Critique of Hannah's Paper

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3-Sided Exercise Draft One


Parents (1) Who holds the viewpoint? Explain/define the group. Concerned parents of teenagers making ill-advised decisions. In most cases, the parents are looking for an explanation for why their teens are acting out. (2) What is the viewpoint, exactly? Most individuals in this group do not see that their poor parenting is to blame for their childrens bad decision making. (3) Why does this group have this viewpoint? Teenagers (1) Who holds the viewpoint? Explain/define the group. Due to the nature of the group that holds this viewpoint, only one side is a viable source. Luckily, I came across a website called Radical Parenting: Parenting Advice Written by Kids, managed by Vanessa Van Petten who wrote her first book on parenting at the age of sixteen. There, I found an article entitled Do Our Social Patterns From High School Stay With UsForever. I found this to be pertinent to my inquiry question as it not only addresses the specific age group Im researching, but it discusses how events that occur during these few crucial years affect how we perceive the world as adults. (2) What is the viewpoint, exactly? (3) Why does this group have this viewpoint? Relevant medical professionals (1) Who holds the viewpoint? Explain/define the group. Particular medical professionals interested in teenage decision making whether it be what influences them to make the decisions they do, or how to influence their decision making in hopes of changing it for the better. (2) What is the viewpoint, exactly? Decision making in teens is influenced both by their peers and their parents. Typically the effect that their peers has on them is a negative one while without discipline, their parents actions (or lack their of) affect them just as negatively. Parents that utilize an authoritative parenting style while providing reasoning for the rules they implement produce adolescence who tend to refer to their parents rather than their peers when faced with a decision. (2) Why does this group have this viewpoint? A questionnaire was taken to determine if the necessary criteria of parenting was met during the participants childhoods. The study showed that not only did the participants core beliefs, the concept of internal working models that are linked to parenting behavior during childhood[and] convictions about the self that are repeatedly thought throughout ones life, (Journal of Neurology & Neuroscience 2) prove that their mental development is affected, but MRI results

3-Sided Exercise Draft One of participants showed that disruption of gray matter occurred based upon participants respective core beliefs.


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