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11/24/12 11:11 PM Vocabulary list

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yngji to meet / to welcome / to greet
lngy another / the other

g individual / this / that / size / classifier for people or objects in general

g variant of ]|[ge4]
chnx first rays of morning sun / first glimmer of dawn

dili to bring / to bring about / to produce

qunxn all new / completely new

kngq air / atmosphere

qx breath / smell / odor / flavor

gibin to change / to alter / to transform

qng feeling / emotion / passion / situation

wi taste / smell / classifier for drugs (in TCM)

bbin constant / unvarying / (math.) invariant

ch tea / tea plant / CL:[bei1],|[hu2]
fragrant / sweet smelling / aromatic / savory or appetizing / (to eat) with
relish / (of sleep) sound / perfume or spice / joss or incense stick / CL:|

pio to float

Mn Manchu ethnic group

to fill / full / filled / packed / fully / completely / quite / to reach the limit /
to satisfy / satisfied / contented
qngy friendship / camaraderie
w I / me / my

Ji surname Jia

home / family / (polite) my (sister, uncle etc) / classifier for families or
businesses / refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China / noun
suffix for a specialist in some activity, such as a musician or revolutionary,
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corresponding to English -ist, -er, -ary or -ian / CL:]|[ge4]
dmn entrance / door / gate
Chng surname Chang
chng always / ever / often / frequently / common / general / constant
dki to open / to show (a ticket) / to turn on / to switch on
to bloom / to open / to be open (to the public) / to open up (to the outside) /
to be open-minded / unrestrained by convention / unconstrained in one's

to hug / to cherish / within the bosom (of the family) / to embrace (also fig.
an ideal, aspiration etc)

class / rank / grade / equal to / same as / to wait for / to await / et cetera /
and so on / et al. (and other authors) / after / as soon as / once
n you (informal, as opposed to courteous [nin2])
yngbo to embrace / to hug

Gu surname Guo

(experienced action marker) / to cross / to go over / to pass (time) / to
celebrate (a holiday) / to live / to get along / excessively / too-

at once / right away / only / just (emphasis) / as early as / already / as soon
as / then / in that case / as many as / even if / to approach / to move
towards / to undertake / to engage in / to suffer / subjected to / to
accomplish / to take advantage of / to go with (of foods) / with regard to /
I've got a solution! / to have a bun in the oven (abbr. for ||[you3 le5
mq to understand tacitly / secret agreement / implicit recognition

can / to be possible / to be able to / will / to be likely to / to be sure to / to
assemble / to meet / to gather / to see / union / group / association / CL:]|
[ge4] / a moment (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [hui3])

kui to balance an account / accountancy / accounting

ishng to fall in love with / to be in love with

zhl here / variant of j|

zhl here
bgun no matter (what, how) / regardless of / no matter
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yunjn far and near / distance

D surname Du
du all / both / entirely / (used for emphasis) even / already / (not) at all
d capital city / metropolis

sh is / are / am / yes / to be

krn visitor / guest / customer / client / CL:L[wei4]

qng to ask / to invite / please (do sth) / to treat (to a meal etc) / to request
You're welcome (that is, please don't thank me) / There is no need to stand
on ceremonies.
to agree (on a meeting place, date etc) / to reach agreement / to make an
good / well / proper / good to / easy to / very / so / (suffix indicating
completion or readiness) / (of an unmarried couple) to be close / to be keen
on each other
ho to be fond of / to have a tendency to / to be prone to

le (modal particle intensifying preceding clause) / (completed action marker)

lio to finish / to achieve / to understand

lio (of eyes) bright / clear-sighted / to understand clearly

again / once more / re- / second / another / then (after sth, and not until

yq in the same place / together / with / altogether (in total)

wmen we / us / ourselves / our
hunyng to welcome / welcome

zhng seed / species / kind / type / classifier: type, kind, sort

zhng to plant / to grow / to cultivate

zho (chess) move / trick / all right! / (dialect) to add
to touch / to come in contact with / to feel / to be affected by / to catch fire
/ to fall asleep / to burn
zhe aspect particle indicating action in progress
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zhu to wear (clothes) / to contact / to use / to apply
wnninqng Nippon lily (Rohdea japonica)
mi each / every
Dun surname Duan
paragraph / section / segment / stage (of a process) / classifier for stories,
periods of time, lengths of thread etc
legendary / fantasy saga / romance / short stories of the Tang and Song

as (in the capacity of) / to take sth as / to act as / to serve as / to behave as /
to become / to be / to do / by (in the passive voice)

wi because of / for / to

variant of |[wei2] / as (i.e. in the capacity of) / to take sth as / to act as
/ to serve as / to behave as / to become / to be / to do

wi variant of |[wei4], because of / for / to

chuntng tradition / traditional / convention / conventional / CL:]|[ge4]

of / ~'s (possessive particle) / (used after an attribute) / (used to form a
nominal expression) / (used at the end of a declarative sentence for

d really and truly

d aim / clear

trng soil
bzhng to sow seeds / sowing / seed

lixi to leave behind / to stay behind / to remain / to keep / not to let (sb) go
huy to recall / recollection / CL:]|[ge4]
mshng strange / unfamiliar

shx to be familiar with / to know well

byng need not
jl to stand on ceremony / punctilious
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d (prefix indicating ordinal number, e.g. first, number two etc)

jc several times

li to come / to arrive / to come round / ever since / next

migunxi it doesn't matter

yu to have / there is / there are / to exist / to be

ti highest / greatest / too (much) / very / extremely

many / much / a lot of / numerous / more / in excess / how (to what extent)
/ multi- / Taiwan pr. [duo2] when it means "how"
hut subject (of a talk or conversation) / topic
Bijng Beijing, capital of People's Republic of China / Peking / PRC government
to split heaven and earth apart (idiom); refers to the Pangu ,|,[Pan2
gu3] creation myth

to flow / to circulate / to go from place to place / to be mobile / (of assets)

Zhng China / Chinese / surname Zhong

zhng within / among / in / middle / center / while (doing sth) / during

zhng to hit (the mark) / to be hit by / to suffer / to win (a prize, a lottery)

mil charm / fascination / glamor / charisma

chngmn full of / brimming with / very full / permeated

zhoq vitality / dynamism

(located) at / (to be) in / to exist / in the middle of doing sth / (indicating an
action in progress)
tiyng sun / CL:]|[ge4]

down / downwards / below / lower / later / next (week etc) / second (of two
parts) / to decline / to go down / to arrive at (a decision, conclusion etc)

to share (joys, benefits, privileges etc) with others / to get one's share / to
divide out / to partake
hx to breathe

Yellow Earth, 1984 movie by Zhang Yimou ,|;[Zhang1 Yi4
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hungtd the yellow earth (of China)

to renovate / to refurbish / to refresh (computer window) / to write a new
page (in history) / to break (a record)
chngj achievement / performance records / grades / CL:|[xiang4],]|[ge4]
kihui to one's heart's content / without restraint
rngn to hold / to contain / to accommodate / to tolerate (different opinions)

tind heaven and earth / world / scope / field of activity

suyu years / passing of time

zhnfng to blossom
qngchn youth / youthfulness

xiorng smile / smiling expression / CL:[fu4]

zhge this / this one

rq date / CL:]|[ge4]

tin day / sky / heaven

dd earth / mother earth

Dadu, capital of China during the Yuan Dynasty (1280-1368), modern day
ddu for the most part / on the whole / also pr. [da4 du1]
dd for the most part / on the whole / metropolitan
pngyou friend / CL:]|[ge4],L[wei4]
hu to draw / picture / painting / CL:|[fu2],|[zhang1]

Y Italy / Italian / abbr. for |[Yi4 da4 li4]

idea / meaning / thought / to think / wish / desire / intention / to expect / to
poem / CL:[shou3] / poetry / verse / abbr. for Book of Songs |,
[Shi1 jing1]

band / belt / girdle / ribbon / tire / area / zone / region / CL:]|[tiao2] / to
wear / to carry / to take along / to bear (i.e. to have) / to lead / to bring / to
look after / to raise
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xioy smiling expression

zh only / merely / just / but
zh but / only
classifier for birds and certain animals, one of a pair, some utensils, vessels
dngdi to wait / to wait for
to resemble / to be like / to look as if / such as / appearance / image /
portrait / image under a mapping (math.)
ynyu music / CL:|[zhang1],][qu3],[[duan4]

gndng to move (sb) / to touch (sb emotionally) / moving

rng to yield / to permit / to let sb do sth / to have sb do sth
to add oil / to top up with gas / to refuel / to accelerate / abbr. for j,
||j,][jia1 da4 you2 men2] / to step on the gas / fig. to make an
extra effort / fig. to cheer sb on

to go / to go to (a place) / to cause to go or send (sb) / to remove / to get rid
of / (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth / to be
apart from in space or time / (after a verb of motion indicates movement
away from the speaker) / (used after certain verbs to indicate detachment
or separation) / (of a time or an event etc) just passed or elapsed
choyu to surpass / to exceed / to transcend
zj oneself / one's own

mngxing (figuratively) to dream of / dream

shi who / also pr. [shui2]

liobuq amazing / terrific / extraordinary

yngq courage / valor

qj miracle / miraculous / wonder / marvel

Jngj Beijing opera / CL:_|[chang3],[chu1]

ya (particle equivalent to after a vowel, expressing surprise or doubt)

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