Essay Data Logging

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INTRODUCTION Observation and measurement are central features of practical activity in science.

Traditionally, pupils are taught to use a variety of measuring instruments, each of which requires a particular skill for obtaining readings. They record their collected readings in a table and often plot the results in the form of a graph. Now, all these measuring activities may be readily performed using a computer or a calculator and a data logger. Data logging is commonly used in scientific experiments and in monitoring systems where there is the need to collect information faster than a human can possibly collect the information and in cases where accuracy is essential. Examples of the types of information a data logging system can collect include temperatures, sound frequencies, vibrations, times, light intensities, electrical currents, pressure and changes in states of matter. A data logger , commonly referred to as a HOBO, is defined as an electronic instrument that records measurements of all types at set intervals over a period of time. As mentioned above, data loggers can record a wide variety of energy and environmental measurements including temperature, relative humidity, AC/DC current and voltage, differential pressure, time-of-use (lights and motors), light intensity, water level, soil moisture, rainfall, wind speed and direction, pulse signals, and more. Before using data logger we should know how this data logger work. As a user, we must know how to handle this data logger properly because not many people know how to handle it especially when doing an experiment. This is because we want to get more correct result and to have interesting learning process for students. First thing first, the data logger is connected to a PC or MAC computer via a USB interface. Accompanying data logger software is used to select logging parameters (sampling intervals, start time, etc.) and activate the logger. The logger is then disconnected and deployed in the desired location, where it records each measurement and stores it in memory along with the time and date. After the desired monitoring period, the data logger is then reconnected to the computer and the software is used again to read out the data and display the measurements in graphs that show profiles over time. Tabular data can be viewed as well, or exported to a spreadsheet for further manipulation. In the case of web-based data logging systems, data are pushed to the Internet for access, and with wireless data nodes, data are transmitted to a central receiver.

The three main types of data loggers include stand-alone data loggers, web-based data logging systems, and wireless data nodes. Stand-alone data loggers are compact, reusable, and portable, and offer low cost and easy setup and deployment. Internal-sensor models are used for monitoring at the logger location, while external-sensor models (with flexible input channels for a range of external sensors) can be used for monitoring at some distance from the logger. Most stand-alone loggers communicate with a PC or Mac via a USB interface. For greater convenience, a data shuttle device can be used to offload data from the logger for transport back to a computer. Web-based data logging systems enable remote, around-the-clock access to data via GSM cellular, WI-FI, or Ethernet communications. These systems can be configured with a variety of external plug-in sensors and transmit collected data to a secure web server for accessing the data. Wireless data nodes transmit realtime data from dozens of points to a central PC, eliminating the need to manually retrieve and offload data from individual data loggers. Data loggers are used in a broad range of indoor, outdoor and underwater environments essentially anywhere data is needed and the convenience of battery power is preferred. Until recently most scientific data-gathering systems were based on electromechanical devices such as chart recorders and analogue gauges. The capability to process and analyze this data was rather limited. With the introduction of more powerful PCs new doors have been opened for data gathering, logging, processing, and control. There are a few basic components to every PC data logging and Control system. They include sensors, connectors, conditioning, Analog to Digital (A/D) Conversion, Online-Analysis, Logging/Storage, and Offline-Analysis. In a Data Logging and Control system a few additional components are required including D/A Conversion and actuators. The important component is sensors. Sensors are any device that is used to convert physical parameters into electrical signals. Sensors must be calibrated so that the electrical output they provide maybe used to take meaningful measurements. The sensor must have a way to transmit its electrical signal to the system. This is done with connectors. There are a wide variety of signal connectors each with its own advantages and disadvantages .While in order for the electrical signal provided by the sensor to be useful it must be conditioned. Conditioning includes all actions performed on the signal to improve its usability before it is digitized.

Software is critical to the logging of data because it determines how the data is stored, how quickly data can be written to disk, and how efficiently disk space is used. The format of the data being written also has a large impact on the performance of the logging system . The control part of the PC system can take one of two forms. Open. Changes in the process by the control signal will then reflected in the future input signals which will be analyzed again and new control signals will be output. A Digital to Analog converter or D/A converter is just the opposite of an Analog to Digital Converter which convert an analog reading from a sensor into a digital reading which computer can interpret . It takes the digital values output by the computer and turns them into analog signals which can be conditioned (Amplified etc.) and then connected to actuators. An actuator is any device that converts electrical signals to physical parameters. Basically, an actuator is the opposite of a sensor. Examples are electrical motors, solenoids, heater coils, and ultrasonic transducers.

Data logger in other words is device that can be used to store data. Data logger is one of the material that can make the teaching and learning process become easier .By using data logger during teaching and learning process, the data collections more accurate in the terms of reading and more easier to conduct the experiments. Date logger is used in teaching and learning especially to do experiment. By using data logger during an experiment, the data collections more accurate in aspects of results, tabulated data and can make discussion during experiment in progress. Besides that, if the experiment involved products that we cannot count by our naked eyes, data logger is the best solution. The engage, empower and enhance model in data logger process, have a lot of advantages to students and teachers. During engage process, teacher give students the questions or pictures to elicit the students knowledge about the topics. Engage process helps students to think and gives their ideas about the questions and situation given and make them remember their previous knowledge. Empower model helps students and teacher to conduct the experiment easily so that they gets a accurate result and the graph obtained in less with error compared to traditional ways. For enhance model, the question mostly more challenging than engage, so the students must understand the concept before answer enhance questions. It helps the student to understand better the topics after engage and empower process introduced.

As we all know, everything in this world has pro and cons. So do data logging. This model helps the teaching and learning process more interesting This is because this model involve two way of communication between teacher and students.. This model also elicit the students knowledge about the topics and helps them to remember the knowledge permanently. All of the students will need to take part in this process because this models will be done in the form of discussion. Other good value from this models is the prior knowledge can be elicit and enable students to developed their own thinking skills regarding the stimulant given in the engage step. It also can help teacher to detect if there are any misconception problem from the idea given by the student. Other value is teacher can plan and handle the experiment process easily and using short term by using data logger that have been proven more accurate and sensitive. Difficulties during the implementation of this model more focus to the teacher. This is because the teacher must know how to elicit the student knowledge about the topics using engage model. If the students cannot understand the engages question then teacher get problem to correct the misconception of students. Teacher must know how to use the data logger device wisely so that they get no problem in teaching to students. Most of the new programmed cannot be used in school because of the weakness of teacher in using technology.

Percentage of heart rate disease patient in Malaysia getting increase by day. S tatistics In Malaysia, cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death among women, accounting for about 25% of all female deaths in government hospitals (about 1 in 4). Heart attack hits Malaysians at the age of as early as 50 years old. Heart disease is one of the top killers in government hospitals(GH) in Malaysia where 16.5% of 45,936 deaths in 2008 were due to heart disease. There must be reason behind this increasing. How caffeine affect the heart rate in order to lower the risk of having heart disease?

TITLE How Caffeinated and Non-Caffeinated Beverages Affect Heart Rate

OBJECTIVE To observe the effect of caffeinated carbonated soft drinks on heart rates versus the effect of a non-caffeinated soft drink.

HYPOTHESIS The heart rate of a person who drinks the caffeinated drink will rise significantly, but the heart rate of the person who drinks the non-caffeinated drink will remain almost constant.

APPARATUS Computer, sensor

MATERIALS One can of caffeinated coke, one apple juice box.

PROCEDURES 1. Measure heart rate, by using sensor 2. The graph of the heart beat is shown on the computer. 3. Drink a can of either caffeinated soft drink as quickly as possible for best results. Record the time you started drinking the soft drink. 4. Remain as still as possible for 5 minutes in order to not affect heart rate with physical activity. 5. The heart beat is then measure for every 5 minutes. 6. Record the result in a table. 7. Repeat the experiment with a can of non-caffeinated soft drink.

RESULT a) Non-caffeinated soft drink Name of Drink: Apple Juice Type: Caffeine Free Time (Minutes after drinking soft drink) Heart Rate (beats per minute) Before drinking 0 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 68 68 72 96 100 96 84 84 100 96 80 72 80 80 76

31 33 35

76 84 80

b) Caffeinated soft drink. Name of drink: Coca Cola Type: Caffeinated Time(Minutes after drinking soft drink) Heart Rate (beats per minute) Before drinking 0 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 76 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 88 92 80 88 84 92 104 88 92


QUESTION Difference between resting heart rate and the highest heart rate after drinking the soft drink: 32 Number of minutes after finishing the drink when the heart rate reached its peak: 9, 17 Number of minutes after finishing the drink when the heart rate returned to resting rate: approx. 23

Could you drink some amount of caffeinated soft drink without any effect on your heart rate? Drinking a small amount of caffeine probably affects your heart rate but not enough for any obvious change in heart rate. What do you see in the comparative result? The caffeinated drink clearly increased the heart rate more from resting than the non-caffeinated drink.













Depending on how large the amount, the heart rate could increase to a dangerous level. The greater the amount you drink, the faster the heart rate. Mountain Dew is marketed in the US as a product with caffeine and in Canada it does not. Why are the marketers releasing two formats of this soft drink? Marketeers release two formats because, in Canada, dark coloured soft drinks, such as Coke and root beer, are the only drinks that can contain caffeine in regulation with Health Canada.

Design an investigation to determine how the amount, or dose, of caffeine affects your heart rate. Have one person drink a decaffeinated drink, another drink half a can of a caffeinated version of the same drink, and another to drink a whole can and measure heart rate regularly after to see the difference.

CONCLUSION The caffeinated drink increased the heart rate of the subject about 14 beats per minute until approximately 17 minutes had passed at which point it started to decrease. After it had peaked for so long, the heart rate decreased to slightly above the original heart rate. In comparison, the heart rate of the subject who drank the apple juice had also increased and peaked at some points but it was much more gradual and may have been caused by unrelated factors, such as movement. These results show that the main effects of a caffeinated soft drink are short-term, but there will still be traces for a following period of time. Therefore, we can gather that a caffeinated soft drink is effective in providing energy for someone who needs it immediately and temporarily. It seems that non-caffeinated apple juice may be a healthy alternative that also increase heart rate. It is unclear from this lab why the apple juice increased the heart rate of the subject, however, another experiment can be conducted to answer this question. One type of experiment might be to have subjects drink different types of non-caffeinated juices to observe the effects on the heart rate and the varying factors in the different juices. The original hypothesis was only partly correct. The heart rate of the person who drank the caffeinated soft drink did rise significantly, however the heart rate of the person who drank the apple juice also increased.

However the heart rate of the person who drank the apple juice had fluctuated between high and low and did not have the complete rise in heart rate that the coca cola seemed to cause. Therefore, especially at the end, the heart rate was close to being constant, just like the hypothesis stated it would.

Many of us feel like we cannot function without our first cup of coffee in the morning. Why do we feel that way? Does the caffeine in the coffee have a physiological effect on our body? If so, is it harmful or is it beneficial? As with so many things, there are benefits and there are risks. Caffeine, the main ingredient found in coffee is a stimulant. It causes your heart rate to increase, your pupils to dilate, and your muscles to tighten up. Caffeine injects adrenalin into your system to give you a boost and make you feel good. Go ahead and pour yourself a cup of coffee, as caffeine in moderate amounts is typically not harmful and actually comes with several benefits. Coffee is a major source of caffeine, but it's not the only one. Other sources include chocolate, certain sodas, soft drinks, sports beverages and teas. Moderate consumption, which is 300 mg of caffeine a day, or about three cups of coffee, is typically safe, where you can enjoy the advantages without incurring the negative effects. BENEFITS OF CAFFEINE Believe it or not, certain amounts of caffeine can have beneficial effects. Historically, small amounts of caffeine have been used to help control weight, alleviate pain, open up airways for improved breathing, and overcome chronic fatigue. Small amounts of caffeine are found to provide us benefits. Caffeine can benefit people who are at high-risk for liver disease, increases muscle strength, increases metabolism by breaking down fat, freeing fatty acids and forcing them to be burned, increases pain relief medication effects, and reduces asthma symptoms. RISKS OF CAFFEINE Moderate amounts of caffeine are generally safe, but excessive caffeine consumption can result in negative effects. If you habitually consume large amounts of caffeine, you can build up

a tolerance to even the excessive amounts of more than 600 mg or more per day. Negative effects include anxiety, insomnia, sweating, nervousness and tenseness, as well as interactions with certain medications or drugs. Caffeine can also be addictive, resulting in withdrawal symptoms if you are used to consuming it and then go without it for 18 to 24 hours, reports. Withdrawal symptoms include depression, fatigue, headache and an inability to concentrate. Although caffeine have negatives effect to us but the important thing is caffeine can be replaced medicine to relieve pain. For example headache medication. Caffeine is a common ingredient in many prescription and over-the-counter headache medications. Caffeine additives make pain relievers 40% more effective in treating headaches. Caffeine also helps the body absorb headache drugs more quickly, bringing faster relief. By adding caffeine and, in turn, taking less medication, you can reduce the risk for potential side effects and possible drug addiction. The negatives effect can be solved when people consume caffeine in moderate amounts. Besides that, caffeine not only can be consumed by human but also by plant (rosebushes, azaleas, rhododendrons, evergreen and camellias). Caffeine also help plant to grow faster. This is because the nitrogen in coffee helps stimulate plant growth. Rather than buying nitrogen rich soil from the nursery, you have a ready source available after every cup you drink. Since the nitrogen gets released very quickly, you will need to work the coffee near the roots of the plant periodically. It's best to work the coffee into the soil rather than leaving it wet on the surface where mold growth can occur. Many commercial farmers use coffee to grow mushrooms. Three forms of caffeine you could try to help the growth of your plant include dissolving some caffeine tablets in tap water, using the leftover coffee from your coffee pot or sprinkling coffee grounds on your plants. In addition, plants produce its own caffeine for defense. Caffeine that comes from plants, provide an insecticidal, and antimicrobial barrier. Caffeine is produced, varying levels of concentration, in all parts of the plants that make it. when fed upon, caffeine paralyzes and kills some of the insects that feed on the plant, as well as causing sometimes-severe intestinal discomfort to grazing herbivores. But, caffeine does not seem to transfer to other plants in the landscape.

Generally, we can say that caffeine not only increase the heart rate but also help the plants to growth. Usually when we say about caffeine people will refer to coffee but caffeine not only in coffee but also in other foods such as chocolate, soft drinks, and others.

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