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Shortly after the completion of the U.S. Department of Commerce's investigation into Chinese solar exports, the U.S.

now finds itself involved in another global solar trade conflict. India's Ministry of Commerce & Industry has officially launched an antidumping investigation into photovoltaic cells exported into India from the U.S. Exports from China, Malaysia and Taiwan will also be subject to the investigation. A coalition of India-based PV manufacturers, including Indosolar Ltd., Jupiter Solar Power Ltd. and Websol Energy Systems Ltd., filed the initial antidumping complaint, alleging that the "subject goods are being dumped into the Indian market by the exporters from the subject countries," according to official documents. John Smirnow, vice president of trade and competitiveness at the Solar Energy Industries Association, says the news of the investigation is unsurprising, given that India's trade association has long been "publicly critical" of imports from the U.S. The group filed its petition several months ago. India's solar trade probe joins several other pending investigations around the world, including two separate module-dumping cases filed by SolarWorldled European group EU ProSun against China, as well as an investigation by China's Ministry of Commerce into alleged solar polysilicon dumping by the U.S. and South Korea. "Often, when you have global overcapacity for modules, you see many of these cases being filed," Smirnow notes. Notably, unlike the trade investigations initiated in the U.S. and Europe,

India's case includes not only crystalline silicon solar products but also thinfilm products. In fact, the usage of thin-film modules from Tempe, Ariz.based First Solar and other U.S. manufacturers in Indian solar plants has been a particular source of longstanding tension. Earlier this year, India's Centre for Science and Environment, a research and advocacy organization, publicly accused the U.S. of "killing" Indian solar manufacturing by offering Indian solar developers low-interest loans through its Export-Import Bank and Overseas Private Investment Corp. in exchange for mandating that the developers use solar products from the U.S. Although India's National Solar Mission rules require that projects eligible for the program use domestically manufactured modules, thin-film PV is currently exempt. Procedures Now that the investigation has begun, the steps involved and the basic timeline are expected to closely resemble those of the U.S. and EU solar trade probes. "The basic procedures are going to be the same," Smirnow explains. "India, the U.S. and China are all members of the World Trade Organization (WTO). If you're a member of the WTO, you agree to certain principles on how you pursue anti-dumping investigations." As with the U.S. and EU cases, a key component will be detailed questionnaires on import quantities and pricing. Smirnow encourages any U.S. company involved with exports to India to take part. "You're always better participating in a dumping investigation than not," he warns. "You're going to get a better result." For example, in the Solarworldled U.S. solar trade case against China, the "countrywide" tariff rate for companies that did not participate in the investigation soared as high as 254.66%, while others saw tariffs ranging from 23.75% to 30.66%. The official period of investigation (POI) will cover January 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012, according to the Indian government's documents. However, for purposes of determining whether allegedly dumped products caused "injury" to the domestic market, the government will examine three separate earlier time periods: April 2008 through March 2009, April 2009 through March 2010, and March 2011 through the standard POI timeframe. Because the investigation remains in its preliminary stages, Smirnow says it

is too soon to begin speculating on whether tariffs ultimately will be imposed - or how high they may be. In any case, he does not foresee an exodus of U.S. suppliers from the Indian market, even if the government applies severe tariffs. Rather, these companies may simply need to adjust their supply channels. "If they impose high margins that effectively preclude their ability to compete, then they might be thinking of alternate sources of supply," he says, noting that many Chinese manufacturers coped with the U.S.' tariffs by moving some of their manufacturing to neighboring countries that were not subject to the investigation. For U.S. manufacturers exporting to India, that strategy could be slightly complicated by the additional presence of Malaysia and Taiwan - potential alternate manufacturing locales - in the trade case. "By including Malaysia, they may be targeting First Solar facilities," Smirnow points out. Photo: Gujarat, India-based GreenBrilliance installed this 100 kW PV system in Raipur, Chattisgarh, India. Photo credit: GreenBrilliance

The solar cell and panel manufacturing business isn't showing clear signs of recovery, and that has taken a toll on those who develop the equipment to make the factories run. Tokyo Electron announced Friday that it has broken up a joint venture with Sharp for developing machines for making amorphous silicon thin films. The two companies formed the alliance back in 2008 and came up with chemical vapor deposition tools. Back then, amorphous silicon thin films still seemed like a promising technology, when startups and larger rivals were announcing ambitious plans to build factories. But there were also hot debates about the technologys chances of making it big. A former photovoltaic program manager at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Tom Surek, told the audience of a solar conference in 2009 that the costs and the anticipated price declines for amorphous silicon as well as copper-indium-gallium-selenide (CIGS) thin films made those technologies uncompetitive. And here we are today. Neither amorphous silicon nor CIGS plays a significant role in the gigawatt world of solar business. Venture-backed Signet Solar, an amorphous silicon thin film startup, finally filed for bankruptcy, two years after it shuttered the operation, reported the San Francisco Business Journal this week. Centrotherm, which has worked on standardized CIGS thin film manufacturing, filed for bankruptcy in July this year. Tokyo Electron hasnt given up on amorphous silicon thin film though. Earlier this week, the company said it had completed the purchase of Oerlikon Solar, the Swiss firm that was Applied Materials chief rival. Applied Materials stopped selling its SunFab line in 2010 to focus on catering to makers of crystalline silicon solar cells. Earlier this month, Applied said it needed to pull back its solar investments even more than it previously anticipated, though it has yet to provide details. Applieds other big rival, GT Advanced Technologies, meanwhile, is pushing hard to expand into non-solar markets. The company just bought Twin Creeks Technologies for a cool $10 million and plans to use Twin Creeks technology not just for solar but also for making LED chips and scratch-resistant screens for consumer electronics such as smart phones. If you dont plant seeds, your farm shrinks, GTs CEO, Tom Gutierrez, told financial analysts earlier this month. Twin Creeks had raised nearly $100 million when I wrote about the launch of its equipment to make ultra-thin silicon wafers in March this year. While making super thin wafers can cut costs, the savings arent as significant these days. The prices for silicon were falling quickly during the time when Twin Creeks was finalizing its equipment design and ready it for the commercial rollout. Investors will be hard pressed to put money into solar equipment development like what had been done with Twin Creeks, which is too bad because photovoltaic technology has a long way to go to improve how well it can convert sunlight into electricity.

Lead image: Black stormy clouds via Shutterstock

Solar Energy

6 Reader Comments
oma-graves December 1, 2012

Comment 1 of 6

COST is the biggest problem with Solar Power (PV) today. From the cost of the PV cells to the inverter equipment, it is very expensive. Pay back is long. Reduce the cost and it will get used a lot more. Right now solar power gets used by a handful of ardent techies, and die hard 'off the gridders'. However, as of today, the best that can be said for most home solar installations is that it keeps a few lights on in the house. You can, of course buy the expensive AC 'INVERTER' and run the motorized appliances too, but there it is, the inverters are very expensive and a maintenance issue. Solar power (PV) is a DC (Direct Current) source. It follows then that the loads supplied by a solar source should be DC. If solar power is to ever get into the main stream, the appliance engineers must take a lesson from history. That is, when Edison first invented the dynamo it was D.C. (Direct Current). DC is more efficient than AC with less losses, no leads, lags, kvar's and such. Indeed, the only reason AC is needed is for transmission across long distances. Once you get to the load it is no longer required. The interesting thing is that there are double wound motors available today. That is, they can run on AC or DC. It's a matter of a selector switch. Again, solar power is a DC source. If you make all the loads DC, then the system becomes much more efficient and less expensive to own and operate. Pay back is quicker. A simple summary would be, bring AC to the house, convert it to DC, run the whole house instead of just the lights, start getting a real payback. There is more, of course, but the idea is there.

JohnIhle December 1, 2012

You're speaking about retail rates and you couldn't be more wrong whether you go off grid or interconnect to a utility, Oma. You should crunch real numbers before you run your pen. Granted, the 30% itc, macrs allow businesses to enhance roi/irr..
Comment 2 of 6

but from a long term view, 20 years and/or more, pv can be excellent economically. Especially when viewing environmental rules (from an economic perspective) and associated rate hike risks, rate hikes due to cola, rising maintenance costs on aging fossil fuel plants, and more all of which gets passed on to ratepayers. Not to mention local economic activity associated with distributed generation which is hardly ever discussed. Investing in pv, from a residential rate payer perspective, is a different way to look at investment. Most of us, unfortunately, are used to having our generation come from 100's of miles away. Most people do not look at long term energy investment for their homes as realistic mainly, I think, because of their not being very familiar with the technology or how reliable it is. Also, pv and clean energy has been associated with the environment, which on one hand is good obviously, but on the other hand the eocnomic argument isn't made by most. The econoimcs are significant especially when looking at long term costs and risks associated with fossil fuels. You're other comments are ignorant, too. It's ok to be ignorant, we all are on many issues, but you should dig into the numbers and the technology that is available today. The future is bright for pv and other clean energy technologies because, for several reasons moving forward, fossil fuels and central station generation simply will not be able to compete with clean dg.

I know some hate the term "grid parity" but it is here, right now (in Minnesota which is not known for its solar potential) on the retail side especially when taking long term views.

oma-graves December 1, 2012

Okay John: First of all to have a dissenting point of view is one thing. However, calling some "Ignorant" is quite another. That in itself, is ignorant. I've been in the power industry for 35 years servicing, installing, selling critical power for data centers.
Comment 3 of 6

You, on the one hand, I think are talking about central PV generating facility. On the other hand, I am talking about 'point of use', or end user applications. A PV central generating facility capable of generating the 100's or 1000's of mw needed to make a central generating plant viable would be a huge engineering undertaking that would be prohibitavly expensive. (Recently I scanned an article about a plant in India that had the capacity of 650mw that required 2000 acres for their solar field.)The inverters, the static switches, the constant ongoing maintenance (software and hardware upgrades as a minimum, not to mention the relativly clean environment that must be maintained for the inverters and static switches. All this is very expensive, and as a minimum will be passed on the end user. The end user will see a net increase in their bill for all that. The retail level more readily answers the question of PV being a long term strong industry. Without the end user possibilities, the PV will be limited to utility type generation. The point of making the end user loads DC is valid. The point about making the whole house DC is valid. 20 year pay back is too long at the retail/end user level.

You mention that PV is environmentally sound also. You're right. However, there is another technology that is environmentally sound also, FUSION ENERGY. You may say that it's not available today. Cheap PV isn't available either. More importantly, with a different set of political priorities in energy, fusion makes more sense. It would be a more predictable long term source of energy, higher power densities would help augment the cost, and it is very clean.

rfreeh December 1, 2012

Comment 4 of 6

Today's solar DC to AC inverters are on average 95% plus efficient, with state of art running as high as 98%. So there is little to no efficiency gain by going with DC as there would have been, say 20 or 30 years ago. Inverters add maybe 10% to 15% to the cost of a solar PV system, but make it possible to interconnect with the grid, use existing wiring in buildings, and run standard appliances. The justification for inverters is overwhelming.

rfreeh December 1, 2012

COST is the biggest problem with fusion power generators; that and the fact that they don't yet exist.

Comment 5 of 6

Eliseo December 1, 2012

Comment 6 of 6

Ucilia Wang is a journalist, I understand the role of informing perhaps with an air of discouragement or lack of enthusiasm but who use small scale installation panels isolated from the mains are convinced that it is better to use a 50W panel a hundred candles. Personally I dare say that all this writing is not the whole truth until I can think of that is managing the capitalists who use and will use coal, oil and all fossil because capital moves mountains, infrastructure and manpower.

olarbuzzFacts & FiguresRetail Price EnvironmentModule Pricing

Module Pricing
Solarbuzz is now bringing you more research and analysis of the solar industry through our expanded product portfolio and analyst commentary on industry and market developments. To streamline our site, we have discontinued updating some sections, including Industry News, Retail Pricing and information for those new to the solar industry. You can still sign up to receive free email summaries of the latest commentary, blogs and articles from Solarbuzz analysts.

Download the data | Methodology Retail Price Summary - March 2012 Update The long downward trend in retail module prices continued in March. Reductions in Europe were much more pronounced than in the United States. Long term movement trends in retail module prices can almost always be traced to adjustments at the factory gate. In turn, the factory gate prices are driven by the global supply/demand balance, by cuts in production costs, and by changes in government incentives stimulating demand. European markets have been around 80% of global PV demand during the last five years. However, over recent months, there have been sharp cutbacks in incentives in Europe to reduce demand growth and also the total funding cost of those subsidies. These cuts are actually an outcome of government programs that have been successful in creating demand, but also importantly helping to bring down the unit cost of solar photovoltaics.

Another underlying driver of the retail module price reductions has been caused by a change in module supplier mix. Over the past five years, European, Japanese, and US manufacturers have lost share to Chinese and Taiwanese manufacturers. This month, there were 89 price reductions and just 33 price increases, somewhat similar to the 107 price reductions and 23 price increases the previous month. The last time the number of price rises were more than decreases was November 2010.

Lowest Retail Prices ($/Wp) Currently, 329 solar module prices are below $2.00 per watt (1.48 per watt) or 34% of the total survey. In February, there were 302 price points below $2.00 per watt (1.52 per watt), 31% of the survey. The lowest retail price for a multicrystalline silicon solar module is $1.06 per watt (0.78 per watt) from a German retailer. The lowest retail price for a monocrystalline silicon module is $1.10 per watt (0.81 per watt), also from a German retailer. Brand, technical attributes, and certifications do matter. The lowest thin film module price is $0.84 per watt (0.62 per watt) from a Germanybased retailer. As a general rule, it is typical to expect thin film modules to be at a price discount to crystalline silicon (like for module powers). This thin film price is for a 105 watt module. Price Index Context The module cost is around 35-40% of the total installed cost of a solar energy system. Prices are based upon the purchase of a single solar module and are exclusive of sales taxes. Information on volume discounts, factory gate, and PV system pricing is available as part of our consultingservices.

Benefits Analysis Models and Tools

Program and policy analysis plus financial and microeconomic aspects of renewable electric and competing technologies is crucial to making informed decisions about what technology provides the best value. These tools and Web sites help determine "the bottom line" for financing renewable energy or energy efficiency projects.

EERE Program Benefits Analysis

The Office of Budget performs public benefits analysis, which estimates the future benefits of EERE programs under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993. This page includes access to the full reports from 2003 to the most recent report. You will also find links to background and foundational documents related to the GRPA program benefits analysis.

Crosscutting Analytical Tools

The following is a list of models and tools that can assist in learning more about our main renewable energy technologies and their uses. Most of these tools can be applied on a global, regional, local, or project basis. Cost of Renewable Energy Spreadsheet Tool (CREST) The Cost of Renewable Energy Spreadsheet Tool (CREST) is an economic cash flow model designed to enable PUCs and the renewable energy community assess projects, design cost-based incentives (e.g., feed-in tariffs), and evaluate the impact of tax incentives or other support structures. CREST is a suite of three analytic tools, for solar (photovoltaic and solar thermal), wind, and geothermal technologies, respectively. Energy-10 ENERGY-10 software can identify the best combination of energy-efficient strategies, including daylighting, passive solar heating, and high-efficiency mechanical systems. Using ENERGY-10 at a project's start takes less than an hour and can result in energy savings of 40%-70%, with little or no increase in construction cost. Visit the Energy-10 Web site for more information. Energy Technology Cost and Performance Data Recent cost estimates for utility-scale and distributed generation (DG) renewable energy technologies are available across capital costs, operations and maintenance (O&M) costs, capacity factor, and levelized cost of energy (LCOE). Where available, links to utility-scale and DG data are available under the tab headings. The LCOE tab provides a simple calculator for both utility-scale and DG technologies that compares the combination of capital costs, O&M, performance, and fuel costs. Geographic Information System This site provides dynamically generated maps of renewable energy resources that determine which energy technologies are viable solutions in the United States. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory analyzes the resources and inputs the data into the GISGeographic Information Systems. Green Power Network The Green Power Network (GPN) provides news and information on green power markets and related activities. The site provides up-to-date information on green power providers, product offerings, consumer protection issues, and policies affecting green power markets. It also includes a reference library of relevant papers, articles and reports. The Green Power Network is operated and maintained by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy.

HOMER Model HOMER, the micropower optimization model, simplifies the task of evaluating design options for both off-grid and grid-connected power systems. When you design a power system, you must make many decisions about the configuration of the system: What components does it make sense to include in the system design? How many and what size of each component should you use? How do the costs and environmental impacts of different system designs compare? The large number of technology options, range of technology costs, and variable availability of energy resources make these decisions difficult to make. The HOMER model's optimization and sensitivity analysis algorithms make it easier to evaluate the many possible system configurations. For more information, visit the HOMER Energy website. You also can access a fact sheet about this unique tool. Contact developer for more information. Hybrid2 The Hybrid2 code is a user-friendly tool to conduct detailed long-term performance and economic analysis on a wide variety of hybrid power systems. Hydrogen Deployment System (HyDS) The Hydrogen Deployment System (HyDS) model analyzes the transition to a hydrogen economy. It costs out numerous pathways from production to distribution finding the most economic mode for hydrogen to be delivered in a user-defined region. It integrates an intercity optimization algorithm, which considers economy-of-scale of production, transportation, and delivery as well as the trade-offs between centralized and forecourt hydrogen production. Given price projections for gasoline, natural gas, and other feedstocks, the HyDS ME produces a supply curve reflecting the most economic pathway for hydrogen to be delivered. Contact Nate Blair of the Strategic Energy Analysis Center (SEAC) for more information. Power Technologies Energy Data Book (Fourth Edition) In 2002, the Strategic Energy Analysis Center of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) developed the first version of the Power Technologies Energy Data Book for the U.S. Department of Energy. The analysis group has now posted the fourth edition of the Power Technologies Energy Data Book, which provides updates from our previous edition. The primary purpose of the data book is to compile in one central document a comprehensive set of data about power technologies from diverse sources. This publication features more than 200 pages of energy supply-side data and complete technology profiles for renewable energy and distributed power technologies. The data book also contains a variety of charts on electricity restructuring, power technology forecasts and comparisons, electricity supply, electricity capability, electricity generation, electricity demand, prices, economic indicators, environmental indicators, and conversion factors. Please contact Jrn Aabakken with any questions. REFlex REFlex is a reduced form dispatch model that evaluates the limits of variable renewable generation as a function of system flexibility. It can also evaluate the role of enabling technologies such as demand response and energy storage. It is an updated version of the PVFlex model described in the following articles: "Evaluating the Limits of Solar Photovoltaics (PV) in Traditional Electric Power Systems," by Paul Denholm and Robert Margolis, NREL Report No. JA-640-41459; doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2006.10.014 and "Evaluating the Limits of Solar Photovoltaics (PV) in Electric Power Systems Utilizing Energy Storage and Other Enabling Technologies," by Paul Denholm and Robert Margolis, NREL Report No. JA-6A2-45315. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2007.03.004

RET Finance RETFinance is a levelized cost-of-energy model, which simulates a detailed 20-year nominal dollar cash flow for renewable energy projects power projects including project earnings, cash flows, and debt payment to calculate a project's levelized cost-ofelectricity, after-tax nominal Internal Rate of Return, and annual Debt-ServiceCoverage-Ratios. Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS) Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS) is a multiregional, multitimeperiod, Geographic Information System (GIS), and linear programming model of capacity expansion in the electric sector of the United States. The model, developed by NREL's Strategic Energy Analysis Center (SEAC), is designed to conduct analysis of the critical energy issues in today's electric sector with detailed treatment of the full potential of conventional and renewable electricity generating technologies as well as electricity storage. The principal issues addressed include access to and cost of transmission, access to and quality of renewable resources, the variability of wind and solar power, and the influence of variability on the reliability of the grid. ReEDS addresses these issues through a highly discretized regional structure, explicit accounting for the variability in wind and solar output over time, and consideration of ancillary services requirements and costs. See the ReEDS Web site for more information. Renewable Energy Technology Characterizations (1997) The Renewable Energy Technology Characterizations describe the technical and economic status of the major emerging renewable energy options for electricity supply. These technology characterizations represent the best estimates of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) regarding the future performance and cost improvements expected for these technologies as a result of continuing research and development (R&D) and development of markets for renewable energy through the year 2030. The Renewable Energy Technology Characterizations are copyrighted, but permission is granted for unlimited copying for noncommercial use. SERA (Scenario Evaluation, Regionalization & Analysis) The Scenario Evaluation, Regionalization and Analysis (SERA) model is a geospatially and temporally oriented infrastructure analysis model that determines the optimal production and delivery scenarios for hydrogen, given resource availability and technology cost. Given annual H2 demands on a city-by-city basis, forecasts of feedstock costs, and a catalog of available hydrogen production and transportation technologies, the model generates "blueprints" for hydrogen infrastructure build-out that minimize the overall net-present-value of capital, operating, and feedstock costs for infrastructure networks that meet the specified demand profiles. The model represents production facilities and pipelines at the level of individually geolocated components, while it treats truck and rail transportation at an aggregate level. Intra-urban locations of dispensing stations and of hydrogen production for stationary applications are generated using a geospatial statistical model that matches empirical distributions of such facilities. Prior to October 2009, SERA was know as the Hydrogen Deployment System Modeling Environment (HyDS-ME). Stochastic Energy Deployment System (SEDS) The Stochastic Energy Deployment System (SEDS) model is a capacity-expansion model of the U.S. energy market. The model uses five-year time periods from 2005 to 2050. SEDS can be operated either deterministically or stochastically. When operated deterministically, SEDS uses a single value instead of the input-probability distributions for the uncertain parameters. In this mode, the results are immediate and informative, in terms of how the model responds to different inputs and assumptions. When operated stochastically, SEDS uses Monte Carlo simulations to make a number of sweeps through the time period. In each sweep, the random variables are sampled using a Latin

Hypercube approach that improves on a standard Monte Carlo simulation. SEDS is being developed with a commercially available software package, Analytica, designed to facilitate the development of stochastic models (for more information on Analytica, visit Lumina). Contact James Milf

Using data from over 100 sources NRG expert have recently released their latest collection of renewable energy market research reports. This includes Solar PV,Geothermal energy, Wind energy and more.
NRG Expert have published the Global Renewables Market Research Report which provides an overview of the renewables industry, plus a series of individual reports focusing on each type of renewable. The reports look at the key market drivers, plus outline all the important renewable energy statistics and data. The energy analysts also highlight the most important companies and countries to watch. Critical reading for anyone operating in the renewable energy sector. The full market research report overviews can be viewed here: Here is a quick summary of the latest renewables market research reports available at NRG Expert.

Wind Energy Market Research Report

This global wind energy market research report contains a full wind energy analysis of wind power developments, worldwide and by country. The Wind energy research looks at on and offshore wind power, the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy and wind energy forecasts through to 2020. This combined with a wind energy analysis of the growth of the wind industry, and the development and installation of wind turbines worldwide and wind turbine technology makes this report a must have. This report also looks at the top five wind energy markets, the European wind energy market, and the top three wind turbine manufacturers from China the current number one in the wind energy market.

Solar PV Market Research Report

This new solar market research report and industry analysis provides an overview to the solar market worldwide. It outlines the advantages and disadvantages of the solar industry and provides key data. It looks at the key components and statistics for future growth and development and provides solar forecasts.

Geothermal Market Research Report

This NRG Expert geothermal energy research report provides the most fully comprehensive study of the Geothermal Market worldwide. The report provides a comprehensive geothermal energy analysis of the global geothermal energy industry, with a close look at the key geothermal energy companies and geothermal power generation by country.

Biofuels Market Research Report

This new biofuels market research report looks at the global Biofuels industry now and the predictions for future growth and development worldwide. NRG Experts Biofuels Report and

industry data provides an indepth analysis of the impact these developments will have on the biofuel sector.

Biomass Market Research Report

This new biomass market research report looks at the global Biomass industry now and the predictions for future growth and development. NRG Experts Biomass Report and industry data provides an indepth analysis of the impact these developments will have on the biomass market place.

Hydro Power Market Research Report

NRG Expert provides a hydro power market research report which looks at the contribution of Hydro Power to the Energy Mix. The report contains a full hydro power analysis of hydro power developments, hydro power facts and hydro power statistics worldwide and by country. The market research outlines each countrys hydro electric generating capacity, its history, and its technical background. The report looks at the hydro power sector and the advantages and disadvantages of hydro power. The analysts then use this information to create hydro power forecasts. Critical reading for anyone associated with this sector

Ocean Energy Market Research Report

This new report looks at the key market drivers for the global Ocean Energy market, developments and future projections. 2009 was a good year for the ocean energy sector with US $246 million invested in the industry, up from the 2008 figure. Key areas of development were wave energy, and tidal and marine current projects. For both sectors, more devices reached the prototype stage and were tested out at sea. Considerably more funding has been available for projects to take this leap. Portugal and the UK remain as the main countries for wave energy projects due to generous grants and subsidies, targets and in the case of Portugal, a feed-in tariff. Other countries making significant inroads in the sector last year include Australia, the US, New Zealand and other European countries, especially Ireland.

Rosie Seldon from NRG Expert, the energy market research company analyses countries with huge potential for energy investment and energy growth. This week NRG Expert reveal the top 3 countries to watch.

Top energy investment country to watch: India

India is facing an energy scarcity which is slowing down industrial growth and economic progress. India plans to tackle this by investing in renewable energy, particularly biomass, solar, wind and geothermal energy.

Top energy Facts India

India solar power aims to increase from virtually zero to 20,000 megawatts by 2022.[1] The recent $600m Gujarat solar park marks a rise in a key global market for Indias solar power development, manufacture and investment [1]. India produces 450-500 million tonnes of biomass per year, 32% of all the primary energy use at present. Biodiesel is targeted to meet 20% of the countrys diesel requirement by 2020. $1.1 billion wind energy investment by, ReNew Power Limited, to set up 1,000MW of wind energy projects across India.[2]

To find out which other 2 countries NRG Expert are keeping a close eye on, click here: To access in-depth energy data on the country of your choice click here: NRG expert provides country specific data and reports regarding energy investment, energy growth and energy analysis.

Countries covered: India Market definition The renewable energy market consists of the consumption of electricity generated via Geothermal, Solar, Wind and Hydroelectric means, as well as through wood and waste combustion. Data are reported as net consumption as opposed to gross consumption. Net consumption excludes the energy consumed by the generating units. The volume of the market is calculated as the volume of electricity consumed (in billions of kilowatt hours, kWh), and the market value has been calculated according to average annual renewable electricity prices. Any currency conversions used in the creation of this report have been calculated using constant 2010 annual average exchange rates., Introduction Renewable Energy in India industry profile provides top-line qualitative and quantitative summary information including: market size (value and volume 2006-10, and forecast to 2015). The profile also contains descriptions of the leading players including key financial metrics and analysis of competitive pressures within the market. Essential resource for top-line data and analysis covering the India renewable energy market. Includes market size data, textual and graphical analysis of market growth trends, leading companies and macroeconomic information. Highlights

The renewable energy market consists of the consumption of electricity generated via Geothermal, Solar, Wind and Hydroelectric means, as well as through wood and waste combustion. Data are reported as net consumption as opposed to gross consumption. Net consumption excludes the energy consumed by the generating units. The volume of the market is calculated as the volume of electricity consumed (in billions of kilowatt hours, kWh), and the market value has been calculated according to average annual renewable electricity prices.. Any currency conversions used in the creation of this report have been calculated using constant 2010 annual average exchange rates. The Indian renewable energy market had total revenue of $10.7 billion in 2010, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15% for the period spanning 2006-2010. Market consumption volumes decreased with a CARC of -0.5% between 2006-2010, to reach a total of 120.4 billion kWh in 2010. The performance of the market is forecast to decelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 14.1% for the fiveyear period 2010-2015, which is expected to drive the market to a value of $20.8 billion by the end of 2015.

Features Save time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the size, growth, and leading players in the renewable energy market in India Use the Five Forces analysis to determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of the renewable energy market in India Leading company profiles reveal details of key renewable energy market players global operations and financial performance Add weight to presentations and pitches by understanding the future growth prospects of the India renewable energy market with five year forecasts by both value and volume Macroeconomic indicators provide insight into general trends within the India economy

Renewable Energy Industry Scenario of The BRIC Nations Summary Brazil, Russian Federation, India and China, known as the BRIC nations, are among the emerging economies in the world and play an increasingly important role in global financial markets. Their diverse political, social, macroand microeconomic indicators as well as increasing government support are key drivers to attract investors in their various markets, including renewable energy industry. Renewable energy investments in BRIC nations have increased from $6.35 billion in 2004 to $33.47 billion in 2009. Total renewable power investments in China increased from $1,768.96min 2004 to $12,252.01m in 2009 at a CAGR of 63.18%. China was followed by Brazil in renewable power investments in 2009, with an investment of $10,058.65m. Investments in renewable energy industry in India have also increased from $3,712.97m in 2004 to $8,922.81min 2009 at a CAGR of 19.72%. Russian renewable power market is in its initial stages of development with an investment of almost $2,236m in 2009. This is due to the lack of supporting government policies to attract investors in its renewable sector. However, the upcoming investments plans in Russia are expected to increase its renewable power investments to $7,842m by 2010. The total renewable power investments in BRIC nations are therefore, expected to reach $47,284m by 2010. Scope

Renewable Energy Cumulative Installed Capacity of BRIC Nations Renewable Energy Investments in BRIC Nations Regulatory Environment for Renewable Energy Industry in the BRIC nations Competitive Analysis

he demand for alternate sources of energy like solar has surged worldwide due to global warming and shortage of conventional sources. Solar energy accounts for less than a fraction of the total renewable energy installed capacity in India. In the current scenario, solar energy is less affordable as per unit cost of solar energy is 4X-5X other conventional and non-conventional sources. However, due to tropical location and the government initiatives, India has the potential to become a solar hub. Government has introduced various reforms and incentives to encourage domestic and multi-national companies to set up plants in India. The report provides a snapshot of the solar power market in India, including the installed capacity, growth and value chain analysis. Both, solar photovoltaic and solar thermal methods are covered in the report. The report highlights the key trends and drivers in the solar power market and provides a brief analysis of the major issues/challenges hindering the growth of the market. Competitive landscape identifies the key players and highlights the investments proposed by each in solar energy.

Solar PV in India, Market Outlook to 2025 - Capacity, Generation, Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), Investment Trends, Regulations and Company Profiles Summary Solar PV in India, Market Outlook to 2025 - Capacity, Generation, Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), Investment Trends, Regulations and Company Profiles is the latest report from GlobalData, the industry analysis specialists that offer comprehensive information and understanding of the solar PV market in India. The report provides in depth analysis on global renewable power market and global solar PV market with forecasts up to 2025. The report analyzes the power market scenario in India (includes thermal conventional, nuclear, large hydro and renewables) and provides future outlook with forecasts up to 2025. The research details renewable power market outlook in the country (includes wind, small hydro, biopower and solar PV) and provides forecasts up to 2025. The report highlights installed capacity and power generation trends from 2001 to 2025 in India solar PV market. The research analyzes market segmentation by grid connectivity, investment trends and LCOE for solar PV in India during 2011-2025. The report provides information on the amount of carbon saved and average number of homes powered by solar PV during 2001-2025. A detailed coverage of renewable energy policy framework governing the market with specific policies pertaining to solar PV market development is provided in the report. The research also provides company snapshots of some of the major market participants. The report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, secondary research and inhouse analysis by GlobalDatas team of industry experts. Scope The report analyses global renewable power market, global solar PV market, India power market, India renewable power market and India solar PV market. The scope of the research includes -

A brief introduction on global carbon emissions and global primary energy consumption. Historical period is during 2001-2011 (unless specified) and forecast period is for 2012-2025. An overview on global renewable power market, highlighting installed capacity trends, generation trends and installed capacity split by various renewable power sources. Renewable power sources include wind (includes both onshore and offshore), solar photovoltaic (PV), concentrated solar power (CSP), small hydropower (SHP), biomass, biogas and geothermal. Detailed overview on the global solar PV market with installed capacity and generation trends, market segmentation by grid connectivity, installed capacity split by region in 2011, installed capacity split by major solar PV countries in 2011, investment trends (2011-2025), trade flow of solar PV modules (20012011) and detailed cost analysis which includes LCOE comparison among major countries. Power market scenario in India and provides detailed market overview, installed capacity and power generation trends by various fuel types (includes thermal conventional, nuclear, large hydro and renewables) with forecasts up to 2025. An overview on India renewable power market, highlighting installed capacity trends (2001-2025), generation trends(2001-2025) and installed capacity split by various renewable power sources in 2011. Detailed overview of India solar PV market with installed capacity and generation trends, market segmentation by grid connectivity, investment trends (2011-2025), import-export data of PV modules (2006-2011), carbon savings (2001-2025), number of homes powered (2001-2025) and LCOE for solar PV during 2011-2025. Deal analysis of India solar PV market. Deals are analyzed on the basis of mergers, acquisitions, partnership, asset finance, debt offering, equity offering, private equity (PE) and venture capitalists (VC). Key policies and regulatory framework supporting the development of renewable power sources in general and solar PV in particular. Company snapshots of some of the major market participants in the country.

Countries covered: India

Indian Renewable Energy Sector - Installed Capacity will Cross 90 GW Mark by End of 13th Five-year Plan Summary Renewable energy sources are developing at an unprecedented rate and significant capacity was added during the 11th five-year plan (April 2007March 2012). Unlike conventional sources, renewable energy growth far surpassed pre-defined targets. The 11th five-year plan proved a golden period for the development of renewable energy sector. The installed capacity increased by more than 350% during the 11th five-year plan. As on March 31, 2012, the total renewable installed capacity reached to 24.5 GW from 6.8 GW in March 31, 2007. This trend will continue for at least the next decade as the government is committed to increasing the size of the renewable energy share in Indias power generation mix due to energy security and environmental concerns. This will help to bridge the demand-supply gap and will also support Indias growing economy. Scope

The report provides insight to the renewable year growth in recent years, current status and future prospective. The report provides the following information -

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The governments planned expenditure along with the expected growth during 12th five year plan (2012-2017) for various renewable energy technologies It projects market growth during 13th five year plan (2017-2022) for various renewable energy sources. It identifies the drivers of the growth and the challenges; where governments should work to make the growth more streamlined.

Reasons to buy

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The report provides insight to the renewable year growth in recent years, current status and future prospective. The report covers the governments planned expenditure along with the expected growth for various technologies during 12th five year plan (2012 -2017) . It also projects market growth during 13th five year plan (2017 - 2022). The report identifies the drivers of the growth and the avenue where government has to more to make the growth path more streamlined.

Indian Renewable Energy Sector - Installed Capacity will Cross 90 GW Mark by End of 13th Five-year Plan Summary Renewable energy sources are developing at an unprecedented rate and significant capacity was added during the 11th five-year plan (April 2007March 2012). Unlike conventional sources, renewable energy growth far surpassed pre-defined targets. The 11th five-year plan proved a golden period for the development of renewable energy sector. The installed capacity increased by more than 350% during the 11th five-year plan. As on March 31, 2012, the total renewable installed capacity reached to 24.5 GW from 6.8 GW in March 31, 2007. This trend will continue for at least the next decade as the government is committed to increasing the size of the renewable energy share in Indias power generation mix due to energy security and environmental concerns. This will help to bridge the demand-supply gap and will also support Indias growing economy. Scope

The report provides insight to the renewable year growth in recent years, current status and future prospective. The report provides the following information -

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The governments planned expenditure along with the expected growth during 12th five year plan (2012-2017) for various renewable energy technologies It projects market growth during 13th five year plan (2017-2022) for various renewable energy sources. It identifies the drivers of the growth and the challenges; where governments should work to make the growth more streamlined.

Reasons to buy

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The report provides insight to the renewable year growth in recent years, current status and future prospective. The report covers the governments planned expenditure along with the expected growth for various technologies during 12th five year plan (2012 -2017) . It also projects market growth during 13th five year plan (2017 - 2022). The report identifies the drivers of the growth and the avenue where government has to more to make the growth path more streamlined.

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