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The Granger Report-1stQ.


1st Quarter - 15 January 2000 (corrected 9 February)

Masthead photos: Walter and Anna Granger, ca. 1900.


"... It certainly is not too much to say that the Got an e-mail from one Mark A. Norell, a
success of our work in the Gobi was fully as paleontologist at the AMNH, suggesting that the
much due to Walter [Granger] as to me or any reference to the Oviraptor matter in "Whither
other individual." Indiana Jones?" last quarter was off the mark (so
to speak). (Reprint: "Whither Indiana Jones?")
Roy Chapman Andrews to Vilhjalmur Steffanson in a
letter dated April 14, 1937. Nay, nay old boy -- the work was already out
there and for quite some time. See the following:

WHAT'S THIS ALL ABOUT? - Sadov, IA. 1959. "Structural similarity

between the shell of birds eggs and shell
Two misimpressions conveyed in more recent structure of fossil reptiles." Abstracts 2nd
writings on the history of paleontology have All-Union Ornithol. Conf. Pt. 1, pp 22-
intrigued me for some time. 23, Izd-vo, Moskov Univ.

- Sochava, AV. 1969. "Dinosaur eggs

The first is Edwin H. Colbert's strange
from the Upper Cretaceous of the Gobi
pronouncement in 1968 that "Granger's Desert." Paleont. Zhur. (4), pp 76-88.
association with dinosaurs came to an end in
1902." (Colbert, Men and Dinosaurs at p. 208). - Sochava, AV. 1971. "Dva tipa skorlupy
One of the better known events in Granger's yalts senonskikh dinozavrov." Paleont.
prolific collecting career is his dinosaur Zhur. (3), pp 80-88 (NB - 2 Feb '00:
collecting in the Gobi Desert from 1922 to 1930. prev. ref. to p. 360 was viz translated
You know, the years where as chief version).
paleontologist and second-in-command he
supervised and participated in locating, - Osmolska, H. 1976. "New light on the
skull anatomy and systematic position of
collecting, identifying, and cataloging all the Oviraptor." Nature. Vol 262, Aug 19, pp
Gobi dinosaur material that made the Central 683-684.
Asiatic Expeditions so successful and famous --
Protoceratops, Oviraptor, Velociraptor, - Barsbold, R. 1971. "O novom

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The Granger Report-1stQ.-'00

Mononykus, whole eggs and nests, etc. Colbert pozdnemelovom semeystve melkikh
somehow missed all that, apparently. teropod (Oviraptoridae fam. n.)
Mongolii." Doklady Akademii Nauk
SSSR (Earth Sciences section). Vol. 226
The second seems not to originate with Colbert, (3), pp 685-688 (note last paragraph).
but occasionally appears elsewhere. It is the
inference that, during the Central Asiatic - Paul, G. 1989. Predatory Dinosaurs of
Expeditions' 1923 season in the Gobi, two of the World. Touchstone Books.
Barnum Brown's dinosaur men, Peter Kaisen and
Albert Johnson, were sent to aid Granger: the One rather strange thing. The reference in
suggestion being that Kaisen and Johnson had to "Whither Indiana Jones?" to the Mononykus
bring Brown's expertise to the Gobi to collect at matter was not challenged. Funny: how that fossil
all these new dinosaur localities Granger had could have been originally found by Granger
identified in 1922. nearly 70 years ago, a second found by the
Russians/Mongolians more than 10 years ago,
These two misimpressions actually link, the then Granger's original find acknowledged during
second following the first to cast a diminished the 1990s to have been "rediscovered" by the
role in dinosaur hunting by Granger after 1902. AMNH in their basement, which is also when
Another effect is to infer enhancement to Barnum they announced they'd found a third one in the
Brown's role in dinosaur hunting after 1902. Gobi. After which the genus name "Mononychus"
was found to have already been applied to a
Well, it just doesn't wash: coleopteran (beetle) thus forcing abortion of its
use for the dinosaur. Hence the erratum insert
1) Walter Granger never stopped collecting change to Mononykus upon publication. Phew!
anything. He was, in fact, a prolific collector.
Throughout his fifty-year career he collected By the way, the correct spelling of Granger's well-
dinosaurs from the American West and the Gobi known associate and longterm AMNH employee
and Mongolia; mammals from the American George Olsen is "Olsen" not "Olson" as Norell, et
West, the Faiyum of Egypt, the Gobi and al.'s 1994 Science article on this matter has it.
Mongolia, and the Sichuan and Yunnan (See Science, vol 266: 782.)
provinces of China; primates from the American
West, the Faiyum of Egypt and China; and many Old Gobi proverb: "Before you walk in
other items archaelogical, paleoanthropological, someone's footsteps, make sure you know who
ornithological and zoological. During his they are and where they've been."
expedition to the Faiyum in 1907, Granger even
took time to collect insects for Professor William --by the editors.
Morton Wheeler. In August 1921, Granger took
time to help Johann G. Andersson and Otto
Zdansky locate and begin the dig for Homo
erectus (Sinanthropus pekinensis) at All Mixed Up Over Birds and Dinosaurs
2) Peter Kaisen was not, in fact, Brown's man.
Kaisen began with Walter Granger and Jacob L.

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The Granger Report-1stQ.-'00

Wortman at Como Bluff in 1897, when Brown Our website designer Kathleen Fetner has her
himself was just a novice. Kaisen worked entirely own wonderful collection of 1920s China letters
for Walter Granger at Bone Cabin Quarry for the and photographs from her grandparents Donald
next six seasons. Only in 1903, when Granger and Erma Smythe. Don was a geology professor
indeed turn more to Eocene and Paleocene at Tienstin University and Erma was a journalist.
mammal and primate work, did Kaisen start Their letters and photographs are splendid.
collecting dinosaurs with Brown;
It just so happens that the Smythes also mingled
3) as to Albert Johnson, he was an independent professionally and socially with some of the
Canadian farmer/contractor who had worked members of the Central Asiatic Expeditions, a
summers with Brown. By 1923, that work had fascinating connection between our projects that
ceased and he was hired for the Gobi. Since came to light because of the Internet!
Granger was pessimistic about Johnson's ability
to collect small and delicate fossils, he kept him
busy collecting the larger mammal and dinosaur CREATION OF WALTER GRANGER

4) In 1923, both Peter Kaisen and Albert Johnson The Walter Granger Memorial Award honors any
spent equally as much time, if not more, on the person who, like Walter Granger (1872-1941),
mammal fossils of the Gobi as they did the makes significant, steady and selfless
dinosaurs; contributions to paleontology throughout the
course of their work while setting aside any need
5) Peter Kaisen and Albert Johnson never for overstatement or self-promotion.
returned to the Gobi after the 1923 season; and

6)For the 1923 season in the Gobi, it was Walter

Granger, George Olsen, and their various Chinese
assistants who did most of the dinosaur work, as
they would again in 1925 and thereafter! George
Olsen, of course, was one of Granger's longtime
fieldhands and was the first to find whole
dinosaur eggs in the Gobi. Yes, that was in 1923.
design by John R. Lavas
Barnum Brown himself never went to the Gobi.
He was not involved with the Central Asiatic Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska was announced as the
Expeditions at any time in any way, strange as first recipient on November 7, 1998, the 126th
that may seem since he's being touted so as the anniversary of Walter Granger's birth. Future
dinosaur hunter of his era. awards will be made when merited.

--by Vin Morgan

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The Granger Report-1stQ.-'00

Leave Your Body to Science;

Die in a Bog.

Amelia Earhart (l.) with an Explorers Club certificate

presented by Club president Walter Granger (r.).
Publisher George P. Putnam is at the right rear.
Questions: 1) Who is the other person? 2) What is the
date of the photograph?
-- your answer --

The Granger Report is published quarterly (on or about the 15th of the first month) and is a gradual, if
random, assemblage of items acquired through cumulative selection. To inquire about prior issues of
The Granger Report, simply e-mail us. You may fax us at 603-868-5321 (USA). © by Vincent L. Morgan
for The Granger Papers Project. All rights reserved.

The Granger Papers Project is an independent research, editing and writing project featuring the personal expedition
diaries and letters of American paleontologist and explorer Walter Granger (1872-1941) and his wife Anna (1874-1952).
In several significant respects, this is the first treatment of Walter Granger's era based on a more complete documentary
record. In addition to paleontology, the study of evolution, and Granger's pioneering fieldwork in the Faiyum of Egypt
in 1907, in China and Mongolia from 1921 to 1930 (Central Asiatic Expeditions), and in the American West throughout
his life, research topics include: American foreign policy; western civilian, missionary, and military interests in Asia;
the First and Second Asiatic Expeditions; The Explorers Club; the American Museum of Natural History; and
previously published accounts of, by, or about the aforesaid. Address interest or inquiry to us at

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The Granger Papers Project website was launched on 1 February 1997. We thank Kathleen Fetner for this website

To the memory of Dr. Norman Charles Morgan (1919-1969) and Jonathan Patrick Morgan (1945-1966).

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