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Speech of committee in tambourine festival (Festival Rebana) Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.

Honorable the regent of Kendal City Respectable the local government of Kendal Regency Respectable audiences All praise may be to Allah who has revealed His book, full with guidance and light, brings peace and safe to the mankind. Also, we are always given many comforts everyday so today we can be together in this special place and time without any obstacle. Hope that Kendal will be always in peace and to be prosperous city every time. Amen,, May the blessing and peace be upon Allahs prophet, Muhammad SAW, his companions and his faith follower till the end of the world, and we always hope his safe in future so that we can be his members of religious community who will be put in the heaven. Amen.. Then I do thanks to the MC for the chance given, so that I can deliver my little speech in this room. Ladies and gentlemen, I am standing here representing organizing committee to say thank for all of your participation and attention, so that this event, Tambourine Festival for regency level that is participated by 60 elementary school in Kendal Area that will be competed each other to get the winner, can walk well. I just can say thanks very much for all of your attention. Secondly, I also do thanks to the committees of this simple competition and all of units who help us to hold this competition, so this event can be done successfully. And not forget to the local government of Kendal Regency, I also do thanks very much for the permission given to us to hold this program and for the donation given to us. Therefore this agenda can be hold in the quad center of this town royally. We cannot repay all of things you give to us, we only can pray you all to Allah, hope that your beneficence will get back with the better things and heaven. Amen,, Respectable audiences, Here, I will give you little explanation why this festival holds. Firstly, we know that Tambourine has been famous at the moment. We can see that almost in the schools, especially in elementary school, have their own tambourine group. Whereas some of them ever be champion in province level competition. It is a good performance to be develop. It

means that all of tambourine groups from each school have a chance to be the winner, to be the champion, and to be the best in this competition. We hope by holding this program, all of tambourine groups in Kendal Area will be motivated to improve and develop their skill in Tambourine. Then later, they will be competent students, and they will be useful for our religion and our nation. Besides, we as Muslim will meet with our great day in this year that is called Asyura day or the beginning of Islamic year 1434 H. We certainly remember who had created the Islamic date, he is Umar Ibn Khattab. This event is to remember his struggle in hundreds or thousands year ago, so that Islam has its own date and year which is an innovation of Islam period since the death of Rasulallah SAW. We must be proud of this development. Then to remember and memorize that day, so we hold this tambourine competition in order to improve our believe and to be closer to Allah as The Creator. I think that is all for me. There must be many mistakes in my speech, so please forgive me for all my mistakes. The last I say, thanks for your kind attention. Wallahul Muwaffiq ila Aqwamiththoriiq, Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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