TheSun 2009-01-30 Page04 Second Post Mortem Results Very Different

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4 theSun | FRIDAY JANUARY 30 2009

news without borders

Second post mortem results ‘very different’

by Charles Ramendran the first one, which was conducted at day Kugan died were not true. investigating officer agreed with me could spark racial unrest and hence Serdang Hospital soon after Kugan’s He said he had proof in the form that no offence of trespass had been should be avoided, did not make any
death. of a CD and had shown the video committed,” he said. sense as it appears that only he was
KUALA LUMPUR: The second post He said the report will be submit- footage to the investigating officer Surendran expressed regret over getting racial over the matter.
mortem carried out on lock-up de- ted to the relevant authorities when who is probing the report lodged media reports yesterday which quoted “Such incidents are happening to
tainee A. Kugan, who died in police it is ready. by a mortuary attendant at the Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid dozens regardless of race and that’s
custody last week, is said to differ Earlier, Surendran and Kapar MP hospital. Albar as labelling Kugan as a criminal what we are concerned about. Every-
significantly in its findings. S. Manikavasagam lodged a report at “The investigating officer came to who should not be made a hero. body regardless of race is concerned
Lawyer N. Surendran, who is rep- the Brickfields police headquarters my office to record a statement from “Kugan’s family is upset over this over this incident.”
resenting the deceased’s family, said against Selangor police chief DCP me earlier today and he was shocked statement. As a minister, he should Manikavasagam said it was the
yesterday the post mortem report was Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar for alleg- on seeing the video footage. It clearly be more familiar with the law. A police who turned Kugan into a hero
not comprehensively ready as several edly making inaccurate and false showed a hospital attendant opening suspect is presumed innocent until by their actions.
tests are still being carried out. statements to the media on the case. the doors and gesturing to us to enter proven otherwise and Kugan did not “The police should be protecting
He declined to reveal details Manikavasagam said Khalid’s al- the place to see the body. There was have any criminal record nor was he the people and if they need to take ac-
of the preliminary findings of the legations of trespass and tampering neither any forcible entry nor did ever charged in court.” tion then charge the suspect in a court
post mortem except that it was sig- of the body by the family and others anyone threaten hospital authori- He also said Syed Hamid’s other of law. The police are not licensed to
nificantly different from the results of who turned up at the mortuary the ties or tamper with the body. The statement that raising such issues kill,” he added.

Right time to enact anti-hop law: Pairin

KOTA KINABALU: Deputy Chief the coalition, he had betrayed said any attempt to amend the
Minister Datuk Seri Joseph Pairin the trust of the people. Constitution is not legally sustain-
Kitingan said yesterday the time He said debate on the proposed able as the BN falls short of a two-
is ripe to amend the Federal anti-hop law should be brought thirds majority in Parliament.
Constitution for the enaction of
the proposed anti-hop law.
to a conclusion so that political
stability based on honesty and
He said under the Constitu-
tion, any proposal to restrict
“We have seen enough sincerity in joining a political party anyone from joining any organi- wonder ...
political instability in the past. and the social contract between sation is against the freedom of South Korean
It is time to give this proposal the voters and the candidate could association. “As such, it is futile amateur golfer
its due merit and approval. By be properly crystallised. to talk about it unless of course, Choi Son Eub
having anti-hop provisions in the “This will justify the place- we overcome the prohibition in with a plaque in
constitution, we will add another ment of the anti-hop law in the the Constitution first.” recognition of her
significant milestone in the sta- constitution both at the federal In KUALA TERENGGANU, hitting a hole-in-
bility of our social and political and state-levels. I believe it is state PAS commissioner Datuk one seven times
landscape,” he said. now an appropriate time to push Mustafa Ali said party-hopping in less than 100
Pairin, who is also Parti Ber- this anti-hop law through Parlia- from BN to the Pakatan Rakyat, days. The 63-year-
satu Sabah (PBS) president, said ment,” Pairin said. especially PAS, is not wrong. old housewife,
he would support “all those who The then-PBS Sabah govern- He said this is because who is a cancer
are advocating to propose this ment enacted such a law in the getting out of something nega- patient, had the
amendment to the federal and 1980s but was later declared ul- tive to something positive is a latest “miracle”
state constitutions”. tra vires the Federal Constitution requirement in Islam. hit last Saturday
He was commenting on as it restrained one’s freedom of However, he said PAS will not at the Tunku
Umno Supreme Council mem- association. tolerate any of its members join- Jaafar Golf Club
ber Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim’s Consequently, the constitu- ing BN, saying the basis of the in Negri Sembilan
statement on Wednesday asking tional freedom denied PBS, an party’s struggles was not right. witnessed by
the Perak Barisan Nasional to opposition party in 1994, the “We don’t agree with this many local and
organise a mass movement to right to bring action against the (PAS representatives joining BN) Korean golfers.
demand that Bota assemblyman majority of PBS assemblymen because it is not good for them The plaque was
Datuk Nasarudin Hashim give up who hopped over to the BN after ... this (PAS) struggle is right but awarded by
the seat to enable a by-election winning in the ninth general elec- they want to run to the wrong Tunku Jaafar
as he had chosen to cross over tion. The mass defection caused side. There is something wrong Golf and Country
to Parti Keadilan Rakyat. the fourth-term PBS government here. It is right for the others Resort president
Rais, who is also foreign min- to last only two weeks before it to want to join PAS. This is not Dalton Kim.
ister, had said Nasarudin won was forced out of power. double standards but a principle
the seat on the BN ticket in the However, Liberal Democratic in terms of humanity,” he said at
general election and by deserting Party president Datuk V.K. Liew a news conference. – Bernama

Cabinet to get report on Manila’s request

PUTRAJAYA: Wisma Putra will table a report to Asked on when the two Malaysians, cur-
the cabinet next week on the Philippine govern- rently held at the Guantanamo military prison
ment’s request that Malaysia play a role in the in Cuba, could be brought back, Rais said: “We
resumption of the peace talks between Manila cannot pinpoint the exact date”.
and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).
Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim
said yesterday the cabinet would then advise
The government, however, had put forward
its requests and hoped that the reply would
be forthcoming soon, he said. “This could take
Questions raised over RM51m
the ministry on the next course of action.
“An officer of the Philippine government
weeks, perhaps months.”
On the ministry’s strategic plan, Rais said it
Syabas office renovation
met the ministry’s secretary-general Tan Sri was needed as the ministry had large units and
Rastam Mohd Isa recently and conveyed the departments apart from having to deal with » From Front Page agreement (from Jan 1, 2005 to Dec 31,
republic’s wishes that Malaysia again play its international issues which had grown more 2034) could be revoked and the water tariff
role in the peace negotiation,” he told report- complex in nature. Aside from the breach of contract issue, could be restructured after the assets had
ers after launching the ministry’s 2009-2015 Under the plan, six main objectives are questions are also being raised over the been handed over to Pengurusan Aset Air
Strategic Plan here. outlined to ensure the ministry remains ef- RM51.2 million spent to renovate the Syabas Bhd (PAAB) which is under the Finance
He was commenting on reports that Philip- fective at global level, including safeguarding office when the Selangor Water Regulatory Ministry.
pine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo had and protecting national sovereignty in the Department (JKAS) only approved RM23.2 Selangor, however, wants PAAB to allow
sought assistance from Malaysia, Brunei, Japan international arena and strengthening Asean. million for this in 2005. the state to manage its own resources to
and Libya to resume the peace talks. – Bernama The audit review found that Syabas had ensure consumers pay a fair price without
failed to comply with the requirement as having to put up with scheduled hikes as per
approved by JKAS. the agreement.
At the heart of this tussle over the water Under the agreement, consumers face
contract is the state government’s desire to more water tariff hikes until 2034. The next
see water tariff kept low to benefit the people hike of 25% is scheduled for 2012, followed
of Selangor. When it came to power, among by a 20% hike in 2015, a 10% hike in 2019
the first things the new administration did and a 5% hike on 2021, 2024, 2027 and 2030.
was to give up to 20 cubic metres of free Negotiations between Puncak Niaga and
water a month. the Selangor government are still under way
In December last year, Energy, Water and with the state looking for a deal which will
Communications Minister Datuk Shaziman benefit the public in the long run whereas
Abu Mansor had said that according to the Puncak Niaga, as a public-listed company, is
concession agreement, water tariff in Putra- looking for the best value for its sharehold-
jaya, Selangor and Kuala Lumpur was to be ers.
increased by 31% this month but the hike Speculation is that the concessionaire
has been deferred to March 31 to allow the is looking at beyond RM6 billion, based on
state government to restructure the water capital expenditure and exit value. The mat-
industry in Selangor. ter will also be discussed at the Selangor state
Shaziman said the 30-year concession economic council meeting today.

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