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FADE IN: INT. SCHOOL BUS School bus filled with rowdy kids in Catholic School uniforms. We see Omar Gutierrez walking in slow motion to the back of the bus where the cool kids hang out. He's your typical Skinny, Latino nerd, but today he walks with an air of confidence. As he passes lanes, you see the social ladder progress lane by lane, Dorks, Nerds, Preppies, Hipsters, Jocks, and finally, The Bad ass cool kids. People watch in amazement "Where is he going?" As he finally reaches his destination, We see Marsha sitting and gossiping with another girl. Omar's shadow cover's over them Hi. The girls are flabbergasted OMAR I just want to say that you are an exquisite young woman. And I find my self incapable of going another day without confessing my love to you. Since the trip to the museum in second grade, as the star of the planetarium could not compare to the stars of your eyes, Please take my hand and lets begin our love. Will you please go the movies with me? Marsha and Cindy are shocked with their mouths open. For a second it appears that his little speech might have worked. Till Cindy. CINDY Bwaaa hahahahaha. This nerd serious? Marsha laughs slightly MARSHA No, Sorry I already have a boyfriend. I'm really flattered but. OMAR I advice you reconsider my offer. CINDY You don't get it NERD. She don't OMAR

like you Suddenly Turrel enters. TURREL what the hell? go to the front of the bus where you belong NERD. Terrel Pushes Omar back and he falls on his butt. Everyone laughs. Omar finds an crusty apple on the floor and chucks it at Turrel, hitting his head. No one can believe what just happened. Terrel jumps on Omar. The bus driver sees the commotion and stops the bus and get back there to break up the fight. DRIVER Break it up. I'm reporting both of you to the Dean for detention. TERREL Dude I can't get detention. I'll get suspende I"m already on probation. DRIVER You should have thought about that first. No get back the front Omar. Omar gets up dusts himself off. TURREL This ain't over nerd! I'm gonna find you at the end of the school day and we're gonna fight. The entire bus hears the news and immediate whispers begin. Omar confidant walk now look into a worried walk to death INT. CAFETERIA Omar worried face continues as he eats a tuna sandwich, with his Nerdy friends, Sanjay and Kim. KIM What the hell were you thinking. SANJAY The planetarium stars were in your eyes. HAHA. KIM Your not gonna fight him are you? SANJAY

Where can I find some of the crack you were smoking, because it must be Dynamite! KIM I don't think you should fight him. I would just leave school early say you were sick. SANJAY Say you got struck with the love bug and now you gonna get beat up by a thug. Damn that's good. I should rap! KIM Maybe you could reason with him. Omar ignores their banter and continues looking out blankly into the sea of white shirts and blue blouses. He suddenly makes eye contact with Terrel, who make a fist at him. INT. ENGLISH CLASS Ms. Lopez is giving a lecture to room of bored students. Except Omar who hangs on every word of the lecture. He checks the clock and sees his death sentence. 2:55pm. On the blackboard in fancy chalk is written "The Hobbit". MR.LOPEZ When Gandalf comes to ask him to go on the journey he says he doesn't want to go. The next day when the dwarves come over he is more or less forced to go with them and he does. But he is reluctant to go on this journey because he's a Hobbit, Hobbits don't like adventures. Bell rings. Kids pack up hastily. Except Omar who stays seated in the middle of an empty class room. Ms. Lopez packs up. Doesn't notice him at first. OMAR What if Bilbo decided not to go on the journey. MS. LOPEZ Then you would have a very boring book. OMAR Maybe, He could have been like, na, no thanks, I'm gonna sit this one

out. I mean his is a Hobbit, that's just the way Hobbits are. MS. LOPEZ Yes, but the heroes journey is not about staying where you are. Its about evolving, learning and bring something back to your community. OMAR I'm just scared. MS. LOPEZ scared of what? OMAR What? Oh nothing. Just the quiz. MS. LOPEZ You'll be fine. You're one of the smartest kids in the class. Don't sweat it.

EXT. PLAYGROUND In the far off corner of the park, Terrel sits with his boys. BOY1 I told you that punk kid ain't gonna show up. TURREL Too bad I wanted to smash some nerd today. BOY2 Ha ha ha yea, smash some nerds. BOY1 Eyo, hold up. They all look off into the distance of the park. Omar walks in alone into the park, a little less confident than before. A cloud of students gather around him. Terrel sits up. TURREL I thought you weren't gonna show up OMAR You thought wrong.

BOY1 Oohhhh Snap! TURREL I like you cockiness kid. Too bad I'm gonna have to beat that out of you. OMAR Perhaps, but I would like to reason with you. Reason? BOY2 Whats the reason! TURREL What are talking about Nerd. OMAR That we set up rules of conduct. TERREL Rules of Conduct? BOY1 He don't like rules. TERREL The rules of conduct are that I'm going to punch you in the face. He shoves Omar. Who already with a large book bag almost stumbles. Very well. TERREL Put them up. They square off. Omar raises his fists. TERREL Take off your bookbag nerd! Hahah. BOY2 Haha Bookbag nerd, haha Omar realizes this and loosens his left and right strap. BOY1 OMAR TERREL

Kid doesn't even know how fight, This ain't reading time. This gets everyone laughing including Terrel, which gives Omar his opening. He swings his mammoth bookbag with all his mite and hits Terrel Knocking him down. Ooohh and Aaahh's from the crowd. Omar himself can't believe what he just did. Terrel recovering from the shock and embarrassment now looks like an angry Pitbul. Omar sees this and starts to Run with Terrel behind him. Of course Terrel catches up and grabs him buy the collar and yanks him harshly till their both on the ground Terrel sitting on Omar punching him why Omar tries to block his face and grab his wrist. Suddenly Sanjay jumps on Turrell's back. TURRELL What the hell? Two nerds? SANJAY Two nerds for one douchebag! They scuffle and the boys enter, Seems like an platoon of Nerds descend thus making this the epic Nerd versus bully's fight. Till finally teachers enter. TEACHER1 Alright break it up! You're all in deep trouble. All of you! The students disperse leaving Omar on the ground with Shiny eye and a little blood coming from his nose. A hand extends to lift him up and its Ms. Lopez. MS. LOPEZ Next year we're reading Lord of the Rings. INT. SCHOOL BUS. NEXT DAY Omar sits at the front of the bus like he normally does with Sanjay and Kim. He's eye slightly puffed with a purple glaze. SANJAY Dude, we Almost had him. I was this close to ripping his head right off his spine like in Mortal Kombat. Fatality! KIM I didn't think you were going to do it. You really surprised everyone. OMAR

Yea I guess. Wasn't what I expected. KIM Hey at least you went for it. Marsha Enters the bus with Cindy. Cindy walks ahead ignoring the Nerds as usual. Marsha Stops. Hi Omar. Hi They share an awkward pause and smiles. KIM what was that? OMAR I don't know... SANJAY Oh snap! you can hit that! Shut up SANJAY I'm just saying son ... I can read between the lines. OMAR I'm not interested. SANJAY What! Stop playing. KIM But you liked her yesterday. Omar looks at Kim intensely. OMAR I don't like her anymore. I think I like someone else. Who!? Omar is about to say you, to Kim. When Terrel Enters the Bus. They give each other tense looks. But Terrel Doesn't say anything neither does Omar. There is now a mutual Respect. SANJAY OMAR OMAR MARSHA

EXT. School Birds EYE As the camera floats up showing the start of a new school day, Ms. Lopez's Voice Over is heard. MS. LOPEZ As all things come to an end, a day came at last when he was in sight of the country where Bilbo had been born and bred, where the shapes of the land and of the trees were as well known to him as his hands and toes; and though many shook their heads and touched their foreheads and said "Poor old Baggins!" and though few believed any of his tales, he remained very happy to the end of his days, and those were extraordinarily long. FADEOUT.

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