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100 South 8th Street Arma, KS 66712 Tel.

Mailing Address: PO Box 948 Arma, KS 66712

Weekly Bulletin Saint Joseph Church, Arma


GIRARD Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 10:00 am Sat. 2:00-2:45pm

ARMA 4:00pm 8:00 am 3:15-3:45pm

The faith-filled parishioners of Saint Joseph Catholic Church of Arma, built in the trinity of Jesus Christ, value tradition and prayer. We are committed to strong leadership, responsive community service, and forming caring, welcoming, intimate relationships with our fellow brothers and sisters. We seek to become a more diverse, vibrant, active church family. Notes from the Pastor: I hope you have noticed the Stewardship poster right on the door of the main entrance of the church. It is too conspicuous to catch your attention. Hopefully too your curiosity makes you see the open door that leads to the Eucharist and the theme written on it: Stewardship opens the door of faith to a lifelong journey. To better appreciate this poster, we should understand its meaning. This is well explained by Fr. Ken Van Haverbeke as follows: Location: Our picture was taken at Saint John Nepomucene Church in Pilsen, Kansas, home of Father Kapaun for two reasons: 1) to remind us Stewardship as a Way of Life is lived in urban and rural parishes; 2) As Father Kapaun demonstrated, stewardship, recognizing and receiving Gods gifts and sharing them in love of God and neighbor is a lifelong journey, culminating in the total gift of self. The Doors- or gateways are places of encounter. The whole town gathered at the door. Mark 1:33; Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. Proverbs 8:34. They are also places of reception, Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7. Our Faith-Faith consists of the head and the heart, the intellect and the will. Both essential but the third faculty of the spirit is memory, hence the source and the summit of our Faith is the Eucharist, in which we do in memory of Him! The Lifelong Journeyafter the death of Blessed John Paul II, Cardinal Ratizinger could have gone to the confines of a library, but recognizing the gifts he had been given by God and receiving these gifts, he continued his lifelong journey of faith and stewardship as our Shepherd. Next Sunday(11/18/2012) 8:00 AM Kylee Bogina Bill Harman & Joe Broyles Tracey Bogina Ron Pommier Marcel & Helen Normand The Eucharist-the lifelong journey is both nourished by the Eucharist and happily concludes in the Eucharist feast of heaven. For this reason, the doors of faith on the poster leads to the Eucharistic. Kudos to all our Veterans! We salute you! Occasions like this remind us of these two important values and virtues: humility and gratitude. Humility because they sacrifice for us: putting their lives at risk that others may live and live freely, the anxiety of separation and the thought that they might not see their loved ones anymore, and the scar of training and warfare that will forever be carved in their body and psyche which will have a lasting effect in their bearing in their family and society. These are only some of the few consequences of their sacrifices for us. With this we are humbled! With humility we should then be grateful! Speaking of gratitude, my favorite quotation is the one I read at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. How shall we honor these dead men our heroes? The best honor we could give them is to continue the fight they have fought! Many of our Veterans are still very much alive, thanks be to God! If we honor them when they are dead, there is no reason we should honor them while they are still living! In gratitude let us continue to pray for them for good health and a decent happy life. At the same time may we do our part even to the point of doing our own sacrifices to safeguard our freedom which our veterans have helped preserved for all of us to enjoy! God bless you all! Fr. Roger

Saint Joseph Parish Mission Statement:

Weekdays before Mass; anytime by appointment.

STAFF Fr. Roger Lumbre Pastor Janel Scales/Marcel Normand Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor Judy Smerchek Secretary Rectory Office Hours Wednesdays 9AM-Noon Tel. (620) 347-4525

Next Saturday (11/17/2012) Altar Servers: Ushers E. M. E. Lectors: Gift Bearers 4:00 PM Kyla & Allie Zornes Mike Ashbacher & Dave Petrey Linda Carpino Anna Meyer Mary Otto & Donna Fleury

Mass Schedules & Intentions for November 10th-18th:

Nov 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 8:00 AM Sunday 10:00 AM 7:00 AM Monday 5:30 PM Tuesday Wednesday 6:30 PM 8:00 AM Thursday Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30AM-3PM 7:00 AM 8AM-6PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Ruth Jackson Ernest & Besse Sponsel John Varsolona Sr. Pro Populo Intentions of Helen Brodbeck Intentions of Doue Family Intentions of Bernadine Shively St. Joseph/Blake & Lindsay VanLeeuwen Eucharistic Adoration Ed Walsh Eucharistic Adoration St. Joseph/Blake & Lindsay VanLeeuwen Verl Diskin Paul Westhoff Pro Populo Arma Girard Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Arma Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Arma Girard

COLLECTIONS Last Week Contributions Expenses-Oct Over/ (Under)

Saint Josephs Upcoming Events Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays from 8:30am to 3:00pm Finance Council Next Meeting, TBA 6:00pm St. Ann Altar Society Next meeting, TBA Parish Council Next Meeting, Dec. 3rd After 5:30pm Mass Knights of Columbus 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm St. Michael Parish Hall

July 2012 to date $26,346.27 $20,377.85 $5,968.42

$2,014.32 $2,993.52

And knew how to reach the potential voters using the newest technology and smart political savvy. As to Romney, without a doubt a most successful business leader, he touted his abilities for creating jobs, but never quite got it across as to how hed do it. He probably didnt define himself early enough, while many voters became confused with the social issues and just didnt get behind them. Romney also had a vision for America and half of the country agreed with him, yet the electoral college didnt reflect it. Each of us based our choice on what we thought was the right way. Ultimately, God makes the choice. We dont understand His plans as much as we think we do, His plan always involves using His choice to bring about His purpose. In the end, it wasnt Florida that decided, but Ohio, where both men visited many times. I have to confess that I felt left out here in Kansas! Keep our nations leaders in your prayers. A Debt We Can Never Repay This weekend, we observe Veterans Day and we should all take a moment to remember all who have served our nation to preserve its freedom. Veterans Day really began November 11, 1918, at 11:00am in a boxcar in France when an armistice (ceasefire) was signed between Allies (U.S. Br.Fr.Italy) and the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey). This 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month became known as ARMISTICE DAY. In 1938, Congress made November 11 a federal holiday. World War I was supposed to be the war to end all wars, but just a year after Congress proclaimed it a federal holiday, World War II began in Europe as Germany invaded Poland in 1939 and shattered the dream of a world with no war. Did you know that the idea of Veterans Day began in Emporia, Kansas, in 1953 when Alvin King, a shoe repairman, asked his congressman to try to change the name from Armistice Day for World War I veterans, to VETERANS DAY to honor ALL who serve or who had served in our military. Kings nephew, John Cooper, had died in the Battle of the Bulge while serving with a regiment of the Kansas National Guard during World War II. He had raised his nephew as a son. The next year, 1954, U.S. Representative Ed Rees of Kansas proposed that Armistice Day be changed to Veterans Day, honoring our military, living or dead, who served our nation in all of its wars. President Eisenhower signed the bill that year creating Veterans Day. Now, we honor the service of all veterans on this day. In 1921, an American soldier, his name known but to God, was buried in Arlington National Cemetery, just outside of Washington, D.C. He personified the reverence this nation holds for those who gave their lives to ensure our freedom. Arlington is National Cemetery #2, owned by the U.S. Government and established in 1864. Two of our Presidents are buried there: William Howard Taft and John F. Kennedy. National Cemetery #1 is at Fort Scott, Kansas established in 1862. After World War II, another unknown soldier was added to the Tomb at Arlington. After Korea and Vietnam, the same procedure followed. Today, the memorial is called the Tomb of the Unknowns. The red poppy is the flower of veterans, a reminder of the bloody battle in Flanders Field, France, during World War I. This weekend, attend a veterans day service or visit a cemetery, for we owe them a debt that we can never repay. Articles by Marcel Normand

Christmas Cantata: December 2nd, 6:00pm, St. Josephs Church Parish Pastoral Council Officers: Pat Westhoff Betty Rons, Dustin Ashmore, Joe Broyles, Debbie Amershek Secretary Karen Pryer Worship Committee: Chair Karen Pryer Lectors Marcel Normand E.M.Es Joann Black Music Jan Harman Ushers/Greeters Bill Harman Altar Society: Judy Smerchek Chair Members at Large Chair Members Parish Finance Council: Fred Bogina Bill Harman, Judy Wingebach, Linda Broyles

Veterans Day Program There will be a Veterans Day Program at the Northeast High School on Monday, November 12th at 10am. Everyone is invited. Forward--to the Status Quo!! The voters spoke last Tuesday and, as a democracy, we close in and abide by their decision. It was a hard-fought, very expensive campaign where $6 billion was spent, yet the outcome remains the same as before: same president, and same Republican House and Democratic Senate. The final numbers of the popular vote were so close, yet we concede that the President was given a mandate, though not a strong one, to heal this divided nation. Unless he and the Congressional leaders can reach some compromises on our fiscal problems, we are in for a rough ride come 2013 when the new fiscal edicts kick in. As to the campaign, President Obama started early with an aggressive fight for a 2nd term. His team had a strong ground game

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