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How to start programming in Java?

This part of the study material is not intended to address still concepts, but rather, you can configure any computer window xp or Windows 7 32 or 64 bit and get it ready to start programming. First of all: Installing "jdk-7u7-nb-7_2-windows-i586-ml" JDK "Java Development Kit", will not only compile but run applications, available for a variety of operating systems:

METHOD 1: Use the Shell to run java code This point is important for you to read and performers very well using the following commands: javac.exe, compiler generated files *. Apartir class source code (*. Java). The *. Java is text, you can create and edit in a text editor, using the syntax of Java. Java.exe, systems interpreter for PC / Windows, executes byte code files (files compiled class extension). The *. Class have executable code, byte code, platform independent, to be executed on a "hypothetical or virtual machine" called Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Is this JVM neutral who plays this code making a particular code on the CPU used. This avoids having to make a different program for each CPU or plataforma.1
Ingresa al Shell del sistema y observa que ocurre cuando digitas los comandos: java o javac. Te podrs dar cuenta que el comando javac no est habilitado, por ende sigue los siguientes pasos y vuelve a intentar usar el comando en mencin, observa la diferencia. -y-ejecutar-archivos-de-java.html

Creating our first program in java

Install then an editor to start coding (in this case Notepad + +) After that, create the following program and save it in the directory "c: \ ProgramasJava" Note that the file name must be named identical to the class, using case sensitive.
Finalmente ejecutar el programa, primero compilando con el programa javac y luego ejecutando con el programa java.

METHOD 2: Using the Eclipse IDE ENTERNO (Available at - Section "downloads" download the Eclipse Classic 4.2) This method is much faster than before, it is a method of abstraction for programming while we should not install the JDK, and load the necessary libraries to program without tread very rodeo. STEP 1: Download and unzip the file indicated

STEP 2: After that opening the Eclipse IDE, the program requests a folder where you will save the projects that we believe in java, proceed as indicated in the graph (you must create the folder previously).

STEP 3: Follow the following sequence of actions to create a project in java.

With the IDE, the only line of code you write play, which was noted below

Run the program by pressing BIBLIOGRAFIA

, observes the output.


Ing. Robert Moreira Centeno

Fecha: Septiembre del 2012

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