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Study Guide

Stalin and the USSR

Test Date: Monday, December 17 I will not collect this study guide. It is only to help you prepare for the test. I am available in person or by email to answer any questions you may have. Section 1 Short Answer: The test will include 10 questions from the list below. They only require a short answer and do not require full sentences. These questions will be worth two marks each. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Where was Stalin born? What does Stalins name mean? Who believed in the policy of Permanent Revolution? Who believed in the policy of Socialism in One Country? Who gave the following warning: Comrade Stalinhas great power concentrated in his hands, and I am not sure that he always knows how to use that power with sufficient caution. 6. Name two rivals that Stalin removed to become leader of the USSR. 7. How many five year plans did Stalin have? 8. Which industries did Stalins first five year plan focus on? 9. Why did Stalins third five year plan only continue for three years? 10. Which part of the USSR (now a country) was worst affected by collectivisation? 11. What were wealthy peasants called? 12. What is the Russian name for labour camps? 13. Which group came under attack during collectivisation? 14. In which Norwegian city did Trotsky live for a time after he was expelled from the USSR? 15. In which country was Trotsky killed?

Section 2 Short Essay: The test will include five questions from the list below. You will need to choose just three to answer. The answers should be in complete sentences and should be about one paragraph in length. You should aim to give at least two reasons in each answer. You will be assessed on your ability to explain clearly why something happened. These questions will be worth five marks each. 16. Explain how Stalin became leader of the Soviet Union. 17. Explain how Stalin used Lenins funeral to his advantage. 18. Explain why the Communists supported collectivisation. 19. Explain how the peasants were affected by collectivisation. 20. Explain dekulakisation. 21. Explain why Stalin felt he needed to have the purges. 22. Explain how the purges affected the Russian people. 23. What were the main consequences of the purges for the Soviet Union?

24. What were the show trials? 25. Explain how Stalins Soviet Union of the 1930s was similar to Nazi Germany? 26. Describe what it was like in the labour camps. 27. Explain how Stalin controlled ideas in the Soviet Union. 28. Explain how womens roles changed in the Soviet Union of the 1930s? 29. Explain how Stalin used images to influence the people of the Soviet Union? 30. Explain what daily life was like in the USSR in the mid-1930s.

Section 3 - Essay: The test will include two questions from the list below and you will need to choose just one of the questions to answer. It will need to be answered in essay format. You will be assessed on your ability to structure your essay properly, your ability to include historical examples, and your ability to have a clear and consistent argument. You should also make a plan although this will not be included in your grade. This question will be worth 20 marks. 1. Stalin made the USSR better for everyone. Explain how far you agree with this statement. 2. Coercion and fear were the main ways Stalin got workers to work hard. Explain how far you agree with this statement. 3. Collectivisation was a terrible disaster for the Russian people. Explain how far you agree with this statement.

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