Wu3c6 by Adel Khamis

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Unit Three -22- Chapter Six

Gas Laws
Brownian motion:

An English botanist (Brown) finds that the molecules of any gas in case of

continually and randomly motion.

Gas state:

Gas molecules in case of random ……………….. motion.

Liquid state:

Liquid molecules in case of random ………………. motion, and

random …………. motion.

Solid state:

Solid molecules in case of random …………. motion.

That motion (Brownian motion) was explained as following:

• Any gas consists of ………………..

• The molecules in case of ………………….

• Some of the molecules are faster than the other.

• During the motion the molecules collide ………………. other and

collide …………………………..

• The number of collation at one side of the molecule is not equal to that at

the other side, which makes the molecule to change its direction.


To illustrate the intermolecular separation:

• ……………………………………………………………….

• ……………………………………………………………….

Work Sheet 2008/2009

Unit Three -23- Chapter Six

• ……………………………………………………………….

The Gas Laws:

The volume of any gas affected by …………………..and …………………,

therefore, there are three laws to explain the gases behavior.

• (Boyle’s law) The relation between ……………… and ……………… at

constant …………………...

• (Charles’s law) The relation between …………….. and ………………..

at constant ……………………...

• (Pressure law) The relation between ……………

…. and ……………… at constant ………………..

Boyle's law:

Describe an experiment to show the relation

between V and P.





1/P P

• From the graph, we can conclude the relation between pressure and

volume is …………….. proportional, where: V ∝ .............. or VP = ……


Work Sheet 2008/2009

Unit Three -24- Chapter Six

P1 ..........
• It means that: =
P2 ..........

Boyle's law statement:

Boyle’s law states:

• ……………………………………………………………………………


• ……………………………………………………………………………



The following table represents the volume of enclosed gas in liter and its

pressure in cm Hg.

V 2 1.9 1.7 1.6 Y 1.4

P 76 80 X 95 100 108

Draw a graph between V as x-axis and P as Y-axis then find the value of X in

N/m2 and Y in m3. Mention the relation between volume and pressure.

Work Sheet 2008/2009

Unit Three -25- Chapter Six

X = ……………………………… , Y = ………………………………

The relation between V and P is: ………………………………………


• An air bubble of volume 0.2 cm3 in water at a depth of 20 m. Find its

volume at the free surface of water given that the atmospheric pressure is

1.01 x 105 Pascal.






[0.588 cm3]

Charles's law:

Experiment to show that same volumes of

different gases expand by the same

increase in volume:

• …………………………………………


• ………………………………………………………………………..……………


• …………………………………………………………………………………….

• …………………………………………………………………………………….

• Therefore: The same volumes of different gases, at constant ……………….,

expand by …………………………………..

The relation between V and T is ………………… proportional

Work Sheet 2008/2009

Unit Three -26- Chapter Six

At a constant pressure: V1 T.......

V2 T.........
T must measured in unit of ………………

The relation between Kelvin and Celsius is: K = …………………………


1/t T (c) T (K)

∆K (< / = / >) ∆C


• What does the point of intersection with y-axis mean, in V-T (c) graph?



• Different gasses expand by the same value when their temp. Increase by

the same value.





The following table represents the volume of enclosed gas in liter and its

temperature in Celsius.

V 2 2.125 2.25 2.375 Y 2.75

T 15 33 X 69 87 123

Work Sheet 2008/2009

Unit Three -27- Chapter Six

Draw a graph between V in m3 as Y-axis and T in Kelvin as X-axis then find

the value of X and Y. Mention the relation between volume and temperature.

X = ……………………………… , Y = ………………………………

The relation between V and T is: ………………………………………


• The temperature of one liter of gas is raised from 10°C to 293°C at

constant pressure, find its volume.







[2 liters]

Work Sheet 2008/2009

Unit Three -28- Chapter Six

The relation between the gas volume and its temperature at constant

pressure (Charles's law):

• The glass envelope is packed with ice, the

temperature will be …………..°C.

• The volume of gas inside the capillary can be

measured ……………………..

• By passing of steam in the glass envelope the

temperature will increase to …………°C.

• The volume of gas inside the capillary can be

measured ………………..

• The increase of volume (∆V) = ……………………….

• The increase of volume per increase of temperature by unity = ………

………… = ……………..

• The increase of unit volume per increase of temperature by unity = ……

…… and called Volume coefficient of gas at constant pressure (α)

• Definition: ……………………………………………………………….

• Rule: …………………………………………………………………….

• Dimensional formula: ……………………………………………………

• Unit: …………………………………………………………………..


1. The tube must be narrow (G.R.)


2. The tube must have uniform cross sectional area. (G.R)


Work Sheet 2008/2009

Unit Three -29- Chapter Six

3. The tube must be opened. (G.R)


4. The gas must be dry. (G.R)



V ∆t

∆V =∝ V ∆t

Sulphoric acid is preferred to water as a thread.



From the previous graph find:

1) The volume of gas at 0°C

2) The Volume coefficient of air at constant pressure (α)




• The value of α is …………………….. for all gases.

• The increase of unit volume when the difference in temperature equals 1

degree is equals …………


∆V = α V0 ∆t

V - V0 = …………………….
Work Sheet 2008/2009
Unit Three -30- Chapter Six

V = ………. + ……………….

V = V0 (…………………)

Therefore V1 at a certain temperature will be:

V1 = V0 (…………………)

V2 at an other temperature will be:

V2 = V0 (…………………)


V1 ...(.....................)
V2 ...(.....................)

• This rule can be used only if the two cases are starting by the same

volume. (Vo) is constant.

• It means that it can be used for the same quantity of gas, or for two

different gasses have the same volume at 0°C.

• The deference in temperature measured between the final temperature

and the 0°C. So it can be counted as the final temperature in Celsius.


• Prove graphically that α = 1/273





Charles's law statement:

Charles’s law states:

Work Sheet 2008/2009

Unit Three -31- Chapter Six

• ……………………………………………………………………………


• ……………………………………………………………………………



1. (2 litters) of hydrogen at 20°C is heated up to 100°C without increase in

pressure, find the new volume.




[2.54 L]

2. From the previous example, find the Volume coefficient of air at constant
pressure (α)




Pressure law:

• In the Left-hand side figure the

pressure of the gas (< / = / >)

atmospheric pressure.

• By placing the flask in hot water

(The right hand side figure) the

temperature of the gas will ……….., and the volume of the gas will ……


Work Sheet 2008/2009

Unit Three -32- Chapter Six

• By adding some mercury in the (B) branch, the volume of gas will ……

………..., and the pressure will …………….

• From the previous experiment, we can conclude that the relation between

pressure and temperature is ……………. Proportional at constant


P α T (temperature must be in unit of .............)

P1 ..........
P2 ...........


1/T T T°C
The following table represents the pressure of enclosed gas in Pascal and its

temperature in Kelvin.

P 2 2.5 3 3.5 Y 5

T 28 360 X 504 54 720

8 0

Draw a graph between P as Y-axis and T as X-axis then find the value of X

and Y. Mention the relation between pressure and temperature.

X = ………………………………, Y = ………………………………

Work Sheet 2008/2009

Unit Three -33- Chapter Six

The relation between P and T is: ………………………………………

The relation between the pressure and temperature of a gas at constant

volume (Pressure law):

• Jolly's apparatus is used to determine the

relation between ………….. and ………

……. At constant ………………., also;

it used to determine ……………………


• A quantity of mercury equal …………

…. of the flask’s volume must add to the

flask to …………………………….

• When water is heated the volume inside the flask will ………….,

therefore the free branch of the manometer must be adjust to return the

volume into its original value, by …………………………….

• The pressure of gas inside the flask can be measured (P0).

• The pressure of gas inside the flask after increase the temperature of

water bath is (P100).

• The increase of pressure = ………………………..

• The increase of pressure per increase of temperature by unity = …………


• The increase of unit pressure per increase of temperature by unity = (rule)

…………………….., and equal to (value) …………………….. and

called pressure coefficient of gas at constant volume (β)

Pressure coefficient of gas at constant volume (β)

• Definition: …………………………………………………….

Work Sheet 2008/2009

Unit Three -34- Chapter Six

• Rule: …………………………………………………………..

• Dimensional formula: …………………………………………

• Unit: ……………………………………………………………


β= ∆P
P ∆t
∆P = ………………….
∆P = βP ∆t
P - P0 = ………………….

P = ………………….
P = ……… (………………….)

In case of starting by the same pressure:

P1 1 + β∆t1
P2 1 + β∆t 2

• This rule can be used only if the two cases are starting by the same

Pressure. (Po) is constant.

• The deference in temperature measured between the final temperature

and the 0°C. So it can be counted as the final temperature in Celsius.

Pressure law statement:

Pressure law states:

• ……………………………………………………………………………


• ……………………………………………………………………………


Work Sheet 2008/2009

Unit Three -35- Chapter Six


1. Hydrogen gas of pressure 76 cm Hg at 20°C is heated up to 100°C

without increase in volume, find the new pressure.




[96.75 cm Hg]

2. From the previous example, find the pressure coefficient of air at constant
volume (β)




The absolute zero (Zero Kelvin):


The following table illustrates the relation between volume in meter3 and

temperature in Celsius:

V 2 2.5 2.75 3 Y 5

T 15 87 X 159 30 447

Draw a graph between V as Y-axis ordinate and T as X-axis.

From the graph find the value X, and Y also find the temperature in which

the volume vanish.

Work Sheet 2008/2009

Unit Three -36- Chapter Six

• X = ……………………….

• Y = ……………………….

• T = ……………………….

• By drawing of a graph between volume and temperature in

Celsius, we can find that the gas has a certain value at 0°C, and

the relation between volume and temperature is ………………

…. proportional.

• If we make an extension to the relation between volume and

temperature, the line will intersect the X-axis at a point = ……


• At this temperature the volume of gas will ……………………


• This temperature considered as the …………..°K

• Therefore: K = ………… + …………….

• The same result can be reached by using of the graph between

pressure and temperature.


Work Sheet 2008/2009

-273 t -273 t
Unit Three -37- Chapter Six


• Define zero Kelvin:

• ……………………………………………………………………………





General gas law:

• From Boyle’s law: the relation between volume and pressure is …………

… proportional.
• V∝ (T = cons tan t ) …….. (1)

• From Charles's law: the relation between volume and temperature is ……

………………. proportional.

• Therefore: V ∝ T (P = cons tan t ) ………. (2)

From (1) and (2)

• V∝
• = Const
• = Const
• =
T T′


• If the quantity of gas is one mole then the previous constant (PV)/T has

symbol (R) and called the general gas constant.

• The volume of one mole of any gas at N.P.T = ……….. liters.

Work Sheet 2008/2009

Unit Three -38- Chapter Six

• The value of R is ……………………………………………………..

• The unit of R is ……………………………………………………….

• NA is called ……………… and defined as ………………………………

…… …………………………………………………… …………………


• Gases have a property in which they can occupy the same volume at the

same time.

• It means that more than one gas can occupy the same vessel at the same


• The pressure of the vessel in this case = …………………………….

• NPT or SPT means that P = ………………. And T = ……………….

• T: must be in Kelvin where the relation between Kelvin scale and Celsius

scale K = ………. + …………

• Liter = ………… m3

• The constant value (PV/T) is called ………………………………, and its

symbol is ……… its unit is …………………..and has value of …………

• For one mole of any gas = R or PV = RT

• For any amount of gas PV = nRT, where n ……………………….

• When two gases mixed in one container:

P1V1 P2V2 ....................

+ =
T1 T2 ................

• When two gases mixed and each gas has its own condition from P and

Temp after mixing:

Work Sheet 2008/2009

Unit Three -39- Chapter Six

P1V1 P2V2 ................ ................

+ = +
T1 T2 ................. .................
• Since ρ =
PV P′V ′
therefore the relation = can be replaced with
T T′
........... ...........
............ ............
.......... ..........
• For a constant mass the relation becomes =
........... ...........
M P P′
• Once again ρ = therefore the relation = can be replaced
V Tρ T ′ρ ′
............. .............
with =
............. .............

• For a constant volume of gas with change of mass like the case in which

some gas escape from the container; the relation becomes

........... ...........
........... ...........


• m1 is ………………, m2 is ………………


Number of moles can be calculated from the relations:

Total mass
• n=
Total volume
• n=
Total number of molecules
• n=


1. Two vessels each of volume 10 cm3. The first contain Hydrogen and its

pressure is 100 cm Hg, while the other contain Nitrogen at pressure of

120 cm Hg. find the pressure if the two vessels connect to each other.

Work Sheet 2008/2009

Unit Three -40- Chapter Six






[110 cm Hg]

2. The volume of a gas at 0°C is 450 cm3; find its volume at 91°C assuming

that pressure is constant.






[600 cm3]

3. The pressure of a gas at 26°C is 59.8 cm Hg; find its pressure at 130°C

assuming that the volume is constant.





[80.6 cm Hg]

4. The volume of a gas at 27°C under pressure of 60 cm Hg is 380 cm3; find

its volume at normal temperature and pressure (NTP).

Work Sheet 2008/2009

Unit Three -41- Chapter Six





[273 cm3]

5. The volume of a vessel containing nitrogen gas is 15 liters under pressure

of 12 cm Hg. The volume of another one containing oxygen gas is 10

liters under pressure of 50 cm Hg. The two gases are mixed in another

vessel of volume 5 liters. Find the pressure of the mixture if the

temperature of the two gases is kept constant.





[136 cm Hg]

6. (10 Liters) of Hydrogen gas at 20°C under pressure 75 cm Hg. Its volume

at 10°C under pressure 76 cm Hg is 9.532 liters. Find the mean value of

the coefficient of expansion of hydrogen at constant pressure.





Work Sheet 2008/2009

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