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Palau fetes Earth Day 200

ALL day long, Koror was

treated to live music, performances, and a feast for the eyes as Palau celebrated Farth Day 2002 in style on Monday. April 22, 2002. The cvent was highlighted with a Block party held at the PCC and Mobil parking lots. During the celebration, PCC spearheaded showcasing the works and wares of the different organizations participated in this momentous cvent. The Palau Conservation Society gave out On information conservation areas and endangered animals, and cvcn surprised drivers by putting children costumed as turtles and a biib out on the sidewalk. Newly established "C3" (Community Centered Conservation) engaged children with balloon art and animal voting. Local plants and waterless plants (appropriate for El Nirlo) were offered by local women and by the PCC agricultural club, which also showed how to make organic fertilizer by composing. The Palau International Coral Reef Ccnter had a live aquarium, which drew many visitors. Thcy organized a paper bag art project, whcrc block party participants and

...Continued on page 11

-'I'I< \\.ith sonic students \\.liilc planti~ir:thc of'fjcial Ijar-tll


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day 4-10,2002

through his efforts, bilateral coopcration between the two countries was cnhanccd. The resolution mentioned that his dcdication and impressive coopcration in hclping Palau with A NEW non-profit organization called Community training programs in Francc made it possiblc Centered Conservation [C3] was launched. The for spccializ& mining in the field of Politi- founders of C3 a n Jason Kuartei, Patricia Davis, and main focus will ~ cal Science and public ~ d ~ i for ~Jahmila Kuartei. C3's ~ i ~ be on smll-scab i ~ ~ projects such ns recycling and m-vegetation involving public servants of Ministry of State and young pcoplc and low1 communities. Other objcctivcs Bureau of ForeiP' Also during of C3 will bc to carry out r m h projects on important his term, professional training as awarded to local spccics and habitats with special empl~nsison the Chief Aquarist of the Palau htcrnational informtion sharing between scientists and locrl Coral Reef Center in the ficlds of Aquarium communities. c 3 had a booth at PCC on Earth Day and askad Maintcnancc and Marinc Biology in N ~ N~~ Caldonia. Soon, chouraqui studcnts and mcmbcrs of the community to vote for a ~ ~ ~ ~ , will bc assuming assignment as Am- native animal. which they felt was important to protect. There w e n five animals to choose from: turtle. dugong. bassador, R'Trcsentativchumphead wrasse (maml), biib and crocodile. In tdtal. Of France to the Council Of in Sms- 403 votcs wcre counted with turtles and dugongs bourg, France. # gctting over half thc votcs. Turtle got 124 votes while

PALAU will play host to a rcgionrl workshop provided The mccting of minds will be a great opportunity by the Asia-Pacific Tclccommunity (APT) on May 9-1 1, for Palau's tcchniwl specialists to minglc with fcllow 2002. Palau National Communications Corporation experts from all ovcr thc ngion and advancc their skills SPEAKER Mario Gulibcrt introduced House (PNCC) and the Ministry of Statc (MOS), with thc thcme. in lntcmct nchvorking issun. PKCC gcncnl managr Ed joint ~ ~ ~N ~ l6-35-6 t . ~ i ~ "'A'efworkin~Srratgics /or Rgionol Internet Trafic Cartcr stated that, "APT hosts many workshops ~ izcd c., lis chounqui for his im- R 0 ~ 1 i n g A ~ a n g c m ~ n t ~ " o g r n thc workshop locally. throughout the Asia-Pacific ngion cvery year. It's a s i p Over 60 ovcncas visitors from countries all over Asia of Palau's growing intcrnationnl involvcmcnt in issues prcssivc during his and the Pacific arc cxpcctcd to attend the gathering such as lntcrnct dcwlopmcnt that APT dccided to bring Ambassador of France for both the Re- together with 15 local panicipmts rcpraenting each of this workshop to Palau." public of thc Philippines and the Rcpublic of our governmcnt agencies. Thcrc will also be APT was established in May 1979 u a Regional Palau. During his tenure as ambassador to r c p r e s c n t a t i o n f r o m t h c I n t c r n a t i o n a l Tclccommunications Organization by an Interpalau, chouraqui made many ,,isits to the Tclccommunications Union OTU). thc main global govcrnmcnlal agrccmcnt. Thc inaugural meeting was hcld mancrs. which is in APT the strength counhy. His diplomacy sttcngthencd rc- asoci3tion for telecommunications will be held at the of Bangkok. Thailand in 1979. Palau,now has 4 associnte' b m d in Su+tzerland. The occasion 32 mcmbcn, including plus lations bctwvecn Francc and Palau and Pilau ipt(am+ membcrs and 49 affiliate mcmbcrs.#

Ambassador Chouraqui commended

C3 launched on Earth Day 2002

projects and is open to project i d m from. the community. Onc project, which C3 hopes to be working on soon, is a study on dugongs and s c a m s s beds. Any questions or suggestions can be addressed to any one of the rnemben by contacting them nt 458-8980 or email at communitycenteradcom~ation@)

Patricia Davis, on the founders of C3 with the students J U S n a Minister Michael J. Roknthal an- l'alau's that statistics by the Bu- \ This non-profit organization is ~ilanningfor future during the Earth Day 2002 colcbratlon. rcau of Public Safcty show that in comparison to last year, traffic violations and overall crimes have dsclincd. The statistics S~IOW

Crime Watch

thc dugong got 109 votes. Roth arc protcctcd under



I cncrr.\ r

Court declarer EQPB Earthmoving Permit void


Evcwtt Walron announces the consrmctin~ project before it had a valid pennit. By the the

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Recycling grogram in the country proposed1

manapcmcnt of our :tnifici:il \va<tc." hc u i d in n lctrcr adPRt~$II>IiSTRcmcnpcsa~~ drcczedtoScn:ttc I'residcnt Scit has propo\ccl a bill c<~ahli\lrinp a Andre\. T o m a n ~ ~ c disposal. \\.:iictt recycling prognm in thccountry focu.;in~ the propcr dison Rcmcnccsnu said clispcal of imparted cans and hottlcs posal of imponed can< ant1 should Dc the fin! strp. hottlcc. Thc p r o p o d mcjsure introHc;~dtlcd hchacdircctcd that ducc'd hy thc precidcnt sccks thc 0i:':cc of Environmental K c s p n w 31x1Coordination to thc creation of a hcvcrgccontaincr dcpmit fcc and n r ~ y - identify intcrnationsl funding cling fundnotingrh~tthconcof source< to awict in the in~plcPn1:lu.s niost vi.ihlc forms o f mcntation of tlic propnm. Hc n d d d that ht nnticipatcs pollution is the dumpinp o f thc av~il3bility thc funding of k v c n g c cont3incn throuphwithin thc nc\t three month.;. out thc island. l l c also said that thc R c r i i c n ~ e s :said the rccy. ~~ cling prornni will helpaddw.;.i plannin~.dcvr.lopmcntand opic!c the. incwa\in~conccrnovcr~ilrr- cr~tionolarctatc.\\ rccyclinc ifr-d <itc\ for landfit!\ throuphpmyram h 3 ~ - d rhc d ? p \ ! r on ice for k v c n ~ c c a n t s i n e r x a I iic out the nation. I said the lack of nation- self-fundinsmcan\oi:tddrt\\k ins en\ ironmcntal con:cinx I rvidc rccyclin$ p r 9 r a m bur\v:thout \i;nifii-:cnt co<t to thc dcnc rhc ~ m \ v t h o f t h c tourikm citilcnc of 1'a1:111. industry In k l a u . Oncc thc propzed mc:izurc "Thc propozcd law recognizcz that thccontinucdcxpani< 3pprovcd.cvcry dcfosit bcvcmgc di<tributor \\.ill havc to sion of our economy rcquircc pay to tllc Xliniitry of Adininthat wc put intop1:vc thc statuisfration SO. I5 per hevcr;l;c tory rqinic toprotcct our nntur.;lcnvirnnmcnt.Suztain~blcdc- containcr. To f;silitatc thc return of velopincnt i\ notvhcrc mote -..l.\.,-nr e h m n in ~ l r rnnlrnl o R E C Y C L I N G 0.14 ~
8 y BMRNAOEITEW.CARREOH Wo S e b 927 i n ~


New organizatioh established

proicct< iucll :I< rccyclinp :inel prnfitoqani/atronc:~II~.dC(nti- rr.\.c~ctationinvolvinr \o11nr ntunify ('cntcrecl Conwvatton pcoplc ;tnil local conin~ut~itiz\. Othcr ol?j~.c.(iva~.; ('7 \\.ill lv of [C.:] \v:~.; I:~unchccI. 'I'hc lo cany c r ~ l lrc\c:~rch prnjk~t\ foantlcr.i of C'? ilrc Jason on impon:tnt local specie\ and Ktrartei (precitlcnt). Patricia Davi.; (trcaz~~rcr). :~ncllahmil.t hahit:tt\ with yvcia! cmph:t.;ic on infonnntion ~li:~rinth.!\rccn Kvanci (\ccrctnn). C ' n1.1in 1\ hS1OSG thc intny cclchr;rtion\ !hi\ p:t\t 13:alIi I):!).. :I nc\v non-

Twit\ \rill hi. on zninll.\calc

\cicnti\t\ :In(! local camn1oni.


('3 h:~d n hootll :I! PCC on I::tnl~ l),ty ;tnd ;~\kctl\ttrdcn!\ :~nelnicinlrn of tlre colnlnutlity tovotc for:) n:~tivc'nninlal. \vhicI~tItcy felt \\;I\ to protect. NEW 1 6 1

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