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Marys Catholic Church

December 2, 2012 P.O. Box 70 Malta, MT 59538 Email: Fr. Cory StichaAdministrator Office: (406) 654-1446 RE Center: (406) 654-1311 Fax: (406)654-1467

Mass Schedule and Intentions

Dec. 3: Malta - 5:30 PM: For the Sticha family r/b Ken & Lana Ulrich Dec. 4: Malta - 8:30 AM: For their children & grandchildren r/b Gary & Julie Howell Dec. 5: Malta - 8:30 AM: For the repose of the souls of deceased family members r/b Gary & Julie Howell Dec. 6: Hi-Line - 10:00 AM: For priests intention Holy Hour - 7:00 PM: For priests intention Dec. 7: Malta - 8:30 AM: For priests intention Dec. 8: Malta - 10:00 AM (Holy Day of Obligation): For priests intention Malta - 5:30 PM: For Bessie LaBrie r/b Gary & Julie Howell Dec. 9: Dodson - 8:30 AM: For Sharon & Jack Munsinger r/b Wanda Durocher Malta - 10:00 AM: For the parishioners Saco - 12:15 PM: For the repose of the soul of Arlene Larson r/b Helen DePuydt Confessions: Saturdays 4 - 5 p.m., 1/2 hour before daily Mass (Mon.- Fri.) or by appointment Baptism: Normally celebrated at Sunday Mass. Parental sessions are required. Marriages: Six month couple preparation period required. Please Contact Fr. Cory before scheduling marriage date.

St. Marys Ministers

Saturday, December 8 - 5:30 PM Mass Lectors: Mike & Nancy Ereaux Servers: Colt French & Sidney Meeks Hospitality: Art & Mary Lundstrom Music: Kay Hould Adult Choir EMHCs: Bob Darrah & Jerry Depute Gift Bearers: Lori Meeks Family Sacristan: Lynne Nevrivy Sunday, December 9 - 10:00 AM Mass Lectors: Ken & Lana Ulrich Servers: Turk Salsbery & Reese Sjostrom Hospitality: Sandy & Marty Johnson Music: Childrens Choir EMHCs: Colleen & Kelly Murray, & Diane Liebel Gift Bearers: Marty Johnson Family Sacristan: Jerry Depute

Collection Totals for Last Week

Malta: Dodson: Saco: Whitewater: Collected $4,445.50 $195.00 $275.00 $5.00 Needed $2,758.26 $440.37 $183.05

Care & Share for 2012

(Includes remainder of 2011 assessment) Malta/WW: Dodson: Saco: Income $26,582.00 $4,165.00 $860.00 Assessment $37,668.32 $4,824.22 $1,613.43

Sacred Heart Ministers

December 9, 2012 Lector: Leona EMHCs: Wendy & Ken Gift Bearers: Wes Kill Eagles Church Cleaning for December: Patty Dolphay & Bonnie Wiedderick

Any announcements for next Sundays bulletin need to be in by 11:00 a.m. on Thursday.

Ministers: Please come early to serve as greeters!

Holy Fathers Prayer Intentions for December 2012

(Each month, Pope Benedict chooses two prayer intentions, one for the concerns of the whole church and one for missionaries. We are invited to join the Holy Father in praying for these intentions.) General Intention: That migrants throughout the world may be welcomed with generosity and authentic love, especially by Christian communities. Missionary Intention: Christ, light for all humanity. That Christ may reveal himself to all humanity with the light that shines forth from Bethlehem and is reflected in the face of his Church.

Please keep in your prayers:

Bessie LaBrie, Rich Nordquist, Joann Evans, Loretta Patrick, Lila Raymond, Sherman Doucette, Andrew Scott, Skip Erickson, Kathleen Jorgenson, Vera Mendelson, Noel Emond, Jack Munsinger, James Cantos, Jeanie Engebretson, Dawn Jones, Gloria Coombs, Larry Holmes, repose of the soul of Debbie Painter, Dave ONeil, Stella Faydo, Mae & Gay LaFond, Kathy (Hould) Iannacchione, Connie Wilkes, Gordon Cook, Don Kuszmaul, Repose of the soul of Marge Sundstead, those from our local area serving in the military, & the Poor Souls. Anyone who needs to have prayers said for someone can call: Allie Ereaux at 654-1012; Jean Niebur at 654-2822; or Doris Nicholson at 654-2692. Names will be listed in the bulletin for one month unless specified.

Christmas Schedule
Christmas Eve: 5:30 PM in Malta Christmas: 12:00 AM (Midnight) in Malta 9:00 AM in Dodson 11:00 AM in Saco Note: Saturday, Dec. 22 and Sunday, Dec. 23 will be normal weekend schedule.

Faithful Citizenship Quote

"In an age of artifice, many voters are hungry for substance. They admire and support political figures who speak out sincerely for their moral convictions. For our part we commend Catholic and other public officials who, with courage and determination, use their positions of leadership to promote respect for all human life" (US Bishops, Living the Gospel of Life, 1998, n. 31).

Knights of Columbus Brunch

KofC Council 2124 will serve a pancake brunch after 10 AM Mass on December 9th to repair or replace some appliances in the parish. Menu will include eggs, sausage and ham. Please plan on joining us!

Care Cups
Please donate coffee cups/mugs to the church basement for use in providing Care Cups. These cups are used in the patient rooms at our hospital as a reminder that we care about them and are praying for them. Madeline Itcaina fills these cups with goodies and distributes them to the Phillips County Hospital with our help. Thank You!

Knights of Columbus

Dec. 9 - Pancake Brunch after Mass Dec. 11 - Meeting Changed to 2nd Tues. of Month Dec. 9 or 16 - Possible 1st degree ceremony

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Starts at 9:00 AM Benediction at 6:00 PM Join us on December 7th!

Scriptural Rosary
Will be held on November 11, 2012 at 5:00 PM at St. Marys Church.

Can you not spend one hour with me?

(Mt 26:40)
New to the Parish? Please fill out this form and drop it into the collection basket, or bring it to the Church Office during the week. You may also use this to give us a new address or phone number. Name: Address: Telephone:

Mardi Gras/Spring Fling Quilt Donations

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to help defray the costs of making the new quilt for our 2013 raffle. As stated in the previous notice, our expenses were nearly $300 and we are still $115 short of that goal. I would encourage those who have not yet donated to help out so that we can reach that goal. Thank you in advance for your generosity and thank you again to those who have already donated.

Stewardship and Development

Stewardship Thought: But when these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand. (Luke 21:28) Images of the final judgment can be scary, especially if we have not been faithful to Gods commands throughout our lives. However, if we have been good stewards, we have left nothing to chance. We have carefully planned our giving and followed Our Lords example of service and sacrifice. Thus, no matter the day or the hour we will be ready to stand erect and raise our heads to meet God face to face. Development Thought: Year-end is quickly approaching. Are you considering including the Catholic Church in your charitable gift planning? By making a special gift to the Church at year-end, you will be helping to build our shared Catholic faith and grow the Kingdom of God, right here in our own backyard our faith community and our diocese. And your special year-end gift can also bring wonderful tax benefits to you, as well. For assistance in fulfilling your wishes, please visit with Father or Judy Held, Stewardship and Development, at 800332-9998. A blessed Advent to you! To reserve the Parish Basement or other St. Marys facility, please contact Fr. Cory or Lana at the Parish Office.

CD of the Month Club

If we are to be followers of Jesus Christ, we need to be continually learning about the faith and growing spiritually. Catechesis, the process of Faith education, doesnt stop at Confirmation or High School graduation, but is a life-long process. To aid in this process, the parish is making available the Lighthouse Catholic Media CD of the Month Club. Every month, a new talk or audiobook excerpt is released. Not only is the current months CD available - Dont Just Try Train by Matthew Kelly - but a number of previous months CDs can be picked up as well. Each CD averages about 1 hour long, and is filled with great Catholic teaching, uplifting stories, and excellent speakers. Theyre great in the car, working around home, or anywhere you have a CD player! Theyre also excellent resources whenever someone has a question about a teaching of the Catholic Faith. If you or someone you know wants to learn more about the Catholic Faith, or if questions come up, pick one up today!

Worldwide Marriage Encounter

Today St. Paul prays for the Lord to increase our love for one another so that it may abound and he reminds us that we should live our lives to please God. Does your life reflect this? Does your marriage? Gain the tools to live your marriage to please God and to truly love your spouse; sign up today to attend the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. Apply and submit your $50 application fee by December 15 and receive a gift box of Hugs and Kisses for your spouse, along with a certificate for the weekend of your choice. Please mention code: Christmas Love. 2013 weekend dates: Billings, January 25-27, 2013 ~ Casper, February 8-10, 2013 ~ Laramie, April 5-7, 2013. Contact Chris and Angie Stokes at (406)6473687 or Check out our website at

Mass Intentions
As Catholics, we have a long tradition of having Masses celebrated for those we wish to offer up in prayer. The Mass is the ultimate form of prayer, and each Mass is celebrated for an intention. Please consider having Masses celebrated for family and friends on special occasions and anniversaries, as well as those who are in need of prayers. Masses are also encouraged in memory of those loved ones who have died, especially on the anniversaries of their deaths. Contact Fr. Cory for more information!

Sacred Heart PCCW Meeting

1st Sunday of each month immediately after Mass.

We Pray Together
Prayer for the New Evangelization
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. But how can they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach? And how can people preach unless they are sent? Romans 10: 13-15 Heavenly Father, Pour forth your Holy Spirit to inspire me with these words from Holy Scripture. Stir in my soul the desire to renew my faith and deepen my relationship with your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ so that I might truly believe in and live the Good News. Open my heart to hear the Gospel and grant me the confidence to proclaim the Good News to others. Pour out your Spirit, so that I might be strengthened to go forth and witness to the Gospel in my everyday life through my words and actions. In moments of hesitation, remind me: If not me, then who will proclaim the Gospel? If not now, then when will the Gospel be proclaimed? If not the truth of the Gospel, then what shall I proclaim? God, our Father, I pray that through the Holy Spirit I might hear the call of the New Evangelization to deepen my faith, grow in confidence to proclaim the Gospel and boldly witness to the saving grace of your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for Religious Liberty

O GOD OUR CREATOR, from your provident hand we have received our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You have called us as your people and given us the right and the duty to worship you, the only true God, and your Son, Jesus Christ. Through the power and working of your Holy Spirit, you call us to live out our faith in the midst of the world, bringing the light and the saving truth of the Gospel to every corner of society. We ask you to bless us in our vigilance for the gift of religious liberty. Give us the strength of mind and heart to readily defend our freedoms when they are threatened; give us courage in making our voices heard on behalf of the rights of your Church and the freedom of conscience of all people of faith. Grant, we pray, O heavenly Father, a clear and united voice to all your sons and daughters gathered in your Church in this decisive hour in the history of our nation, so that, with every trial withstood and every danger overcome for the sake of our children, our grandchildren, and all who come after us this great land will always be one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Family Prayer for the Year of Faith

O God our Father, in Jesus you call all Christian families and homes to be signs of living faith. By the light of the Holy Spirit, lead us to be thankful for the gift of faith, and by that gift may we grow in our relationship with Jesus, your Son, and be confident witnesses to Christian hope and joy to all we meet. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Schedule of Devotions
Mother of Perpetual Help: Before Tuesday Mass. Rosary: Saturday at 5:00 p.m. Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Hi-line Center - After Thursday 10 a.m. Mass Follow us on Facebook and Twier!

Twier: @SaintMarysMalta

November 28, 2012

As a general intercession for this First Sunday of Advent.

Let us pray that we might become persons with a deep desire to grow in faith and love.
Some interesting facts about

The ADVENT WREATH Usually this wreath is made of evergreen boughs which is the sign of new life and growth. This wreath is in a circle signifying Gods never ending love. It also symbolizes unity, perfection, eternity, equality. .all attributes of God and heaven. The candles are a symbol of when Jesus was born, it brought light and hope to the world.People lived in spiritual darkness and when Jesus was born, He was the light of the world. We need the light of Christ to guide us so we are ready for the second coming of Christ. Colors of the candles .the three dark blue candles, signify Marys role in this important event, and royalty because Jesus is the Prince of Peace and also the night sky. These are lit the first 2 Sundays and on the last Sunday in Advent. On the 3rd Sunday, we light the rose candle and it is a sign of rejoicing.we are so happy that what we have been waiting for is getting so close.the coming of Jesus. The first candle often signifies HOPE, the second purple candle, LOVE, the rose candle, JOY and the last candle stands for PEACE A good verse to readJohn 8:12.Jesus is the light of the world
And how about the

CHRISTMAS COOKIE It is thought that this custom stems from Jesus being the BREAD OF LIFE. Nearly every country has traditions of handing down holiday breads, pastries and cookies. The purpose possibly is to symbolize the sweet approach of the birth of Jesus.

Every month, you should receive a Take Out magazine. If you did not, please see your students teacher because each family has a subscription for one. I am finding this magazine to be very interesting, fun, easy to use and educationalwow. It doesnt do the dishes though so it isnt perfect!!! haha!!?


Tentative Date and Time Sunday Dec 16 at 5:00 pm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We realized that some of the copies we were making were copywriter protected so we will not be getting the extra pages of questions and activities for the weekly readings. If you wish to have them, contact me for the password to the site.








Bless the Advent wreath. Sing O Come Emmanuel and light the first candle.

Consider purchasing Christmas gifts that support farmers and artisans and their families in developing countries and in poor communities in the United States.

Make plans to receive the Sacrament of Penance before Christmas.

Research an Advent or Christmas custom of your familys ethnic heritage and try it this year.

Read the story of St. Nicholas. If you know an engaged couple, pray for them and perhaps give them a small gift.

Does your parish have a Giving Tree? Shop for the person or family whose name you picked.

On this feast of the Immaculate Conception, sing a hymn in honor of Mary at the evening meal.

Light the second candle on the Advent wreath. Recite A Family Prayer for the Year of Faith.

Buy a poinsettia for your home and read The Legend of the Poinsettia.

Bless and light the Christmas tree. Be a light to others! Register for the 2013 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering and advocate with others on behalf of the most vulnerable

Read the story of Our Lady of Guadalupes appearance to St. Juan Diego. Put flowers before the familys statue or picture of Mary.

Remember the hardships many low-income people face on a daily basis. Visit to learn about their plight and get ideas for how you can help.

Reflect on Mary and Josephs difficult journey to Bethlehem. How can you put love in action and help lighten someones journey today?

Movie night - Make popcorn and hot chocolate and watch a Christmas classic. See our list of suggested films

Light the third candle on the Advent wreath. Pray a decade of the Rosary.

Begin including the O Antiphons as part of your table or bedtime prayers.

Put up and bless the crche. Hide Baby Jesus until Christmas.

As you joyfully await the coming of Christ, take action to proclaim Gods kingdom of peace by advocating on behalf of our brothers and sisters in poverty around the world.

Spend a few moments reflecting on the wonder of the incarnation, and how you are called to participate in Christs mission in the world.

As we draw nearer to Christmas, take a moment to lift up in prayer the struggles faced by neighbors in your community and around the world.

Visit a live Nativity scene. Does it help you imagine Jesuss actual birth?

Light the fourth candle on the Advent wreath. Read the Christmas story (Luke 2:1-14)

Take a moment to reflect on Jesus humble roots as the adopted son of a carpenter and Christs special concern for those in poverty today. Visit

Celebrate the Birth of Christ by participating in Mass and spending time with family and friends.

Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel Mt 1:23
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
2012 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - CNS Photos: Nancy Wiechec, Paul Haring, Bob Roller

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