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Press Release

Media Contact: Sandra Hagen Solin 303.810.1914

For Immediate Release November 29, 2012

Fort Collins, CO A coalition of 20 leading business organizations from across the state of Colorado sent a letter to US Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice (DOJ) today urging enforcement of federal law and the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) in response to the passage of Amendment 64. Passage of Amendment 64, the letter states, left considerable uncertainty for employers and business in Colorado with regard to their legal rights and obligations. We encourage enforcement of the CSA, to provide the certainty and clarity of law we seek. In its letter, the coalition reminded US Attorney Holder that, In 2010, you took a firm and aggressive position opposing Californias Proposition 19, an initiative similar to Amendment 64. The coalition further noted that he committed then to enforce the CSA even ifpermitted under state law. Today, the coalition emphasized, we ask that you and the DOJ remain consistent in your commitment to the CSA and federal law to provide the bright line we, as employers in Colorado, seek. A cover letter was sent to President Obama referencing the letter to US Attorney General Holder. The coalition urged the President to encourage DOJ to enforce the CSA noting that the Presidents 2011 National Drug Control Strategy stated emphatically, The Administration steadfastly opposes drug legalization. A third letter was delivered by the coalition to Governor John Hickenlooper and Colorado Attorney General John Suthers expressing their support and gratitude for their respective efforts to seek clarity of the DOJs intentions regarding enforcement of federal law. We are proud of Colorados recognition in ranking after ranking as one of the top states in which to live, to do business and to have an incomparable quality of life, the business coalition conveyed to Hickenlooper and Suthers. Today, uncertainty exists. Thank you for your recent and continued efforts to secure a clear signal from US Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice.


The Northern Colorado Legislative Alliance and Colorado Concern initiated the coalition letter to US Attorney Holder. We were disappointed with the passage of Amendment 64. Sandra Hagen Solin of the Northern Colorado Legislative Alliance commented, Whats important now is that the Colorado business community and employers know, with certainty, their rights, liabilities and obligations when it comes to their relationship with their employees under the provisions of Amendment 64. That can only come with enforcement of the CSA and federal law. The coalition of 20 business organizations represents thousands of businesses in Colorado and includes Chambers of Commerce from all regions of the state, large economic development agencies, construction trade associations, general business organizations, bankers and the technology industry.

Quotes from various members of the business coalition:

Tamra Ward, President/CEO, Colorado Concern A legal limbo has been created between our electorates intent on this measure and its direct conflict with the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), explained Tamra Ward, President and CEO of Colorado Concern. Clarity of law is necessary for Colorado employers. Mark Latimer, President/CEO, Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), Rocky Mountain Chapter Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), Rocky Mountain Chapter opposed the passage of Amendment 64 for the very reasons outlined in the letters, explained Mark Latimer, President and CEO of ABC, Rocky Mountain Region. The uncertainly created will cause havoc for our members and hamper their efforts to maintain drug free worksites. Diane Schwenke, President/CEO, Grand Junction Chamber of Commerce The conflict between the provisions of Amendment 64 and federal law has created considerable amount of grey in which our employers must operate, said Diane Schwenke, President/CEO, Grand Junction Chamber of Commerce. Enforcement of federal law would assure our employers are operating under the black and white legal parameters in which we can thrive. Steve Foster, President of the Colorado Technology Association Colorados innovative economy is built upon an incomparable quality of life and innovative thinkers, said Steve Foster, President of the Colorado Technology Association. To continue to grow this innovative economy, our employers need a positive and productive relationship with their employees, and that includes each knowing their rights in the workplace. Joe Raso, President/CEO, Colorado Springs Regional Business Alliance

We are concerned that passage of Amendment 64 will negatively impact corporate relocation or expansion decisions costing Colorado important jobs, said Joe Raso, President/CEO of the Colorado Springs Regional Business Alliance. With certainty from the Department of Justice thatc they will enforce federal law, we can hope to mitigate these impacts. -30- The Northern Colorado Legislative Alliance is the public policy advocacy arm of the Fort Collins, Loveland, and Greeley Chambers of Commerce, the Northern Colorado Economic Development Corporation, and Upstate Colorado Economic Development Corporation

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