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TPM Colte, Melody K.

Abstract: One of the greatest challenges at any company is how to achieve sustainable improvement. This includes both achieving short-term success and maintaining that success over the long-term. This section outlines four techniques for achieving sustainable improvement. A powerful technique for engaging employees is creating a shared vision of the future improved state of the company and clearly outlining how it will benefit employees. Succeeding early helps to ensure long-term success by building momentum behind the initiative. Providing active leadership is one of the primary responsibilities of senior management. It means regularly demonstrating the importance of TPM activities through words and actions. Active leadership combats the natural tendency of employees to drift back into old patterns of behavior and old ways of working. It continually feeds new energy into the initiative, which over time is absorbed by employees in the form of new engrained behaviors.

Keywords: Fishbone Cause-Effect Analysis Gap Analysis, Lean manufacturing, overall equipment effectiveness,


Introduction The TPM program closely resembles the popular Total Quality Management (TQM)

program. Many of the tools such as employee empowerment, benchmarking, documentation, etc. used in TQM are used to implement and optimize TPM.Following are the similarities between the two: Total commitment to the program by upper level management is required in both programmes, Employees must be empowered to initiate corrective action, and a long range outlook must be accepted as TPM may take a year or more to implement and is an on-going process. Changes in employee mind-set toward their job responsibilities must take place as well. Thus, there are steps to be identify the key people which are: Management should learn the philosophy, Management must promote the philosophy, Training for all the employees,

Identify the areas where improvement are needed, Make an implementation plan, and Form an autonomous group.


Total Productive Maintenance Total productive maintenance (TPM) originated in Japan in 1971 as a method for

improved machine availability through better utilization of maintenance and production resources. TPM is an innovative Japanese concept. The origin of TPM can be traced back to 1951 when preventive maintenance was introduced in Japan. However the concept of preventive maintenance was taken from USA. Nippondenso was the first company to introduce plant wide preventive maintenance in 1960. Whereas in most production settings the operator is not viewed as a member of the maintenance team, in TPM the machine operator is trained to perform many of the day-to-day tasks of simple maintenance and fault-finding. Teams are created that include a technical expert (often an engineer or maintenance technician) as well as operators. In this setting the operators are enabled to understand the machinery and identify potential problems, righting them before they can impact production and by so doing, decrease downtime and reduce costs of production. TPM is a critical adjunct to lean manufacturing. If machine uptime is not predictable and if process capability is not sustained, the process must keep extra stocks to buffer against this uncertainty and flow through the process will be interrupted. Unreliable uptime is caused by breakdowns or badly performed maintenance. Correct maintenance will allow uptime to improve and speed production through a given area allowing a machine to run at its designed capacity of production.

One way to think of TPM is "deterioration prevention": deterioration is what happens naturally to anything that is not "taken care of". For this reason many people refer to TPM as "total productive manufacturing" or "total process management". TPM is a proactive approach that essentially aims to identify issues as soon as possible and plan to prevent any issues before occurrence. One motto is "zero error, zero work-related accident, and zero loss". TPM has basically 3 goals - Zero Product Defects, Zero Equipment Unplanned Failures and Zero Accidents. It sets out to achieve these goals by Gap Analysis of previous historical records of Product Defects, Equipment Failures and Accidents. Then through a clear understanding of this Gap Analysis (Fishbone Cause-Effect Analysis, Why-Why Cause-Effect Analysis, and P-M Analysis) plan a physical investigation to discover new latent fuguai (slight deterioration) during the first step in TPM Autonomous Maintenance called "Initial Cleaning". Many companies struggle to implement TPM due to 2 main reasons. First is having insufficient knowledge and skills especially in understanding the linkages between the 8 PillarActivities in TPM. It does not help in that most TPM books are long on the theories but scanty on the implementation details. The second reason is that TPM requires more time, resources and efforts than most of these companies believe they can afford. A typical TPM implementation requires company-wide participation and full results can only be seen after 3 years and sometimes 5 years. The main reason for this long duration is due to the basic involvement and training required for Autonomous Maintenance participation where operators participate in the restoring the equipment to its original capability and condition and then improving the equipment. TPM identifies the 7 losses (types of waste) (muda), namely set-up and initial adjustment time, equipment breakdown time, idling and minor losses, speed (cycle time) losses, start-up

quality losses, and in process quality losses, and then works systematically to eliminate them by making improvements (kaizen). TPM has 8 pillars of activity, each being set to achieve a zero target. These 8 pillars are the following: focussed improvement (Kobetsu Kaizen); autonomous maintenance (Jishu Hozen); planned maintenance; training and education; early-phase management; quality maintenance (Hinshitsu Hozen); office TPM; and safety, health, and environment. Few organisation also add Pillars according to their Work Place like: Tools Management; Information Technology & more. The Base for the TPM Activity is 5S; Seiri (Sorting out the required or not required items); Seition (Systematic Arrangement of the required items); Seiso (Cleaniness); Seiketsu (Standardisation); Shitsuke (Self Discipline). Other Pillars Like: Tools Management - To increase the availability of Equipment by reducing Tool Resetting Time, To reduce Tool Consumption Cost & to increase the tool life. TPM success measurement - A set of performance metrics which is considered to fit well in a lean manufacturing/TPM environment is overall equipment effectiveness, or OEE. For advanced TPM world class practitioners, the OEE cannot be converted to costs using Target Costing Management (TCM) OEE measurements are used as a guide to the potential improvement that can be made to equipment. And by identifying which of the 6 losses is the greater, then the techniques applicable to that type of loss. Consistent application of the applicable improvement techniques to the sources of major losses will positively impact the performance of that equipment. Using a criticality analysis across the factory should identify which equipments should be improved first, also to gain the quickest overall factory performance. The use of Cost Deployment is quite rare, but can be very useful in identifying the priority for selective TPM deployment.


Conclusion As author Mike Sondalini puts it; "Too many times TPM fails in a company because the

operators and maintainers, who are meant to deliver TPM to their equipment, are not involved in its implementation. Rather they get told to do TPM, and management then wonders why TPM doesnt work for them." Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is an equipment management program that emphasizes operator involvement and ownership of equipment performance. The goals of a TPM program are to maximize equipment productivity, maximize equipment availability and make quality product by eliminating causes of equipment defects, losses and wastes through expanding and engaging the knowledge, skills and abilities of the front-line people running the process.



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