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In Confidence By Kathryn Paulson

EXT. STREET - NIGHT A man is rifling through papers in a briefcase, flanked by four large bodyguards. TONY, a smooth con man who is flippant and calm, watches him. Tonys hand trembles, but he quickly puts it in his pocket. Next to him is ELIZABETH, a self-assured woman who holds her head high, daring anyone to prove her wrong. ZACH stands behind them, his eyes darting from side to side, betraying his inexperience. The man stops and looks at them. MAN Theyre fake. The four bodyguards simultaneously draw their guns. TONY (quickly, eyeing the firearms) Now, streetlights arent exactly great for inspections. You really need a, umELIZABETH Natural, all-natural sunlight. Peak of the day. Noon, one oclock, many, many hours from now. Yes. TONY Yes, that would be-

The men point their guns at the team. TONY (CONTD) Or, you know, inside works too, that works. You can get that nice natural lighting from those fluorescents, those twisty ones. ELIZABETH The stampll show up fine there, dont worry. Its temperature-sensitive, andMAN Theyre fake. TONY (as a last resort) You wont even check against the headlight of the car? The man motions his guards to shoot, and the team immediately begins to run. (CONTINUED)



TONY (CONTD) Guess not! The three are running, full-sprint, away from the four men in shadow. The image freezes. TONY (V.O.) Believe or not, that didnt go exactly as planned. It resumes, focusing on Tonys face, and freezes again. TONY (V.O.) Thats the fearless leader right there: yours truly. The one who screwed up the entire operation. Normally it turns out much better - I like to think this isnt an accurate representation of my skills. Weve had a few rough months, but who hasnt? The job market these days, you know. Not what it used to be. It resumes, and we freeze on Zach this time. TONY (V.O.) Zach, our genius. Biggest and best secret in the underground hacking circuit. He knows what hes doing, but he doesnt let you know he knows - and hell if I know what he does. Kids, let your parents know your time on the computer is well-spent...if youre breaking into government websites. Its a marketable skill. Trust me. Suddenly youre a wanted man by more than just police - though they want you too; its a job hazard - and people take notice. I took notice, and look where he is now. They continue running with gunshots in the background. TONY (V.O.) Not the best example. It freezes on Elizabeth.




TONY (V.O.) And Elizabeth. Shes hard to figure out, and not just because shes a woman. Shes a grifter. She lies for a living, and shes damn good at what she does. We all are. But she - she very well may be better than I am. Ill never tell her that, though. Maybe I shouldve; it wouldve saved everyone a lot of trouble. We couldve even saved the job. The chase continues. TONY (V.O.) (reminiscing) Oh, the job. I had it all perfectly planned. Everything was in order. Nothing could fail. Every loophole was closed, every moment was planned, and every person knew their place. Unfortunately, that was the problem: every person knew exactly how to help themselves. The three break off down separate roads, splitting their pursuers. TONY (V.O.) I didnt see it coming. I thought Id planned for everything, but that was one thing that never crossed my mind. No plans perfect, but I deluded myself into thinking Id done it. With success comes complacency, and you cant afford that in this business. Tony narrowly avoids a bullet. Yeah. TONY (V.O.) That would be why.

He ducks behind an alleyway, and the man continues running. Tony is breathing heavily, but he flattens himself against the wall with a hand over his mouth to stifle the sound as the man doubles back.




PURSUER (into his earpiece) I lost him. Tony smirks, waits for him to leave, and noiselessly slips down the alleyway with a smile on his face. INT. SAFE HOUSE - NIGHT Elizabeth and Zach are sitting at the table, Zach on his laptop. Elizabeth is visibly annoyed. TONY (entering grandly through the door) And we live another day! ELIZABETH ...are you serious? What? TONY Were alive.

ELIZABETH Did you trip and hit your head on the way back? We got shot at and didnt get paid. Check mark in the lose column. TONY But were alive! ELIZABETH Oh, looking on the bright side. And how many weeks did we waste on this job? TONY Hey, it was a team effort of failure here. ELIZABETH All Im saying is that this wouldnt have happened if you hadnt panicked. TONY I didnt panic. You panicked.

ELIZABETH If the definition of "panicked" has suddenly changed to mean rational, (MORE) (CONTINUED)



ELIZABETH (contd) calm action, then yes, by all means - I panicked. Tony goes the fridge and pulls out a bottle, then puts it back. TONY (closing the fridge) Im not having this conversation right now. You try running the long con and let me know how it goes, okay? ELIZABETH Oh, gladly. Ill call you if I ever need an easy mark. TONY This is ridiculous. If you had a problem before, bring it up. Say something. ELIZABETH You mean like the suggestion I had about maybe giving yourself a contingency plan and a getaway car? What did you say to that one? Anyone? Anyone at all? Zach? ZACH (monotone) "Ive got everything worked out. Itll be fine." ELIZABETH (mocking) Itll be fine. Itll be fine, guys! If "fine" involves a chase through downtown with a friendly game of dodge-the-bullet, then yes, Tony, it was fine. TONY (mollified) Okay, so maybe I was wrong. But we were closer than anyones gotten with him, you have to admit. We were so close.




ELIZABETH Close doesnt pay the bills. TONY We dont pay bills. have a hacker. Thats why we

Zach salutes, still looking at his computer. ELIZABETH Fine. But close doesnt get us anything. Maybe if you werent so preoccupied, there wouldnt have been such a bigTONY We almost had him, I swear. one more minuteJust

ELIZABETH One more minute, and we wouldve been dead. Those werent water guns. She gets up from her chair and turns to leave. ELIZABETH (CONTD) Next time, remember its not just you. If it had been, tonight wouldve ended with you in a body bag. We saved your ass twice before it went south with the stamp check, so the very least you can do is thank us. She leaves. Tony calls out after her.

TONY Thanks for not letting me die! Elizabeth leans back around the doorframe. ELIZABETH (calculated) No problem, Tony. What are friends for? Tony turns to look at Zach after Elizabeth disappears again. TONY (nervously) Women, huh? Whatcha gonna do, right? (CONTINUED)



Zach gives him a long hard look before turning back to his computer. TONY (to himself, whining) I had it all under control. ZACH Whatever helps you sleep at night. Tony glares at him. He goes to the fridge again, takes out the same bottle of alcohol, and puts it back. TONY You want to go to the bar? Zach gives him a look. TONY (CONTD) Im paying. Zach grabs his keys. INT. BAR - NIGHT Tony and Zach are on barstools, clearly already intoxicated. Elizabeth walks through the door, her face disapproving. ELIZABETH Boys, alcohol is not the answer. TONY Depends what the question is, right? And tonight, the question is - what will make me feel better? Zach and Tony clink glasses. Tony downs a shot and motions for another while Zach raises an eyebrow. ZACH To a point, man. TONY (singing) And Im feeling...good. ELIZABETH (to Zach) Why did you let him...?




ZACH You cant stop him when hes like this. You know that. Elizabeth sits down next to Tony and motions the bartender over. Diet Coke. two. ELIZABETH Actually...make that

TONY No, thats a womans drink - Ill have another one of...whatever this was... ELIZABETH (pushing the Diet Coke towards him) Its delicious whiskey. Drink up. TONY Yeah! Elizabeth sighs and hops off the barstool, leaving Zach to hold up a falling Tony. She walks to the bathroom, running into KENDRA, a petite blond who doesnt seem to know her. KENDRA Oh, Im sorry - I didnt see you there. ELIZABETH No, it was my fault. Elizabeth turns to leave, but then stops. ELIZABETH (CONTD) Actually, you want to do me a favor? She pulls Kendra aside. ELIZABETH (CONTD) (pointing at Tony) See that guy over there? Hes not too happy right now, and what he really needs is some cheering up. Think you can help out? Kendra eyes him and then turns back to Elizabeth.




KENDRA Is he... ELIZABETH Oh, hes nicer than he seems. Hes just having a bad day. A really, really bad day. KENDRA I mean, I guess I could - well, why not? Hes cute enough. ELIZABETH Dont let him know I sent you, okay? Hes got an ego the size of his - well, its pretty big. Kendra looks at her for a second before bursting into laughter. KENDRA Duly noted. ELIZABETH (winking) Have fun. Elizabeth continues to the bathroom, but she puts her drink down on an empty table and slips out through the back door. Kendra approaches Tony from Elizabeths empty chair. ZACH And thats...yeah, cue to leave. I think thatll be it for me. Youre good? TONY (confused) Uh, what? I dontZACH Youll be fine. Good luck, man.

Tony turns to see Kendra for the first time, and he gives Zach an exaggerated "OK" sign. TONY (whispering loudly) Thanks. Dont worry about me. good.





ZACH You certainly are. Zach chuckles and leaves the bar as well.

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