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Meeting Minutes

August 4, 2012
Crenshaw United Methodist * 3740 Don Felipe Drive * Los Angeles, CA 90008
Present Excused Unexcused Name Present Excused Unexcused Name Lanz Alexander, Treasurer X Mary Jones-Darks X Ronda Brown X Carl Morgan X Karen Caesar X Johnnie Raines X Yvonne Ellett X Jackie Ryan X Lark Galloway-Gilliam X Denise Stansell X Mark Gory X David Winston, Chair X Damien Goodmon, Vice Chair X Jason Lombard X Call to Order & Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 9:47 am by David Winston,Chair. A quorum was present. LAPD Senior Lead Officers were not in attendance. Public Comment: Phyllis Taylor of the Jackie Tatum Tennis Tournament thanked the ECWANDC for its monetary support of the event. She introduced Kai Holsey to the Board and presented a photographic montage of the event with the ECWANDC banner in the background, as well as the Rancho Cienega Tennis Club commemorative pin. Mrs. Malveaux, who attended the Planning Academy with several block club members, praised the event for being informative and urged the ECWANDC to support more educational events. Johnnie Raines announced the LAPDs Community Forum set to take place at the Auto Club on Figueroa, featuring Department Chief Pat Gannon. 2601 South Figueroa, 6-8 p.m. Johnnie also announced the walk-thru of the updated Vision Theatre, taking place on 8/8 at 4 p.m. in Leimert Park. Mary announced National Night Out, taking place on Tuesday 8/7 from 5-9 p.m. on Marlton Avenue. The event, a method of deterring crime, will have a large stage and a classic car show with prizes. Rosalie Prestion, the Independent Election Administrator for the Neighborhood Councils, Region 10 asked that everyone go to to browse the site for errors. The ECWANDC is in South LA 1. Her mail address is The site also has a list of all Board seats up for election. 8/28 is the opening date for filing, although anyone can turn in an application now. The preference is for online applications, however fax or regular mail is OK. Every seat should have at least 3 candidates to show the strength of the Neighborhood Councils reach. Neighborhood Councils are encouraged to work together. Karen added if anyone is interested in the community, they are encouraged to join and shes available for personal contact. Review & Approval of Meeting Minutes Item:

Discussion Highlights: Action/Follow-up Item: Discussion Highlights:

Yvonnes pointed out that the DWP location for the 7/16 minutes had been left off, but shed caught the error and corrected it. Lark motioned to accept the minutes with the correction. Mark seconded. Approval: Unanimous Generation Water / Baldwin Hills Restoration Irma Munoz of Mujeras de la Tierra and Rebecca Fields Moose from Generation Water presented the 2 1/2 year project to restore the Baldwin Hills Parkland by ridding the 6 parks within the Baldwin Hills Conservancy of invasive plants, to improve watershed into the Ballona Wetlands and Santa Monica Bay. The six parks are: 1) Stocker Corridor/Ruben Ingold Parkway, 2) Norman O. Houston Park, 3) Kenneth Hahn State park, 4) Baldwin Hills Scenic Outlook, 5) Culver City Park, and 6) Ballona Creek Bike Path. 3 stages of the project: 1) Removal of dead and live plants, 2) Replacement of native species by plantings or seeds, and 3) Maintenance ECWANDC Meeting Minutes | Page 1

Action/Follow-up Item: Discussion Highlights:

10 invasive species of plants have been highlighted for the first eradication. The Generation Water team is working to expand the natural habitat as foot traffic increases from the opening to the Park to Playa pathway. Community Service hours are available to teens. A door-to-door outreach is planned to engage park users to get involved. They have already partnered with Crenshaw High and local neighborhood Block Clubs. The project will eventually hire young adults, ages 20-26, to give them real technical experience in GPA mapping, propagation, and conservation. Karen questioned the long-term upkeep of the project. The answer was the project is hoping to find long-term funding. Friends of the Parks have a long-term commitment to its success. More information can be found via,, and None Congresswoman Karen Bass The Congresswoman stopped by to inform Stakeholders about whats occurring in Washington. Congress will be in recess for 5 weeks and will only be back in session for 6 days prior to the November Election. Major pieces of legislation will be held until the end of the year. Lark asked for support on the Crenshaw/LAX line. She also explained the Space Shuttle was going to take out trees along Crenshaw which presents a quality of life issue. Bass replied that she and Maxine Waters tried to affect the Crenshaw Line and were met with an extension instead of a decision. Foster Care Bass spoke to and the emancipated foster youth of Dorsey / Crenshaw / and Audobon and the need for additional transitional youth services and housing. Fracking Lisa Jackson of the EPA is under attack. Bass is in support of State Senator Mitchells bill. Arms Dealer in Leimert Park Bass was stunned this subject was on-going and still had not been resolved. Carl reiterated violation of Federal Firearms laws, as well as City building and safety codes. Bass reminded everyone of the need to take back the House. Only 25 seats will give Democrats the majority. In closing, she reminded everyone, We elected a President, not a Messiah. A brief recess was taken for photographs. The meeting was called back to order at 10:40 a.m. Space Shuttle Endeavor Jeff Rudolph, President of the California Science Center in Exposition Park made the presentation of the accomplishments and improvements in Exposition Park and, specifically, the Science Center since the late 80s. It is one of the largest parks in South L.A., with tree-lined promenades. The reopened Expo Center is the second most-used facility in the U.S. The Science Center School opened in 2004. The Science Center entered the National competition for one of the three remaining space shuttles and may have received it because it is the only education-based museums that applied. It needed to determine transportation prior to receipt of Endeavor. The Science Center examined every possible route and methods of transport, including helicopter. But with the 57 foot tail and the 78 foot wings, there was no option other than removing trees along Crenshaw Blvd. The route also needed to be flat, which Xd out La Brea Avenues steep incline. According to the plans, there wont be any removal of the historic trees along MLK Blvd. Along Crenshaw where 116 trees are slated for removal, the trees will be replaced at a 2:1 ratio with sidewalk repair and a 2 year maintenance plan. Valley Crest, the transportation equipment operators, will work with the City of Urban Forestry for proper replacement tree species. Lark pressed for the value of the trees. Where was the EIR for the project. Carl protested the removal was in violation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and identified the trees along Crenshaw and King are slated for Historical designation. Irma of Los Mujeres de la Tierra noted that, once again, the community was in a position of defensiveness. This showed a lack of respect from the Science Center that the community wasnt involved earlier. And that tree plantings are celebratory and demand community involvement. Jeff mentioned that his organization had requested a community committee 2 months prior but the requested advisors had fallen through. He apologized for using such an excuse, but the Science Center is learning as it follows through on the project. ECWANDC Meeting Minutes | Page 2


Item: Highlight of Discussion


In Conclusion

Stakeholder questions and comments included: - Do the replacement trees need to stay in the community? YES. - Will power be cut off? THE DWP PLANS ON LIFTING POWER LINES BUT DOES NOT PLAN ON CUTTING OFF POWER. SoCalEdisons PLANS HAVE BEEN HARDER TO DETERMINE. - Can the mature trees be replaced with equal-sized trees? ITS COUNTER-INTUITIVE TO PLANT ANYTHING LARGER THAN A 24 BOX FOR SURVIVAL IN 5 YEARS. - Why only 2 years maintenance? Can the 2 years be expanded since the City of L.A. cant be relied upon for maintenance? THEY WILL INVESTIGATE A LONGER-TERM PLAN. James Westbrooks (Senator Price) commended the Science Center and vouched for its ability to see this project through to completion. Kimani Black (Herb Wesson) asked what the Board wants. Johnnie responded that the Board needs to know everything impacted by the route, including our adjacent neighbors and Inglewood. Lark motioned to establish a Task Force to minimize disruption to the community. Johnnie seconded. Lanz motioned a friendly amendment to maximize benefits. Yvonne seconded. Vote: Unanimous. Representatives from the City Council, Park Mesa Heights and Central Neighborhood Councils, MTA, DOT, and Valley Crest will be invited. Jason outlined the 30-40 minute celebration at King/Crenshaw as the Shuttle stops to turn, sponsored by the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza and organized by Debbie Allen. Jeff implored all stakeholders to look at South L.A. as a whole, not specifically this community. There will be a positive improvement with the tree plantings. And the day of the event, the Science Center wants community involvement. He welcomes additional suggestions other than the King/Crenshaw celebration. Lark will advise the meeting date. Location at Herb Wessons 10th Council District Office: 1819 South Western Avenue. Committee Report: Planning, land use & Beautification * Carl said the Planning Dept. appeal at the City Clerks office had been received and filed. However one City Department cannot file against another City Department. Only an Individual can file. Carl will have to work on getting his own refund. Johnnie motioned to set aside the appeal. Mary seconded. Vote: 11 yays, 1 nay Committee Reports: Treasurer National Night Out lowered its request to $1,139.00. It was pointed out the advertisement already had the ECWANDC seal on it. Mary admitted that shed vouched for the Neighborhood Councils sponsorship since it had done so in the past and the request for funding had been made prior to the N/Cs fiscal year. The Baldwin Hills Estates HOA request for funding was tabled until the 8/20 meeting. Lark motioned to provide the money to National Night Out. Mark seconded. Vote: Unanimous. (Mary & Johnnie recused.)

Item: Discussion Highlights: Action/Follow-up Item: Discussion Highlights:


The ECWANDCs new 445 sq ft offices are at 3701 Stocker, #106, Los Angeles 90008. Rent was negotiated at $500/month. Meeting Adjourned at 11:50 am. Minutes as Approved by Board at _8_ / _19_ / _12_ Meeting Signature: _________Yvonne Ellett______________ ECWANDC Recording Secretary

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