1 Grp. 7 Jackson Garcia Hernandez Bystander Newsletter

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April 18, 2012

Why Does The Bystander Effect Matter?

By the Editors Dear Loyal readers, People thinks its funny to bully others, but when theyre bullied, it wouldnt feel good to them. This concerns you and the world for centuries of the entire human everyone has been a bystander. How can you call yourself human if you see people suffering and let them to die. You sir are a bystander. If your a bystander youre going to hell. God will disapprove of your sin and watch u suffer in need just as you let others suffer be a human not a animal. Sincerely, the editors: Marco Hernandez George Garcia Ashley Jackson The bystander effect doesn't just effect you it effects the WORLD! Have you made a decision yet? Hope you have let us tell you what a bystander is theyre demons from saint of god help us the people of this glorious country to get rid of those bystanders no one wants them we don't need them but please help other don't be a bystander a bystander is a follower of the devil. Halleluiah.

Flat out tire!

T h e By s t a nde r of S u f fe r i n g
Period 1 Group 7: Ashley Jackson Marco Hernandez, George Garcia

Stranded In A Freeway With No Attention by Ashley Jackson

An unfortunate waste of time has lead to George Garcia and his
Multiple Factors Contribute to the Bystander Effect:
Situational ambiguity Pluralistic ignorance Diffusion of responsibility Mood Gender Similarity Perceived cause of need

The group were devastated by staying in the freeway until a they called a family member to arrive and help the distressed group. And in a matter of time, they arrived at the game without any more delays. It was a shame no one bothered to help. said the mothers friend, I felt like an outsider. And even though it was broad daylight, people could not afford to offer help that time. People may not have assisted them because it may be a waste of time for themselves, if they might get hit by another car if they try to turn and help, or was sure someone else can help them. This event possibly was a diffusion of responsibility and a perceived cost of need. To lose something in order to gain something can describe from what this family experienced; they have not gained anything from the fellow citizens passing by.

friends possibly late to a soccer game on a casual Saturday afternoon when they were stranded in a freeway heading to Norwalk. As the car rode in the freeway, it slid out of the road, seeming this situation to be hopeless when no one who drove past In a February weekend, a teen freshman named
Left in crowded freeway

George Garcia traveled with his friends to visit a soccer event in Norwalk. However, their leisurely

Inside this issue:

Georges Story Marcos Story
Ashleys Story

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ride went wrong when a tire popped out from the car, causing them to become stranded on the side of the road in the freeway. The tire must not have had enough air pumped when it cost the car to stop. Although, from their cries of help to others, not one car managed to offer assistance.

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T he By s ta nd e r o f S uf fe ri ng
Two Guys, One Shop by George Garcia My reaction was Oh well, then I walked out, said Marco. He said Marco Hernandez experienced a robbery about two months ago, but did not overreact or did anything to stop it. The people around the liquor store were scared because the Marco said, I was at the store buying soda and chips, when I saw two men walk into the store. I saw another man in the car. As seconds flew, the two men were armed. They pointed at the cashier and yelled, Gimme yo money! I was not alarmed or anything. All I did was just walk out the store with what I wanted; chips and soda, withWitness or no witness?

V o lu me 1 , Is su e 1

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Midnight Drama by Marco Hernandez

Seeing eye-to-eye?

the robbery did not catch his attention, neither for others. When people saw that the robbers were armed, they were scared and walked away. Some lady with her child said, Dios mio! Apurale! Vamonos mijo! She was in shock and told her child to leave. Situational ambiguity, perceived cost, and diffusion of responsibility took place. It was clear that two people in a liquor store pointing to the cashier with guns were robbing the place. Since the two men were armed, people might have thought that if they were to help, they could have gotten shot. Others thought the police were on the way. People can also have thought that since they are not in danger, why get themselves in danger. They just wanted to prevent danger for them and the children, if they were around.

In the year 2010 Ashley's Grandma and Momma were arguing late at night. they argued over Ashleys mom coming home late often with men. Ashley grandma is worried every night she wonders what is going to become if Ashley.

The situation is so bad Ashleys grandma doesn't want to be there at the same house her daughter does bad things. Poor Ashley cant do anything but worry. She doesnt do anything for she still has hope that itll all soon come to an end. But now she sees the family falling apart.

Ashleys mom and Grandma were arguing around 12 at night. The problem is not only does she come home late but shes drunk & with men. Ashleys Grandma is concerned for Ashley. What kind of example does her mom give? When Ashley and her Grandma see the mother drunk & with many men their mood is completely heartbroken. So much goes on in the family home no one sees the impact its having on their lives.
Family Affair

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