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Description of Classroom:
Wednesday October 31, 2012 English 10 Period 1-34 Stu. Period 5- 33 Stu.

Background on writing an essay and an introduction paragraph.

Content Objective(s):
Students will be able to develop the topic with well-chosen facts and concrete details appropriate To audience knowledge of a topic using a thesis statement.

Language Objective(s):
Students will be able to write notes on a Thesis statement Students will be able to listen to a power point on Thesis statements and understand what it is.

Nevada Standards:
W.9-10.2b: Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to audience knowledge of a topic.

Key Vocabulary:
Thesis statement

Best Practices: (put an X next to those that you address in your lesson)
Preparation Adaptation of content Links to background Links to past learning x x x x Strategies incorporated Integration of Processes Listening Speaking Reading Writing x x x x Scaffolding Modeling Guided practice Independent practice Verbal scaffolds Procedural scaffolds Application Hands-on Authentic (Meaningful) Linked to objectives Promotes engagement x x x x Grouping Options Whole Class Small groups Partners Independent Assessment Individual Group Written Oral

Teaching Strategies:

Have students work in groups to complete the assignment

Warm Up Activity:

Lesson Sequence:
Roll Call Calendar (turn it in) Thesis statement power point Go over all of the examples on the power point. Thesis statement work sheet examples Students may work in partners Explain they are to come up with a thesis statement for each of the 5 introduction paragraphs Turn in at the end of the period. Closure: discuss what they came up with for each topic and why that it is correct or incorrect. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!


Supplementary Materials: Review/Assessment:

Closure: Discuss what they came up with for each topic and why that it is correct or incorrect.

They ended up being pretty confused with the examples, so we did most of the examples together as a class. When they had more guidance, they were able to comprehend the information much better. Sometimes when they have the answer given to them, such as the examples from the power point, it is easier to tell whether or not it is correct. When trying to come up with a thesis statement on your own, can be more challenging because you now have to create the statement with the components of a correct statement. It would have been better if I had gone over the first one together with them, giving them 5 minutes to come up with the second one, then discussion the second one together as a class making sure they understand. In the future, when doing this assignment, this approach will be taken in hopes that it will work a little differently, especially when introducing a new topic to them.

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