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Date: Full Application Format

INSTRUCTIONS The application shall be drafted following the headings and structure provided below. The application may not exceed 16 pages, excluding annexes (using font size 12). 1. CONTACT DETAILS Name of applicant organisation: CENTRE FOR COMMUNITY ECONOMICS AND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS SOCIETY (CECOEDECON). Legal registration number, country and year of registration: Legal status: Postal address: E-mail: Telephone: Fax: Name of contact person: Website of applicant organisation: Any change in contact details must be notified in writing to Sida. Sida will not be held responsible in case it cannot reach an applicant due to incorrect contact details. 2. TITEL OF PROJECT/PROGRAMME Title of the project/programme: Location(s): Harsulia (Phagi block) and Kotkhawda (Chaksu Block), District Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Duration: (State number of months and preliminary start/end dates.) 24 MONTHS. Starting from January 2013 to December 2014 . Amount applied for: 3. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT Maximum 2000 characters. Supporting processes that capacitates the communities, especially vulnerable groups to be more vigilant to the risks of trafficking 2. Developing capacities of young girls to assess their risks to be trafficked through self awareness and empowerment inputs 3. Developing capacities of local governance structures to strengthen the Civil Registration Systems 4. Promoting convergence of government programmes by building the capacities of local government functionaries 5. Promoting use of existing government resources to create Centres of Actions to prevent trafficking in the source areas.

6. Supporting creation of sustainable livelihood options for women and girls living in areas vulnerable to trafficking 7. Strategize and work towards reviving justice systems under the Nyayalaya Bill to strengthen the communities as they exercise vigil against traffickers
4. PROFILE OF APPLICANT 4.1 Presentation of applicant 2

Present the type of entity and category of the applicant, and describe the applicant organisation/actor. For example of entity and category see 2.1.1 in the Guidelines. Present possible vision and mission of the applicant organisation/actor, the main sector(s) and target group(s) of operation, and location of operation (country, region, global). Describe the organisational and management structure of the applicant organisation/actor.

The Centre for Community Economics and Development Consultants Society (CECOEDECON) was initiated by a group of young social workers to provide relief to the flood victims in Jaipur district in 1982. Over the last 29 years, the organisation has become one of the leading NonGovernmental Development Organizations in Rajasthan, India. With time, Cecoedecon has emerged as a robust civil society organization in Rajasthan with a strong grassroots base while also working on issues at state, national and international level. During its 29 years of existence, Cecoedecons strategy has evolved from relief and rehabilitation operations, into a more needs based paradigm leading towards a Rights Based Approach (RBA). Over the last few years, the organization has been able to make substantial progress with regard to the implementation of the Rights Based Approach in general and the linkage between micro and macro issues in particular. Cecoedecon has concentrated more on facilitating the emergence and interrelatedness of strong organisations, which are owned by the reference communities. The capacity of these organisations has reached a level where they are in a position to articulate their rights and are able to influence policies on a spectrum of issues, ranging from agriculture policy, water policy, minimum support prices and issues with regard to Panchayati Raj Institutions, specially the governance issues related to women elected representatives. CECOEDECONs experience for Gender Development Since its inception, Cecoedecon is working on gender issues in different dimensions and the strategy has changed from gender as a facilitation point to being a crosscutting theme in all its programs and activities. Over the years the unit has developed its capacities in various aspects such as trainings to CBOs, PRIs, government functionaries, partner organizations for capacity building, gender sensitization and organizing campaigns on gender issues, conducting legal literacy camps, addressing women policies and laws, popularizing government schemes etc. Unit is mainly engaged in eliminating all forms of gender discrimination from all the spheres of the society. Organization is directly working with Community Based Organizations and local governance in rural areas of Rajasthan and unit is engaged in capacity building of these CBOs & PRIs on gender issues. Cecoedecon organized Public Hearings on violence against women with Rajasthan State Women Commission and UNICEF. A family-Counseling Centre funded by Social Welfare Board was started. Gender Unit of the organization established Gender Resource Centre for bringing awareness about the women rights and legal provisions.

The unit is very closely involved in building and developing micro - macro linkages by way of being a member of various organizations viz; the Association of Women's Rights in Development (AWID), Women Power Connect, International Women Congress, International Women and Health Meeting at the International level. At National level it is associated with SaDhan- a national forum on micro finance initiative, sexual reproductive rights initiative for joint action network (SRIJAN) National Women Commission, Ministry of Women & Child Development, Mamta Health Institute for Mother & Child etc. At the state level it is associated with Rajasthan State Women Commission, Indira Gandhi Panchayati raj Sansthan (IGPRS) Women Resource Centre, Centre for Health Education, Training and Nutrition Awareness (CHETNA) UN Agencies like UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, Women Power Connect and The Hunger Project etc. Former Justice V. S. Dave is associated with the organization at the position of Chairperson. Justice Pana Chand Jain also associated with the organization. As the problem of sex selection is alarming in Rajasthan, Cecoedecon is working to bring awareness about the issue in its working areas and recently organized a campaign regarding PCPNDT Act. Sex selection is now an issue of discussion in all our programs related to gender and health. We also tried to draw the attention of political parties towards the issue during assembly election for the purpose of inclusion of it in their agenda. Cecoedecon initiated A Participatory Mechanism for Enhancing the Value of Girl Child: Project for eliminating sex selection in Newai (Tonk) and Chaksu (Jaipur) blocks with the support of UNFPA Women Power Connect for three years. Organization is the member of PCPNDT monitoring committee at Tonk District, Rajasthan. In alliance with USAID, we had undertaken a 6 month long project to sensitize and enhance the awareness of the legal service providers and legal system for addressing the issues of domestic violence, health and legal counseling services, PC & PNDT Act, PWDV Act 2005 and PCM Act. The project was titled, An initiative to build capacities of Rajasthan State Legal Services providers to increase their role in enhancing the dignity of women. This project was successfully implemented in Jaipur district between May & November 2010.


1 Consult

Annex 1 for complementary information. The outcome is usually expressed in terms of a desired change of behaviour, performance, welfare or condition of an organisation, a system or a group of direct beneficiaries, most often by the end of the implementation period. It should be the solution to the development problem that is to be solved by the development intervention. 3 An output is usually a product, capital goods and services that result from a development intervention. 4 Target groups are the groups who will be directly positively affected by the project/programme at the expected results level. 5 Final beneficiaries are those who will benefit from the project/programme in the long term at the level of the society or sector at large.

If relevant, describe the overall objective(s) (impact) towards which the intervention aims to contribute. Describe the specific objective(s) (outcome (s)) that the intervention aims to achieve2.

Describe in detail the expected results of the intervention (outputs and outcome)3. Indicate how the defined outputs will deliver the desired outcome(s). 5.2 Problem analysis and target group 5.2.1 Background Provide a general presentation and analysis of the problem which the intervention seeks to remedy. Provide a detailed presentation of the target group(s)4 and the final beneficiaries5 and their estimated number. 5.2.2 Relevance Demonstrate the relevance of the intervention to the needs and constraints in general of the target country (ies) or region(s) and to the target groups/final beneficiaries in particular. Also demonstrate how the intervention will provide the desired solutions, in particular for the targeted groups and population. Demonstrate the relevance of the intervention to the priorities and requirements presented in the Call Guidelines. 3

5.3 Design and implementation strategy 5.3.1 Activities and outputs Identify and describe the main activities to be undertaken in order to produce the intended expected results (outputs). Motivate the choice of activities by describing why they are the most appropriate and cost-efficient means to achieve the intended outputs. 5.3.2 Implementation Describe: The main preconditions and assumptions necessary for successful implementation and results achievement. The organisational set-up and team proposed for implementation of the project/programme (by function, there is no need to include the names of individuals). The possible involvement on any implementing partners, their role and relationship to the applicant. The methods of implementation and reasons for the proposed methodology. The role and participation of the various actors and stakeholders (local partners, target group, etc). If the intervention is the prolongation of a previous action or project: explain how the intervention is intended to build on the results of the previous action or project; If the intervention is part of a larger programme: explain how it fits or is coordinated with this programme or any other eventual planned project. 5.3.3 Organisational capacity, planning, monitoring and evaluation system Present the overall organisational implementing capacity of the applicant organisation/actor. Present the procedures and systems in place for planning, monitoring and evaluation (PME-system). Describe in particular the system in place to manage for results. 5.4 Sustainability Explain how sustainability will be secured after completion of the project. Make a distinction between the following three dimensions of sustainability: Financial sustainability For example: financing follow-up activities, sources of revenue for covering all future operating and maintenance costs. Institutional sustainability For example: which structures would allow, and how, the results of the project to continue to be in place after the end of the project? Address issues about the local ownership of project outcomes. Policy level sustainability For example: What structural impact will the project have e.g. will it lead to improved legislation, codes of conduct, methods, etc. 4

5.5 Risks and risk management Sidas definition of risk is an uncertain event or set of circumstances that, should it occur, will have an effect on achievement of objectives. Risk is always about future uncertainty. Provide a detailed risk analysis and possible contingency plans. This shall include: A list of internal and external risks associated with each expected result proposed. When relevant, group the risks by type, such as: physical, environmental, political, social, financial, fiduciary and corruption; An analysis of the listed risks accompanied by relevant mitigation measures and/or contingency plans; (an analysis of fiduciary risk and of corruption risks shall always be presented, including risk mitigating measures). 5.6 Results Framework Please fill in Annex 1 of the full application format. 6. FINANCIAL INFORMATION 6.1 Budget and sources of funding Please fill in Annex 2a and 2b of the full application format. Note that the excel document has two sheets; one for the Budget and one for Sources of funding. 6.2 Systems for management and control Describe the management structure and what instruments are in place to ensure internal financial management and control, to avoid mismanagement of funds. Provide a copy of the most recent externally audited report, if possible including audit memorandum/ management letter. If the applicant organisation/actor has not been externally audited explain why. Provide a copy of the organisations proof of registration. If funds are transferred to sub-grantees; describe the system in place to assess the administrative capacity of the sub-grantees and the financial reporting and audit requirements for the sub-grantees. 7. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE OF SIMILAR PROJECTS For presenting previous experience within the area of expertise and operation, please fill out Annex 3, of the full application format. 5

ANNEXES Annex 1 Results Framework Annex 2a Budget Annex 2b Source of funding Annex 3 Previous experiences of similar projects Annex 4 Risk Analysis In addition provide: Most recent externally audited annual report including audit memorandum/management letter. A copy of the organisations proof registration.

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