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Looking For Recipe Ideas?

Last month Mary hosted the first in a string of recipe exchanges. We have 3 more to go! You'll receive a hard copy of each recipe the day of your exchange (each mom brings copies to share) and then Anneka will provide anyone who participates in ANY of the four exchanges a copy of EACH recipe once all exchanges are done! Here are the dates/times of the remaining exchanges. Mon, November 12th @ 11:00 am: THANKSGIVING Recipe Exchange with

President's Note
Hi Everyone, What a fun month this has been ! The photo above is of the kind residents of Solvang Retirement Home who came to meet our kids. Then there's the glamorous pic at right, me in a hot dog costume and fellow board member, Bridget, with her lovely button burger, Sonya. Laughs were had by all. We've got lots of fun activities coming up soon including a bowling event & cookie

Danielle Mon, Dec. 3rd @ 5:00 pm: CROCK POT/FREEZER Family Recipe Exchange with Anneka & Heather Mon, December 10th @ 3:30 pm : COOKIE Recipe Exchange with Brittany (Date to be confirmed closer to event) See evites for location information and other details. Brittany will be send out her Evite once she has her new schedule. Not receiving evites? E-mail Anneka.

Book Club
The next book club selection will be

soon including a bowling event & cookie decorating ! Stay tuned for more info. Our next member meeting is coming up quick - check out my Evite for more details. And a big thanks to everyone for making this club so much fun, I always look forward to getting together. Have a wonderful month & hope to see you all soon ! Take care, Anneka McMillen Mama to Fiona, aka the little Snow White President, MOMS Club of Eugene, OR

The next book club selection will be The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. The club will not be meeting until the first week of December, so you have a little extra time to finish the book!

October Fun: Costume Party!

"The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society begins in January 1946, when popular author Juliet Ashton, much like her fellow British citizens, is emerging from the dark days of World War II. As Juliet exchanges a series of letters with her publisher and her best friend, readers immediately warm to this author in search of a new subject in the aftermath of war. By the time Juliet receives an unexpected query from Dawsey Adams, we are caught in a delightful web of letters and vivid personalities and eager for Juliet to find the inspiration she seeks."
There are several available copies of this book at the Eugene Public Library to check out. Contact Kim Jenkins with any questions. Where: Sweet Life Patisserie When: December 5, 8:00-10:00 pm

Member Birthdays and Anniversaries

Mom Birthdays: Amy Sage (11/2) Rachael Parkin (11/10) Andi Gitelson (11/16) Kid Birthdays: Elise Lamb (11/8/04) Marcus Lamb (11/16/10) Hudson Blain (11/18/10) Rachael Kincaid (11/29/11) Member Anniversaries: Brittany Gilbert (11/10/11) Christy Forrest (11/26/10) Kate Widmer (11/29/06) Celebrating a member anniversary soon? Contact Shireen to let her know if you plan to renew your membership. Celebrating a birthday but you didnt get your name in this months column? Send roster corrections/updates to Danielle.

Italian Chicken (a.k.a. The Easiest Recipe on the Planet)


Ingredients: - 4 chicken thighs or leg quarters (with skin) - Italian dressing - Italian seasoning Pre-heat oven to 380 degrees. Line an 9x13 pan with foil, and place thighs in pan. Squirt Italian dressing all over thighs and sprinkle seasoning on top. Bake uncovered for 45 min or until golden brown on top, then cover with foil and bake for 15 more min. Enjoy!

Notes: I've tried this with skinless chicken, and it just doesn't get that crispy yummy flavor. It might need some extra baking time if you're using leg quarters or other large pieces. This is one of my comfort foods, and was one of my mom's go-to school night meals. It's great with mashed potatoes!

Last monday we had a great turn out for a Halloween Parade at Solvang Retirement Home. There were some terrific costumes ! Each Mom had a turn at the microphone to introduce each child, it was a lot of fun. The residents loved seeing all the kids and it was a great way to start the week.

Playgroup Corner
Playgroups are a great way to connect with Moms of kids with similar ages. Babies 2008 & older Playgroup Interested in restarting this group? Contact Nicole Akins. Babies 2010 Playgroup meets on Wednesdays, from 10am to Noon. Members take turns hosting. Contact Brittany Gilbert, and she'll add you to our facebook group so you can get the skinny on locations. Babies 2011 Playgroup also meets on Wednesdays, starting at 11:30. Members take turns hosting. Contact Shanna Chess to get in the loop. Babies 2012 Playgroup: This group is still working on a regular day/time to meet. Contact Anneka McMillen or Kim Jenkins to find out more. Watch for all-ages play dates on the facebook page and via e-mail!

Crockpot Cooking with Kami Hendrix

Before I had my son, I had never used or owned a crockpot or even had a meal cooked in one. Now that I am a full-time parent, I don't know how I'd live without one! It's great just setting up an easy meal in the morning usually while my son eats his breakfast and have it waiting for us at dinner time. I absolutely love my crockpot. In my free time, I spend time on all the social networking sites finding great recipes to try out. My favorite site to collect ideas from is There are even boards exclusively dedicated to crockpot recipes. Most of these awesome tutorials include step by step pictures (for those who are hesitant) and detailed instructions. These recipes can range from really easy to moderate. Along with Pinterest, my favorite crockpot blog to follow It is written by a mother of three who did a different slow cooker recipe every day for an entire year. She still continues to post recipes; many of these are favorites in my household now. I recommend the cream cheese chicken, the orange chipotle ribs, and the pesto spinach lasagna. Here are some other blogs that I follow: (This blog has more than just crockpot recipes, but I really love their crockpot and freezer recipes.) (This blog also has more than crockpot recipes and was great when I was trying to lose my baby weight.) I have also found a few new recipes to try from home magazines and the newspaper. Just look around, and find something delicious to try!

Autumn Handprint Wreath Craft

Age: preschool, kindergarten, elementary This cheerful door decoration brings a smile to visitors. Autumn colored handprints form a seasonal wreath!

Supplies needed (substitutes may be used): Handprint pattern Leaf pattern

newspaper. Just look around, and find something delicious to try!

Leaf pattern Acorn pattern Glue Brown craft foam Orange craft foam Yellow craft foam Red craft foam

Spotlight on New Members:

Welcome to the following ladies who have recently joined our group! Ashley Kincaid is mom to Rachael, who turns 1 this month! Ashley enjoys scrapbooking in her free time. Welcome to MOMS Club!

Green craft foam There are two ways to do this craft. One is to trace the child's hand onto paper and cut out the prints. The second is to make paint handprints on the paper and cut those out. Make 12 handprints (3 of each color). Cut out the prints and glue to form a wreath. You can decorate the wreath further with pictures like leaves, pumpkins or corn.

Dinner and a Movie - Kid Style

Looking for a relaxing way to unwind with your kids during that "I just want to put my feet up, but I still have to make dinner" time? Bring a potluck dish and a pillow for your kids to Mary's house on November 20. We'll watch Monsters, Inc. and you can cross dinner off of your to-do list for the day! RSVP to the evite (coming soon), or contact Mary with any questions. I'm excited to try this event! When: Tuesday, Nov. 20, 3:30-5:00pm

Halloween themed Member Meeting

Fun to see the kids in their costumes. Skeletons were pretty popular this year and Bridget even made her incredible t-shirt graphic! The kids were excited to line up for the treat table which included bells, popcorn, pencils, bubbles, stickers, candy & more.

Mark Your Calendar - Next Member Meeting

Our next member meeting will be on Thursday, Nov. 8 at 10:00am. at Wesley United Methodist Church. The speaker we heard last month will continue her presentation on positive discipline. Please join us! Watch for evites and check the website often to see what we're up to during November. Not getting the e-mails and evites? Click the button below.

MOMS Club Regional Coordinators

Have questions or concerns about how our chapter functions? Contact one of these ladies:
anneka, kim, danielle, mary, bridget, shireen

MOMS Club of Eugene Board 2012-2013

President Anneka McMillen Administrative VP Kim Jenkins Membership VP Danielle Alapont Marketing VP Mary Suelzle Secretary Bridget Beal

Area Coordinator Leigh Rubio (971) 404-5931 State Coordinator Jenn Betz (808) 626-0131 Asst Regional Coordinator Theresa Tenney (425) 333-6928

Treasurer Shireen Wright Helping Hands Coordinator Esther Streisfeld Playgroup Coordinator Nicole Flores MOMS Night Out Coordinator Brittany Gilbert Big Sister Coordinator Kami Hendrix

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