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Vedas are unchanged language! Why? Vedas are holiest texts for Vedic people. Vedic people followed 'Shruthi' system by which a very small phonetic change also not allowed while chanting Vedas. This is followed still today. This kind of preservation of originality of Vedic texts from ancient times is unparalleled in the entire human history.Another,system called 'smirthi' where meaning should never allowed to change but one can expand. 'Shruthi' only meant for Vedas and 'Smirithi' applicable for other texts other than VEDAS.

We can say Vedas are simply tape recorder of what Vedic Aryan ancestors chanted many many thousands of years ago in all aspects. Being totally unchanged and every detail in that preserved with utmost attention, the historic details given in them are very accurate to the extent it contained in them. THE STUDY OF ASTRONOMICAL DETAILS IN RIGVEDA BY THE WESTERN ASTRONOMERS The Vedic corpus being vast one of the earliest estimates of the date of the Vedas was at once among the most scientific. In 1790, the Scottish mathematician John Playfair demonstrated that the starting-date of the astronomical observations recorded in the tables still in use among Hindu astrologers (of which three copies had reached Europe between 1687 and 1787) had to be 4300 BC. His proposal was dismissed as absurd by some, but it was not refuted by any scientist. Playfair's judicious use of astronomy was countered by John Bentley with a Scriptural argument which we now must consider invalid. In 1825, Bentley objected: "By his [= Playfair's] attempt to uphold the antiquity of Hindu books against absolute facts, thereby supports all those horrid abuses and impositions found in them, under the pretended sanction of antiquity. Nay, his aim goes still deeper, for by the same means he endeavours to overturn the mosaic account& foundation of his Xtian religion. Bentley did not object to astronomy per se, in so far as it could be helpful in showing up the falsehood of Brahminical scriptures. However, it did precisely the reverse. Falsehood in this context could have meant that the Brahmins falsely claimed high antiquity for their texts by presenting as ancient astronomical observations recorded in Scripture what were in fact back-calculations from a much later age. But Playfair showed that this was impossible.

Back-calculation of planetary positions is a highly complex affair requiring knowledge of a number of physical laws, universal constants and actual measurements of densities, diameters and distances. Though Brahminical astronomy was remarkably sophisticated for its time, it could only back-calculate planetary position of the presumed Vedic age with an inaccuracy margin of at least several degrees of arc. With our modern knowledge, it is easy to determine what the actual positions were. And what the results of back-calculations with the Brahminical formulae would have been, e.g.: "Aldebaran was therefore 40' before the point of the vernal equinox, according to the Indian astronomy, in the year 3102 before Christ.[Modern astronomy] gives the longitude of that star 13' from the vernal equinox at the time of Calyougham agreeing within 53' with the determination of the Indian astronomy.

This agreement is the more remarkable, that the Brahmins, by their own rules for computing the motion of the fixed stars, could not have assigned this place to Aldebaran for the beginning of Calyougham, had they calculated it from a modern observation. For as they make the motion of the fixed stars too great by more than 3" annually if they had calculated backward from 1491, they would have placed the fixed stars less advanced by 4 or 5 degree at their ancient epoch than they actually done What Hindu astronomical lore about ancient times cannot be based on later back-calculation, was also argued by Playfair's contemporary, the French astronomer Jean-Sylvain Bailly: "The motions of the stars calculated by the Hindus before some 4500 years vary not even a single minute from the [modern] tables of Cassini and Meyer. The Indian tables give the same annual variation of the moon as that discovered by Tycho Brahe - a variation unknown to the school of Alexandria and also the Arabs."

Prof. N. S. Rajaram, a mathematician who has worked for NASA, comments: "fabricating astronomical data going back thousands of years calls for knowledge of Newton's Law of Gravitation and the ability to solve differential equations." Failing this advanced knowledge, the data in the Brahminical tables must be based on actual observation. Ergo,the Sanskrit-speaking Vedic seers were present in person to record astronomical observations and preserve them for a full 6,000 years: The observations on which the astronomy of India is founded, were made more than three thousand years before the Christian era. Two other elements of this astronomy, the equation of the sun's centre and the obliquity of the ecliptic seem to point to a period still more remote.

Now,I like to move quickly for archeological details of very recent origin just within 10 to 12 years. Rigveda the most ancient Veda, praises river Sarasvati more than 60 times and it says it is mighty river,mightier than all and most holiest. Rigveda says it originated in Himalaya,being south of Indus and finally merged in sea.Day to rituals also Sarasvati river is prayed along with river Ganges and Indus.Rigveda tells Sarasvati river is most holy and source of Vedic Aryan's sustenance.

DETAILS IN THE RIGVEDA ABOUT THE RIVER SARASVATI: A large number of the references of the Sarasvati river come from the Rig Veda, the most ancient literacy work of the world. At the first glance, the hymns are seemed to be the prayers. But in the analytic eyes, they reveal valuable historical information of the palaeaoclimate, the types of rains, the waters in the mountains and also on the earth, the clouds and their formations, the draughts, the river beds, the floods and the river, the floodings and the waters, digging or eroding of the new channels, the takes and so on. (Griffith; 1889; Shri Swami.1972). They are interwoven in the prayers. Rig Veda clearly describes the origin of the Sarasvati, its whole course, the nature and the behavior and its flood mechanism. It also describes its role in shaping of the life of the people residing in the flood plain. Maximum number of the references on the Sarasvati river come from the Mandala 2nd, 6th and 7th of the early text (Singh, Shivaji. 1998 : 29-33). Rig Veda clearly mentions that the Sarasvati had its origin in the Himalaya and not in the Siwalik Hills. It clearly mention that the Ekachetaat Sarasvati Nadinaam Suchiryati Giribhya aa Samudrat. (RV :VII :95:2) This is conformed by the work of puri. The renowned glaciologist (Puri.1998 per commu.) The Rig Veda also informs us that when the Sarasvati was in spate the river was becoming uncontrollable and its current was the swiftest of the swifts. It further says that the velocity of the Sarasvati was so high that it broke the hill ranges and the river carried them ( as the flood load) down like lotus stems - see below: Iyam Shushmebhihibisakhaa Evaarujaatsaanu Girinam Tevishebhirumibhih Paravaathdhaneemavase Sruvruktibhihi Sarasvatimaa Vivaasemadhitibhihi. ( RV: 6:61:2) Yasya Ananto Ahutastveshashacharishnuranavah : Amashcharati roruvat (RV: 6:61:8)

The flood water was also overflowing both the banks and the flood waters filled or say inundated the earth, that is the vast urea of the flood plain and the heaven that is the Himalayan region. Aaapashushi paarthivaanyuru rajo antariksham Sarasvati Nidaspaatu When in spate the might of river was sweeping away all the other waters and was mightiest among all the other rivers. Prayaa Mahimna Mahinsu Chikite Dhumnebhiranya Apasaampastma Rath eva Bruhati Vibhvane Krutopastutya Chikitushaa Sarasvati.(RV: 6:61:13) Now to know the might of the Sarasvati over all the other rivers here, it is essential to know the Sindhu Flood mechanism as it has also a long history of the floodings. The Imperial Gezeteer notes ( Enthovon 1909:164-65,167-168). "Before taming, upstream to the confluence with the five river including the Satlej, the ancient Satudri, the width of the Sindhu is about half a Km. When the river was on its peaks of the floods, the velocity of the flood discharge at the up treamwas 8 km. per hour and the flood discharge was about 250 cms. to 800 cms. per second. But downstream the confluence, the river Sindhu becomes mightier and larger and the Sindh where the gradient is very low the width of the river channel varies from one km. to one and half km. and during the flood of the high magnitude the width of the channel increases to two kms. However, in the flood of the high magnitude, the velocity in Sindh is about 12 km. per hour and the flood discharge increases to 27000 cms to 28000 cms. per second". This behavior of the river Sindhu is recorded right from the ptolemy, the Greek auther of the Medieval writers. The records indicate that when in spate the Sindhu erodes new channels, meanders and suddenly shifts its water into the newly cut channels, recharges these lakes and the abandons channels and swings towards the west as the flood plain slopes towards the south- west. This comparison of the Sindhu with the Sarasvati also clearly shows that the how mightier Sarasvati could be when the shatudri - present Sutlej was its tributary and how moderate the Sindhu could be without Shatudri - Present Sutlej ! Secondly, this overflowed water of the Sarasvati used to bring tremendous water and fertile silt for agriculture and faunal and floral wealth. Therefore, in praying the river, the Reg Veda described the Sarasvati as (Very important verse also) Ambitame Naditame Devitame Sarasvati Aprashastaa Eva Smasi Prashastim Amba Naskrudhi (RV 2: 16:41)

It says that the Sarasvati was superior to all the other rivers, best of the mother rivers as the Sarasvati was the main source of the prosperity and survival and was the life line of the inhabitants residing over there on the flood plain. The Sarasvati was also best of the goddesses as it used to bring prosperity in tremendous. The text describes its flow white in complexion indicating it was a glacial fed river. The Rig Veda describes the Sarasvati as Saptathi and Sindhumaataa Aam Yat Saakam Yashaso Vavashaataa Sarasvati Saptathi Sindhumaataa (RV 7:36:6) This indicates including the Sarasvati, There were seven rivers. This shows that the river had six tributaries and disbutaries. The word Sindumaataa denotes two things. One, the Sarasvati was the mother of all the rivers, the disbutaries. Second, the river was abundance in water to feed - fill the ocean like a mother feeding her child. The Sarasvati being the mightiest river must have brought such a large volume of the water into the sea, the present Ranns of Kachch, the then sea, showing her might ever the sea. This statement of the Reg Veda is supported by the numerous deltas and the bets in the Great Rann of Kachchh. ( Malik et. al 1999 : 163-174). And also in the little Rann of Kachchh. Secondly, the very name of the Sarasvati denotes the river of having many lakes. Reg Veda refers many lakes. Among these, the Sharyanaavaan and the Dronkalash are the examples. Now, in the Rajasthan, several lakes and playas having riverine origin have been reported ( Rammurthy. 1999:158), this strengthens the very meaning and the name of the Sarasvati and also the Rig Vedic description of the river. So, from the Rig Veda following picture of the Sarasvati emerges out. That the Rig Vedic Sarasvati had its origin in the Himalaya and it used to fall into the sea. In the flood plain the Sarasvati had the seven channel an it was the mightiest among all the rivers. When not in spate its glacial fed water was pure and white and the channel had golden sand. The river was very rich in the lakes, the channels and the silts. However, when the Sarasvati was in spates of the high magnitudes and of the long duration it used to become fierce, uncontrollable and destructive. During the floodings, its current was extremely swift and fast having very high velocity which naturally generated and released high degree of the energy. The river had very amount of the flood discharge which must have cut the meanders and the disbutaries. During the floodings the river was roaring. The frequent floods used to spread over the vast areas recharging the lakes and bringing abundant water, silt and fertility and food and prosperity to all. That is why Sarasvati was praised by the Rsis. This Rig Vedic descriptions thus clearly show that during the early Rig Vedic period, the Sarasvati was the most superior, the mightiest, mature and the most important river of this part of the continent. In the time of Yajur Veda, which seems to be a recomposition of the Reg Veda Mandal 6, .the Sarasvati enjoyed the same status and the might. The details of the channels are recorded in the Vaj Sanehi Samhita of the Shukla yajur Veda. It says,

Panchanadhya Sarasvatimapi Yanti Sasroyasah Sarasvati to Panchadhaa sodeshe abhavat sarit.( Y.S.34:19). This indicates that the river had five mouths - the disbutaries. This clearly shows that like other mighty, mature rivers, in the flood plain of the Rajasthan, the Sarasvati eroded five channels through the horizontal erosions of the frequent floods of the very high magnitudes and used to flow through these five channels. This description of the Yajur Veda is supported by occurrence of more than one channels in Rajasthan and the deltas in the Sindh, South - west of the Rajasthan and in the Great Rann of Kachchh ( Malik et al.1999; 163 - 174, also see the figures). This also confirms the statement of the Rig Veda that Sarasvati was Saptathi meaning the Sarasvati had five disbutaries and two tributaries of the Satudri and Drashadvati. Now, these texts do not speak about the aridity, desert conditions in the region, the change and the shift in the water regime and drying of the Sarasvati river. The fact is that these compositors knew only the mighty and the mature river. Secondly, this also shows that there is very little or no time gap between composition of the Mandal 2nd ,6th and 7th and original text of the Yajur Veda.

DISCOVERY OF DRIED SARASVATI RIVER BY EXPERTS: As early as 1900AD,British posted in Thar desert reported big paleochannels there and opined that some big river ran once. But finally,the truth exposed by satellite pictures which accurately provided entire paleochannel pictures of the river which is exact with the Rigvedic details.After,this many expert groups both Indian and western conducted elaborate field study and scientific analysis such salt content, isotopes level etc., on the river bed.

Those experts conducted field studies, finally proved by all independent studies did by both Indian and western that the so called river Sarasvati dried in 1900BC after running as a mighty river for thousands and thousands of years, finally dried due to the tectonic movements which resulted in feeding river like Dristadvati changed the course to Indus river.Now,it is proved Harappans left wonderful constructed cities in 1900BC because of severe famine. Not because of any Invasion. Another side Harappan seals were busy studied by experts.

One group keeping it Dravidian script elaborately tried hell bent but finally could not move even an inch ahead. But those experts who studied with open mind like S.R.Rao, finally proved that Harappan scripts are earlier form of Sanskrit scripts. Now proving worthiness of Rigvedic version on Sarasvati River, experts concluded that the river was mighty only in 5000BC or above. This proof pushed back the age of Rigveda atleast 5000BC or still above. Another group which studied proof of destruction for any invasion in all Harappan sites but nothing is found to prove. Now,it is proved beyond doubt that in 1900BC(end of Harappan period)no invasion not at all happened. Experts debunked totally Aryan Invasion theory of last century. Another very powerful proof of Vedic age is given by Lord Krishnas Dwarka underwater excavation which had done in 2002.One can see online all submerged cities, fort etc and details. All forts and cities submerged were found which exactly as per Mahabharata version. Many artifacts were found. Two drilled wood pieces were sent for scientific dating to two places in Europe. One gave value of 5500 BC and another is 7500BC.But 7500 BC is stronger as per experts. Which conforms antiquity of Vedic culture. The conclusion through Sarasvati river discovery on Vedic age conformed by another Gulf of Cambay underwater excavation. One more proof is from Harappan site of Dholavira where many skeletons were excavated. Vedic altars also got. Artifacts found were sent to scientific dating gave value of 7000BC.One after other conforming Vedic time scale. In 1920,Harappan cities were excavated and also Mohenjadero excavated. The superior architecture with modern amenities of those cities simply 5000 years ago made west awestruck. Scripts called Harappan scripts were excavated, Which appeared apparently different from present Sanskrit script. This made them to give another foolish theory that nomadic Aryans Invaded India around 1500BC and destroyed that old civilization, Dravidian civilization. See the funny CONTRADICTION because of the real twist of the history. As per the Aryan Invasion theory Aryans invaded India between 1500BC to 2000BC and after writing Vedas everything, they are PRAISING on already dried river that time (Because it is most satisfactorily proved by Isotopic salt analysis on the dried bed that the river dried COMPLETELY in 1900BC) and also totally unknown to ARYANS about the existence of the river as mighty river, mightier than Ganges and vital for their life like their mother etc. How much bull shit!

OTHER REFERENCES TO SUPPORT MODERN ARCHEOLOGY: The Puranic king-list as known to Greek visitors of Chandragupta court in the 4th century BC or to later Greco-Roman India-watchers, started in 6776 BC.Pliny wrote that the Indians date their first king, "Liber Pater", to "6,451 years and 3 months" before Alexander the Great (d. 323 BC),while Arrian puts the dynastic list at 6,042 + 300 + 120 = 6,462 years before Sandrokottos (Chandragupta), to whom a Greek embassy sent in 314 BC.Both indications add up to a date, give or take a year, of 6776 BC The medieval Kashmiri historian Kalhana claimed that the previous cycle had started in 3076 BC, and the present one in AD 525. J.E. Mitchiner has suggested that the beginning of the Saptarshi reckoning was one more cycle earlier, in 6676 BC: Another very powerful proof of Vedic age is given by Lord Krishnas Dwarka underwater excavation done in 2002.One can see online all submerged cities, fort etc and details.All forts and cities submerged were found which exactly as per Mahabharata version. Many artifacts were found. Two drilled wood pieces were sent for scientific dating to two places in Europe. One gave value of 5500 BC and another is 7500 years. But 7500 BC is stronger as per experts. Which conforms antiquity of Vedic age. Those who interested may go to see this website for more details. Very interesting photos and details are there in this website. "We may conclude that the older and original version of the Era of the Seven Rsis commenced with the Seven Risis in Krttika in 6676 BC, used a total of 28 Naksatras, and placed the start of the Kali Yuga in 3102 BC The oldest part of the Rigveda exhibits a geographical knowledge mainly to the region east of the Sarasvati river, generally corresponding to the present states of Haryana and UP (Uttar Pradesh). As one moves to the later Mandalas, following the chronological sequence established earlier, there is a corresponding expansion of the geographical horizon westward. This means: the movement of the Vedic Aryans was from the region east of the Sarasvati to the Punjab and Afghanistan in the West &madyadesh;. A reference to a solstice in Magha in the Baudhayana Shrauta Sutra (as well as in the Kaushitaki Brahmana 19:3), to which the Shulba Sutra is an appendix. Magha is the asterism around the star Regulus. Hence we do not hesitate to place the Vedic rituals, or more exactly, rituals exactly like them, far back of 1700 BC., elements of geometry found in Egypt and Babylonia stem from a ritual system of the kind described in the Sulvasutras.

However, it is very easy to calculate that Regulus, currently at almost exactly 60 Degree from the solstitial axis, was on that axis about 60 x 71 years ago, i.e. in the 23rd century BC, Though we must indeed allow for an inexactitude of up to 15 Degree, equivalent to about 1100 years, the Magha solstice described is much more likely to have been in 2200 BC than in 1100 BC. VERY IMPORTANT CLAY TABLET DISCOVERY OUTSIDE INDIA: In a treaty between the Hittites and the Mitanni as per clay tablet excavated near Syria which belonged to 1700BC, Indic deities Mitra, Varun. a, Indra, and Nasatya (Asvins) are invoked. A text by a Mitannian named Kikkuli uses words such as aika (eka, one), tera (tri, three), panza (panca, ve), satta (sapta, seven), na (nava, nine), vartana (vartana, round). Another text has babru (babhru, brown), parita (palita, grey), and pinkara (pi _ ngala, red). Their chief festival was the celebration of visuva (solstice) very much like in India (As per clay tablet details).( If they are not from India, how they celebrate a festival peculiar to India.) It is not only the kings who had Sanskrit names; a large number of other Sanskrit names have been unearthed in the records from the area. But is this language is Iranian or Indo-Aryan or to rephrase: Did Mittanis speak the PIE branch of India.? That matter was settled in 1960 by Paul Thime There are several reasons, but to be brief, I shall only give three: 1. the deities Indra,Mitra, Varun.a, and Nasatya are Indian deities and not Iranian ones, because in Iran Varun.a is unknown and Indra and Nasatya appear as demons; 2. the name Vasukhani makes sense in Sanskrit as a "mine of wealth" whereas in Iranian it means "good mine" which is much less likely; 3. satta, or sapta, for seven, rather than the Iranian word hapta, where the initial `s' has been changed to `h' In fact there are many arguments in support of. Archaeologists have not found Central Asian, Eastern European or Caucasian culture in the Mittani kingdom. At the time same time they found the peacock motif -- something which could have come from India. Based on this Burchard Brentjes argued that Indo-Aryans were settled in the Near East much before 1600 B.C.E. With all the trading relations between various parts of India and the Near East, dating as far back as 4000 BCE with the find of cotton in Dhuwelia and carnelian bead in Mesopotamia in the third millennium BCE, the migration of Indo-Aryans from ancient India is not a fantasy tale.

The ancient architectural system of Sthapatya Veda prescribes detailed principles of construction of homes and cities. One of the main principles of Sthapatya Veda is that cities be laid out on an exact north-south grid, with all houses facing due east. Another is that the buildings be oriented to the east with a slope to the east and any body of water on the east. Most of the cities of the Saraswati and Indus valley followed these principles exactly. Since these cities were constructed as early as 6,500 to 7,000 BC, this would suggest that Sthapatya Veda may have been known as early as that. This gives another reason to put the origins of Rig Vedic tradition even before that time. This is another bit of evidence, which is not noted in previous literature that may establish the great antiquity of the Rig Vedic tradition. Simple logical question which anyone can answer as follows: If.Dravidians were driven by Aryans why they could not construct a single city on their way to South. All excavated are even not comparable to grandeur of Harappa.Is they forgot their talents and scientific knowledge after leaving Harappa.Is it possible or sensible to think? Besides, all the above, all recent genetic studies totally debunked ARYAN INVASION THEORY!! HENCE, ARYAN INVASION THEORY IS THE GREATEST CONCOCTED STORY OF LAST CENTURY!!!

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