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Technological Progress vs Environment

Nowadays technology plays a very important role in human life. Modern technology greatly simplifies life and makes it more interesting. No wonder that 21th century was named technological progress century. Accelerating scientific understanding, more efficient communications, and faster transportation transformed the world in those hundred years more rapidly and widely than in any previous century. Mass media, telecommunications, and information technology (especially computers, paperback books, public education, and the Internet) made the world's knowledge more widely available. Advancements in medical technology also improved the welfare of many people: the global life expectancy increased from 35 years to 65 years. Rapid technological advancements, however, also allowed warfare to reach unprecedented levels of destruction. World War II alone killed over 60 million people, while nuclear weapons gave humankind the means to annihilate or significantly harm itself in a very short period of time. The world also became more culturally homogenized than ever with developments in transportation and communications technology, popular music and other influences of Western culture, international corporations, and what was arguably a true global economy by the end of the century. There is no doubt that technological progress is good for the humanity as a whole, but whether it is good for the environment. Some people consider while technological development destroys our environment, to live in harmony is impossible. I totally agree with this thought and in the following paragraphs I will give my reasons to support my view. Firstly, in many countries technological progress is increasing dramatically, everywhere people try to built the new factories, companies in order to support their needs. These objects produce many things, which are not environmentally friendly, in most of the case these products are harmful to the environment. As a result our planet has a lots problems with greenhouse gases, acid rain, air pollution, global warming, ozone deforestation. Secondly, technological progress is not only in the big cities, also we can see in the villages. However, some farmers cultivate intensive farming, in order to take much benefits from the lands. But this type of farming use a lot of herbicides and pesticides, which have bad effects to the ecological situation. Also, the farmers want to new lands, so they destroy the forest in different part of the world. To sum up, peoples requirements are increasing rapidly, people needs more food, more water, more machines and place to live. Therefore they develop technological progress. But the humankind forget that we are not alone on this planet. So we need to keep balance between environment and technological progress for the future generation and we should stop to destroy the environment. We areliving in the century of the technological progress trying to open all new andunknown, each day brings us new ideas, each month brings us new technologicalsolutions, people go strait in development new invents. All they think about ismaking their life more convenient for them self. That is why the have forgottenone of the most valuable things the environment.

At the moment, the danger of pollution has become so obvious that most countries with developed economies have implemented very drastic measures to prevent and combat this scourge planetar. People scientist believes that "nature revenge on us"against anyone who, in creating the current civilization have made some "technical errors." Indeed, to produce more and cheaper as people competed to exploit natural resources more intensively, throwing most of the times randomly unusable waste. With the increase in industrial development, the adverse effects on our environment are also increasing. The cities which were once longed for living are now becoming a hub of polluted air and soil. In many countries technological progress is increasing dramatically, everywhere people try to built the new factories, companies in order to support their needs. These objects produce many things, which are not environmentally friendly, in most of the case these products are harmful to the environment. As a result our planet has a lots problems with greenhouse gases, acid rain, air pollution, global warming, ozone deforestation. Technological progress is not only in the big cities, also we can see in the villages. However, some farmers cultivate intensive farming, in order to take much benefits from the lands. But this type of farming use a lot of herbicides and pesticides, which have a deffects to the ecological situation. Also, the farmers want to new lands, so they destroy the forest in different part of the world.

Granciuc Dan, cl 11,,c Progresul Stiintific

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