and Application by James M. Flore, A Jaico Books Lab Experiments Minimum 12 experiments to be conducted. 1. Op-amp in inverting, non-inverting mode. As summer, subtractor. 2. Op-amp as square and sine wave generator. 3. Op-amp as ZCD, Comparator and Schmitt trigger. 4. Instrumentation amplifier using 3-op amp CMRR measurement. 5. IC555 applications-astable, monostable, square wave generator, sequence counter. 6. PLL IC565/4046 application. Calculation of lock range and capture range. 7. Study and verify shift register operation (IC 7495) and application of 7495 as pseudo random no. generation. 8. Study of IC 723 as low/high voltage regulator. 9. Study of JK flip flop and its use as counter, ring counter and twisted ring counter (IC 7476). 10. A to D and D to A converter using ADC 0808, and DAC 0808. 11. IC-7805 used as fixed voltage regulator, Multiplexer and Demultiplexer -IC74151 and IC74155. 12. IC-7805 used as fixed voltage regulator, elevated voltage and current, constant current source. 13. Study of up-down N-modulo counter (IC 7490/7493). counters (IC 74192/74193) and

203146: Network Analysis Teaching Scheme: Lectures : 4 Hours/Week Examination Scheme: Paper : 100 Marks

Practicals : 2 Hours/Week

Oral : 50 Marks

Unit I Basic Concepts Field and circuit representation of Resistance, inductance, and capacitance. Mathematical models of active and passive circuit elements. Independent and dependent (controlled) voltage and current sources. Source transformation and shifting. Classification of Electrical Elements: Lumped and distributed, linear and nonlinear, Bilateral and unilateral, Time variant and time invariant, space variant and space invariant. Network Equations: Network Equations on Loop basis and Node basis. Choice between loop analysis and node analysis. Concept of super node and super mesh. Concept of voltage and current divider. Mutual inductace, dot convention for coupled circuits, Concept of duality and dual networks. (8 hours) Unit II Solution of Network Equations Classical Method: Classical solution of first and second order differential equations for series and parallel R-L, R-C, R-L-C circuits. Complimentary function and particular integral. Steady state and transient solution, forced and free response. Time constants, Physical and mathematical analysis of circuit transients.Initial and final conditions in elements and in networks. (8 hours) Unit III Laplace Transform method for solution of Electrical Network Equations Solutions of differential equations and network equations using Laplace transform method. Inverse Laplace transform. Transformed networks with initial conditions. Analysis of electrical circuits with applications of step, pulse, impulse & ramp functions. Shifted & singular functions. The convolution integral. Laplace transform, various periodic and non periodic waveforms. (8 hours)

Unit IV Network Theorems Superposition, Thevenin, Norton, Reciprocity, Substitution, Maximum power transfer, compensation, Milimans & Tellegens theorems applied to electrical networks with all the type of sources. (8 hours) Unit V Two Port networks and Resonance Z, Y and transmission Parameters, Inter-relations between parameters. Definition of h parameters. Resonane in A. C. Circuits Resonance in R-L-C series and parallel circuits. Bandwidth and Q factor. Introduction to passive filters. (8 hours) Unit VI Fourier Analysis and Fourier Transform The Fourier series, Evaluation of Fourier coefficients, symmetry considerations, exponential form of Fourier series, steady state response to periodic signals. Introduction to Fourier transform, definition and properties of the Fourier transform. (8 hours)

List of Practicals: Any four experiments from First five of the following and any four experiments from rest of the list. (minimum four experiments should be based on simulation software PSPICE/MATLAB along with hardware verification) 1. Verification of Superposition theorem in A.C. circuits. 2. Verification of Thevinins theorem in A.C. circuits. 3. Verification of reciprocity theorem in A.C. circuits. 4. Verification of Maximum power transfer theorem. 5. Verification of Millmans therorem

6. Determination of time response of R-C circuit to a step d.c. voltage input. (Charging and discharging of a capacitor through a resistor) 7. Determination of time response of R-L circuit to a step d.c. voltage input. (Rise and decay of current in an inductive circuit) 8. Determination of time response of R-L-C series circuit to a step d.c. voltage input. 9. Determination of parameter of two port network. 10. Harmonic analysis of no load current of a transformer. 11. Determination of resonance, bandwidth and Q factor of R-L-C series circuit. 12. Determination of resonance of R-L-C Parallel circuit. Reference Books 1. Network Analysis by Cramer McGraw Hill Publication. 2. Engineering Circuit Analysis by William H. Hayt, Jr. Jack E. Kemmerly, McGraw Hill. 3. Introduction to circuit Analysis by Bolylestad Robert L. 4. Circuit Analysis by John R. O. Malley, Prentice Hll. Inc Eaglewood Cliff N. J. 5. Linear Circuit Analysis by DeCarlo, Lin, Oxford Press. Text Book 1. Network Analysis by M. E. Van Valkenburg. Third Edition, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. 2. Network Theory by N. C. Jagan, C. Lakshminarayana, Second Edition, BSP Publication. 3. Network Analysis & Synthesis - G. K. Mittal, Khanna Publication. 4. Introduction to Electric Circuits by Richard C. Dirof, James A. Svoboda, Sixth Edition, Wiley.

203147:DIGITAL COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES Teaching Scheme: Lectures : 4 Hours/Week Unit I Introduction: Examination Scheme: Paper : 100 Marks

Basic principle of numerical methods and necessity of computers for high speed calculations. Representation of numbers and number systems, positional number system 1s & 2s compliment. Floating point algebra with normalized floating point technique. Errors: Different types of errors, causes of occurrence and remedies to minimize them. Significant digits and numerical instability in computations. Concept of roots of an equation and methods to find the same. Descartes rule of signs strums theorem. (5 hours) Unit II Solution of Transcendental equations/Polynomial equations: Bisection, Regula-false, secant, Newton Raphson, Chebyshev, synthetic division, Birgevieta, Lin-Bairstow methods. Newton-Raphson method for two variables and complex variable and complex roots. Graffes root squaring method. (11 hours) Unit III Solution of linear algebraic simultaneous equations: Direct methods:Gauss elimination, Gauss-Jordan and Jacobl method. Iterative methods:Gauss seidal, accelerated Gauss seidal (relaxation). Matrix Inversion:Newton Raphson method, Modification of Gauss method to compute the inverse of matrix. (8 hours) Unit IV Interpolation: Introduction to interpolation and calculus of finite differences. Newtons forward, backward and divided difference. Lagranges interpolation. Central difference methods: Stirling, Bessels interpolation. Unit V Numerical Differentiation : Lagrangian and Newton Gregory polynomials. (8 Hours)

Numerical Integration : Trapezoidal, Simpsons rule as a special case of Newton-cotes quadrature techniques. Approximations Least square approximation, Rational approximation. (8 Hours) Unit VI Solution of ordinary differential equations: Numerical methods: Eulers, modified Eulers,mid point method Single step methods: Taylors series method. Runge-Kutta second and fourth order technique. Predictor Corrector methods: Milne-Simpson, Adam-Bashford. (8 Hours) Reference Books: 1. Numerical Mathematical Analysis : J. B. Scarborough 2. Numerical Methods with programs in C and C++ : T.Veerarajan and T. Ramchandran publisher Tata Mc Graw Hill. 3. Numerical Methods E. Balgurusamy , publisher Tata Mc Graw Hill. Text Books: 1. Numerical methods for scientific & engineering computation: M. K. Jain / Iyangar S.R. K. Wiley Eastern Limited 2. Introductory Methods of numerical analysis : S. S. Sastry 3. Calculus of finite difference & numerical Analysis : Gupta / Malik

4. Numerical Methods for Engineers by Steven Chapra, Raymond P. Canale, Tata McGraw Hill Publication

203148: Computer Programming Teaching Scheme: Lectures : 2 Hours/Week Practicals : 2 Hours/Week Examination Scheme: Termwork : 25 Marks Practical : 50 Marks

Revision: Basics of C language for, while and do while statements switch statement goto, break and continue. (8 hours) Unit I Arrays Introduction, one and two dimensional arrays. Features of C Preprocessor, Macro expansion directives, File inclusion directives and compiler control directives. (4 hours) Unit II Functions

Function declaration and prototypes. Types of functions call by value, call by reference. (4 hours) Unit III Pointers Introduction, Declaring and initializing pointers, pointer expressions, pointer and arrays, pointers and functions. (4 hours) Lab Practice : Term work shall consist of minimum eight computer programs with flow charts and listing with results based on DCT syllabus in C/C++ language. 1. Minimum 1 program based Transdental/polynomial equation i) ii) iii) Bisection Method Secant Method Regula Falsi Method on following methods of finding solution of on following methods of finding solution of

2. Minimum 1 program based Transdental/polynomial equation


Birge Vieta Method ii) iii) Lin Bairstaw Method Graffes Root Squaring Method

3. Minimum 1 program based on following solution of finding simultaneous equation i) ii) iii) iv) Gauss Elimination Method Gauss Seidal Method/Jacobi Method Matrix inversion using Gauss jordan Newton Rapson Method for two variables

4. Minimum 1 program based on following interpolation methods i) ii) iii) Newtons forward difference Newtons backward difference Newtons divided difference

5. Minimum 1 program based on following interpolation methods i) ii) iii) Lagranges interpolation method Bessels or stirlings method using central difference Least square approximation method

6. Minimum 1 program based on following integration methods i) ii) iii) Trapezoidal rule Simpsons 1/3rd rule Simpsons 3/8th rule

7. Minimum 1 program based on following methods for solution of ordinary differential equation. i) Modified Euler Method


Runge Kutta method (4th order)

8. Minimum 1 program based on following Predictor-Coorector method for solution of ordinary differential equation. i) ii) Milne Simpsons Method Adam Bashford Method

203149: INSTRUMENTATION Teaching Scheme: Lectures: 4 Hours/Week Practicals: 2 Hours/Week Unit I (a) Instrumentation Theory: Introduction, Definition of instrumentation, Purpose of instrumentation, Measurement, Definition & types, generalized measurement scheme, classification of Instrument: null/deflection type, manually/automatic type, analog/digital type, self generating/power type, contact/non contact type etc. (4 hours) (b) Introduction to Process Control: Introduction, definition of process control elements of process control with block diagram, types of control strategies: open loop/close loop control, feedback/feed forward, control system. Time response of first order/second order process. Process characteristics: process equation, process load, process lag, control lag, selfregulaiton. (4 hours) Unit: 2 (a) Oscilloscope Introduction, various parts, front penel controls, block diagram of dual trace and dual beam C.R.O., Standard specification of CRO, various types of probes and attenuators for CRO, alternate and chop mode of dual trace CRO. Use of CRO for measurement of voltage current, period, frequency, inductance, capacitance, phase & frequency measurement by Lissajous fig etc. Testing of diode, transistor by C.R.O., applications of oscilloscope, operating precaution of oscilloscope. Introduction to digital storage and VHF sampling CRO. (6 hours) (b) Transducers Introduction, classification, basic requirements, selection criteria, Inductive, resistive and capacitive transducers, advantages of electrical transducers. Examination Scheme: Paper: 100 Marks Term Work: 50 Marks

(2 hours) Unit: 3 (a) Temperature Measurement Introduction, various temperature scales, Non electrical methods: Bimetallic, Thermometer, Liquid in glass Thermometer, Pressure thermometer Electrical Methods 1) Resistance Thermometers (RTD) Construction various material used in RTD in bridge circuit with compensation arrangements, operating temp range. 2) Thermistor: Positive and negative temperature coefficient, thermistor types, material used, operating temp range, advantages/disadvantage mathematical expression, resistance of thermistor at any temp. Thermocouple: Construction, material used, Seeback effect, Peltier effect, Thomson effect, advantages/disadvantages over RTD & Thermistor, Thermocouple laws: Law of Intermediate temp and law of Intermediate Metals. Thermocouple protection. Thermopile Radiation Methods (Pyrometer) Introduction, total radiation Pyrometer, selectiveradiation pyrometer hours) (b) Pressure Measurement: Introduction, definition, various units of measurement, classification of pressure as 1) 2) 3) Low, medium & high pressure Absolute, gauge & vacuum pressure Static, dynamic & head pressure (5



Methods to measure pressure :

Manometers, elastic transducers (Bourdon tube, diaphragm, bellows, capsule etc.), high pressure measurement using electric methods, low pressure measurement by McLeod gauge and Pirani gauge, capacitive pressure transducer (3 hours) (c) Level measurement Importance of level measurement, Level measuring methods: Mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, nucleonic, ultrasonic etc. (2 hours) Unit: 4 (a) Flow Measurement Introduction, definition, Type of flow, flow measurement methods/meters: Nozzle, orifice, Venturimeter, Pitot tube, Rotameter, electromagnetic flow meter, ultrasonic flow meter, Hot wire meter. (3 hours) (b) Displacement Measurement 1. LVDT : Construction, working, application, null voltage, LVDT specification advantages/disadvantages, effect of frequency on performance of LVDT, Introduction to RVDT. 2. Strain Gauge Introduction, definition of strain, types of strain gauge: Wire strain gauge, foil strain gauge, semiconductor, strain gauge etc, their construction, working, avantage & disadvantages, derivation of gauge factor, desirable characteristics of grid, support and binding material, effect of temp on strain gauge. Construction, working and application of load cell. (5 hours) Unit: 5 (a) Recorders Introduction: Necessity of recorders, various parts of recorders, various parts of recorders, classification of recorders. Types: strip chart, circular chart, Potentiometer type, X-Y recorder, ultraviolet recorder, magnetic recorder (3 hours) (b) Final Control elements Introduction, block diagram, final control operation. (1) (2) Actuators: Introduction, types: Electric, Pneumatic & Hydraulic Control Valve: Introduction

Definition: Valve coefficient, Range ability turn down; Valve characteristic: quick opening, Linear, equal percentage, Type of Valve: Pneumatic valve, solenoid valve, sliding steam control valve, Selection of a control valve (5 hours)

Unit: 6 Industrial automation (a) PLC Introduction to industrial automation Introduction to PLC, types of PLC (Fixed & modular), block diagram various brands available in market. I/P, O/P devices, technical specification concept of MMI/HMI, programming statement list, ladder diagram, programming, applications. (4 hours) (b) SCADA System Introduction: Generalized block diagram, Its main tasks, meaning of control and supervision, variousconfiguraiton of SCADA system. Various parts/elements of SCADA system, supervisory master units, supervisory remote unit, communications for SCADA system, SCADA system reliability factor, SCADA system applications. (4 hours) References Books 1. Process Control C. D. Johnson, Prentice Hall Instrumentation Technology by

2. Power System Operation Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.




3. Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation ByDr. Rajendra Prasad, Khanna Publisher, New Delhi. Text Books 1. Instrumentation: Measurement and Analysis by Nakra & Chaudhary Sixth Reprint, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 2. Mechanical and Industrial Measurements by R. K. Jain, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi. 3. Electronic Instrumentation by Kalsi, Tata McGraw Hill, New Dellhi,

Experiments 1. C.R.O. (a) (b) Study of CRO Use of CRO for measurement of current voltage, characteristics of frequency, phase angle etc. (a) Thermister

2. Determination of (b) Thermocouple (c) RTD OR

3. Determination of characteristics various pressure transducers. Calibration of various pressure meters Bourdon tube/bellow/diaphragm etc. 4. Electrical methods for measurement of liquid level. 5. Strain measurement by using strain gauge. 6. Displacement measurement by LVDT. 7. Determination of characteristics of load cell. 8. Non-contact type speed measurement. 9. Study of various recorders. 10. Study of PLC based process control application (Control of temp, pressure/flow/level etc)

11. For one application: Ladder diagram programming using PLC simulator software. 12. A report on Industrial Visit to process control industry Note : The term work shall consist of eight experiments in addition to industrial visit. From the given list of experiments, experiment No. 10 and 11 are compulsory. Guidelines for setting Question Paper at S. E. Revised Syllabus (All Branches) to be effected from Academic year 2004-2005. 1. The syllabus for all subjects in this new curriculum is unitized into six units. Equal weight age shall be given to all units with respect to number of questions and marks allotted as below: 2. Each paper shall consist of two sections-Section I and Section II Units I through III shall be under section I and Units IV through VI shall be under Section II. 3. Every unit will carry two questions with internal choice/option offered as below: Section I Q.1 OR Q 2. Unit I Q.3 OR Q 4. Q.5 OR Q 6. Unit II Unit III Marks : 16 Marks : 18 Marks : 16

Section II Q.7 OR Q 8. Q.9 OR Q 10. Q.11 OR Q 12. Unit IV Unit V Unit VI Marks : 16 Marks : 16 Marks : 18

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