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CUT TO: Hippolyta runs out of the cave. Blood runs out of her nose.

A line of Amazons, armed with bows, take aim at the inside of the cave. Ares steps out, laughing. The arrows splinter on his armor. He walks forwards, punching one Amazon, knocking her out. He backhands another o ne, and grabs the neck of the last, crushing it. Ares: I havent done that in awhile. Hippolyta, why can we not speak? Hippolyta: You tried to destroy the world. Ares: I did. But now there are so many more forms of war. Hippolyta: Youre a monster. Ares: Youre absolutely right. Or would that be you? Hippolyta: What do you mean? Ares: News travels quickly, even in Tartarus. I know about what you did. Why Dian a lives. Hippolyta: Leave her alone. Ares: Nothing can be guaranteed. The god laughed, and disappeared with a flash of light. Red light. A blast of li ght is sent upwards, and fills the sky. CUT TO: NEW YORK The sky turns red over the Statue of Liberty. CUT TO: METROPOLIS The sky turns red over the Daily Planet. CUT TO: EGYPT The sky turns red over the pyramids. CUT TO: Diana sees the red sky, and looks at Steve. Steve: What does that mean? Diana: Now I understand. Steve: Diana, what is that? Diana: Have you studied the ancient Greeks? Steve: Yeah. Sixth grade. Is this something from mythology? Diana: Something from history. Ares, God of War. He was imprisoned ages ago. In H ades. But his time has ended. A red sky signifies his return.

Steve: This is insane. Diana: Stay here. I must fight. She ran into a forest, leaving Steve at the training grounds. CUT TO: Hippolayta punches Ares in his side, then again. She lands another blow, and is hit. Hippolyta falls to the ground, her mouth blo ody. She looks up at Ares, and wipes the blood away. Ares: I wanted war Hippolyta. It fuels me. It fuels the gods. Dammit, it fuels yo u! Dont tell me you didnt want the war to begin. I started the Persians on their p ath to glory! Hippolyta got up, charging at Ares. She hits him in the stomach, and grabs his a rm. She twists it behind his back, and kicks him away from her. He turns around, and looks at the Amazon. A sword forms in his hand, appearing out of nowhere. H ippolyta grabs a sword from a fallen Amazon, and holds it with both hands. She s wings at Ares, who easily dodges the blow. He swings at her, hitting her sword. They lock, neither giving in. Then, Hippolyta released, slamming the blade into Ares chest. The sword crashes against Ares armor, the god not feeling anything. He back hands Hippolyta, sending her onto the ground. Dirt smears across the Ama zons face. Hippolyta tightens her grip on the sword. She walks towards Ares, rais ing her sword. Bringing it down, Ares counters with his own blade. They crash to gether, coming apart. Ares slams his blade on Hippolytas. They clang, and bounce apart. Hippolyta puts her sword in front of her, waiting for Ares to strike. Yet he doesnt. Hippolyta swings her sword, which Ares grabs. The blade doesnt seem to affect him at all. He crushes the steel with his hand. Grabbing the sword out o f Hippolytas hand, he hits her with the butt. Then, he throws it away. Ares grasp s his own sword tighter. CUT TO: Diana runs through the forest. She can see Ares through the trees. She bursts out, clutching her sword. Diana s wings at Ares, her sword slamming into Ares side. He turns around, moving his swo rd down. Diana put hers in front of her. They blades crash together. Ares pushes down on Dianas. She starts to crouch, weakening. Then a bullet bounces off of Ar es. He releases Dianas sword, and looks at Steve, holding a gun. He shoots Ares a gain. The bullet crunches against the gods armor, becoming a small, flattened pie ce of lead. Two more shots are fired, with the same results. Ares starts walking towards Steve, who fires agin. On the last shot, he shoots at Ares head.It ente rs the pitch-black area where his head should be, causing Ares to scream in pain . He drops to his knees, blood pouring out of the helmet. Ares drops onto all fo urs, still screaming. He drops to the ground, blood spilling. He looks up at Tre vor, and teleports away. Diana looks at the spot where Ares just was, before run ning to her mother. She crouched down. Hippolyta took short, quick breaths. She looked up at Diana, grabbing the womans arm. She squeezed tightly. Hippolyta: Diana... Im sorry. Find Ares. You are the new... ambassador. Then, she died. Diana dropped to her knees. Tears formed in her eyes. She checke d for a pulse, but felt nothing. Diana couldnt accept it. Diana: No! No! Dont die! Tears fell down her cheeks. Diana buried her head into her hands. Steve watched,

his head hung low. Diana wiped away tears, and stood up. Steve looked at her. Steve: So what do we do? Diana: We find Ares. She walked past Trevor, not looking back. CUT TO: Diana walks through an armory. Swords, bows, arrows, maces, axes, and more line the walls. Chests are on the fl oor. Diana walks past them. She is searching for one thing. She approaches the e nd of the hall, brightly lit, with a wooden wardrobe. Diana throws it open, and looks at the Wonder Woman attire. She smiles. A chest is next to the wardrobe, D iana crouches down, and opens it. A golden lasso, silver bracelets, and tiara we re within. CUT TO: Steve stands in front of a wooden ship at Theymescaras edge. Diana walks towards it, now wearing the Wonder Woman suit. Steve: Wow. Diana: Is that supposed to be good or bad? Steve: Both. A little. Diana: Lets go. Steve: Where are we sailing to? Diana: Athens. Ill begin my search there. You can go where you want. Steve: Hey, Im coming with you. Someone died. Besides, if I hadnt come, you would b e dead right now. Diana: No. I wouldnt have. Steve: Ha. Well why not? Diana: I dont want anyone else s blood on my hands. Steve: Diana, there was nothing you could do. Diana: Just... Tears formed in her eyes. Diana: No. I cant. Steve, Im sorry. But... no. I want you to leave. I need you to l eave. Steve: ... I get it. Ill go. Diana: Thank you. I... thank you. She walked onto the boat, Steve following. THE AEGEAN SEA

Diana leans over the boat. Steve walks up to her. Steve: So how much longer? Diana: Not much. Whats it like? Steve: Whats what like? Diana: Mans World. Steve: Well, compared to the island, its hell. Except for the cheeseburgers. Diana: The what? Steve: You have no idea what youre getting yourself into. Diana, people are going to be a little suspicious about a woman running around rooftops. My boss isnt goi ng to be happy. She wants to take people like you in. Diana: What do you mean, like me? Steve: Like... superheroes. Diana: If there are more people like me, I think we can take out your boss. GREECE The ship docks, looking awkward amongst the modern ships. Diana: Well Steve, this is goodbye. Steve: Yeah. Thanks. Diana: No, thank you... I would be dead if you hadnt come. Diana stares at Steve, and hugs him. She backs away, smiling. Steve: Ill see you around. He got off the boat, Diana following. ATHENS Diana and Steve walk through the streets of Athens. Diana has put on some regular clothes. Steve: Hey, look at this. He points to a newspaper stand. The headline reads: SKYS ABOVE AMERICA REMAIN RED Steve: Guess where were going.

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