Firmware Update On A Cisco MDS Enterprise Class Director

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How to update firmware on a Cisco MDS Enterprise Class Director?

Upgrade applies only to the MDS 9500 series models, such as 9506, 9509, and 9513 Pre-requisite steps: NOTE: The following activities must be completed before the Switch Firmware can be updated. Identify the Fabric Manager server for the environment being upgraded Start the tftp server NOTE: Do not log out of the Fabric Manager Server until the new firmware is copied to all switches being updated. Copy and/or verify that the target code is on the tftp/Fabric Manager server Verify the tftp configuration is pointing to the directory where the target code is located Installation steps: NOTES: NXOS code files for use on this model/series will all have m9500 at the beginning of the filename. Some commands are very long and wrap lines within this document. Unless preceded by a prompt symbol, >, each command should be entered on a single line. Check supervisor modules slot 7 should be configured with the management port: > show system health Backup the configuration currently running on the switch: > copy running bootflash:running_conf_<date> Review the contents of the bootflash directories (both primary and standby) to determine if there is sufficient space to copy in the new binary: > dir bootflash: > dir bootflash://sup-standby Remove old firmware binariesfor both the primary and standby supervisors. The following are examples of how to delete files: > del bootflash://sup-standby/m9500-sf2ek9-kickstart-mz.<older_version>.bin > del bootflash:m9500-sf2ek9-kickstart-mz.<older_version>.bin Review the contents of the bootflash directories (both primary and standby) to determine if there is sufficient space to copy in the new binary:

> dir bootflash: > dir bootflash://sup-standby Copy new firmware image to the bootflash directory from the tftp server. The following commands are examples of how to do this, and the commands are very long, and should be entered all on one line: > copy tftp://<tftp server name>/m9500-sf2ek9-kickstart-mz.<new_version>.bin bootflash:m9500-sf2ek9-kickstart-mz.<new_version>.bin > copy tftp://<tftp server name>/m9500-sf2ek9-mz.<new_version>.bin bootflash:m9500-sf2ek9-mz.<new_version>.bin Install the new firmware image: > install all kickstart bootflash:m9500-sf2ek9-kickstart-mz.<new_version>.bin system bootflash:m9500-sf2ek9-mz.<new_version>.bin NOTE: Halfway through the install process you will need to log into the switch again. During the upgrade, the active Supervisor moves to the Standby to complete the upgrade process. The install is complete when the last installed board in the switch indicates the upgrade on it is complete. You may need to hit <Return> to get the display prompt. Verify the configuration. All modules should be enabled and available. The supervisior in slot 7 should be the primary supervisor: > show system health If necessary, set module 7 to the primary supervisor: Copy the license files and the backup of the old config from the primary to standby bootflash. The following commands are examples. The copies will need to be repeated for each license file: > dir bootflash://sup-standby > dir bootflash: > copy bootflash:<filename>.lic bootflash://sup-standby/ > copy bootflash:running_conf_<date> bootflash://sup-standby/ Bring the switch to a standard configuration by forcing a switch between the primary and standby supervisors: > system switchover

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