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QFM-DKN-25-01 JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS Rev: 0 Date: 19.11.

2012 Page : 1 of 6



Project Ref./ Job Title / Work Order:
E Occurs several times a year at this site Low 3475 / GC 12104700

DATE: 19/11/2012

Potential Severity People Asset / Production Environment Reputation A Never heard of in industry B Has Occurred in Industry C Has Occurred in QP D Occurs several times a year in QP Low

Brief Description of job: Cutting Job Location : Dukhan Hazard Area Classification: Permit Requirements: Hot/cold/Radiography Participants(parties involved in JSA)

No Injury

No damage

No affect

No Impact

No Risk



Sponsoring Department: Performing Department: Permit Authority JSAApproved by

Slight injury or health effects Minor injury or health effects Major Fatality or permanent total disability Single fatality or permanent total disability Multiple fatalities

Slight damage, No disruption to operation

Slight effect

Slight impact






Minor damage (=QR 250,000)

Minor effect

Limited impact






Major damage (=QR 1,300,000)

Localized Effect

National impact






All the mitigation measures identified in JSA are in place before starting the activates

Major damage (=25,000,000)

Major effect

Regional Impact






Work site supervisor

Extensive damage(=25,000,000)

Massive Effect

International Impact






Probability Factor

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Sl. No. 1

Activity (Job Steps )

Potential Hazards

Severity Before Mitigation

P= 3C(M) A=2B (M) E= 2B(M) R= 2C(M)

Required Control/Mitigation Measures

Get Authorization of work permit Have a clear understanding of work to be performed and location Use all the emergency equipments mentioned in the work permit Attention to be paid on uneven terrain structure. Hold pre-job safety meeting Get Authorization of work permit Site safety rules shall be followed Hold pre-job safety meeting Check with operations Identify potential Plant Hazards i.e. (critical valves that can be knocked or damaged while passing). Appropriate PPE shall be used Get Authorization of work permit Carry out gas test before entry. Use personal H2S monitor in hazardous area If required, go for continuous gas test. Maintain gas leak awareness by location and wind direction. If monitor warning actuates leave area and use a predetermined

Severity After Mitigation

P= 1C(L) A= 1A(L) E= 1A(L) R= 1C(L)

Action Party

Raise relevant permit clearance

Incorrect information on permit/clearance

Supervisor, Safety Officer

Site Preparation

Ground conditions

P= 2C (M) A= 0B (L) E= 0A(NR) R= 1B(L)

P= 1C(L) A= 0A(NR) E= 0A(NR) R= 0B(L)

Site Engineer, Supervisor .

Plant Hazards

P= 2C (M) A= 1B (L) E= 0A(NR) R= 1B(L)

P= 1C(L) A= 0A(NR) E= 0A(NR) R= 0B(L)

Exposure to Hazardous gases

P= 3C(M) A= 0A(NR) E= 0A(NR) R= 2C(M)

P= 1C(L) A= 0A(NR) E= 0A(NR) R= 1C(L)

Site Engineer, Supervisor, Safety Officer, workers

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P= 3C (M) A= 3C (M) E= 2C(M) R= 2C(M)

Material Handling (Manual)

P= 3C (M) A= 2C (M) E= 1C(L) R= 1B(L)

escape route across wind Traffic rules & regulations shall be followed Inspection and maintenance of vehicle shall be done periodically All loads transported in a pick-up (or utility) truck or other cargo vehicle shall be securely fastened and shall not exceed the manufacturers load specifications and legal limits for the vehicles Shut off the engine and hand brake shall be applied when leaving the vehicle, the driver must leave his vehicle and not return to it until the loading / unloading activity is complete. Ensure that sub-contractors shall follow traffic Rules & Regulations Ensure fire extinguisher is available in vehicle. Try to use trolleys or wheelbarrows if possible. If required use lifting equipment to unload materials from vehicle. Personnel shall follow proper lifting techniques When lifting a load with another person(s), communicate with the other person(s) before lowering your end of the load. Do not try lifting a load that is too heavy ask for help Do not twist your body while carrying a heavy load

P= 1C (L) A= 1C (L) E= 1C(L) R= 1B(L)

Supervisor, Driver.

P= 1C (L) A= 0B (L) E= 0A(NR) R= 1B(L)

Supervisor, worker.

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Defective Tools / Equipment

P= 3C (M) A= 2C (M) E= 2C(M) R= 2B(M)


Harmful fumes

P= 3C (M) A= 0A (NR) E= 2C(M) R= 1C(L)

Fire & Explosion

P= 3C (M) A= 3C (M) E= 3C(M) R= 2C(M)

Appropriate PPE shall be used Ensure the cutting torch, hoses & gas cylinders are free from defect. The equipment and tools are adequately grounded to prevent accumulation of electrostatic charges. Supervisor shall ensure that maintenance is being done regularly. Required PPE shall be used. Work shall be done by certified personnel Wear the required PPE (Long Sleeve Coverall, Apron, Face Shield & suitable respiratory protection etc.). Ensure proper ventilation of the area. Do not leave unattended the cutting torch & Hose with on condition. Isolate the equipment from all source of energy when not in use. Work location shall be shielded Keep the areas clean with no combustible material exists at work site. The entry of non certified tools / equipment / Mobile Plant are to be authorized under appropriate Work Permit. Keep the fire extinguishers & fire hoses in ready condition. Keep trained fire watch as

P= 1C (L) A= 0B (L) E= 1B(L) R= 1B(L)

Supervisor, safety officer

P= 1C (L) A= 0A (NR) E= 1C(L) R= 1A(L)

Supervisor, safety officer

P= 1C (L) A= 1C (L) E= 1B(L) R= 1B(L)

Supervisor, safety officer

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Heat Radiation

P= 3C (M) A= 0A (NR) E= 0A (NR) R= 2C(M) P= 2C (M) A= 2C (M) E= 2C(L) R= 1C(M)

Falling Sparks

Oxy-acetylene Cylinder

P= 2C (M) A= 2C (M) E= 2C(L) R= 1C(M)


P= 2C (M) A= 2C (M) E= 0A (NR) R= 1C(M)

standby. Fire fighting & first aid training shall be provided Wear the required PPE (Long Sleeve Coverall, apron, safety Goggle etc.) Periodic Rest shall be provided Keep First Aid Kit at site Work location shall be shielded Ensure no one is working below the location of gas cut. Fire extinguishers shall be maintained at work place. Keep fire watch personnel at work site. Firefighting & first aid training shall be provided Keep Oxy-acetylene Cylinders safely at least 5 meters away from the work location. Close the isolation valve at cylinders when not in use. Do not keep cylinders under direct sunlight. It shall be covered. Keep the fire extinguishers & fire hoses in ready condition. Fire fighting & first aid training shall be provided While working use appropriate PPE Supervisor shall ensure that adequate lighting is available during cutting activity. If required temporary lighting

P= 1C (L) A= 0A(NR) E= 0A(NR) R= 1B(L) P= 1C (L) A= 1A(L) E= 1B(L) R= 1A(L)

Supervisor, Safety Officer


P= 1C (L) A= 1A(L) E= 1B(L) R= 1A(L)

Supervisor, safety officer

P= 1C (L) A= 1A(L) E= 0A(NR) R= 1A(L)

Supervisor, Safety Officer

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Windup & Housekeeping

Scattered Material

P= 2C (M) A= 2C (M) E= 2C(L) R= 1C(M)

shall be provided. Ensure proper wind up & housekeeping at worksite. The accessories (torch, hoses & cylinders) not being used must be disconnected and stored separately. Keep walk ways, aisle, and staircases clear of materials, equipments and other items

P= 1C (L) A= 1A(L) E= 1B(L) R= 1A(L)

Supervisor, Safety Officer

JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS Job steps: List the main sequential steps. Each step should be analyzed with the associated risk involved and its severity Alternative Considered: What are the possible means of achieving the job outcome with less risks Now undertake the JAS and record in the table above. Using JSA Hazard Checklist, Critical Question & Risk Assessment tables.

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