TheSun 2009-01-30 Page08 Found - Prehistoric Tools Dating Back 1.8mil Years

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8 theSun | FRIDAY JANUARY 30 2009

news without borders

Press Digest
by Kong See Hoh

Found – prehistoric tools

MCA leaders
boycotting me,
dating back 1.8 million years says Soi Lek
MCA deputy president Datuk he was not given a seat at
Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek alleges the main table, instead it was
by Himanshu Bhatt he is being oppressed by party arranged for him to sit with
leaders, including ministers, party veterans.
the Chinese Press reported On another note, he said,
GEORGE TOWN: Archaeologists yesterday. having left the government
have made a sensational discovery He claimed that they are for over a year, he has seen
of tools dating back at least 1.83 mil- also boycotting him. enough not to treat positions
lion years – older than most homo He told the media on as all-important.
erectus remains found elsewhere in Wednesday that someone “Although I have been
the world – in the Lenggong basin had sent an SMS to Chinese regarded as an enemy, I will
of Perak. civil servants asking them still treat (party) comrades as
A team from the Centre of not to cooperate with him or good friends as there is still
Archaeological Research Malaysia respond to any of his requests room for cooperation unless
(CARM) has found more than 200 for information regarding their others refuse to work with
prehistoric tools, including axes, departments. me, (in which case) I have no
anvils and knives, indicating one He showed reporters the choice.”

of the oldest confirmed existence SMS which says, in part, “CSL Meanwhile, two MCA
of human society, predating even is a liability to MCA. Pls do not ministers contacted by China
those found in Africa. respond to his request. Those Press declined to comment
CARM director Assoc Prof Dr Chinese civil servants (who) on Chua’s claim that he was
Mokhtar Saidin said the age of the go near him r taking unneces- being oppressed within the
relics was confirmed two weeks sary risk!”. party.
ago after a specimen was sent to a Chua said the SMS was Party president Datuk Seri
geochronology laboratory in Tokyo eventually circulated to non- Ong Tee Keat, who is trans-
for fission track dating. human movements could have been Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Mohktar
Chinese civil servants. port minister, said he did not
The tools, which point to rela- made out of Southeast Asia instead here. Also present was USM vice (left) and
Chua also claimed that want to respond to Chua
tively sophisticated societal living, of east Africa. chancellor Tan Sri Prof Dzulkifli Dzulkifli with
a minister has told a Malay as this is the time to focus
were made mostly from quartzite. He said the homo erectus may Abdul Razak. the fossilised
officer under his ministry on improving the country’s
They were found congealed in me- have first migrated from the Leg- Dzulkifli hailed the discovery as tools that
not to provide him (Chua) economy.
teoric suevite rock in a 4 sq km area gong basin to other spots, including a milestone that would change the were used
with any information he “I am not at all interested
of Bukit Bunuh in Lenggong. Indonesia which was then joined to understanding of human migration by the homo
requested. in him, I am not interested to
“This discovery gives fresh evi- the peninsula. in the world. erectus
“The Malay officer was respond (to his remarks), now
dence of the earliest proven homo Before the Bukit Bunuh dis- A team of archaeologists from the 1.83 million
puzzled, but the minister is the time to fight to better
erectus existence in the world here covery, some of the oldest homo University of Oxford and Univer- years ago in
should know that a lot of the economy.”
in peninsular Malaysia,” he said. erectus remains, including bones sity of Pennsylvania had visited the Lenggong.
information can be obtained Party vice-president Datuk
“This suggests that the homo and teeth, were found in places like Bukit Bunuh site last week, Mokhtar on the Internet,” he said. Liow Tiong Lai, who is in
erectus may have originated from Modjokerto, Indonesia (1.81 million said. He is preparing an article on Speaking at the Labis MCA charge of the Health Ministry,
here,” he said. “In fact, the Java years), Dmanisi, Georgia (1.8 mil- the discovery for the international Chinese New Year open house, said if he has anything to
Man can trace his roots to Bukit lion years), Longgupo, China (1.8 journal, Nature. the former health minister, say to Chua, he would do
Bunuh.” million years), and Olduvai Gorge, Mokhtar said the Bukit Bunuh who made a strong comeback it internally (via party chan-
Mokhtar believed it may now be Tanzania (1.8 million years). remains are significant as they give in the party elections last nels) and not through the
possible for the ‘Out of Africa’ theory Mokhtar said this at a press new insight for the homo erectus year, urged the party’s top media.
to be rewritten, as the first modern conference at the CARM office in species, the first modern humans. leaders not to forget that the He also said the whole
grassroots and voters are the country is focusing on the
biggest bosses of the party. economy and believed MCA
Whatever they (the party’s should be more concerned
Guan Eng: Let MNCs between one of Thailand’s top tourism top leaders) do will be as- about leading the country
destinations and Langkawi. sessed and scrutinised by the towards achieving better
sell medical briefs Mohd Aini Atan, Malaysia’s consul-
general in Songkhla, said such a service
rakyat, he said.
The outspoken Chua, who
growth for the year.
“The party should not
products locally would benefit both countries as the is known not to mince his waste its energy internally ...

GEORGE TOWN: The Health Ministry

Be wary of debit cards: destinations attracted a large number words, stressed that he will I don’t know what he (Chua)
not change his leadership means, I don’t want to say too
has been urged to allow foreign multi-na- Fomca of tourists every year.
style and ideology, saying the much.
He said Krabi, which is about two
tional corporations (MNCs) who manu- KUALA LUMPUR: The Federation of Ma- hours from Phuket, was looking at the action of the top leaders to “We should think of the
facture medical products in Malaysia to laysian Consumers Associations (Fomca) possibility of extending the current “boycott” him could affect the party, not our own selves.”
sell their items in the local market. has cautioned the public on the use of debit Krabi-Trat ferry service to Langkawi, grassroots but not enough to Two other MCA ministers,
Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said cards as users risked losing all their savings with expected travelling time of about change their decisions. Women, Family and Com-
yesterday the federal government needs if the cards fall into the wrong hands. three hours. Chua also lamented that munity Development Minister
to revise its restriction which bars such Its secretary-general Muhammad “If that takes place, it will facilitate he was sidelined at the MCA Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen and
MNCs from distributing their wares Shaani Abdullah said this was because the tourism between Krabi and Langkawi. open house at Wisma MCA in Housing and Local Govern-
within the country even though they are debit card is linked to the holder’s current Currently, Thais and other foreign tour- Kuala Lumpur on the first day ment Minister Datuk Seri
produced here. or savings accounts, and any purchase ists in Krabi have to go to Phuket and of Chinese New Year. Ong Ka Chuan, could not be
He said consumers would benefit as made on the card is directly deducted from take flights to Penang, or travel by land, He said as the party No.2, contacted for comment.
the products would be cheaper, while the balance in that account. which could take about six hours to the
foreign manufacturers would gain greater He said this meant the debit card is Malaysian border,” he said.
confidence to invest here. used at the holder’s risk, and the bank is Mohd Aini was speaking after ac-
“I cannot understand why the ministry not liable for any loss due to misuse unlike
buys products that are more expensive
but of inferior quality,” he added.
credit cards where the banks had certain
liabilities and, in that sense, the holder is
companying Malaysian ambassador
to Thailand, Datuk Husni Zai Yaacob, Longer grace period to
at a meeting with Songkhla governor,
“I hope the government will rethink
this outdated policy,” he said. “Malay-
“If credit cards were misused, holders
Sondhi Tejanant
Currently, there is a ferry service be-
pay insurance premiums
sians can then enjoy the best healthcare could dispute the amount and claim refund tween Satun and Langkawi, operating
at the best price.” from the bank,” Muhammad, who is also three times daily. – Bernama LIFE insurance companies in of Malaysia (LIAM) president
Lim said this when officiating the National Consumer Complaints Centre the country may extend the Ng Lian Lu told Nanyang that
handing over of Sungai Tiram Street to chief executive, said yesterday. grace period for policyholders if the situation worsens, life
B. Braun Medical Industries Sdn Bhd at He said since last year, local banks were 14 more die in accidents to pay their premiums to one insurers do not rule out the
the Bayan Lepas Free Industrial Zone. aggressively promoting the debit card and KUALA LUMPUR: Fourteen people died in year to check the rise in the possibility of extending the
The cost of the road alienation, to consumers must be wary and careful in road accidents nationwide on the 10th day number of policy lapses. grace period to a year, like
be borne by B. Braun, will be used as owning one. of Ops Sikap 19 on Wednesday. According to a report in they did in the wake of 1997-
contribution to the state’s eradication of Meanwhile, banking sources said the Bukit Aman public relations officer Supt Nanyang Siang Pau yesterday, 98 Asian financial crisis.
hardcore poor programme, Lim said. risk for debit card holders was minimal Rasdi Ramli said the victims comprised 12 the last half year saw a 5% rise At present, policyholders
B. Braun managing board chairman when used locally as the usage was based motorcyclists, a motorist and a pedes- in the policy lapse rate due are given between 15 and 30
Prof Dr L.G. Braun said the company is on signature and the cards had security trian. to the impact of the global days to settle their premiums
investing some RM300 million into its chips embedded in them. – Bernama Municipal roads recorded the most economic slump. depending on the payment
plant in Penang over the next five years. number of accidents with 396 cases fol- A rise in lapse rate means frequency.
The company will have increased Krabi-Langkawi ferry link lowed by federal roads (162), highways more Malaysians are giving Ng, who is AmAssurance
manufacturing capacity averaging 15% (104) and other roads (45), he said in a up the protection offered by chief executive officer, said if
per annum for the next 10 years, he in pipeline statement yesterday. their life insurance policies. the grace period is extended,
added. B. Braun’s facility in Penang is SONGKHLA: Authorities in Krabi are He said 11,915 summonses were issued This is a worrying trend, said policyholders would have to
the company’s only site in the world to planning to introduce a ferry service to traffic offenders yesterday. – Bernama the report. pay an interest of 7-8% on the
produce intravenous catheters, he noted. Life Insurance Association outstanding premiums.

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