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Meeting Minutes

August 20, 2012

DWP- Crenshaw Community Room * 4030 Crenshaw Blvd * Los Angeles, CA 90008
Present Excused Unexcused Name Present Excused Unexcused Name Lanz Alexander, Treasurer X Mary Jones-Darks X Ronda Brown X Carl Morgan X Karen Caesar X Johnnie Raines X Yvonne Ellett X Jackie Ryan X Lark Galloway-Gilliam X Denise Stansell X Mark Gory X David Winston, Chair X Damien Goodmon, Vice Chair X Jason Lombard X Call to Order & Roll Call: Meeting was called to order at 6:40. A quorum was present Public Comment: Phyllis Taylor alerted everyone to the foul smell coming from the Rodeo/King triangle. This is part of an air treatment facility. There should be a sign there with the AQMDs contact info. It is in charge of monitoring the site. Ayndrea Wilson of the California Artists Coalition of Los Angeles (CACLA) announced two Crenshaw High School projects: - Hotspots 2. The second part of an ongoing project. Ayndrea inquired about the Home Depot telephone number for paint nd donations. The paint would be needed the 2 week in October. - National Academy program, which targets schools for business academies. The 10 week project has a 9/29 start date. She also invited everyone to visit the California African Arts Museum in Exposition Park to view the Shared Threads exhibit, featuring 6 local artist. Mary Jones-Darks announced the 8/30 showing of Gang Girl at the RAVE theatre, presented by the Public Safety Department. The viewing is free. She should be contacted for reservations. Rev. Mark Gory announced his Free Jazz series taking place at the Morningside Church on 8/25 at 3:30 pm. 8722 Crenshaw Blvd, Inglewood, CA 90305. Review and Approval of the Meeting Minutes Item:

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The August 4, 2012 minutes were reviewed. Lark moved to accept the minute. Mark seconded. Vote: Unanimous Approval Committee Report: Planning, Land Use, & Beautification Carl received training for the LA City website, which takes approximately 1 hour and can come to us. A brief discussion suggested having the presentation added at the end of a regular Stakeholder meeting. That meeting would be shortened for the special training session. Carl announced that the City is looking into changing all Parking Restrictions and that requests can be made through local Council offices. The Parking Permit office has been closed. He needs a PLUB meeting space. At the Urban Planning Academy suggestion, the meeting time should be changed to after work instead of early in the morning. Turnout in the mornings are more agenda- driven whereas evening turnout would be more consistent. Meetings would change to the last Monday of the month. Lark volunteered Community Health Councils (CHC) meeting space. Johnnie will check into The Urban Leagues facilities on Vernon. David would verify the new ECWANDC office space. Mary noted that Kaiser needs to clean up its Marlton Square corner. ECWANDC Meeting Minutes | Page 1

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She was directed to call Building & Safety, which will cite the owners. BOTACH (the N/C has been on this case for nearly a decade to get this tactical weaponry business out of Leimert Park Village. Instead, the company has grown into 4 additional storefronts. No one except peace officers can enter): * The Letters of Compliance went out on 8/23 from Building & Safety. All issues have met compliance except for 1 major problem building. Schedule David Lara from Building & Safety for an October meeting. Helicopter noise can be reported by email to: This include LAPD, sightseeing, media, etc. Committee Report: Finance The Baldwin Hills Estates Homeowners Association request for funds: A very large project that requires the BHEHOA to raise a large amount of funds prior to neighborhood camera installation The ECWANDC needs LAPD clarification on how the cameras are going to be monitored, with the assurance it will be done by the LAPD The ECWANDC cannot fund private property installation The Finance Committee needs the HOAs 501 c3 paperwork The HOA has established a separate bank account for the camera system. They will return all funds if they cannot raise the full amount required. Since there isnt a way for the Neighborhood Council to get a refund, no funds can be given now. Lark Motioned for the Board to approve setting aside $1,300 as a Neighborhood Purpose Grant for the installation of the BHEHOA neighborhood camera system. The release of the funds is scheduled for 2/28/2013 and is contingent upon the HOA receiving the entire balance from its residents. Mark Seconded. Vote: 8 Yays, with Carl & Yvonne recused David explained the City is allowing every Neighborhood Council to encumber FY2011/12 funds for election purposes. ECWANDC has funds from last year that havent been used. David can pull one of the pending projects but he needs to do it by 8/23. Lark motioned to give the Chair and Treasure the ability to encumber $2500 from last years projects and to move funds from this years election towards re-funding those projects. Mary seconded. Vote: Unanimous Approval Carl will get in the request for holiday plantings Funds will be requested pending a review of where and what types of plants will be used. Committee Report: Election Karen reported only 2 people in attendance at the 1 Election meeting and the 2 meeting didnt happen. Betty Pleasant will do an article in The Wave The ECWANDC may be able to piggyback on the other Neighborhood Councils ads Yvonne volunteered her husbands services for the ECWANDC election flyer.
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Space Shuttle Task Force The 3 meeting is planned for Wednesday, 8/22 at 2 pm at CHCs meeting space. A total of 393 trees are slated for removal throughout the entire route. No CEQAs were filed. The Task Force sent two letters raising the CEQA requirements. Light poles will be down from 4-7 days and will be replaced with LED lights. A hearing from Public Works is tentatively scheduled for 9/10. Lark has stated that Environmental Acts have been violated. While the ECWANDC Board is prohibited ECWANDC Meeting Minutes | Page 2


from filing a complaint, members can do so as individuals. Legal assistance needs to be located. The Task Force will find out if any damage done to the streets during Endeavours move will be repaired. The Science Center Foundation is moving the Shuttle. Every politician except for State Assemblymember Holly Mitchell is a member of the Foundation. Valley Crest has yet to specify the types or location of replacement trees. Carl motioned the Task Force create a Community Benefits Package and send a press release about how the CEQA process hasnt been followed. Johnnie seconded. - Lark will send the Board a Draft of the Press Release for comment Vote: 9 Yays, 1 Abstention Committee Report: Safety Johnnie doesnt have a report.

Item: Discussion Highlights: Action/Follow-up Item: Discussion Highlights: Action/Follow-up Item: Discussion Highlights: Action/Follow-up Next ECWANDC Meeting A few Board members noted they would be unavailable for the 1 Saturday Meeting, scheduled for Labor Day Weekend David would review and advise

Johnnie will work with Carl on his resource for future Safety Committee assistance. Misc. Supplies Cord and mouse for Powerpoint projection Lark motioned to approve the $100. Jason seconded. Vote: Unanimous approval

Meeting Adjourned at 8:12 pm. Minutes as Approved by Board at __9_/_ 17___/_ 12___ Meeting Signature: _______Yvonne Ellett____________ ECWANDC Recording Secretary

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