Normalize The Working of Your Thyroid Gland by Using Levothroid

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Normalize the working of your thyroid gland by using Levothroid

Hypothyroidism is a disorder characterized by reduced levels of thyroid hormones in the blood. Thyroid hormones are involved in several cellular processes. An inadequate production of thyroid hormones can lead to widespread consequences in the body. Causes of hypothyroidism:

Disorders affecting the functions of the thyroid gland directly or indirectly can cause hypothyroidism. The incidence of hypothyroidism is higher in older individuals. Autoimmune disorders that affect the thyroid gland, like Hashimotos Thyroiditis, can lead to hypothyroidism. Subacute Thyroiditis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the thyroid gland. The incidence of hypothyroidism is higher in people suffering from this condition. It may occur after any viral infection or during pregnancy. Iodine deficiency can also lead to hypothyroidism. Destruction of the thyroid due to the exposure to radioactive iodine or following any surgery performed in the neck region can cause hypothyroidism.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism: The symptoms of this condition are quite subtle. The symptoms are not specific to the disease and therefore are often attributed to aging. Patients having mild hypothyroidism may not show any signs or symptoms. The symptoms start becoming more obvious as the condition worsens and causes slowing down of the metabolic processes of the body. Some common symptoms of hypothyroidism are listed below:

Fatigue Weight gain Excessive drowsiness Depression Intolerance to cold Constipation Dry skin Dry or coarse hair Cramps in the muscles

Increased levels of cholesterol Decreased concentration level Vague pains Swelling in the legs Puffiness around the eyes Slow heart rate A drop in body temperature Poor appetite Hoarse voice Depression Enlarged tongue Memory loss Irregular menstrual periods

Diagnosis of hypothyroidism: The diagnosis of hypothyroidism can be made based on the signs and symptoms of the condition. Reduced levels of thyroid hormones T3 and T4 and an increased level of TSH can help in confirming the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. Management of hypothyroidism: Levothroid is a commonly used drug for the management of hypothyroidism. This drug is also used for managing other thyroid diseases like thyroid nodules and goiter. The active component of Levothroid is Levothyroxine. It works by increasing the levels of thyroid hormones in blood. It also helps in improving the metabolic processes in the body that were affected due to this thyroid disorder. Dosage of Levothroid: Patients can use Levothroid in a dosage of 12.5 mcg per day. The dose should be titrated after checking the level of thyroid hormones in blood. This dosage recommendation is suitable for most patients suffering from hypothyroidism. However, patients can contact their doctor to know more regarding the dosage of this drug. Low levels of thyroid hormones caused by hypothyroidism can affect the normal functions in the body. This condition can also increase the risk of other health problems such as heart diseases. Women suffering from Hypothyroidism can have several complications during pregnancy. Some effective drugs such as Generic Levothroid can help in treating this condition efficiently. Visit


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