ECWANDC Minutes - November 3, 2012

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Meeting Minutes

November 3, 2012
Crenshaw United Methodist * 3740 Don Felipe Drive * Los Angeles, CA 90008
Present Excused Unexcused Name Present Excused Unexcused Name David Winston, Chair X Wendell Conn (Area 2) X Denise Stansell, Co-Chair X Carl Morgan (Area 2) X Yvonne Ellett, Rec. Secretary X Lark Galloway-Gilliam (Area 3) X Lanz Alexander, Treasurer ? Jackie Ryan (Area 3) X Vacant, Cor. Secretary Ronda Brown (At Large) X Karen Caesar (At Large) X Mary Jones-Darks (Area 1) X Jason Lombard (At Large) X Wilson Washensky (Area 1) X Johnnie Raines (At Large) X Call to Order & Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 9:41 am by David Winston, Chair. A quorum was present. Councilperson for CD 10, Herb Wesson, swore in the Board (Lark was not present yet) after making a few remarks: It was his honor to swear in the officers He recalled working in City Hall in 1987, before Neighborhood Councils existed and how much they help. He thanked N/C members for their service. He said hell come back, with advance notice, to any meeting. He will work for us He introduced his staff: Albert Lord (Deputy, Southeast), Kimani Black (Deputy, Southwest), and Sylvia Lacey (District Director). The Board took a photograph with the Councilman, took their seats and introduced themselves. Kimani remained for Public Comments. Public Comment: Ms. Malveaux thanked Member-At-Large Karen Caesar for all of her efforts with Election Outreach. Trees within the ECWANDC were addressed: th - Westide Avenue (between King & 39 Street): The trees are deteriorating and the residents feel Wessons office has been ignoring the situation. The huge trees are in danger of toppling and the situation has gotten worse. The trees are on a 20-year cycle for tree trimming. Response: Johnnie remarked the Shuttle Task Force has a $400,000 tree-trimming allocation between 4 Neighborhood Councils and is currently making a list. - Don Ricardo (Baldwin Hills Estates): the pine trees in the Jim Gilliam park are breaking apart and becoming a safety issue. Response: Kimani expressed hed received a couple emails regarding the trees that specifically complained about the trees blocking the residents views. Yvonne said shed seen a much large packet regarding the issue that took the tree breakage into consideration and had asked a Don Ricardo resident for the full packet for the Neighborhood Councils review. She apologized if she was stepping out of bounds but suggested the N/C look at the full package to determine the best direction for it. David said he would look at it and come up with a determination about how best to proceed. - Roxton Avenue (Leimert Park): tree trimming is scheduled for 2014, but at least one tree has fallen in front of a residents home. Response: Kimani would pass the information to Albert, who is in charge of Leimert Park. Jason announced the opening of the Metro Xpress Lanes on the 110 Freeway slated for November 10. Carpoolers and single drivers will need transponders, even though carpools will still be free. Starting February 2013, transponders will be used on the 10 East freeway. Both projects will have a fluctuating pricing scale. There are discounts through AAA and a low income program sponsored by the MTA. Crenshaw Live is reapplying for an unconditional use permit for its liquor license, which is common for an establishment that has been shuttered for a year. Melanie Clark said the bar has been completely remodeled and she has a petition of support from the neighbors. Member-At-Large Karen and Stakeholder Lynette both vouched for the mature atmosphere and recommended it. The bar can be entered from Crenshaw Blvd. even through street parking is restricted during business hours. The hearing is on

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11/14/12 @ 9:30 a.m. Comments can be directed to Jeff Pool at LA City Planning: (213) 473-9987 or Emails will be read during the hearing. A Stakeholder directed a positive comment towards Jason regarding the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw malls new signs for the Farmers Market. Lisette Covarrubias, East side Field Operations for Empower L.A., stood and said hello to the Board. She had previously served the Baldwin/Crenshaw/Leimert area and fondly remembered many of the people shed worked with in the past. She related EmpowerLA was searching for a Project Co-ordinator and that Grayce Lui would continue as the interim General Manager until June 2013. She also said that, because of budget cuts, there were now only 5 Field employees, down from the previous 18. Item: Discussion Highlights: Committee Chair Announcements Public Land Use and Beautification: Carl needs a volunteer for Co-Chair. Stakeholders are OK. Finance: Lark is looking for a replacement to take over the Chair as shed like to move to Outreach. Safety: Carl nominated Michael Jackson from the Baldwin Hills Estates Safety Committee. Michael accepted the position. Outreach: Denise was posted as Chair. Review & Approval of Meeting Minutes September 17, 2012 (revised), October 6, 2012, and October 15, 2012 minutes were submitted for review and approval. Lark motioned for the minutes to be tabled until the 11/19 Board meeting. Mary seconded. VOTE: Unanimous Mayors Budget Appointees The Mayors Budget Day is November 17, 2012 and we require 2 appointees for the ECWANDC. Each Neighborhood Council sends 2 representatives, but that doesnt guarantee both or either will be chosen for the Mayors final Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee takes time until the budget is passed as the Budget Advocates move through the process. South LA will get 4 voices this year. Lisette of EmpowerLA explained the appointees were now being taken from Election Regions instead of Planning Regions, which has given South LA extra seats and an opportunity for greater representation in the City Budget. We need to know the priorities in the Area to take the best advantage. Lark listed some of South L.A.s priorities as Libraries and Parks & Recreation. Romerol suggested using the questionnaires filled out at the Taste of Soul as our guide. Lisette stressed that everyone is welcome to attend on 11/17. To go early to get a seat and that mostly everyone gets a chance to comment. Romerol Malveaux and Lynette Collins volunteered to be the ECWANDC representatives. Community Plan Update The Comments Period ends on November 13. It had already been extended 2 weeks. There arent any changes to residential properties on the Plan. Carls Final Points for the ECWANDC Community Plan letter are: No Elimination of the Fast Food Moratorium in South Los Angeles Councilman Wesson wants to exclude all of CD10s areas from the moratorium. However, the Board wants to keep the mile proximity restriction on free-standing fast food restaurants. This is to keep Drive-Thru windows to a minimum, not fast food restaurants. Car emissions remain one concern. Increased density along the Crenshaw Blvd corridor with less restrictive parking The Plan proposes to increase density along Crenshaw with more commercial space and taller buildings. Transportation nodes are targeted for the highest density. Jackie advised the MTAs proposal to add activity areas along Crenshaw, like taking the private space from the apartments on Crenshaw across from Albertsons and making that public space. Yvonne questioned the Plans suggestion to build all the way to the sidewalk like Fresh N Easy at Jefferson/Crenshaw. Lark explained thats to create more pedestrian traffic but she did caution we dont want to lose sidewalk space. The One United Bank on Crenshaw, near Rodeo is the tallest building on Crenshaw. Do we want buildings that are 75 feet high (3 stories) or do we want to maintain the height at 45 feet (2 stories) only? ECWANDC Meeting Minutes | Page 2

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A Stakeholder pointed out that we need more density so investors will get a return on their investments instead of bypassing us for areas where they can build larger projects. We have to help our communities attract the businesses they want instead of having vacant lots. Design Review Board needed for the Community Plan Agreed, with a process for administering enforcement South of Vernon Stakeholder concerns regarding the ability to combine two lots to develop duplexes in the R2 zone consisting mostly of single-family homes * Outside of our boundaries Marlton Square Specific Plan needed Agreed. We need height specifications regarding professional office buildings with retail on the bottom and housing on top. Motion: Carl motioned to draft a letter to the Planning Department using the main bullet points. Lark seconded. Vote: 12 YAYS, 1 Abstention The Village Green HOA Tree Removal Gordon Brooks of the Village Green explained how 147 Carob trees, mostly on the perimeter of the property, are reaching maturity and are becoming a liability. Many have fungal growth issues. There has been a back-and-forth discussion between the City and the HOA regarding the trees on the Rodeo Road median. Because of budget issues, the City has allowed The Village Green to take ownership of a solution. There are 15 trees targeted on Rodeo. 56 trees have been replaced within the property site so far. The HOAs arborist and the LA City arborist have concluded the trees are diseased and need to come out. ECWANDC stakeholders are concerned the size of the replacement trees will be too small in comparison with the mature trees size. Brooks explained the Carobs fit into The Village Greenss historic landscaping plan. They are experienced with using smaller trees to replace larger ones, with a better and more successful growth rate. The ECWANDC Board has become more sensitive and knowledgeable about trees and that 36 box replacement trees are viable. The trees also need to be replaced at a 2:1 ratio, with the secondary tree OKd for planting at another site within the ECWANDC. Carl motioned to submit our concerns to Commissioner Shaw of the Board of Public Works. We also want to see the disease reports. And The Village Green must replace the trees 2:1. Johnnie seconded. Vote: Unanimous. Space Shuttle Agreement Plan Johnnie is the ECWANDC signatory, with Jason and Romerol as ECWANDC formal representatives The City is preparing a list of trees that have been trimmed in the past 5 years None Funding: Election Outreach Budget Need approval to give $200 out of the election outreach budget for KJLH N/C advertising Spots heard on the radio have included the ECWANDC Lark moved to give $200 out of the ECWANDC election outreach budget as long as the money comes from last years encumbered funds. Jason seconded. Vote: Unanimous Meeting time Extension David suggested extending the meeting to complete the Agenda Mary motioned to extend the meeting time past 11:30 am. Jackie seconded. Vote: Unanimous

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Funding: Poinsettia Planting in Leimert Park Village Is the Board willing to step up and drive the Holiday planting instead of letting Robert (Rubio) do the financing and planting. Sylvia Lacey (CD10) is trying to get the irrigation fixed. If so, the suggestion is to start with poinsettias and transition into permanent plantings. Carl presented a cost work up of $8.00 (Home Depot), $14.00 and $21.00 (both, Moskatels) if the Board wanted to take over the cost. There was a miscommunication regarding the Boards willingness to drive the planting. David cautioned against adding Agenda items without doing all the associated homework. The Board may be able to take over next year, but there isnt enough time this year to take charge of the Annual Poinsettia Planting. Robert will be advised he should put in a request for funding. Funding: Last Years Unfunded Items LAPD Southwest Boosters for $3,480.00, Tom Bradley Elementary for $2,758.00, LAPD Graffiti Removal for $1,000.00 Denise questioned about the documentation issues that kept these items from going through properly. David reminded everyone to make sure all paperwork is in order before bringing funding items to the Board. Lark motioned to re-approve all funding through this years budget. Johnnie seconded. Vote: Unanimous (Ronda no longer present to vote)

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Meeting Adjourned at 11:45 am. Minutes as Approved by Board at _ 11__/_19__/_12__ Meeting Signature: _________Yvonne Ellett______________ ECWANDC Recording Secretary

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