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Beloved Mother's Very First Heart Stream - Given October 18, 2009 Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I Will Be with You Ever and Always In the effulgent light of the ascension currents, I come. And I impress within your hearts my love for each one, dearest hearts. O, to know the divine union. O, to experience the blessedness of the grace of heavens embrace. O, to feel the flow of the raised Mother Light. This is what I know now in a new and holy experience that can only be known, blessed ones, when one reunites not only with ones God Presence but with the beloved twin flame. I thank my beloved Lanello for all that he has done in preparing the way for me, in being my guru, my husband, my all. And I thank each and every one of you for all that you have borne on our behalf in this hour of my passing but also of our collective victory in the light. The swirling action of the ascension currents are O, so magnificent, dearest hearts. I raise you up for a moment in time and space in this hour of your celebration of my victory so that you can experience what it will be like for you to be free, to be one with God. There should be no sorrow during this time but a new embracing of the eternal joy of the spirit. For what one can

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do, all can do. This was always my message. And though at times some looked to me in an idolatrous sense, did you know that always, blessed hearts, when I received the human appellations of yourselves I redirected them to the One and then reflected them back to you as the divine chela, the very love of my own soul as mother for you? There were many fiery initiations over the decades of service and the dozens of lifetimes that many of us shared together. For what purpose? It is for the purpose of oneness. O, could all whom I embraced and who Lanello also now embraces feel not the disparity of the differences of movements, but the unity of aspirations in God. So for a slice in time I am with you now. But blessed hearts, Lanello and I may be with you ever and always as the ever-present Two Witnesses who will witness that which you do from this day forward on behalf of the Earth, her evolutions and those whom you have come to serve, to succor, to mother and to fathereach one. One has called me the Sun Queen. This day, within a heavenly domain and realm, all attendants come to behold the Father/Mother God in all of their glory. For the door is truly opened anew to all today. But let that day be every day through an open heart, a magnanimous heart, an unfailing heart, a victorious heart. This Hearts Center movement will soar and sing a new song, will become in Earth that which we envisioned which you may now jointly create with us as a great center of lightto teach, to cherish, to heal and to save sentient beings. In our oneness I will remain. In the gentle joys of spiritual living we will experience a new life, dearest ones.

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I am with you always, even unto the end of your karma, to the fulfillment of your dharma and to the ever-embracing love of the Buddha Mother and the Buddha Father. Lovingly, I am your Guru Ma.
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