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Nazmus Sarwar Mr Franz E2 (H) Assignment #3 Dear Shakepeare, It has come to my attention that your book, though wonderful

has some flaws that needs to be addressed. But by no means was it anything short of fantastic, and page-turning. I would like to point out that Romeo and Juliet had some weakness relating to plot and storyline. Much of the story was cluttered and seemed rushed. Even though the story was created as a play, the bulk of the story changed too many times with characters who had no relevance with the line of story (or the initial story of each scene inside the act). This flaw inside the story could have been changed with a little elongation of the story or scene. If this couldn't have happened, transitions to the change of characters and setting could have been made much smoother. Much of the time I was wondering what I have been reading and what plot relevance did this sudden change have. If the transitions were done much better, the book could have been a masterpeice. Other then the transition issues with the plots, I noticed that the characters received some unfair treatment. Though it was needed for the plot to move on, the timing of what happened to Romeo and Juliet was unfair. From Romeo and Juliet, when Romeo took the poison, it took only minutes or possibly seconds after Romeo's death for Juliet to wake up from her sleep (or death). It would have been more fair and given more meaning to Romeo's death had Juliet awaken from her sleep the day after Romeo died. Another unfair treatment given to Romeo in the story was that the messanger of Friar Lawrence (who was supposed to give Romeo the word of Juliet's death) hasn't been paying attention and did not see Romeo passing by him. Had he have seen Romeo, then the whole dilemma would have been finished. With these few issues in check, this play was a work of art. I felt the characters were easy to connect with and understand emotionally. Romeo and Juliet both were young and love-blind, going through a state of mind called love on first sight. Though it was very understandable as they were young. Each character had there role inside the story rather then be there for the extra weight. The setting also worked out great, as it took place in a city with two clashing families and a eternal hatred for each other. Had it not been for the hate, the story wouldn't have been as great as it is. The story created much suspense around the climax and interestingly took many twists that was pretty unexpected (such as Romeo killing Tybalt, and Paris even though he was a very kind hearted person). The play used a wonderful array of metaphorical words to describe characters and there actions. As well a good use of imagery to make the readers imagination go wild. Sincerely, Nazmus Sarwar

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