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Will they ever stop?

The Israel-Pales ne conict is the result of almost one century of disagreement between both countries. The Israel-Pales ne conict dates from the beginning of the twen eth century, although the actual war began approximately in 1936. Probably, youll ask why? Let me explain; since the end of the nineteenth century, many Arab countries of the O*oman Empire wanted to achieve independence and they had Britains support. However, Britain signed the Balfour declara on , in which they promised Zionist groups that they could create a Jewish state in Pales ne. A1erwards, the Jewish migra on to Pales ne was reaching really stunning levels, and Pales nians started to worry about it (here lies the main cause of the conict). Hence, the problems, the tensions and the terrorism increased massively and then, all hell broke loose. It is very important to take into account that there are huge socio-economic dierences between both countries and the hate between them causes many, many deaths. While the Pales nians make use of terrorism to defend their land and their ideology, the Jews tackle terrorism with harsh measures as they have much more money and new technologies, and for that reason they gained many more territories than they should have, during the six day war. Anyway, we should know both perspec ves to be able to understand the conict in depth. Although Zionism doesnt care at all about the conict, there are a lot of Jewish people let me say, the majoritywho are against the conict. Due to all the plain that Jewish people have suered since the nineteenth century with their expulsions from many European countries, the Zionists wanted (and currently want) to make a Jewish state and the displacement of many Pales nians due to the crea on of Israel in 1938 is the main reason for Pales nians and Arabs to be outraged, and that is why many conicts (also at an interna onal level!) crop up. On the other hand, we also must take into account that both countries have dierent religions, and both could be very extremist. May be it is just one of the millions of stereotypes that we have about other people, but we usually think that all Muslims are extremist and that all Jewish people have power and money, so these stereotypes also cause not just the tensions between Jews (mainly Zionists) and Muslims, but between the people who support one side or the other and many mes, western people determine their ideas about the conict without knowing it at all and just based on stereotypes. And, in my humble opinion, interna onal support could make the conict greater, (so it is very important to know), so you should look for some informa on because you should know about your world.

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