Blood-and-Spicehas Left (Connection Closed)

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02:21:54 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *sitting outside his home, a cup of tea and a piece of

apple butter cake in his lap. He watches the river and hums to himself, happily eating* 02:23:44 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Comes a walking down the river! He has a new shirt and a smile on his face, looking like the happiest person in the world. Just kinda daydreaming along when he spies Dalton. He waves to him from afar* 02:25:06 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *hides the cake and tries to wave back* ...Hello Sibbi. What are you doing prancing around here? 02:26:41 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Hahah~ I am not prancing. Just walking home from my sweetheart's place. *Lalala, prance-- I mean, strolls closer to Dalton* 02:27:34 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *NO SIBBI THIS IS HIS BUTTER CAKE* Your...sweetheart's. *frowns a bit at the younger man* You slept with him, I take it. 02:30:08 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *mingshrugs* Perhaps. *That smug aura says yes. And oh, what is that that Dalton has? Comes even closer to take a look* What's that? 02:32:26 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *sighs and rolls his eyes* That, simply tea. *lifts the cup to sip from, still hiding the cake* 02:32:48 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Could I have some? I'm parched. *Takes a seat next to the other* 02:34:18 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: You had enough energy to go and have your fun, you have enough to go inside and get juice. Go on, I'll stay right here. 02:39:49 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Baw, fine. He hops up again, a little spring in his step as he heads inside to get tea* 02:43:57 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *watches the other pass by, then mumbles to himself and takes a bite out of the cake, envious and angry* 02:46:53 AM** Blood-and-Spicehas left [connection closed] 02:47:43 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Messes around in the kitchen as he gets his cup and junk! Calls out cheerfully to Dalton* So~! I've convinced Eztli to come down from the temple to meet some more people. 02:48:24 AM** Blood-and-Spicehas joined 02:50:04 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *noms on the cake and listens* ...Hmm? Have you? And by more people, do you mean anyone but Gereon and I? 02:53:03 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: I-I do not think it would be a good idea for him to meet Gereon. *Laughs nervously. Once he has his cup o' tea, he heads back outside* And you've already met him. I would just like others to get to know him, as well. Maybe it will help some of them to not be so afraid. 02:53:55 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *tosses the crumbs and lifts a brow, glancing at the other* Finish your tea and be off. 02:55:06 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Do not be that way, Dalton. Are you just jealous that I've had some fun and you haven't? *mings and sips on his tea* 02:56:25 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *points a finger at the other's cup and zaps it, watching it shatter* 02:57:12 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *SOIGha! Gets tea on his pants!! He yelps out loud at how hot it is* Ow, ow, ow!! Asshole-! 02:59:30 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *smiles smugly and turns back to his own cup, sipping from it* You deserved it for being a braggart. 03:02:41 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Asgoiahs tries to smack the bottom of the cup to make it splash on the other* 03:03:48 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *feels a bit splash on him and hisses- quick to dump the rest out on the ground. He turns his head to glare at Sibbi* ... 03:05:30 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Just sticks his chin up* You deserved that. 03:06:31 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *GRABS THE OTHER'S THROAT- then releases and smiles, inhaling* Just wait, Caspersen. 03:08:27 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Herp, gets grabbed by the throat. He tenses up until Dalton releases him, and then he just scoffs* Oh, please, Dalton. You would not hurt me. 03:10:18 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *chuckles and watches the other, studying his face* Oh you don't know -what- I could do to you if I really wanted to, darling. *stands up and brushes himself off* I could make you weep and beg for mercy. *taps the other's nose and goes into the house* Come in.

03:12:55 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: But that is the thing! You do not want to. So I'm safe~

*Gets a tap on the nose, and he obediantly hops up to follow the other inside* I hope you're offering to wash my pants now that there's tea all over them. 03:17:36 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: I am -not- your mother. You acted like a prat, you will get nothing more than a little cake and juice. *moves to pull the items out and fixes Sibbi a slice of cake and a cup of juice* 03:19:39 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: I did not act like a p-- did you say cake? *His face lights up into a smile and he forgets all about the tea on his pants. He takes a seat, eagerly waiting to be served* 03:21:02 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *a plate is set on the table in front of the other, and Dalton leans over the younger man's shoulder, breaking a piece off. He lifts it to Sibbi's mouth* 03:26:38 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: :v !! *Is fed! He noms on that piece of cake, then beams a smile at Dalton* It's wonderful! :> 03:27:11 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *slides on by Dalton's house and knocks gently on the front door* 03:28:32 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *at the knock, he covers Sibbi's mouth with a hand and uses the opposite hand to zap him on the ass* ...Who is it?? *he calls in a cheerful tone* 03:29:15 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *mouth gets covered and BOOTY IS ZAPPED! He yelps and jumps in his seat, shouting against Dalton's hand* 03:30:00 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: A-Addy... Uh... *takes a couple steps back from the door* Is, um, is now a bad time? 03:30:45 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *leans down to Sibbi's ear* You really should mind your mouth more. *chuckles and keeps a hand on Sibbi's mouth as he stands straight again* Not at all, Addule. Come right on in. 03:31:33 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Tries to turn his head enough to glaaaare at the man* 03:31:47 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *oh he heard that all right. He lets himself in and trots towards 'em* Wh-what did he do? 03:32:39 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *stares down at Sibbi- and shocks him yet again* Ran his mouth off and hit a sore spot in my mood, that's all. Didn't you, darling? *smiles down at Sibbi again* 03:33:27 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: !!! *Jolts a bit when he's zapped again, and this time he tries to fight to slap Dalton's hand away and get up* 03:34:32 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *takes a couple steps back again, looking antsy* Aare you sure now isn't a bad time? I-if you're not in a good mood I can go... 03:36:02 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *laughs and catches Sibbi's hands, tugging them behind the other's back* My mood is improving steadily. If you could help me, can you grab the two rags over there by the sink? 03:37:32 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *nods and speeds across to get them. He drops them on the table near Dalton and retreats a few more paces* 03:39:16 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Wh--excuse me? *Turns his head to glare and bare his teeth at Dalton in a scowl* This is not a funny joke! Let go of me. 03:39:58 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *looks over at them* One around his head as a gag. He's too noisy. I'll take the other to bind his hands. Would you like to have some fun, Addule? 03:42:24 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *tilts his head to the side, tail swishing behind him* Define "fun". 03:43:34 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: I said let me go, bastard! *Tries to yank away from Dalton's grip* 03:44:41 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *snaps his teeth at Sibbi and laughs* Not a chance in hell, -darling-. *looks over at Addy* I made cake. You can have it for Winter if you help me turn him into a canvas. 03:46:38 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *lightens up and nods his head* O-okay. Can you show me how to make it too? *trots over to tie up his wrists* 03:47:34 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: Of course. We'll make another after we finish with Sibbi here. Now, if you would? He's struggling a bit... 03:50:45 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Canvas?! *DOES NOT WANT. He struggles even more, trying to use some powers to help him. Casually tries to sink into his own shadow to escape!* 03:53:44 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *glowing brightly, he tries to lift the other up, hoping to shrink the size of the shadow* No no no Sibbi~ *lets go when the other's wrists are tied

behind him. He grabs the other cloth and ties it around the blond's head, attempting to gag him* 03:55:14 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *loops his tail gently around Sibbi's ankle, the tip hovering over his skin* 03:57:51 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Lets out his frustration with a string of furious Norwegian swears-- which get cut off when Dalton starts to gag him. He does his very best to try biting Dalton's hand before he's gagged* 03:58:12 AM** huinahas joined 03:59:35 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *taps Sibbi's cheek -then moves when the deed is done. He moves quickly around his home, gathering things up to 'decorate' the other man with. Finding a bit of red power, he uses it first to rub into Sibbi's cheeks* 04:01:22 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *quietly stands back watching with his tail's tip pressing lightly against Sibbi's skin, only harming him should he move* 04:02:49 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *SQUINTS, making an unhappy face. He tries to move away, only to feel Addy's tail tip pressing against him. He tries to glare at the man and shout at him through his gag* 04:04:30 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *grabs hold of Sibbi's chin and holds it as still as he can. The next move was a bit of brown powder, pressed against the other's eyelids and spread up to his brow. Dalton laughed and looked over at the demon for a moment before continuing* 04:05:33 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *shrugs at Dalton and remains in place, his mouth twitching upwards very slightly* 04:08:54 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *He tries to glare at Dalton, but he squeezes his eyes shut when the brown powder is put on his eyelids. He just starts stuggling again, making muffled noises of protest* 04:11:42 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *the next step was a darker brow, which was messily applied- but flicked up at the ends. Nodding in approval to his 'masterpiece' so far, he left Sibbi and moved to get his box of barber supplies- pulling out a comb. Laughing to himself again, the younger man's hair was teased in all sorts of directions* 04:13:22 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *EVERYTHING SUCKS AND HE DIDN'T EVEN GET CAKE. GLARES AT DALTON SO HARD THE HATE RADIATES FROM HIS EYEBALLS* 04:14:57 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *stands back - and almost admires Sibbi, but remembers one thing. Another cloth is produced and he gathers up the hair on the top of the other's head, tying it in a bow* There. Lovely as a picture. 04:21:12 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Anger!! He tries to shout at Dalton again, wiggling to try getting out of the ties* 04:21:42 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: Just a little bit, Addule. I'll carry him to the camp from here... 04:21:59 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *aaand his tail starts lightly digging into his skin. GJ Sibbi* 04:25:38 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: MMF! *winces at Addy's tail, but he's more pissed off at the idea of Dalton carrying him into camp* 04:26:55 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *lifting the blond up from the seat, the electric user waited for Addy to release Sibbi before he began to move* This will be a lovely welcoming for Eztli, don't you think? 04:27:54 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Mm?! *His eyes widen, and he immediately starts flailing around in Dalton's arm. Sibbi used 'splash'!* 04:28:00 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *unwinds his tail and lets it swish behind him* You.. you're going to drop him off a-at the temple? 04:31:10 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *gets hit a couple of times and winces* Give him a little bite, Addy. And no. Eztli is coming to visit a few people. I thought this would be a good wait to welcome him to our camp. *smiles* 04:32:41 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: ...h-he's what?? 04:33:12 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Such a pissed off magikarp, tries to headbutt Dalton under the chin* 04:33:59 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: Yes, thank Sibbi here for t---OW!! *stumbles backward* Addy!!! 04:35:30 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *snarls and pulls Sibbi into the air with surprising strength. Then he bites his shoulder*

04:37:15 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Is still trying to flail-attack Dalton when Addy pulls him

up. He's shocked that Addy can lift him at all, and then yells with pain when he gets bitten. OW* 04:38:43 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *stares in wide-eyed surprise when Addy does so. He stares at Addy, worried* ...Addule...? Thank you. Now if I could just get him to camp... 04:41:20 AM** 8---8has left [connection closed] 04:41:31 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *abruptly drops Sibbi and moves towards the door* I-if he's going to come anywhere near camp, I-I'm going to make sure Winter's far from it. 04:41:47 AM** 8---8has joined 04:42:27 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Aaaaaaaand is dropped. He grunts, but can't exactly do anything, especially since he's rapidly loosing feeling in his shoulder and arm* 04:43:43 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *goes after Addy immediately and reaches for the demon's arm -stopping himself short* Addule. Calm down. Please. I'll keep Sibbi here. Just please calm yourself...*frowns, but tries to keep his tone even* 04:48:23 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: I-I'll be calm when this dumbass--*he gestures towards Sibbi*--learns to think! Things like th-this is why I want to leave camp! 04:48:38 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Glares at them both!!* 04:49:28 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *he lifts both hands* Addule. Calm yourself. You almost took out his arm. You...what's happened to you? *studies the other's face* Just go and calm down. I'll take care of him. 04:53:31 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *huffs* I-I have no idea what you mean wh-what's happened to me. *wipes a smear of blood from his mouth, glaring at Sibbi* He shouldn't even be alive a-at this point b-but for other people keeping him breathing. 04:53:57 AM** aomaoehas left [timed out] 04:55:09 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Continues glaring-- until he realizes that he can take this chance to try escaping! He tries his best to focus his powers, attempting to make the shadow underneith him twist and bend* 04:56:10 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *steps toward Addy* You are wilder and angrier. You have no patience. And while I am glad to see some of your ferocity for once, you are endangering another soldier. *points to the door* Please go. You need distance and I'm not going to aggravate your temper any further. Just be careful... 04:58:01 AM<prupelallitraitor></b>Addy:</b> We are not soldiers. W-we never were, just a bunch of idiots waiting to-to be disposed of. *he shakes his head, glaring and backing away* I-I should've left before. *he turns to go* 04:59:06 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Dalton's still distracted-- he watches the shadows, carefully warping them into a sharp point. And then he tries to turn himself, gonna try to use that to cut through the bindings on his wrist* 05:03:10 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *watches the other and frowns, not saying anything while he watches the other go, simply making sure to keep himself between the other and Sibbi. When Addy turns, he looks over his shoulder and catches Sibbi* ... 05:04:07 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Derp, is caught-- tries to free himself even faster!!* 05:06:43 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *snorts and sends a gust of wind to blow Sibbi over as he departs into the trees* 05:08:48 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *watches Sibbi and marches over, leaning down over him* I'm going to sit you outside a while and when you're free, I'll let you wash your face and feed you. But you deserved this. You knew better than to brag to me, especially after what's happened.*picks the other up again* Be glad I let you keep your pants. 05:10:06 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *agdoih gets blown over, so much for escaping. When Dalton marches over there and speaks to him, all he can do is glare spitefully in response* 05:11:39 AM<wonderwart>Dalton: *drags Sibbi out and sets him up in a chair for anyone to come up and see. He slips back inside and laughs to himself, leaving the other blonde to fend for himself*

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