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Monday, November 12, 2012

New Series 137: Extraterrestrial, as well as Terrestrial craft, have been seen by many people, and yet, your Zionist-controlled media still cover the facts with jokes and silly commentsor ignore the subject completely. Why? When God and His HOSTS make their presence known officially, the Jews plan to launch a Panic Play, like the one they did with Orson Welles radio show in 1939. H.G. Wells, a member of the Committee of 300/Club of Rome conspirators from back in the day, used War Of The Worlds as a living blue print for a MANAGED and STAGED Space Invasion.
10/21/2012 from HATONN/jonur (ns137) Good afternoon. Thank you, Jonur, let us continue for we have much to cover this day. CHAPTER FOUR TODAYS WATCH Extraterrestrial, as well as Terrestrial craft, have been seen by many people, and yet, your Zionistcontrolled media still cover the facts with jokes and silly commentsor ignore the subject completely. Why? When God and His HOSTS make their presence known officially, the Jews plan to launch a Panic Play, like the one they did with Orson Welles radio show in 1939. H.G. Wells, a member of the Committee of 300/Club of Rome conspirators from back in the day, used War Of The Worlds as a living blue print for a MANAGED and STAGED Space Invasion. This is what the adversary is planning this very moment using 21st Century SECRET TESLA TECHNOLOGY. Again, dear friends, this is the final World War the Jews have set up to bring your nation (and planet) to its knees. ZIONIST PANIC PROJECT The Money Changer Jews from Immanuel Esu Jesus day saw UFOs back then2000 years ago! The Roman soldiers guarding Jesus Tomb saw a craft land in front of them and an Angel of the Lord came out of the metallic light! At John The Baptists baptism of Immanuel (returning as Sananda, the Egyptian label meaning Christ; remember, your Holy Bible states: He will return bearing a new name.) the people gathered at the river Jordan were frozen with fear as a brilliant, lighted, metallic craft dropped out of the clear blue, cloudless sky and sat over the river. After a voice told them not to fear the people were calmed. Immanuel blessed them, turned and entered the craft, and was taken away for 40 days of Higher Teachings! That, too, was witnessed thusly by the Money Changer Jews. The Graphic Screenplay about the life, teachings, crucifixion, and NEAR DEATH, of Immanuel Esu is coming forth in that man sees with his eyes what happened to this wondrous Man

So, in short, the Hollywood Jew of today secretly knows THEIR history surrounding Jesus and their treatment of Him, and their treatment OF THE TEACHINGS LEFT BEHIND FOR YOU OF JESUS PEOPLE. Therefore, The Panic Projectto mislead His people into believing only alien

extraterrestrials come from the sky in metallic light orbs (UFOs)is wholly thrust upon Christianity and the citizenry of the world. HENRY KISSINGER KNOWS ALL ABOUT IT! Today America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, threatening our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.

Heinz Stern (of the notorious Terrorist Stern Gang, of which his own mother was a prominent member!), also known as Henry Kissinger, IS STILL THE TOP REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ZIONIST/MORMON NEW WORLD ORDER. Zbigniew Brezinski and the Soviet agent code named: Boaranother label that Kissinger earnedthese two evil creaturesare charged with orchestrating the Global Government/NWO for the Rothschild Banking Family in Europe. So when Kissinger says an outside threat from beyond, believe me when I tell you the Jews are planning something EXTREMELY BIG! WHY IS TALK OF 9/11 ATTACK ON WORLD TRADE CENTER NOW CONSIDERED ANTI-SEMITIC? The American people are going to have to come to grips with the idea that you have let your most deadly enemy into your nationwith open arms!!! Would Israel actually plan and then carry out the destruction of three buildingstwo of them your biggest skyscrapersin the middle of New York City???!! And crash two JET AIRPLANES INTO THE MESS???!! And to top it all off, adding incredible insult to injuryCOLLECT (DOUBLE) ON THE INSURANCEFURTHER PROVING THEIR CONTEMPT AND LOATHING OF YOU AMERICAN CHRISTIANS????!! Indeed, they most certainly would, and have! The Anti-Christ/Anti-God element on your place is the British-Israel Organization, who call themselves Zionists and Jews. The Hebrew people are the first to be sacrificed, just as they were in Germany during World War IIby their own so-called brothers! Khazars are not Hebrew, nor are they Judean, or Semites/Shemitesthey DO NOT come from the tribe of Shem. However, when they converted to THE RELIGION OF THE HEBREWS IN 740 A.D., THEY TOOK THE NAME JEW TO HIDE THE TREACHERY OF FALSELY CLAIMING TO BE OF THESE PEOPLE OF THE BIBLE. So, yes indeed, the evidence is right in front of you! The ones claiming to be Jews in Revelation 3:9 and 2:9, remember, Those who are actually of the synagogue of Satan, are in fact Turkish converted Khazars. And if you trace that back further, you will note that these ones were the Barbarian Tribes of your Old World ancestry. Continued from ns133 THE MAYAN CALENDAR AND THE 2012 END DATE:

Many of the Mayan monuments describe mundane historical events, but some of the Long Count monuments are dated with the date These are called the Creation monuments, and they are talking about the beginning of time and the end of time, because time is considered cyclic. [Hatonn: In addition, time has a backward AND forward movementTIME TRAVEL IS INDEED A REAL PHENOMENONyour adversary has kept that, too, to themselves in an attempt to further fool the masses about your so-called extraterrestrial brethren! You people of Earth have no idea of the wondrous inventions your secret scientists have kept from you. And their total intent is to keep you in bondage to a physical manifestation of illusion and deception. How else can the masses and the very elect be fooled?! That date in the Long Count calendar applies to the beginning date [in 3114 BC], but it also applies to the end date [the cycle ending in 2012]. And what the hieroglyphs say is something like, On this date, the image is made to appear. [H: Quetzalcoatl is the Bird Tribe image, the feathers of the Native Americans and other ABORIGINAL/ORIGINAL tribes, which shows itself representative of the PHOENIX BIRD being reborn from the ashes. The Phoenix is the highest ranking bird and it represents OUR craftthe Silver Clouds and Chariots of the Gods!] So, then you have to look on the hieroglyphs for the image, and its basically this term halaj koh. This is a complex sort of thing that we would have to go into much deeper to really understand but, in short, it has to do with the Sun being in the middle of the cross that manifests at the end of time.

John Major Jenkins has long believed that the Maya were specifically pointing to the alignment of the Sun with the galactic equator when they developed their Long Count calendar. He has surmised that the Maya must have been aware of what is known in astronomy circles as the [To be continued ] *** Valerie, just place the last two documents in the next JOURNAL, or, if there is sufficient space, put them in the one concluding now. Jonur just finished purging the last bit of human physical attachments that were weighing him down; this new book is a reflection of that hard process that everyone is going to have to experience before they come back into God and The Creation as ONE. Bear with the seeming confusion of the workload consistency. It is a necessary process of clearing the workspace from all unwanted distractions. The wheat must be separated from the chaff! Jonur, begin anew in the daily document numbering (00001, etc.) and start the next JOURNAL now. [Editors note: The 31 or so pages could be broken up in groups of 10 pages and added to the end of the next two or three title pages, perhaps?] Pick up, however, right where we left off in the Lessons. Hatonn

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