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Andrew Green Spanish III Preterite Tense Assessment Plan (Assessment Samples, Answer Keys, and Grading Policy

at the End)

Introduction The population for this unit consists of Spanish III students, which are usually high school sophomores and/or juniors. The month-long unit focuses on the use of the preterite tense. Students will learn about the contexts in which the preterite tense should be used, as well as conjugations for regular and irregular verbs. As with all units, students will also learn new vocabulary to help them describe past events in an informative and detailed manner. Up to this point, the students have focused mostly on vocabulary in their Spanish instruction. They have seen the preterite tense, but have not studied it in detail. This year, and this unit in particular, will have an extensive focus on grammar. Therefore, most of the instructional activities and assessments will require more application than rote memorization. Students will spend much time writing full sentences, paragraphs, and short notes, to synthesize concepts that they have learned and apply their knowledge of grammar. There will be a pre-assessment at the beginning of the unit to determine knowledge of the preterite tense. This assessment, unlike the final summative assessment, will consist mostly of selection items, just to gauge students familiarity with vocabulary and grammar. Each day of this month-long unit will include some form of formative assessment. These include worksheets and graded quizzes. There will be a summative assessment at the end of the unit, in which students must write a note to a friend describing a past experience. In this note, students will apply knowledge of vocabulary, regular and irregular verb conjugations, and their uses. Students will also give a presentation of this experience to the class.

Week 1 Assessment Plan Standards: LOTE Standard 1: Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication. Checkpoint B: Students can read and comprehend materials written for native speakers when the topic and language are familiar. Students can select vocabulary appropriate to a range of topics, employ simple and complex sentences in present, past, and future time frames, and express details and nuances by using appropriate modifiers.

Concepts to be learned for the week:

Andrew Green

The teacher will introduce this unit by directing students attention to the importance of using the past tense. Students will be able to understand that we, as humans, are communal beings, and have a need to share information. For instance, in the first class, the teacher will show a Powerpoint presentation displaying photos of a vacation in Disneyworld. He will emphasize that it is enjoyable to share such experiences with friends and family. Students will understand that the past tense is a vital tool in language. Instructional goals for the week: Students will be reviewing the basic form of the preterite tense during this week. After administering the pre-assessment test, the teacher will focus the weeks instruction on conjugating verbs in the preterite tense. The verbs used during the week will be verbs commonly used to describe everyday activities, and students will probably be familiar with most of them. Students will start from the lower end of Blooms Taxonomy, completing fill-in-the-blank worksheets and then moving on to translating and writing full sentences. Assessments and Linkage: Early Assessment: The students will take a pre-test, which will determine the level of knowledge of preterite verb conjugations (both regular and irregular) and vocabulary. The test will include sections of listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and vocabulary translations. Formative Assessments: The students will be given worksheets daily, consisting of fill-in-the-blank, word jumble, and full sentence exercises. Full sentence worksheets will be written in both English and Spanish. The students will fulfill the objective of learning the basic concepts of the preterite tense by completing these sheets. All the verbs used will be regular, so students can understand the general idea of conjugations and build on their understanding in later weeks. The worksheets will help students fulfill the NYS LOTE standards of using vocabulary and comprehending written material.

Week 2 Assessment Plan

Standards: LOTE Standard 1: Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication. Checkpoint B:

Andrew Green Students can read and comprehend materials written for native speakers when the topic and language are familiar. Students can select vocabulary appropriate to a range of topics, employ simple and complex sentences in present, past, and future time frames, and express details and nuances by using appropriate modifiers.

Concepts to be learned for the week: The students will learn that there are numerous verbs in the Spanish language that have irregular preterite conjugations; that is, they do not follow the rules that students have learned up to this point. The teacher will emphasize that these verbs are very important and common in Spanish, and therefore their preterite conjugations simply have to be memorized. Instructional goals for the week: The teacher will introduce such commonly used verbs as ser, ir, dar, ver, hacer, decir, and traer. During this week, more emphasis will be placed on writing full sentences and eventually paragraphs. Students will also translate English sentences into Spanish, conjugating irregular verbs. Assessments and linkage: Formative Assessments: Students will complete fill-in-the-blank worksheets and worksheets translating English sentences into Spanish. This structure will be similar to that seen in the first week, but now students will be applying irregular verbs to this new structure. Therefore they will be learning broad concepts instead of simply memorizing rules. The worksheets will help students fulfill the NYS LOTE standards of using vocabulary and comprehending written material. These worksheets will focus on the irregular verbs discussed in class, and will require students to write more full sentences rather than simply supplying one word. Summative Assessment: At the end of the week, students will take a graded quiz which will be comparable to the initial pre-assessment test, to determine how much they have learned for the week. This will contain both regular verbs from the first week and irregular verbs from the second week, linking the two lessons.

Week 3 Assessment Plan Standards:

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LOTE Standard 1: Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication. Checkpoint B:

Students can read and comprehend materials written for native speakers when the topic and language are familiar. Students can select vocabulary appropriate to a range of topics, employ simple and complex sentences in present, past, and future time frames, and express details and nuances by using appropriate modifiers.

Concepts to be learned for the week: This week, the students will learn that besides the irregular verbs already discussed in class, there are also numerous verbs that are irregular only in certain forms. Students will learn how to be conscious of these verbs, and will practice focusing on the subject in written language. Instructional goals for the week: Students will learn how to conjugate verbs like practicar, empezar, jugar, dormir, leer, construir, and preferir in the preterite tense. They will learn that these verbs are irregular only in certain forms (yo, third person singular, third person plural). They will be given numerous worksheets to complete in which they must identify the subject of the sentence and conjugate irregular verbs accordingly. They will complete more reading comprehension exercises, and will continue to write more lengthy sentences. Assessments and Linkage: Formative Assessments: Students will complete fill-in-the-blank worksheets, which they have done in the previous two weeks. Therefore, the structure will be familiar to them, but now they must apply new verbs. To expand their cognitive abilities, they will also be given two new forms of formative assessments: question-and-answer worksheets, and a reading comprehension passage. Not only will they help students fulfill the NYS LOTE standard of comprehending written material, but students will learn to concentrate on the subject in Spanish sentences (as indicated in the instructional goals for the week).

Week 4 Assessment Plan

Andrew Green Standards: LOTE Standard 1: Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication. Checkpoint B: Students can read and comprehend materials written for native speakers when the topic and language are familiar. Students can select vocabulary appropriate to a range of topics, employ simple and complex sentences in present, past, and future time frames, and express details and nuances by using appropriate modifiers. Students can write brief analyses of more complex content when given the opportunity for organization and advance preparation, though errors may occur more frequently.

Concepts to be learned for the week: Students will spend the entire week writing full-length expositions. They will learn how to employ regular and irregular verbs when writing about personal experiences. More specifically, they will learn how to talk about numerous people in one narrative, creating a more detailed account by relating multiple experiences. Students will become more comfortable writing in Spanish, and will not have to pause as long after each sentence before beginning the next. This will be accomplished by learning a more extensive range of vocabulary. Instructional goals for the week: Students will write paragraphs and notes, preparing for the final assessment for the unit (which will also be a note). Assessments and Linkage: Formative Assessments: Students will practice writing short narratives all week, in preparation for the final summative assessment (which will be a note and a presentation). Summative Assessments: Students will write a note to a friend describing a personal experience. This will be a 10paragraph note, and must include at least 15 regular verbs and 15 irregular verbs, correctly conjugated in the preterite tense. This will fulfill the NYS LOTE standard of preparing written

Andrew Green analyses of material when given enough time to do so. It will also demonstrate how much students have retained of the units instruction. Instead of being a multiple-choice test, it will allow students to apply their learning in writing, exercising a higher level of cognitive thinking. Students will be able to show how much they have learned of vocabulary, regular and irregular verbs from the unit, and how to conjugate verbs according to the subject of the sentence.

Week 1 Assessment Samples 1. Pre-assessment test: Part 1: Listening Comprehension Instrucciones: For questions 1-5, listen to the Spanish sentences and write the English translations. 1.





Part 2: Preterite Tense Instrucciones: For questions 6-13, conjugate the verb in parenthesis in the preterite tense, and write it in the space provided.

6. Ayer, nosotros (ir) ______________________ a la playa.

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7. En el restaurante, Jos (comer) _______________________ muchos tacos.

8. Anoche, yo (hablar) ________________________ por telfono con mi mam.

9. La semana pasada, t (correr) ________________________ 6 kilmetros.

10. Anteayer, Mara e Isabel (tomar)_________________________ el autobs.

11. Hace dos aos que Sofa y yo (viajar) _________________________ a Espaa.

12. Ayer, yo (tener) __________________________ que ir a la escuela.

13. Felipe (caminar) ________________________ en el parque esta maana.

Part 3: Units of Time Instrucciones: For questions 20-24, write the English translation in the space next to each Spanish word. 14. Ayer ________________________ 15. Anoche ______________________ 16. La semana pasada _________________________ 17. Anteayer _________________________ 18. El verano pasado _________________________

2. Fill-in-the-blank worksheet:

Instrucciones: For each question, you must: a) Conjugate the verb in parenthesis in the preterite tense, and write it in the space provided.

Andrew Green b) Rewrite the sentence in English

1. Ayer Raquel (practicar) ____________________ el ftbol con su equipo.

2. Anoche mis amigos y yo (ver) ______________________ la pelcula Casa de mi Padre.

3. La semana pasada Martn e Ignacio (visitar) ______________________ a un museo.

4. A las seis de la maana yo (levantarse) __________________________.

5. En el concierto t (cantar) _________________________ en el coro.

6. El ensayo que Rodrigo (escribir) _________________________ es muy bueno.

7. Ustedes no (entender) ______________________ las instrucciones.

8. Yo (leer) _______________________ el libro antes de tomar el examen.

9. T (imprimir) __________________________ todos los papeles, verdad?

Andrew Green 10. Anoche nosotras (bailar) ___________________________ en la discoteca.

3. Word jumble worksheet:

Instrucciones: You will write two sentences for each of the following questions. You must: a) Rewrite the jumbled words into a coherent Spanish sentence, conjugating the verb in the preterite tense. b) Rewrite the sentence in English.

1. | viajar | Florida | el ao pasado | a | Eduardo y su familia |

2. | burritos | ayer | comer | Pedro | 5 |

3. | yo | puerta | la | abrir |

4. | anoche | para | nosotros | examen | estudiar | el |

5. | asistir | t | a | esta maana | reunin | la |

6. | parque | el | los nios | en | jugar | anteayer |

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7. | yo | cereal | desayunar | leche | con | Week 2 Assessment Samples 1. Translation worksheet:

Instrucciones: Rewrite each sentence in Spanish. 1. Last summer I went to the beach.

2. Yesterday Julio gave the presentation.

3. Last night we saw the movie.

4. At 6:00 you (t) did the homework.

5. Mariela did not say the word.

6. The boys brought the papers.

7. We did not go to the theater last week.

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8. Enrique made the soup.

9. You (usted) saw the bird in the tree.

2. Quiz

Part 1: Listening Comprehension

Instrucciones: For questions 1-5, listen to the Spanish sentences and write the English translation. Write a complete sentence. 1.





Part 2: Fill-in-the-blank Instrucciones: For questions 1-5, you must do the following: a) Conjugate the verb in parenthesis in the preterite tense, and write it in the space provided. b) Rewrite the sentence in English, in the space under each question.

Andrew Green

6. Mi abuela (hacer) ______________________ una ensalada de frutas.

7. Ustedes (traer) _______________________ los globos a la fiesta.

8. Sergio y yo (dar) ______________________ el regalo a Josefina.

9. T (ver) ________________________ la pelcula con Luis, verdad?

10. Anoche yo (ir) _________________________ al supermercado.

11. Quin (decir) _________________________ esto?

12. Yo (ser) _______________________ camarero en este restaurante por dos aos.

Part 3: Translating Instrucciones: For questions 11-15, rewrite the sentences in Spanish. 13. Last night I studied for the test.

14. Last summer we traveled to Mexico.

Andrew Green 15. The day before yesterday you (t) wrote the essay.

16. The boys did not understand the directions.

17. Yesterday Daniela played soccer. Week 3 Assessment Samples 1. Fill-in-the-blank worksheet:

Instrucciones: a) Conjugate the verb in parenthesis. b) Rewrite the sentence in English.

1. Ella (leer) _______________________ el libro.

2. Ellos (construir) _______________________ el pirmide.

3. Yo (jugar) _____________________________ al ftbol.

4. l (preferir) _________________________ el helado a la torta.

5. Yo (empezar) _________________________ a caminar a las ocho.

6. Gabriel (dormir) ________________________ toda la noche.

7. Yo (practicar) _________________________ el baloncesto con mi equipo.

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8. Orlando y Claudia (preferir) _________________________ ir al parque.

9. T (creer) _________________________ al profesor.

10. Los oficiales (leer) _________________________ el reporte.

11. Los nios (dormir) _________________________ en el hotel.

2. Question-and-answer worksheet:


1. Julia: Hola Martn, practicaste el ftbol americano ayer? Martin: S, ______________________________________________________________.

2. Alberto: Ustedes vieron la pelcula Batman Begins? Jos e Ignacio: No, _______________________________________________________.

3. Karla: Usted ___________________________________________________________? Sr. Hernndez: S, prefer los tacos a los burritos.

4. Veronica: T ___________________________________________________________? Liliana: No, no traje la comida.

5. Hctor: Ustedes _________________________________________________________?

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Ernesto y Paco: S, dormimos bien.

6. Luisa: Jugaste al ajedrez en la escuela? Daniel: S, _____________________________________________________________.

7. Felipe: Ustedes _________________________________________________________? Nacho y Rodrigo: No, no lemos la novela El Cdigo DaVinci.

3. Reading Comprehension Exercise: Instrucciones: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow, using complete sentences. Ayer, Martn e Ignacio fueron a la ciudad. Tomaron el autobus, y llegaron en 20 minutos. Cuando llegaron, decidieron caminar un poco. En el camino, se encontraron a sus amigas Claudia y Juliana. Ellas les invitaron a comer. Entonces, los cuatro amigos fueron a un restaurante. Martn pidi la hamberguesa, mientras Ignacio y Claudia pidieron la enslada. Juliana tambin pidi la hamberguesa. Despus de comer, las chicas regresaron a la casa de Claudia. Los chicos no fueron a la casa de Claudia. Ellos fueron al cine. Vieron una pelcula. En la tienda del cine, Ignacio compr unos dulces para comer. Despus de ver la pelcula, los chicos fueron a la discoteca. All, conocieron a unas chicas. Bailaron con las chicas por dos horas. A las 8, los chicos regresaron a su pueblo. No tomaron el autobus; tomaron un taxi. Llegaron a su pueblo a las 8:30. Jugaron videojuegos en la casa de Martn. Ignacio cocin una pizza, y los dos la comieron. 1. Quines pidieron la hamberguesa? 2. Los chicos fueron a la casa de Claudia? 3. Qu hicieron los chicos despus de comer? 4. Con quines bailaron los chicos en la discoteca? 5. Cmo regresaron los chicos a su pueblo? Cunto tiempo dur en regresar?

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Week 1 Answer Keys 1. Pre-assessment Test: 1. Jos fue al parque. (Jos went to the park.) 2. Mara y Josefina jugaron al ftbol. (Mara and Josefina played soccer.) 3. Yo vi al pjaro. (I saw the bird.) 4. Toms y yo escribimos el ensayo. (Toms and I wrote the essay.) 5. T tomaste el autobs. (You took the bus.) 6. fuimos 7. comi 8. habl 9. corriste 10. tomaron 11. viajamos 12. tuve 13. camin 14. yesterday 15. last night 16. last week 17. the day before yesterday 18. last summer

2. Fill-in-the-blank-worksheet: 1. (practic) Yesterday Raquel played soccer with her team.

Andrew Green 2. (vimos) Last night my friends and I saw the movie Casa de mi Padre. 3. (visitaron) Last week Martn and Ignacio visited a museum. 4. (me levant) At 6 in the morning I got up. 5. (cantaste) At the concert you sang in the chorus. 6. (escribi) The essay that Rodrigo wrote is very good. 7. (entendieron) You all didnt understand the instructions. 8. (imprimiste) You printed the papers, right? 9. (bailamos) Last night we danced in the club.

3. Word jumble worksheet: 1. El ao pasado Eduardo y su familia viajamos a Florida. (Last year Eduardo and his family traveled to Florida.) 2. Ayer Pedro comi 5 burritos. (Yesterday Pedro ate 5 burritos.) 3. Yo abr la puerta. (I opened the door.) 4. Anoche nosotros estudiamos para el examen. (Last night we studied for the test.) 5. Esta maana t asististe a la reunin. (This morning you attended the meeting.) 6. Anteayer los nios jugaron en el parque. (The day before yesterday the children played in the park.) 7. Yo desayun cereal con leche. (For breakfast I had cereal with milk.)

Week 2 Answer Keys 1. Translation Worksheet: 1. El ao pasado yo fui a la playa. 2. Ayer Julio dio la presentacin. 3. Anoche vimos la pelcula.

Andrew Green 4. A las 6 hiciste la tarea. 5. Mariela no dijo la palabra. 6. Los chicos trajeron los papeles. 7. No fuimos al teatro la semana pasada. 8. Enrique hizo la sopa. 9. Usted vio al pjaro en el rbol.

2. Quiz: 1. Jorge trajo la comida. (Jorge brought the food.) 2. Luisa prefiri la sopa. (Luisa preferred the soup.) 3. Roberto ley el libro. (Robert read the book.) 4. Los hombres construyeron el edificio. (The men built the building.) 5. Yo hice la salsa. (I made the sauce.) 6. (hizo) My grandmother made a fruit salad. 7. (trajeron) You all brought the balloons to the party. 8. (dimos) Sergio and I gave the gift to Josefina. 9. (viste) You saw the movie with Luis, right? 10. (fui) Lst night I went to the supermarket. 11. (dijo) Who said that? 12. (fui) I was a waiter in that restaurant for 2 years. 13. Anoche estudi para el examen. 14. El verano pasado viajamos a Mxico. 15. Anteayer t escribiste el ensayo. 16. Ayer Daniel jug al ftbol.

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Week 3 Answer Keys 1. Fill-in-the-blank worksheet: 1. (ley) She read the book. 2. (construyeron) They built the pyramid. 3. (jugu) I played soccer. 4. (prefiri) He preferred the ice cream to the cake. 5. (empec) I began to walk at 8 oclock. 6. (durmi) Gabriel slept all night. 7. (practiqu) I played basketball with my team. 8. (prefirieron) Orlando y Claudia preferred to go to the park. 9. (creiste) You believed the professor. 10. (leyeron) The officials read the report. 11. (durmieron) The children slept in the hotel.

2. Question-and-answer worksheet: 1. practiqu el ftbol Americano ayer 2. no vimos la pelcula Batman Begins 3. prefiri los tacos a los burritos 4. trajiste la comida 5. durmieron bien 6. jugu al ajedrez en la escuela 7. leyeron la novel El Cdigo DaVinci

Andrew Green 3. Reading Comprehension: 1. Martn y Juliana pidieron la hamberguesa. 2. No, los chicos no fueron a la casa de Claudia. 3. Los chicos fueron al cine despus de comer. 4. Los chicos bailaron con unas chicas en la discoteca. 5. Los chicos tomaron un taxi. Dur 30 minutos en regresar.

Week 4 Criteria Note: The students must write at least 10 paragraphs in their note, must use at least 15 regular verbs and 15 irregular verbs, and must incorporate all direct objects. Grading Scale: A- All criteria are met, grammar is properly constructed. B- Almost all of the criteria are met, grammar is mostly correct. C- Much of the criteria is met, grammar has some errors. D- Some of the criteria is met, grammar has numerous errors. F- None of the criteria is met

Presentation: Students must give a 5-minute presentation of the experience they wrote about in their note. They must be articulate, use full sentences, speak only in Spanish, and look up at the class when speaking. Listeners must write 5 events from each description. A- All criteria are met, good poise and articulation B- Most of criteria are met, presenter does not always look up C- Much of the criteria are met, presenter mostly reading with head down D- Some of the criteria are met, presenter is not articulate and does not look up at all

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F- None of the criteria are met.

Class Grading Policy A.90%-100% B....80%-89% C....70%-79% D.60%-69% F.Below 60%

Daily Worksheets: 60% Week 2 Quiz: 5% Note: 25% Presentation: 10%

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