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CULTURE Culture is the characteristics of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits,

music and arts. Today, in the United States as in other countries populated largely by immigrants, the culture is influenced by the many groups of people that now make up the country. Culture rules virtually every aspect of your life and like most people, you are completely unaware of this. If asked, you would likely define culture as music, literature, visual arts, architecture or language, and you wouldn't be wrong. But you wouldn't be entirely right either. In fact the things produced by a culture which we perceive with our five senses are simply manifestations of the deeper meaning of culture what we do, think and feel. Culture is taught and learned and shared there is no culture of one. And yet, culture is not monolithic individuals exist within a culture. Finally, culture is symbolic. Meaning is ascribed to behaviour, words and objects and this meaning is objectively arbitrary, subjectively logical and rational. For example, a "home", is a physical structure, a familial construct and a moral reference point which is distinct from one culture to another. Culture is vital because it enables its members to function with one another without the need to negotiate meaning at every moment. Culture is learned and forgotten, so despite its importance we are generally unconscious of its influence on the manner in which we perceive the world and interact within it. Culture is significant because as we work with others it both enables us and impedes us in our ability to understand and work effectively together. How to study culture Instructions Take a course related to another culture. You can easily find a class to attend at a local university or try distance-learning (via the Internet). This is the best way to build a foundation and begin to study other cultures. It will introduce you to the culture and help you determine whether you want to know more. Read the poetry and literature written by the great artists of the culture you wish to study. The best way to get real insight into another culture is through the eyes of the culture's artists. If you read their work, you will see the real culture, the subtleties and the dominant interests. Befriend someone from the culture you wish to study. If, for example, you want to know all about Vietnamese people, become friends with someone from Vietnam. He can introduce you to the foods, the people, the language and the customs. Visit the country whose culture you wish to study. If you really want to know about a culture, you should immerse yourself in it. If you take a brief trip you can see it up close and personal. If you enjoy yourself, then you can perhaps plan to go back for a lengthier stay. Become involved in a cultural exchange program. You can, for instance, become a host family for someone from the culture you wish to study. This way, someone from that country will stay with you for upwards of a year, and you can learn through them.

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