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Vocabulary list

9/25/12 12:21 AM

i i

interjection or grunt of agreement or recognition (e.g. yes, it's me!) / to sigh alas / oh dear this / these / (commonly pr. [zhei4] before a classifier, esp. in Beijing) matter / thing / item / work / affair / CL:[jian4],|[zhuang1] surname Ye also / too / (in Classical Chinese) final particle implying affirmation really / truly / indeed / real / true / genuine of / ~'s (possessive particle) / (used after an attribute) / (used to form a nominal expression) / (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis) really and truly aim / clear no good to do / to manage / to handle / to go about / to run / to set up / to deal with fox / fig. sly and treacherous person no / is not / not fault / blame tiger / CL:|[zhi1] a relative (i.e. family relation) / CL:| see | , morphine [men2],|[ge4],[wei4]

zh sh Y y zhn de d d bho bn hli bsh bshi loh qnqi m ma

(question tag)

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Vocabulary list

9/25/12 12:21 AM


we / us / ourselves / our

n t mibnf knlai w

to hold / to seize / to catch / to apprehend / to take it there is nothing to be done / one can't do anything about it apparently / it seems that I / me / my at once / right away / only / just (emphasis) / as early as / already / as soon as / then / in that case / as many as / even if / to approach / to move towards / to undertake / to engage in / to suffer / subjected to / to accomplish / to take advantage of / to go with (of foods) / with regard to / concerning to know / to become aware of / also pr. [zhi1 dao5] oneself / one's own is / are / am / yes / to be to have / there is / there are / to exist / to be bitter / hardship / pain / to suffer / to bring suffering to / painstakingly (negative prefix for verbs) / have not / not drowned / to end / to die / to inundate to reside / to live / to dwell / to be in / to be situated at / to stay / to get along with / to be in a position of / to deal with / to discipline / to punish place / location / spot / point / office / department / bureau / respect / classifier for locations or items of damage: spot, point to persuade to speak / to say / to explain / to scold / to tell off / a theory (usually in compounds such as heliocentric theory)
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zhdo zj sh yu k mi m ch ch shu shu

Vocabulary list

9/25/12 12:21 AM

a zhge hui n zhme b ba

interjection of surprise / Ah! / Oh! interjection expressing doubt or requiring answer / Eh? / what? / to show realization / to stress interjection of surprise or doubt / Eh? / My! / what's up? interjection or grunt of agreement / uhm / Ah, OK / expression of recognition / Oh, it's you! modal particle ending sentence, showing affirmation, approval, or consent this / this one bad / spoiled / broken / to break down favor / grace / kindness so much / this much / how much? / this way / like this bar (serving drinks, or providing internet access etc) / to puff (on a pipe etc) / onomat. bang (modal particle indicating suggestion or surmise) / ...right? / ...OK? / ...I presume. to go / to go to (a place) / to cause to go or send (sb) / to remove / to get rid of / (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth / to be apart from in space or time / (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker) / (used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation) / (of a time or an event etc) just passed or elapsed forest / CL:[pian4] lining / interior / inside / internal / also written |[li3] lining / interior / inside / internal / also written |[li3] Li (surname) li (Chinese mile) / 500 meters (modern) / home / hometown / village / neighborhood / administrative unit will / shall / to use / to take / to checkmate / just a short while ago
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snln l l L l jing

Vocabulary list

9/25/12 12:21 AM

jing qing n zoy gosu bosh

general / commander-in-chief (military) / king (chess piece) / to command / to lead to desire / to invite / to request you (informal, as opposed to courteous [nin2])

to meet with / to encounter / (bitter) experience to tell / to inform / to let know general office of a newspaper / newspaper office / CL:[jia1] to do / to make / to produce / to write / to compose / to act as / to engage in / to hold (a party) / to be / to become / to function (in some capacity) / to serve as / to be used for / to form (a bond or relationship) / to pretend / to feign / to act a part / to put on appearance individual / this / that / size / classifier for people or objects in general variant of |[ge4] to disseminate / to give publicity to / propaganda / CL:|[ge4] lit. fox's tail (idiom); visible sign of evil intentions / to reveal one's evil nature / evidence that reveals the villain surname Lu to show / to reveal / to betray / to expose dew / syrup / nectar / outdoors (not under cover) / to show / to reveal / to betray / to expose to come out / to appear / to arise (after a verb, indicates coming out, completion of an action, or ability to discern or detect) to take a look at / to examine / to survey / (coll.) pretty soon after / later / afterwards / following / later on / in the future
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g g xunchun hliwiba L lu l chli chulai knkan yhu

Vocabulary list

9/25/12 12:21 AM

hiyu shi

furthermore / in addition / still / also who / also pr. [shui2]

gn l xio b g xngfn de d zho zho zhe zhu ybin zhnzhnzx pid ymo

to dare / daring / (polite) may I venture texture / grain (of wood) / inner essence / intrinsic order / reason / logic / truth / science / natural science (esp. physics) / to manage / to pay attention to / to run (affairs) / to handle / to put in order / to tidy up small / tiny / few / young eight / 8 elder brother excited / excitement -ly / structural particle: used before a verb or adjective, linking it to preceding modifying adverbial adjunct earth / ground / field / place / land / CL:[pian4] (chess) move / trick / all right! / (dialect) to add to touch / to come in contact with / to feel / to be affected by / to catch fire / to fall asleep / to burn aspect particle indicating action in progress to wear (clothes) / to contact / to use / to apply one side / either side / on the one hand / on the other hand / doing while immeasurably self-satisfied to slap feather / plumage / plume
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Vocabulary list

9/25/12 12:21 AM

ho ho xixie bg hishi zu cngming ysh

good / well / proper / good to / easy to / very / so / (suffix indicating completion or readiness) / (of an unmarried couple) to be close / to be keen on each other to be fond of / to have a tendency to / to be prone to to thank / thanks / thank you crested mynah bird (Acridotheres cristatellus) or / still / nevertheless / had better most / the most / -est (superlative suffix) acute (of sight and hearing) / clever / intelligent / bright / smart thereupon / as a result / consequently / thus / hence ordinary / plain / convenient / as convenient / when the chance arises / handy / easy / informal / simple / so / thus / to relieve oneself / to urinate / to defecate / equivalent to [jiu4]: then / in that case / even if / soon afterwards advantageous / cheap (adverb of degree) / quite / very / awfully proud of oneself / pleased with oneself / complacent to fly surname Xiang towards / to face / to turn towards / direction / to support / to side with / shortly before / formerly / always / all along (modal particle intensifying preceding clause) / (completed action marker) to finish / to achieve / to understand (of eyes) bright / clear-sighted / to understand clearly


pin hn dy fi Xing xing le lio lio

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Vocabulary list

9/25/12 12:21 AM


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