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F IRS T S UN D AY Creation Symbol: Earth Readings: Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2:1-4 NCPB: The Story of Creation, Pages 8-9

F IRS T M O NDAY Adam and Eve Symbol: Man & Woman / Apple Readings: Genesis 2:7-9, 18-24 NCPB: Adam and Eve in Paradise, Pages 10-11 (first half )

F IRS T T UES D AY Fall of Man Symbol: Serpent Readings: Genesis 3:1-7, 22-24 NCPB: Adam and Eve in Paradise, Pages 10-11 (second half )

F IRS T WED N ES DAY Noahs Ark Symbol: Ark Readings: Genesis 6:5-22, Genesis 7:17-24, Genesis 8:1-22 NCPB: Noahs Ark, Pages 14-15

F IRS T T HURS D AY Abraham Symbol: Stars Readings: Genesis 12:1-3, Hebrews 11:8-12 NCPB: The Promise to Abram, Pages 16-17

F IRS T F RID AY Isaac Symbol: Bundle of wood Readings: Genesis 22:1-18 NCPB: Abrahams Sacrifice, Pages 18-19

F IRS T S AT URDAY Jacobs Ladder Symbol: Ladder Readings: Genesis 25:20-34, Genesis 28:10-15 NCPB: Jacob and Esau, Pages 20-21

S ECO N D S UNDAY Joseph Symbol: Josephs Coat of Many Colors Readings: Genesis 37:23-28, Genesis 45:3-15 NCPB: Joseph and His Brothers, Joseph in Potiphars House, and Josephs Greatness, Pages 22-27

S ECO N D M O N DAY Moses Symbol: Ten Commandments/Stone Tablets Readings: Exodus 2:1-10 NCPB: The Ten Commandments and Miracles in the Dessert, Pages 38-41 Optional: Moses, Prince and Leader, The Burning Bush, The Plagues of Egypt, The Crossing of the Red Sea, and The Manna in the Desert, Pages 28-37

S ECO N D T UES DAY Joshua Symbol: Sword and Trumpet Readings: Joshua 6:2-5 NCPB: Rahab and the Two Spies, The Taking of Jericho, and Joshua Conquers the Land of Canaan, Pages 42-47

S ECO N D WEDNE SDAY Ruth Symbol: Sheaths of Grain Readings: Ruth 2:15-17 NCPB: The Devotion of Ruth, Pages 48-49

S ECO N D T H URSDAY Samuel Symbol: Oil Lamp Readings: I Samuel 3:1-18 NCPB: The Child Samuel, King Saul, and Saul Disobeys God, Pages 52-57

S ECO N D F RIDAY Jesse Symbol: Shepherds staff Readings: I Samuel 16:1-13 NCPB: David and Saul, Pages 58-59

S ECO N D S AT UR DAY David Symbol: Harp Readings: I Samuel 17:12-51 NCPB: David and Goliath, David Loves Saul, Sauls Death, and The City of David, Pages 60-67

T H IRD S UNDAY Solomon Symbol: Scales of Justice Readings: I Kings 3:5-14, 16-28 NCPB: King Solomon and The Temple of Solomon, Pages 70-73

T H IRD M O N D AY Elijah Symbol: Raven Readings: II Kings 17 NCPB: The Prophet Elijah and The Prophet Elisha, Pages 76-79

T H IRD T UES DAY Jonah Symbol: Whale Readings: Jonah 2:1-2, 11 NCPB: The Prophet Jonah, Pages 80-81

T H IRD WEDNESDAY Isaiah and Jeremiah Symbol: Stone Readings: Isaiah 7:14 or Ecclesiastes 48:25 and Jeremiah 30:21-22 NCPB: Isaiah and Jeremiah, Pages 82-83

T H IRD T H URS DAY Raphael Symbol: Fish Readings: Tobit 11:7-8 NCPB: Tobiah and the Angel, Pages 84-85

T H IRD F RIDAY Nehemiah Symbol: Walls of Jerusalem Readings: Nehemiah 2, excerpts The king asked me, Why do you look sad? If you are not sick, you must be sad at heart. Though I was seized with great fear, I answered the king: May the king live forever! How could I not look sad when the city where my ancestors are buried lies in ruins, and its gates have been eaten out by fire? The king asked me, What is it, then, that you wish? I prayed to the God of heaven and then answered the king: If it please the king, and if your servant is deserving of your favor, send me to Judah, to the city of my ancestors graves, to rebuild it.... When I had arrived in Jerusalem, I first rested there for three days. Then I set out by night with only a few other men (for I had not told anyone what my God had inspired me to do for Jerusalem) and with no other animals but my own mount... Afterward I said to them: You see the evil plight in which we stand: how Jerusalem lies in ruins and its gates have been gutted by fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, so that we may no longer be an object of derision! Then I explained to them how the favoring hand of my God had rested upon me, and what the king had said to me. They replied, Let us be up and building! And they undertook the good work with vigor.

On hearing of this, Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite slave, and Geshem the Arab mocked us and ridiculed us. What is this that you are about? they asked. Are you rebelling against the king? My answer to them was this: It is the God of heaven who will grant us success. We, his servants, shall set about the rebuilding; but for you there is to be neither share nor claim nor memorial in Jerusalem.

IF T H ERE ARE EXTRA DAY S B ET WEEN T H E THIRD FRIDAY O F ADV EN T AN D DE C EMBE R 17, T HE F O L LOW I NG C AN BE US ED (O R F IT IN W HENEVER YO U HAV E T IM E) Melchisidek Symbol: Bread and Wine Readings: Genesis 14:17-20, Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 7:9-17 Hezekiah Symbol: Teardrops Readings: II Kings 18-20 Esther Symbol: Queens Crown Readings: Esther 2:17

DECEM B ER 17 Judith Symbol: Sword Readings: Judith 13:7-10 NCPB: The Bravery of Judith, Pages 86-87 O Sapientia (Jesus is Wisdom) Symbol: Open book O Wisdom (Ecclesiastes 24:5), you came forth from the mouth of the Most High (Sirach 24:30), and reaching from beginning to end, you ordered all things mightily and sweetly (Wisdom 8:1). Come, and teach us the way of prudence (Isaiah 40:14).

DECEM B ER 18 Daniel Symbol: Lion Readings: Daniel 6:1-29 NCPB: Daniel in the Lions Den, Pages 9091 O Adonai (Jesus is Lord) Symbol: Burning bush O Adonai or O Lord and Ruler (Exodus 6:13) and Ruler of the house of Israel (Matthew 2:6), you appeared to Moses in the fire of the burning bush (Exodus 3:2), and on Mount Sinai gave him your Law (Exodus 20). Come, and with outstretched arm redeem us (Jeremiah 32:21).

DECEM B ER 19 Angel Gabriel Symbol: Angel with lily Readings: Luke 1:26-38 NCPB: The Annunciation, Pages 94-95 O Radix Jesse (Jesus is Root/Flower of Jesse) Symbol: Flower O Root of Jesse, you stand for the ensign of all mankind (Isaiah 11:10); before you kings shall keep silence and to you all nations shall have recourse (Isaiah 52:15). Come, save us, and do not delay (Habakkuk 2:3).

DECEM B ER 20 Zachary and Elizabeth Symbol: Angel Readings: Luke 1:11-13 NCPB: The Visitation, Pages 96-97 (first half ) O Clavis David (Jesus is Key of David) Symbol: Key O Key of David (Apoc. 3:7) Scepter of the house of Israel, you open and no man closes; you close and no man opens (Isaiah 22:22). Come, and deliver him from the chains of prison who sits in darkness and in the shadow of death (Psalm 107:10).

DECEM B ER 21 St. John the Baptist Symbol: Shell with water Readings: Mark 1:1-8 NCPB: The Visitation, Pages 96-97 (second half ) Optional: The Baptism of Jesus, pages 112113 O Oriens (Jesus is the Radiant Dawn) Symbol: Sun rising O Rising Dawn (Zechariah 6:12), Radiance of the Light eternal (Habakkuk 3:4) and Sun of Justice (Malachi 3:20); Come, enlighten those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death (Psalm 107:10; Luke 1:78).

DECEM B ER 22 Joseph Symbol: Carpenters Saw Readings: Matthew 1:18-25 NCPB: The Birth of Jesus, Pages 98-99 O Rex Gentium (Jesus is King of the Gentiles) Symbol: Crown O King of the Gentiles (Haggai 2:8), Desired of all, you are the cornerstone that binds two into one (Ephesians 2:20). Come, and save poor man whom you fashion out of clay (Genesis 2: 7).

DECEM B ER 23 Mary Symbol: Lily Readings: Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-20 NCPB: The Birth of Jesus, Pages 98-99 O Emmanuel Symbol: Holy Eucharist O Emmanuel (Isaiah 7:14; 8:8), our King and Lawgiver (Genesis 49:10; cf. Ezekiel 21:32), the Expected of the nations and their Savior (Isaiah 33:22): Come, and save us, O Lord our God.

DECEM B ER 24 Symbol: Infant Messiah Readings: John 1:1-14 NCPB: The Birth of Jesus, Pages 98-99

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