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Adventure 1: The Missing Woodsman The adventures have decided to meet up at the Crusty Beard for some food

and flagon of ale. The idea seems fitting after a hard days work. (Each character can choose a location in Ironridge to be employed.) As you each start in on a glass of ale the Captain of the guard and a brunette lady enters the tavern. It is easily observed that the lady is quite frantic and upset. After a few moments the Captain heads to your table. Do you mind if I have a seat. I need the help of folks with your skill set. It seems Yolandas husband, Gareth has gone missing. He was out harvesting wood in the FrostPine two days ago, but hasnt returned. I need you to head out and see if you can locate him. Id send my guards but I cant spare em. Their has been wolves attacking the livestock all week and of course other business. Ive got half the guard in the field trying to fend the buggers off. Ive never seen any animal this brazen before. Do this for me and I will be in your debt. *If the players try to find out other information TN3 social checks must be made.* Information provided: Other business: Others have gone missing, and he has been able to keep things quiet The wolves seem to be enraged and vicious and have killed two guards FrostPine: A giant was spotted lumbering around last week but believed to have moved on Encounter 1: The howling night After leaving Ironridge, the search of the old woodsman begins. You travel to the Frostpine forest where he was last seen. The day quickly passes as the search continues into the night. A few hours into night you opt to stall the search till day break. You set up camp and rest for the night. A randomly chosen character is on watch when the encounter begins. A wilderness challenge is needed to detect the wolves that have come upon the adventurers. Each other character can make this check at a +1 TN. All characters not on watch must sacrifice their move or action in the first turn. Wilderness Challenge Class TN# Ranger, Druid 3 Thief, Fighter 4 Mage, Priest 5 For each group failed result the wolves advance one move closer. Battle consists of Dire Wolf x 3 and Wolf Pack Dire Wolf (46 pts.): When the hunger takes hold of these pack hunters even heroes must beware. Greater Animals 5D, Str 5D, Def 4D, Tough 4D, Init 9 Mv: 10 HP: 10 Primary ATT & DMG: Tooth & Claw 5D/6D

Alignment: N Size: L Attributes & Powers: Deadly +1, Large Target, Natural Attack, Sharp Senses, Swift +3 Drive: Consume Reward Level: +1D Wolf Pack (45 pts.): When the hunger takes hold of these pack hunters even heroes must beware. Greater Animals 4D, Str 3D, Def 3D, Tough 3D, Init 7 Mv: 9 HP: 8 Wolves Primary ATT & DMG: Tooth & Claw 4D/4D Alignment: N Size: M Attributes & Powers: Deadly +1, Natural Attack, Sharp Senses, Swift +3 Drive: Consume Reward Level: +1D If a Dire wolf is killed they all retreat. The Wolf pack will retreat when they are 3 or less in numbers. Encounter 2: The hunt After the battle the players can examine the dead wolves. In the mouth of one of the dead wolves is white fabric (like a torn shirt), stained in red. The players then opt to follow the wolves. A Wilderness check x2 is needed to see if they can track them. Wilderness Hazard (+1RL) Class TN# Ranger, Druid 4 Thief, Fighter 5 Mage, Priest 6 If they succeed they find the wolves circling a old well like scavengers. This time they fight to the death and are crazed as if under some type of rage. Add +1D to the class trait of each enemy. If they fail they continue the search leads them deeper into the woods and they stumble upon a giant poking around an old well. After the first round the wolves show up on the scene and attack the players and the giant. Giant (57 pts. or 67 pts. for Two-Headed): Massive humanoid marauder who sees normal-sized folk as little more than snacks! Monster 4D, Str 6D, Def 4D, Tough 5D (6D), Init 8 Mv: 8 HP: 20 Primary ATT & DAM: Massive Fists 6D/8D Alignment: E Size: VL Attributes & Powers: Armor +1D, Hideous Strength +2D, Large Target, Melee Attack (Giant Strength) +2D/ +2D, Sharp Senses, Vigor +6, Option: TwoHeaded Giant--add Extra Attack Drive: Wealth Reward Level: +1D (+2D for Two-Headed)

The woodsman is inside the well for either scenario. Once the players dispatch of the baddies, groans can be herd from inside the well. Gareth is inside the well and is badly injured. He jumped into the well to get away from the wolves but the well was dry. If the players drop down to assist they notice odd markings on the wall of the well. To find hidden door a Dungeon challenge is needed. Dungeon Challenge (+1RL) Class TN# Ranger, Thief 3 Druid, Fighter 4 Mage, Priest 5 If the players fail the test Gareth will mention it giving them a -1TN but no reward bonus will be received. Encounter 3: The Uncovering If the players take the secret door it leads to passage to an underground temple. Darkness is in effect for the dungeon. There will be a tome discussing a cult and the rising of the dark god with relation to the Moat house. This will be an Arcane challenge to determine the amount of information. Arcane Challenge Class TN# Mage, Priest 3 Druid, Ranger 4 Fighter, Thief 5 Pit Trap Type: Dungeon or Wilderness Effects: Usually a 4 radius circle or 4 square. When tripped the trap drops any character touching its edge or within its bound into a 10 hole. The fall does 5D damage and ignore armor. If the trap has spikes, increase the damage to 7D. Reward Level: +1D Dungeon consists Ghoul x2, Skeleton Warriors, Undead Warrior Skeleton Warriors (44 pts./53 pts.): Shambling remnants of warriors long dead, they bear a seething hate for all those who still live. Greater Undead 3D, Str 3D, Def 3D, Tough 5D, Init 6 Mv: 6 HP: 10-Warriors Primary ATT & DMG: Swords 4D/4D; Bows 3D/4D Alignment: E Size: M Attributes & Powers: Armor (Light), Dark Vision, Hideous Strength +1D, Sharp Senses +1D Equipment: Swords or Bows Drive: Thrall Reward Level: +1D Ghoul (49pts): A foul creature of death and decay. Undead 4D, Str=4D, Def=4D, Tough=5D, Init=8D Mv=6, HP=6, Primary ATT & DAM: Claws 6D/5D

Alignment: E Size: M Attributes & Powers: Dark vision, Disease minor, Melee Attack. Drive: Thrall Reward Level: +1D Fallen warrior of EEE(54 pts.): Long-dead warrior returned from the grave to settle accounts or serve some evil power. Undead 4D, Str 5D, Def 4D (5D), Tough 5D (7D), Init 8 Mv: 6 HP: 6 Primary ATT & DMG: Sword 5D/5D Alignment: E Size: M Fate: 3 [ ] [ ] [ ] Attributes & Powers: Armor (Light), Dark Vision, Fated, Hideous Strength +1D Equipment: Sword, Shield, EEE Amulet, Ring of Protection Type: Major Item Effects: Characters wearing Studded Leather or no armor gain +1D to Toughness for damage resistance checks. Characters wearing Chainmail or heavier armor instead gain +1D to Defense to avoid attacks. Drive: Protect the tome Reward Level: +2D Reward Level: 12-15D

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