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OBJECTIVE: To determine the meta centric height and radius of gyration of the given floating body.

EQUIPMENT: a) Float tank of size 0.8 x 0.8 x 0.3 metre with about 3/4th full of water. b) Float (Ship) with arrangement to measure the tilt due to displacement of a small weight. c) Weights to add to ship:- 500, 300, 200 and 100 gms. d) Small weights for tilt:- 500, 300, 200 gms. e) Stop watch. GENERAL DISCUSSION: METACENTRIC HEIGHT(CM): It is the distance between center of gravity (c) and Metacenter. It is the measure if static stability of floating body. Large the metacentric height more is the stability.Very large Metacentric height means shorter period of rolling that would beuncomfortable for the passengers in the ship. That is why ship meant forpassengers are designed for relatively small metacentric height, (but sufficientlymetacentric height). So, that both stability and comfort can be provided. METACENTRIC RADIUS/BUOYANTRADIUS(BOM): BoM = distance between original point of buoyancy and Metacenter. BoM=IV. V= volume of liquid displaced by body, I = second moment of waterline area about longitudinal axis. Conditions of Stability if Floating Body FB= W Metacenter must be above the center of Gravity. (Resistance couple is form by FB and W only when Second condition is true.)

BASICS: The float is tilted for an angle of from its horizontal position by placing a small extra weight w on one side of the deck of the float at a distance of x cm from the center of the deck. The meta centric height, GM (the distance between center of gravity and the meta center is calculated as

Where w the small extra weight in gm added on the deck. W the weight of the float in gm. x- the distance of weight w from the center, measured along the deck, in cm. the angle of tilt measured in degrees. and are the angle of tilt measured, when the weight w is placed on duck at a distance of x cm from center to the left and right sides respectively. The radius of gyration of the float is calculated by noting the time for one free oscillation of the float. Radius of gyration

Where: T The mean time for one oscillation in seconds. GM Meta centric height in cm at 0o of tilt (from graph.) Procedure: i. Fill the float tank with water for about th of total height and take the initial reading of height. ii. Bring the float into horizontal position by screwing the tilt-adjusting nuts inward or outward, so that the plumb line passes through the zero mark of the tilt-measuring device. iii. Place a small weight w1 on one side (say left) of the float deck at a distance of x1(cm) from the center of the deck. Note the shown by the plumb line. iv. Move the weight w1 to the other side (right) of the deck for a distance of X1 cm from the center and note the tilt shown by the plumb line as ?R0. v. Repeat the steps 3 and 4 for two more distances (x2cm and x3cm) and one more small weight w2, in order to get six sets of readings. vi. Remove the weight and allow the float to oscillate. Note the time t1(s) taken for 10 cycles of oscillations. vii. Repeat step 5 for two times more to get readings t2 and t3. Tabulate the readings. OBSERVATION: Level of water in the tank Y1 Level of water in the tank with vessel Y2 Volume of Water displaced = Y2 Y1 x Area of the tank, cm3 Weight of the vessel = Volume of water displaced x Density of water, gms

RECORD ALL YOUR RESULTS IN THE FOLLOWING TABLE: Distance Position of Weight Weight on right side Weight on left side Sl. No. Weight, gms moved in cm Angle of Tilt Applied Moment gm-cm Metacentric Height, MG, cm Metacentric Height


0 angle of tilt


Period for one Tme Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 for 5 Oscillation, T secs. Mean T



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