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3rd December 2012


Bahrain court sets date for verdict on Shiite protesters
Bahrain's Court of Cassation has announced it will deliver its verdict on January 7 in the trial of 13 Shiite opposition leaders jailed for their roles in last year's unrest. At a hearing attended by foreign diplomats and a UN human-rights representative yesterday, the court also rejected a request by the men to be released on bail pending the verdict, defence lawyers said. On Friday, Amnesty International had urged the authorities in Bahrain to release the activists. Doing so, the group said, would prove the monarchy was "genuinely committed" to reform and respect for human rights. Read More country during a brief visit to open a milkshake shop.

Bahrain Continues to Drag Feet Along Pathway to Reform

Todays postponement of the an appeal hearing for the prominent dissidents known as the Bahrain 13 marks another missed chance for the Kingdoms authorities to start making real human rights progress, said Human Rights First. The appeal hearing was postponed until January 7, 2013. The constant delays in court hearings only adds to the perception that Bahrain authorities are dragging their

feet along the path to reform, said Human Rights Firsts Brian Dooley. These men were given a sham trial in military court last year and todays decision just further postpones justice in this case. Last week, a Bahraini court ruled in the appeal of nine members of the political society Amal. Four of the men had their original sentences reduced from 10 to ve years in prison, while the other ve were released. Those still in jail are Sheikh Mohammed Ali Almahfoodh, Talal Abdulhamid, Sheikh Jasim Aldimistani, and Sayed Mahdi Almusawi . Read More over a year, calling for democracy and for improved human rights.Anear, nose, and throat specialist namedNabeel Tammam, one of the defendants, raised his hand. The judge had just dismissed a defense attorneys claim that his clients had been tortured, and Tammam had something to say. My name is Nabeel Tammam, he said when the judge acknowledged him, apparently mistaking him for a lawyer. I am one of the medics, and I was tortured. The judge closed the hearing. Read More

Bahrains Embrace of Kim Kardashian

Bahrains continuing attempt to change the subject of international conversation about the kingdom away from its crackdown on dissent took an awkward turn over the weekend, when the nations foreign minister posted a message on Twitter thanking Kim Kardashian for saying nice things about the

The awkwardness stemmed from the fact that, as several people reminded the royal minister, he represents a Sunni Muslim monarchy with close ties to the conservative rulers of neighboring Saudi Arabia, while Ms. Kardashiannotoriously made her debut on the public stage in the form of a sex tape.

Why people are so upset about Kim Kardashians odd visit to Bahrain

Bahraini Milkshakes
Kim Kardashian's December 1 trip to Bahrain to promote milkshakes brought all the Middle East tweeps to the yard. Her visit attracted both delerious young fans and a raucous protest(reportedly cleared away by the time she arrived), with conicting accounts as to whether she actually ended up mixing a tear gas avored milkshake. The Middle East twitterati had a eld day of outrage and humor over the news, with pretty much my entire Twitter feed (and Bahrain's

About a month before Kim Kardashian ew to the Middle Read More Eastern island nation of Bahrain this weekend, 28 of Foreign Minister) retweeting the countrys medics and her now deleted "OMG can I doctors were assembled move here please?" tweet. before a courtroom. They had It's easy to poke fun at been charged after treating Kardashian. But did Kanye's some of the protesters who girlfriend really do anything have been rallying now for different than those foreign policy wonks willing to participate in Friday's 2012 Manama Dialogue? Kardashian went to Bahrain and Kuwait to promote "Millions of Milkshakes." She evidently had a great time, declaring at the end: "Thanks Sheikh Khalifa for your amazing hospitality. I'm in love with The Kingdom of Bahrain." Read More

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